The Tale of The Sword - Swords and Swordfighters in Bronze Age Europe
The Tale of The Sword - Swords and Swordfighters in Bronze Age Europe
The role of warfare and not least the efficiency of weapons in the Bronze Age is
clouded in myth. The most persistent myth is the claim that bronze weapons were unsuited for
practical combat, and hence that warfare was mainly ritualized (Neustupny 1998, 27–30). I
apply the word ‘myth’, since none of the prevailing descriptions of the use of Bronze Age
weapons are based upon observation, just as they often ignore existing studies of use-wear,
such as those of Schauer (1979), Kristiansen (1984), and Bridgford (1997). They belong in the
sphere of cultural prejudice. In this article I wish to replace prejudice with observation.
In the following I shall exemplify and discuss four aspects of the role of swords in
Bronze Age combat:
1 The article is based upon my recording of use-wear, blade damage and sharpening on Central European swords
in the National Museum of Budapest, which holds the largest collection in Central Europe, the regional museum
of Nyiregyháza, and the museum of Natural History in Vienna. I wish to thank especially Tibor Kovacs and
Tibor Kemencei of the National Museum in Budapest for their support and friendliness during my yearly visits,
just as Katalin Almassy and Fritz Eckart Barth were very helpful during my brief visits to Nyiregyháza and
Vienna. A full publication with a catalogue of my observations is in preparation and will be published in
Hungary. See also Kristiansen 1999. All photographs were taken by Leif Häggström. I also acknowledge his
contribution in explaining the role of the hole for the leather strap on the full-hilted swords of the Late Bronze
One of the most common myths relating to the use of swords of the Bronze Age (both
flange-hilted and full-hilted) relates to the shortness of the hilt, which appears to be too small
for practical use. Having now tried out several hundred swords I can reject this myth as
unfounded. Bronze Age swords are rather heavy, at least when compared with modern or
historical rapiers. Much of the weight is in the blade. It therefore becomes important to have a
firm grip that allows the user to control the movements of the sword. That is exactly what the
short hilt, in combination with marked shoulders, offers. Thus, the shoulders are to be seen as a
functional part of the hilt (Fig. 1a–c). The user ‘locks’ the sword through the inclusion of the
shoulders in the grip, which means that his movements become much more precise and
controlled. This is an ideal solution if the user wishes to combine both thrusting and slashing in
one sword to be used by one hand technique.
That this could also be tiring is exemplified by an innovation of the Late Bronze Age, when
slashing became a more dominant feature. On a majority of full-hilted swords there is a small hole
through the pommel which has never been explained. However, it is possible on some swords to
observe wear around the hole, implying that a strap, most probably a leather strap, was employed.
On Figure 2a–c I demonstrate its use. It is reminiscent of a modern police baton, and has the same
practical functions: it prevents the user from losing the sword, it allows him to relax his hand during
combat, and finally it allows him to add more swing and power to a slashing movement.
A rather peculiar feature on Bronze Age swords is a recurring slight bending of the
blade. Holding the sword in one’s right hand the bending is towards the left, and if one changes
the sword to make it bend to the right it changes the balance and feels wrong. Thus there is
normally no doubt about how the sword should be held to be workable. A few swords are
apparently for a left-handed fighter, as the bending should always be inward to feel right. The
reason for this bending remained obscure until I talked to a ‘modern’ swordfighter, who
explained that this was a well-known feature even today. When one puts in a new blade one
would always as the first thing bend it slightly to the left (which also suggests that the hilt is the
persistent part of a sword, and therefore the most essential part). The reason for doing this is
that when confronting one’s enemy in an attack position, holding the sword in the right hand,
the user wants the blade to point towards his opponent’s heart.
Balance is an essential aspect of the use of a sword. The balance between the weight of
the hilt and the weight of the blade defines its function as either a thrusting or slashing sword.
During the Middle Bronze Age long and narrow rapier-like blades suggest a function mainly as
a thrusting sword, while during the Late Bronze Age the blade becomes wide and heavy,
suggesting a function as a slashing sword. The difference is shown by the location of the
balance point of the sword – on rapiers and thrusting swords it is close to the hilt, on slashing
swords it is further down the blade. In practical terms it simply means that the movement of a
thrusting sword should be fast for defence and rapid thrusting, while a slashing sword is too
heavy for fast movements, but favours long slashing movements with a lot of weight and force
behind. It should be noted, however, that the Bronze Age sword, whether it is for thrusting or
slashing, is not comparable to its later historical counterparts, which are very specialized and
can only be used for one function. The Bronze Age sword is much more of an all-round sword
with a dominant function, but to be used for both slashing and thrusting, attack and defence
when needed. Only the early rapiers are real thrusting swords, even by comparison with the
early flange-hilted sword (Fig. 3c).
