Copper Canyon High School: Celebrations Progress Towards Goals Future Failures - Bob Berger DC Meeting Updates

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Copper Canyon High School

Home of the Aztecs

Math Department Meeting
February 2, 2016
Progress towards goals
Future failures Bob Berger
DC Meeting Updates

PD/Certificate Hours teachers responsibilities for certification hours 180

hours needed. It is your responsibility to make sure certificate and fingerprint
clearance card are updated.

Advisory added a principal meeting for quarter is it going? Any


Budgetary needs calculators!!

CTC changing to English after school (what happens for out of district

DC Rotation start this spring where 2 or 3 would have an opportunity to


Curriculum making sure that we are on district curriculum or we are using it

PD how is blackboard? Lit and tech standard if applicable. Not all questions
have to be higher level but a few must.

Growth will most likely be closing campus. We will know by the Feb 9th
board meeting. We should know by March about staffing needs. We will still
have growth next year as we graduate smaller classes we get freshmen
classes of 600+. The meet and confer committee is hinting to raise along
with stabilized insurance. Traveling teachers: What do you feel about
volunteering? First year teachers moving? Lunches buying more lunch tables
up the options of where kids can buy. The shade structure will get concrete.
We are getting more desks and benches from the district.

Updates from Kim Baerwald

ADE states that students must have Algebra I credit before going to
Geometry then Algebra II students must try Algebra I once before taking two
courses concurrently. Advanced track students will be invited to take a free
summer school course for Algebra I to get their Algebra I credit. Algebra I
Honors Course Geo online (Primavera, Grad Point, ACCRS, clep, summer

Courteous. Committed. Helpful. Safe

Failures Alg I when students are failing at December must have an

interventions. Choice number 1 three week after school intervention to
make up credit. Choice number 2 Summer school Choice 3 Online module
during summer Choice 4 next year taking it concurrently during 7 th hour or in
place of elective taking online module (not with highly qualified teacher).
Possibly give them credit if they pass EOC

Calculators Casio, TI-nspire chargeable vs. battery next year all teachers will
have a class set. We should think about how we are going to keep up with
them. Possibly Casio in lower level and nspire in upper level classes
(advanced track).

Math Intervention June 13th July 7th

Math & Reading Success: June 13th - July 7th

Summer School: Session 1: June 6th June 21st

Session 2: June 22nd July 7th (No school July 4th)

Curriculum Writing: May 31st Jun 9th

Algebra I Training: Jul 25th Jul 26th

Upcoming Dates:
February 3rd Q3 Progress Report Grades due
February 9th Faculty Meeting
February 10th Professional Day
February 23rd Faculty Meeting
February 24th Professional Day
March 1st Math Department Meeting

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