Lapford Lookout - June 2016

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Year 19 ~ Issue 6

June 2016

Lapford Village Picnic/

Tea Party
to celebrate
Her Majesty the Queens
90th Birthday
Saturday June 11th 2016
2-00 p.m. - Family Games, courtesy of Yeo Valley Christian
Fellowship on the Playing Field, just turn up &
join in.
4-00 p.m. - in the Victory Hall presentation of Lapford Royal
Birthday mugs to children from the Parish, year 6
& below, by our District Councillor, Clive
Eginton. (Mugs by courtesy of Lapford Parish
Council, extra mugs will be available for
purchase on the day at 3 each).
4-15 p.m. - Tea/ Picnic in the Victory Hall & on the Church
Bring your own picnic to enjoy with family & friends
(Tea, coffee & squash provided courtesy of Tescos Crediton)
Music & Entertainment, Draw

Lapford Lookout

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TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North

Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered
TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math
multiplication on the floor?
You told me to do it without using tables.
TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell crocodile?
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I
spell it. (I Love this kid)
TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.


Donations can be made at
Boniface Centre, Crediton,
Wednesdays 10th or 31st August
at 13:10 to 15:15 and 16:15 to 19:15
Or at Chulmleigh Community Centre on
Friday 3rd June
at 13.00 to 15.15 and 16.15 to 18.30
Call the donor helpline on 0300 123 23 23
for more information or to book an appointment
or book online at
Do something amazing - Give Blood!


Monday 9.00 - 13.00
Tuesday 13.00 - 17.00
Friday 9.00 - 13.00


Write to:

Jeanne Whittaker
Sunnyside, 22 Orchard Way,
Lapford, Crediton,
EX17 6PR

By hand:

(01363) 83068
[email protected]
Use the box in The Orchard Centre
or the Editors letterbox

Deadline for inclusion in the next issue: 6 pm on the 14th June for inclusion in July 2016 issue
Contributions are welcome, to be used at the Editors discretion.
The views in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of the editorial team.
All information in this newsletter is copyright
and may not be reproduced without the permission of the Editor.

Christians Together in Lapford welcome you to:

The Parish Church
On the first, second and third Sunday of each month, at 9.30am,
Lay led Morning Prayer followed by coffee
4th Sunday at 9.00am, Common Worship Eucharist
5th Sunday at 10.30am Mission Community C W Eucharist - Venue to be posted on Church notice board
Contact: The Reverend Lindsey Starrs - Tel: 877221 - Please avoid her day off (Friday)
Churchwarden - Sheila Stoneman - Tel: 83610
The Congregational Church
Services every Sunday 11.00 am and 6.30 pm
(Childrens Club and Crche every Sunday)
Mid-week Meetings Tuesday 2.30 pm and 7.30 pm plus others as arranged - see Church Newsletter
Contact: David and Vivien Bulley - Tel: 83374
Peter and Viv Lacey -Tel: 884230
Yeo Valley Christian Fellowship
Meets every Sunday morning at 10.30 am in the Victory Hall
(Live Wires meet each Sunday in the Committee Room at 10.45am)
4th Sunday of the month is Family Service
Tuesday at 7.30 pm and Wednesday morning at 10.30 am there is Bible study in a house group
Contact: Briony Clinch - Tel: 83666
All the Churches welcome everyone to any of their services and social events.
We look forward to fellowship with you.
Lapford Lookout

Printed by Hedgerow Print Ltd - 01363 777595 -

Page 2


June 2016

July 2016


Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Orchard Centre.



LAFC Bingo. Eyes down 8.00pm.

7th-10th Revel


C.R.Y. Tabletop/coffee morning, 10am to 12noon.

Queens 90th birthday picnic/tea
2pm family games on Playing Field.
4pm tea/picnic in Victory Hall/Village Green


Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Orchard Centre.


Copy deadline 6pm for Lapford Lookout.