Figure 1a–c
Examples of how to grip the hilt and shoulders of a Bronze Age sword, which allows the user to direct the movements
very precisely.
Figure 2a–c
Demonstration of the use of a sword with leather strap fastener, allowing the user to create greater force in slashing
movements, just as it prevents him from losing the sword.
I have now demonstrated the functionality of the Bronze Age sword. A further
confirmation is found in the recurring traces from use in combat visible on most sword blades.
Such blade damage and subsequent resharpening show a recurring pattern throughout the
Bronze Age: the blade below the hilt is the area of defence and here one often finds severe
damage and resharpening. The damage is often heavier to one side, as the swordfighter would
normally hold his sword in the same way (Fig. 3c to the right). It means that the blade is often
incurved and narrower below the hilt. On older swords with a long history of combat leading to
frequent damage and repair/resharpening, the lower part of the shoulders would sometimes
break, due to combined resharpening and blows from enemy swords (Fig. 3a–b). It meant that
the lowest rivet holes often broke open and were therefore no longer usable (Figure 3c).2
During the Late Bronze Age this led to an innovation, the ricasso, below the hilt to catch up the
enemy sword and prevent it from sliding up and destroying the shoulder of the hilt and
eventually hurt the hand of the swordfighter.3 Sometimes the whole hilt bent due to frequent
slashing and warping off, indicating that serious fighting was frequent and recurring, at least for
some Bronze Age warriors. On flange-hilted swords this would sometimes lead to a complete
break of the hilt. This is in fact not unusual and although some of this damage could be recent it
is in most cases prehistoric.
The middle part of the sword blade is where damage from attack is sustained – that is
when a slashing movement is stopped by another sword’s blade. Again resharpening created
incurved parties along the edge, and in hoarded swords with fresh scars, they appear very
clearly (Fig. 4). On some swords, transverse lines or ridges on the midrib of the sword blade
suggest that a technique of warping off with the flat side of the blade was used as well.
Finally, the point or tip of the sword would often bend when a thrusting movement was
stopped by a shield. Sometimes the tip would even break off and have to be resharpened. This
resharpening of the tip is quite frequent, especially during the Middle Bronze Age, but even
during the Late Bronze Age, stressing the generalized nature of sword fighting, combining both
thrusting and slashing.
In conclusion there remains no doubt as to the role of warfare and sword fighting in
Bronze Age Europe. This was an arena for skilled professionals throughout the Bronze Age.
Differences existed between different types of swords, the flange-hilted sword being the sword
of the professional warrior par excellence, while the full-hilted sword, although also employed
2 A look through the volumes of Prähistorische Bronzefunde shows that such damage is not unusual, just as
broken hilts are common. It should be noted that Ingeborg von Quillfeldt (1995) in her work on the full-hilted
swords of southern Germany discusses use-wear and blade damage. While her observations on use-wear on the
hilt correspond to my observations, her evaluation on blade damage differs. She regards all scars as recent, due
to finders’ experiments. While I can recognize a few such examples, the majority of scars are ancient. This is,
among other things, confirmed by their patterned distribution on the blade and rather modest size (very deep
scars are rare). However, she is correct in assuming that full-hilted swords were rarely employed in systematic
fighting until the Late Bronze Age. Hundt’s earlier experiments, which she relies on, need to be followed by
many more in order to gain familiarity with Bronze Age combat, blade damage and resharpening techniques. I
consider systematic observations of blade damage and resharpening on Bronze Age swords to be our primary
empirical evidence.
3 The Mycenaean chiefly warriors employed specially designed hand-protecters of bronze (Senaki-Sakellariou
1985, pl. IX, T.15, 2780), in addition to the full armour (cuirass, greaves, helmet, etc.) known from Dendra
(Åström 1977).
