Theatre Workshop Module

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Theatre Workshop Module 2010

Date Module Brief Description

nd rd
2 & 3 October 2010 Getting to know Theatre - Insight would be
provided into what a
theatre performance is
all about.
- General interactive
theatre games and
activities would be used
to encourage students
to open up.
9th & 10th October 2010 Use of Space, Body and Sounds in - Understand that a
Theatre performer need not
need a script to express
emotions and feelings.
- Before a performer
understands a script,
they should be well
aware of their own
bodies, voice and
16th & 17th October 2010 Improvisation and Vocal Training - The art of
improvisation is a must
have for a performers.
- Enhance one’s ability to
think spontaneously
without relying on a
- Train One’s Ability to
use their optimum
voice without the need
to shout.
23rd & 24th October 2010 1st group performance project - Students will be divided
Preparation into groups and
(Deviced Theatre “The World Today) expected to
choreograph a
performance based on
newspaper headlines.
30th & 31st October 2010 1st group performance project - Each group would
Performance perform their piece of
(Deviced Theatre “The World Today) work to the whole
6th & 7th November 2010 Script Analysis - Students are brought
into dissecting a script
into beats, units, scenes
and acts.
- Learn the different
meaning in change of
tone and what a
director expects from
the performer.
13th & 14th November 2010 The Actor’s Journal & Stage - Theatre is not just
Management about acting, its also
important for
performers to
understand the roles of
a stage manager.
- Students will be guided
on how to keep an
actor’s journal (actor’s
diary) to help them
develop their
20th & 21st November 2010 Characterisation & Performing in - Learn how to change
front of a live audience personalities based on
the character of the
- Students will be
provided several scripts
with various roles to
27th and 28th November Introduction to the Final Project - The director would
Performance introduce the script,
AUDITION roles and overall layout
for the final project
performance that
would be staged in
January 2011.
4th, 5th, 11th, 12th 18th and Rehearsals for Final Project - Rehearsals conducted
19th December 2010 Performance to prepare for the final
15th and 16th January 2011 Final Project Performance - A live audience will be
invited to view the play.

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