Copy deadline 6pm for Lapford Lookout.


Lapford Over 60s trip Bishops Lydeard to Minehead

9.00am start.


Horticultural Society Visit to Rosemoor, leave 10.00am.


Lapford Village Market - 11am to 1pm, Victory Hall.

The Parish Church In June

Sun 5th
9.30 a.m.
Sun 12th
9.30 a.m.
Mon 13th
7.30 p.m.
Sun 19th
9.30 a.m.
Wed 22nd
Sun 26th
9.00 a.m.

Trinity 2
Lay Led Morning Prayer
Trinity 3
Lay Led Morning Prayer
P.C.C. Meeting
In the Church
Trinity 4
Lay Led Morning Prayer
10.30 a.m. B.C.P. Holy Communion
Trinity 5
Common Worship Eucharist

Rose and Sweet Pea Show

No Parish Council notes this month as

none have been received.

The ARK is now a popular meeting

place open for the community on
Tuesdays & Fridays for lunches &
We will now be manning The
ARK on the 1st Saturday morning of every month. Starting Sat
4th June - 9.30 am onwards.
Meet with friends for coffee & a bacon sandwich to relax, read
the papers.
Come on guys nows your chance to come along with the kids
play board games & build Lego!



Mon-Fri Saturday
Eastington Cross
11.00 a.m.
Woodland Cottage
3.00 p.m. 7.30 a.m.
Industrial Estate
9.00 a.m. 7.00 a.m.
4.45 p.m. 10.15 a.m.
Orchard Way
9.00 a.m. 7.00 a.m.
4.30 p.m. 10.15 a.m.
Morchard Road
5.00 p.m. 11.15 a.m.
In addition, items left at the Post Office during
opening hours will be posted that day via North
Lapford Lookout

DOORS OPEN 7.00 pm
EYES DOWN 8.00 pm.

Page 3

Lapford Village
Saturday 25th June~ 11am 1pm
Lapford Victory Hall
Lots of lovely stalls, home-made
& home-grown goods, prize draw,
refreshments & light lunches
Come along for a cuppa!
For further information
and to book a stall,
contact Gemma Cran on
83172 / 07890 407210


30 Members of the Lapford Twinning Association
enjoyed a Social Evening.
Dinner was served in the Victory hall, all prepared
and cooked by local Chef John Burrows, who is
their Chairman. Starter was a garlic and prawn dish
or home made vegetable soup. Main Course was
Chicken in a white wine and grape sauce, or Beef
Bourguinon. This was followed by a selection of
Arrangements are now being made for their visit to
Grainville Langannerie in September.

Lapford Lookout

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Come and
have a look!
School meals available.
Spaces for 2+ year olds.
2gether scheme provider
please ask for more details.
We are open Monday,
Wednesday and Friday

Lapford Pre-school
Eastington Lane,
EX17 6QE
Please contact:
Lorraine Kigongo
07940 185713

15 hours free funding

for 3/4 year olds
Spring is here and that means
that seeds are being sown for
our summer Table Top Sale
and Coffee Morning on
Saturday 11th June, 1012noon in the Victory Hall,

Get your locally grown plants, hand-crafted cards, plus other
fantastic bargains! Once youve browsed you can then enjoy
a lovely cuppa and biscuits, and have a natter with friends.
Admission is FREE
To book a table (4), please ring: 01363 83178/83660

Lapford Victory Hall

Second Friday of the month
6 p.m. 7.45 p.m.
For kids age 7-12
Sub: 1.50 per session
(each additional family member 1 only)
Activities include: tuck shop, football skills,
making crafts, playing board-games or tabletennis, wii games, darts, decorating cakes
and lots more!
Come along and see what its all about!