Figure 3a–c
Old full-hilted sword with heavily resharpened blade, and shoulder damage, making the sword unusable. Below are three
early rapiers. The sword to the right is heavily resharpened, especially on the right side under the hilt, the shoulders are
damaged and the rivet holes broken. For comparison, two other swords in rather fresh condition are shown.
Figure 4a–b
Example of fresh, unrepaired scars from combat, and an illustration of how they could have been created.
in combat, was rather the sword of the chiefly commander. The blade is generally less used and
damaged than that of the flange-hilted sword. During the Early and Middle Bronze Age this is
supported by the fact that the sword blade was fastened to the hilt only by rivets that could
hardly withstand serious and repeated blows in combat (Fig. 3a). In the Late Bronze Age the
end of the blade was extended into the hilt to make it more stable and prevent it from breaking
off from the blade (well documented in Bader 1991). Consequently the number of rivets was
reduced to two rather small rivets. It suggests that full-hilted swords were more often involved
in actual combat during this period.
The observed damage and repairs, whether on flange- or full-hilted swords, are not of
the kind one would acquire simply by practising. For such purposes the real swords were
normally too costly, and instead training-swords of wood were the norm also in the Bronze
Age,4 thus stressing the specialized and penetrating role of warfare in the daily life of Bronze
Age society (Kristiansen 2001).
The best protection in combat would always be the personal skill of the warrior to use
his weapons to prevent him from being hurt. That is why the Celtic warriors would go into
battle with their bodies naked, in order to demonstrate their professional superiority and lack of
fear. But even the best warrior would need protection against the unexpected, and as the skills
of the warriors and the capacity of weapons improved so did protective measures.
During the Early and Middle Bronze Age few examples of protective armour are
preserved outside Greece, as they were mostly of wood, leather (shields) and bone (boar tusks
for helmets). Mycenaean depictions of combat are among the best evidence we have (Harding
1999, fig. 6). However, it seems that male ornaments were specially developed in Central
Europe also for protective measures – arm spirals and heavy, so-called hand- and elbow-
protecting spiral rings are regularly found together with swords. They come in two versions –
one with the ring inwardly bent to be worn on the wrist, the spirals functioning as hand
protection and one with the ring in traditional position suited for an upper arm (Fig. 5). As the
elbow spiral rings are huge and only suited for male upper arms, I suggest that these ornaments
had protective functions. That they were used is beyond doubt, as they show signs of wear, and
the traditional arm spirals are always formed according to the underarm, becoming wider at the
upper end.
It is not until the Late Bronze Age that we find specialized body armour of hammered
bronze – helmets, shields, cuirasses and greaves throughout Europe. As sheet bronze delivers
little protection, this body-armour has been considered as just a prestige good for warrior
aristocracies, employed for display and for ceremonial purposes. This would correspond with
the observation that chiefly warriors with full-hilted swords were not taking part in more heavy
fighting. It further indicates the hierarchy of warfare during the Late Bronze Age, led by chiefly
commanders with a retinue of warriors that did most of the fighting.
However, we should not rule out the practical use of such body armour. The cuirass
and the greaves would most likely have been covered on the inside by leather or similar
protective materials, e.g. linen and felt. This has been confirmed by Jankovits showing that the
rivets on the cuirass are too wide, and suggests an inside cover (Jankovits 1999/2000). In
Archaic Greece leather corselets were standard equipment for hoplite warriors (Jarva 1995,
figs. 12–15), whereas bronze cuirasses were rare, belonging to officers (Jarva 1995, 127ff.; see
also numbers of armour finds at Olympia in Jarva 1995, fig. 61). Since the cuirass was rather
4 I know of a wooden sword from Grotsetter in Orkney Islands, Scotland, dated to the Late Bronze Age (in the
National Museum in Edinburgh, published by Stevenson 1960, 191–3, pl. XXIX), and a similar example from
Ireland (J. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ir. 1960, fig. 12), but others are quite surely to be found hidden away in museums (see
also Capelle 1982, 281–4). The Grotsetter sword was made of yew, a rare hardwood indicating its practical
function, just as the pommel had been broken off apparently in antiquity. The hilt showed polish after use. In the
Irish myth the Táin we hear about the use of wooden swords and weapons. Ailill stole Fergus’ sword when he slept
with Medb and put a wooden sword in the scabbard. Later we hear in an insult against Cuchulainn that he is a fine
lad for graceful tricks with wooden weapons (Táin 118–19). I am very interested in receiving information on
wooden swords, a rare and most neglected category. I wish to thank Trevor Cowie for providing me with published
information about the Scottish and Irish wooden swords, and Bernhard Sicherl for the Capelle reference.