Lapford Lookout

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We would firstly like to thank everyone who has supported the
Lapford Village Market over the past two and a half years. We
have raised funds for some really worthy causes including
Lapford Community Year 6, Lapford Car Aid, Lapford PTA
and Pre-School, LYPFT, Lapford Village Hall, Lapford Revel
and Lapford Over 60's.
Unfortunately over the past six months we have seen a
significant decline in the numbers attending the market, along
with a reduction in the numbers of volunteers to help organise
and run the market on a monthly basis. Consequently, we
have made the very difficult decision to reduce the number of
markets in the remainder of 2016. We will then reassess at the
end of the year and decide whether it is viable to continue into
The market dates for the remainder of 2016 are as follows:
25th June 2016
July 2016 - NO MARKET
August 2016 - NO MARKET
24th September 2016
October 2016 - NO MARKET
26th November 2016
December 2016 - NO MARKET
We are always grateful for any volunteers who can spare a few
hours on a Saturday morning to help out. We would also like
to hear from any community groups who would like to raise
funds by donating some cakes to the cake stall.
For further information:
please contact Gemma Cran on 01363 83172/07890 407210.

Progress at the ARK so

We seem to be moving
forward and we are close to
completing and then there's
a hic-cup which slows the work down. It can be very
frustrating, completion is so close. Our thanks once
again to Nick, Mark & Bud for all their hard work.
Despite all the building work that's been going on,
we have been blessed with regulars who come for
Groups are using the ARK for meetings in the
evening and we have held some very successful
coffee mornings. The youngsters have had Youth
Caf on two Friday nights which have proved very
The Foodbank is well supported by generous
donations from the community. Please remember it
is there for anyone who is experiencing difficulties
and needs help in getting back on their feet. The
Foodbank is open on Tuesdays and Fridays, the
same times as the Caf or we can be contacted by
phone 01363 83788.
If you haven't had a chance to visit the ARK yet
please pop in for a cuppa & our legendary Tiffin.

Thank you once again for your support -

Lapford Village Market committee

We All Need a Tree
I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, he had just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat
tyre made him lose an hour of work, his electric drill packed in and his ancient pick-up refused to start.
While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we
walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both
When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation.. His face was wreathed in smiles and he
hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.
Afterwards he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him
about what I had seen him do earlier.
'Oh, that's my trouble tree,' he replied 'I know I can't help having
troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't
belong in the house with my wife and the children.. So I just hang
them up on the tree every night when I come home and ask God to
take care of them. Then in the morning I pick them up again.' 'Funny
thing is,' he smiled,' when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up,
there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night
We all Need a Tree
Lapford Lookout

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St Boniface Vets launch Lifetime Care Club

Saturday 30th July 2016
Locals Tickets
10 adult before July
at local outlets or
community groups
Full Price
20 Gate
15 On-line

'Save money and pay monthly for your pets essential preventative care
with our new Lifetime Care Club.'
ST BONIFACE Vets are delighted to announce the launch of their
new preventative care health plan this May.
Marie Kemmish, practice principal explained: "Here at St Boniface
Vets, we wholeheartedly believe in a proactive preventative approach
to your pets healthcare.
"We know how important your pets health is to you and we want to
help you keep them happy and healthy for as long as possible.
"We have designed our Lifetime Care Club with this firmly in mind so that all the routine things are taken care of."
The Lifetime Care Club offers a simple, affordable way for you to
protect your pets against preventable diseases, by making sure your
pets vaccinations, parasite control and general health are all up-todate.
Pet Health Plans are not pet insurance: They include the regular things
- like vaccinations, flea, worm and parasite treatments, health checks
and advice in an easy, interest free low cost monthly payment plan the things that pet insurance doesnt cover.
Whatever stage in life your pet is at, the Lifetime Care Club is
designed to adapt to your pets needs from puppy or kitten, right
through to adulthood.
Plans start from only 12 a month with two levels of cover for dogs; a
gold plan and a platinum plan (depending on the level of benefits you
wish to take advantage of) and a single level for adult cats. The puppy
and kitten plans also include discounts on your pets neutering.
A typical example of savings you could make by joining a plan (based
on platinum cover for a 20kg dog) is more than 120 per year plus
you will receive exclusive discounts on a range of additional products
and services offered.
For more information please give St Boniface Vets a call on 01363
772860 or drop into the clinic for a chat; they are more than happy to
outline the benefits for your pet and provide more information on the
different levels of health plans that they offer.