Figure 5
Elbow-protecting arm spiral.
thin (around 1 mm) it needed a leather undercover for proper protection. This is evidenced in
several vase paintings, where the leather strips of the undercover are seen below the cuirass
(Jarva 1995, fig. 7). Helmets, greaves and arm protectors had perforations for the inner lining in
Greece. In Central Europe we can assume the same. For the helmets I can support it with my
own observations. One of the famous Late Bronze Age helmets from Hungary from
Hajduböszörmeny is covered with marks from fighting (Fig. 6a–c). Here are traces of blows
from swords, axes, and arrowheads or spears. On the inside the helmet was covered with leather
and textile for protection and to sit firmly and comfortably on the head (the rivet holes running
around the base were intended for just that). Otherwise the helmet is far too big for any normal
head, in my case several centimetres too wide.5 Head injuries were among the most frequent on
skeletal material. The B-circle in Mycenae showed that the chiefly warriors were active in
5 We may recall here Homer’s description of Odysseus’ helmet on his nightly mission to the enemy camp, given
him together with weapons by Meriones: ‘Inside there was a strong lining of interwoven straps, under which a
felt cap had been sewn in. The outer rim was cunningly adorned on either side by a row of white and flashing
boars’ tusks. This helmet originally came from Eleon, where Autolycus stole it from Amyntor son of Ormenus
by breaking into his well-built house. Autolycus gave it to Amphidamas of Cythera to take to Scandaea; and
Amphidamas gave it to Molus in return for hospitality. Molus, in his turn, gave it to his son Meriones to wear,
and now it was Odysseus’ head that it served to protect’ (The Iliad Book X, 263–4). Here we in turn receive a
typical history of how weapons and armour could be passed on as valuable gifts increasing their status and value.
Figure 6a–c
Helmet from Hajduböszörmeny with evidence of blows from axes, swords and arrowheads/lances.
battle, with frequent injuries and early death as a consequence (Angel 1973, 393). Another
confirmation of the warlike nature of Bronze Age society comes from Norway, where a whole
group of warriors and their families had been brutally killed and thrown into a pit (Fyllingen in
Most swords of the east Central European Bronze Age are from depositions in
wetlands, so-called hoards. In addition these swords often show unrepaired scars and blade
damage from combat, suggesting that they were deposited right after a battle. It lends a special
significance to the deposition of weapons and suggests that they were part of a general ritual
practice. It reminds us of Caesar’s description of Gallic weapon depositions in the Iron Age,
where the weapons of the losing party were deposited in ritual places in thanks for the victory
(Caesar, Gallic Wars Book 6, 17). We also know of it from Germanic northern Europe, where
huge weapon depositions from the Iron Age in bogs testify to the rule mentioned in the Nordic
Sagas to sacrifice to Oden part of the spoils of the defeated for the victory. It is the very same
ritual practice that we encounter in the centralized sacrifice of weapons to the regional
sanctuaries in Archaic Greece, especially at Olympia (Jarva 1995, fig. 61).
This ritual practice thus has deeper prehistoric roots. Following from this the
composition of weapon depositions in wetlands and moors should give us some indication of
the number of chiefly commanders in battle, and perhaps even the nature of combat (Randsborg
1995). However, many depositions contain two or three swords, suggesting a duel-like single
combat, while others contain many swords and lances, suggesting a small army.
From fortified settlements we know that Bronze Age warfare was well organized and
could contain rather large numbers of warriors. The sword-bearers represented the top ranks –
the chiefly commanders – and the deposition of their most valued weapon should rather be
regarded as a symbolic representation of the war party. When two or a few swords are
deposited we should imagine that single combat between chiefly commanders had been
employed, as is known from Homer the duel between Paris and Menelaus (Homer, Iliad Book
III), and from Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum – the duel between the Danish prince Uffe
the Weak and the Saxon prince, to which I shall return. Also, in the Irish sagas single combat is
an important feature of warfare, performed according to strict rules: ‘When the contending
parties were ready for battle, the most prominent warriors from one of the parties stepped
forward and challenged to single combat the most distinguished warriors from the other party.
Before the single combat took place the warriors enumerated their ancestry and martial feats,
and intimidated their opponent’ (Pettersson 1999, 106). Thus single combat was a regular
feature of Bronze and Iron Age warfare in late prehistoric Europe. It seems likely that in such
cases weapons were deposited as a testimony to a heroic fight and a famous sword.
We find accounts of the deposition of famous swords in the earliest European
literature; most famous perhaps is King Arthur’s sword Excalibur, which he had received from
the Lady of the Lake, and upon his death had to be returned to the lake. But we hear of other
famous swords that were deposited, as we shall see in the following section.
Since the Bronze Age the sword has been the most aristocratic and valued weapon.
Special care was taken to produce beautiful and effective swords which were named and famed.
Their fame would sometimes lend them supernatural or magical powers, such as the story of
Excalibur mentioned above. Also, the story of the Danish prince Uffe the Weak and his combat
with the Saxon prince over the reign of the Danes contains all of these elements: the Saxons
suggested a sword duel to settle the matter, as they suspected that their prince would easily
defeat the young and apparently inexperienced Danish prince. The Danes were in despair. But
the old king, blind and close to death, went out and dug up a sword named Skraep. It was a
famed sword with magical powers that he had deposited in the ground (a hoard), when he
thought there was no worthy person to inherit it, and it was only supposed to be dug up if the
king and his people were in acute danger. Such a moment had now come. The young prince
was given the sword, and the old king sat on a chair close to the river, so that he could drown
himself if his son and the Danes lost. But when he heard Skraep sing once, he moved closer to
land, and the second time the Saxon prince was killed.
In this tale we find all the elements that characterized the power of famous swords, and
we even get an apparent explanation for the hoarding of such swords. Due to their magical
powers they had to be kept in secret places and could only be inherited by the specially
qualified. Saxo tells us that the old king had some difficulty in remembering the exact location
of the sword, he was apparently the only one who knew it. So the deposition of famous swords
was not uncommon, which would explain the Europe-wide archaeological occurrence of this
custom since the Bronze Age.
The earliest tales and myths in European history, from the Iliad, the Odyssey and
Beowulf to the Celtic and Nordic sagas, all contain evidence about the role of famed swords and
spears, often with names. Thus when Odysseus visited the Phaeacians, King Alcinous offered
him a prestigious gift and proclaimed: ‘I will give him this sword which has a silver hilt and a
sheet of newly carved ivory to hold it – it will be a very valuable possession’ (Homer, Odyssey
Book 8, 400–5). Beowulf used a rare and ancient sword named Hrunting to kill Grendel’s
mother (Beowulf 1448–81). In the Celtic tales it is often a magical spear that is named
(Pettersson 1999, 104–5), but in the Táin there is a whole list of famous swords, shields and
spears with names from the hero Conchobors’ household (Kinsella 1969, Táin 5).
The archaeology of swords underpins the written record. We find many examples of
beautifully produced swords with heavily worn hilts that must have been inherited due to their
fame, or sometimes also due to a lack of craftsmen and bronze to produce new (Fig. 7). In
Figure 7
Fine Late Bronze Age full-hilted sword, where the original decoration on the hilt has been completely worn away.
Small traces remain under the pommel.
Scandinavia and the Mycenaean world some hilts were gold-plated or inlaid with amber; these
were the royal or chiefly swords, and here the archaeological record testifies that they were
rarely used in actual combat, as the sword blade mostly shows little evidence of use (although it
could have been replaced). They were not the swords to be used in combat except in more
exceptional cases, such as single combat. But it is on the sword blade that we can record the life
story of combat, and here there is no doubt that the flange-hilted sword was the professional
warrior’s weapon – the Samurai of the Bronze Age – always razor-sharp edges, always
resharpened and repaired, some until their blade was completely transformed. But they were
kept in use until this very last moment, due to their close relationship with the warrior and due
to their history and power.
Each deposited sword contains a life story, some of them long and scarred as the many
incidents and combats recorded on their blade and hilt attest, others brief and abrupt as the
unused blade and hilt demonstrate. We cannot give words to the myths of all these swords, but
the material stories they reveal about their use are just as rich and full. It is from the sum of
such prehistoric tales that later the most famous would crystallize into those favoured oral
stories that survived into written, historical times.
Department of Archaeology
Göteborg University
Box 200
SE-405 30 Göteborg
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