Its been another wonderful season for both of the football teams, a great deal of gain but
also quite a bit of pain. To start with, the considerable gains. At this moment, May 8th,
the first team still have two more games to play, but having drawn on April 30th 1-1, then
won 8-0 mid-week, they made sure of winning their league by a 3-1 win at home on May 7th. So for the third
year running they won promotion. This must be unique in the clubs 97 year history.
Unfortunately the pain came on May 28th when for the second year in succession, they lost 4-2 in the Devon
Senior Cup Final, this time to the Exeter University 2nds. It was a fascinating but disappointing match,
especially as Lapford were ahead 2-0 in the first six minutes, both goals scored by Dan Tucker. However, the
university side proved to be a fast, clever side and after scoring themselves after ten minutes, they equalised
just before half-time, then dominated the second half with their speed, swift passing and cutting off all
Lapfords attacks. Instead of their usual patience, inter-passing and waiting till theyd created an opening,
time after time they kicked long balls down the middle or to the wings and the university defence was quick to
cover and cut out the danger. All being well this could be a gain in the long run, as they learn how to adapt to
changing patterns of play. Nevertheless it was a it was a memorable evening for the coach load of supporters.
A word of thanks to the Devon FAHQ for laying on a memorable evening in such a splendid setting.
Just a bit more pain and gain. The pain came, also memorably, to Mark who sustained such a severe injury
back in mid-December, and then to all the team members who then had to end the last two months of the
season by playing at least two games every week to complete the postponed fixtures. The added gain is that
the second team are also definitely promoted, either finishing second or third in the league. Well done all of

Noel Parry
Lapford Lookout

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Pictured centre is chairman Sue Briant-Evans who
looked after the plant stall, with Jeanne Whittaker
and Wendy Townshend , who were running the
home-made cake stall.
Noel parry ran the Draw, and Mr and Mrs. Ridd
worked hard in the kitchen serving tea and coffees.

Lapford Lookout

The Most Thorough Carpet and

Upholstery Cleaning EVER...
or Its FREE!!
Chem-Dry Devon
0800 783 5024
Call NOW for a FREE Site Survey
Local but world famous!
[email protected]

Page 8

Lapford Lookout

Page 9

EX17 6QT
TEL: 01363 83373
Our professional workmanship is available
in all of the following disciplines

Complete Excavation Service

For Hire with Driver

JCB Wheel Digger
Mini Diggers
Septic Tank

Self Drive Hire

Mini diggers
Wacker Plates

MOT class 4 & 7 (motorhomes & transits)

Air conditioning
Car sales
We offer a local vehicle collection service or
courtesy cars for your convenience
ATA & Bosch Accredited Diagnostic Technicians

Please phone for more details

Mobile: 07976 641606

Lapford Lookout

Page 10

S p ec ia l is t s in D ig it a l A er ia l & S a t el lit e S ys t e ms

Aerial Upgrades
All aspects of installation
Extra TV Points
TV Wall Mounting Service
Existing Aerial & Satellite
Problems Solved
DAB/FM Radio Aerials
Free Telephone Advice
Free Quotation Services

01363 777190

07841 644395

[email protected]

Now cutting lawns &

paddocks up to 4 acres

Susan Bennett MSc MCSP HCPC reg

With over 30 years experience

offers treatment for:
Sports Injuries
Back, Neck and all Joints

Daytime, Evening and Weekend

appointments available.

Local Family Run Residential

Sales & Lettings Agent
Call us for a FREE
Valuation of your Property.

01837 83393
E: [email protected]
The Old Bank Hall, High Street,
Winkleigh, EX19 8HX

Telephone for Appointment

01769 580513
Lapford Lookout

Page 11

Jonathan Wood Veterinary Surgeon Ltd.

01363 772319
24hr Emergency Service.
As an RCVS accredited practice, we provide a friendly, caring,
professional service for companion animals,
equine and farm patients.
We offer hydrotherapy and rehabilitation, modern ultrasound
equipment, in house laboratory service and much more.
For full details visit our website.

We are proud to be accredited by the international cat care

organisation as silver level cat friendly clinic.

Your One Stop Country Shop

Farm Pet Equine & Farm Supplies

Open 6 days a week
Lords Meadow, Crediton
Free parking, friendly service, competitive prices

Septic Tanks
Small lorry now available

Phone: 01805 601286

Mobile: 07831 241531
Email: [email protected]
Leave a message and we will return your call

Peter Hearn Haulage Ltd


C. Burrows & Son

(J.J. Burrows)
Funeral Directors
A Caring Family Firm
Personal Supervision
Any Distance Any Time
Tel: 01363 83258
Mobile: 07803 142357
Coldridge, Crediton, Devon
Lapford Lookout

Page 12


Monumental Masons
Memorials in Granite Marble Slate & Stone
New Memorials Renovations Additional Inscriptions
Home visits Free estimates & brochure on request
For a caring personal service call our family
run business which covers all of Devon
Crediton 01363 776321
Email [email protected]

Workshop: Albert Road, Crediton, EX17 2BX

Qualified Carpenter & General Builder
Working in the village for 25 years

Prospect House, Lapford

Tel: (01363) 83601

Lapford Lookout

Page 13

Need help with your

Cleaning, hoovering,
Then Im the one for you
Phone Christine on
01363 83483
References available.

Peter Turner, friendly and professional picture framer
Mount Cutting-Framing-Box Framing-Glazing-Repairs
Call me for a free no obligation quote
No job too big or too small
Locally based studio in Eggesford
Tel: 01769 581615 Mobile: 07802 256349
Email: [email protected]

If you would like a last resting place

in beautiful countryside
overlooking Dartmoor
phone 01647 24382 and speak to
Julie or Martin Chatfield

Lawn mowing
Hedge cutting
Turf laying
Patios and Decking
Pressure washing
General garden tidying
Any other jobs considered

Tel: 01363 884269 (ans available)

Mob: 07918866675
Lapford Lookout

Page 14

June in the Garden and the Allotment

The Vegetable and Fruit Garden
This month is the time to direct sow vegetable and salad seeds. Check the instructions on the side of the
packets. Carrots, lettuces, spinach, salad leaves, radishes, spring onions etc. These are a few ideas to get your
healthy, home grown food underway. Dont sow all of the packet at once, stagger your sowings to ensure a more continuous supply.
Tomato plants can be planted out against a 4 foot cane. Keep them tied in as they grow and keep pinching out their side
shoots. An upturned, cut off, plastic drinks bottle buried beside each plant is a useful way to enable the contents of your watering
can to reach the roots.
Sweet corn, both baby and full size, plants, started in the greenhouse, can be planted out. Plant them in a block, rather than a
single row. This will ensure that they fertilise each other. The block of plants should be on a 450mm square grid.
Brassica plants, Brussels sprouts, winter cabbages and sprouting broccoli can now be planted out.
If the seeds have been started in the greenhouse, runner and French bean plants can be planted out. If you dont have any
plants on the go Hatherleigh market, on a Tuesday is a good source of excellent plants, from leeks to brassicas to lettuces.
Whilst the soil is dry keep running a hoe through the soil to remove seedling weeds. Be careful when weeding potatoes so as
not to disturb the tubers under the surface. Any weeds in them other than very tiny ones should be removed by hand, then if soil is
pulled into the row with a hoe you will cover small seedlings and also cover developing potatoes that are too near the surface.
It is not a bad idea to pinch out the growing tips of broad bean plants to discourage black fly.
Fruit should be well watered during dry periods, a mulch of organic matter will reduce water loss and keep down weeds.
Strawberries will begin to crop this month. Carefully lift up the leaves and surround the plants with straw. This will keep the
fruit off of the ground, stop it getting splashed with soil and cut down the incidence of botrytis, a grey mould that strawberries are
susceptible to in wet weather. Peg down strawberry runners into pots buried beside the plants to increase the number of plants.
Protect strawberries, currant bushes and gooseberries with netting.
Culinary gooseberries can be picked this month. To increase the size of the berries that you harvest, gooseberries can be
thinned before they ripen, remove alternate fruits.
Plums should be thinned this month. It is a time consuming task but well worth it. Too much fruit on any one branch will
easily break that branch. Clusters of young plums should be reduced to no more than pairs.
The Ornamental Garden
It is usually safe to say that the frosts are behind us come June although nothing is guaranteed. So now is the time to plant out
those varieties that have been brought on in the greenhouse.
Sow poppies now. If they are sown direct many types will flower within 8 weeks. As the seedlings emerge thin them to 10
12 inches apart. Sow next springs biennials such as wallflowers. Space about 2 inches apart then thin in 3 or 4 weeks to 12 inches.
These can then be lifted and transplanted to their flowering positions in the Autumn. Thin hardy annuals to at least 1 foot apart to
give them room to develop more roots and leaves, (English marigolds, Nigellas and Cornflowers etc.). The taller growing plants will
need some support, pea sticks to grow through.
Fill gaps in herbaceous borders with bedding plants such as salvias, begonias and pelargoniums. Dont forget to water them
Finally increase the growing period of many of your plants by dead heading regularly.
Lift and store Spring bulbs, divide any clumps that are to stay in situ. Plant Autumn flowering bulbs such as hardy cyclamen
and colchicums.
Stake dahlias and cannas or better still put in some plant supports when they are smaller so that they grow through the
supports and conceal them.
Mow your lawns regularly, little and often, keep the edges trimmed. Add grass clippings to the compost heap in thin layers
otherwise your compost will become wet and poorly aerated. If you have used any weed killer on your lawn discard the clippings
do not compost them. Now is the time to apply a high nitrogen fertiliser to your lawn, if you have a moss problem use one with an
added moss killer.
Make some good compost. Now the garden is full of growth and the lawn is being cut regularly, there will be plenty of
material available for composting. Make sure that you fill your compost bin with an equal volume of nitrogen-rich material (grass
clippings, manure, shrub prunings) and carbon rich material (flower stalks, shredded paper, woody clippings). Keep the contents of
your bin moist, the contents should hold together but not drip water when you squeeze a handful. If you want compost fast, the
secret to success is to turn the contents once a week.
Pests need to be kept on top of. After this last wet, mild winter there will be a lot of slugs. Regularly use animal safe slug pellets or
even better treat the susceptible parts of your garden with nematodes. These are mixed in and applied by a watering can. The
nematode or round worm attack and kill all of the slugs that they come into contact with.
Aphids can also be a problem. Keep a close eye out for them and remove them with warm soapy water in a hand sprayer
before they become established.
There are loads more that I can suggest for you to do but you have to leave plenty of time to sit outside with a tea, a coffee or
something a little stronger and take in the colours and scents of your garden.
Happy Gardening.

Rex Dunham
Lapford Lookout

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Lapford Lookout

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Lapford Lookout

Page 17

Crediton & District

15th June, 2016

Boniface Centre 10am 12pm
John Allan speaks on
The Building of Exeter Cathedral
Become a member and join one or more of our
interest groups such as walking, pub lunches, French,
board-games, philosophy, science,
grandparents and many more
1.50 - including tea or coffee

Thanks to Cllr Jill Doe for providing this list.

Hopefully it will prove useful to residents in need
of help in any of these areas.

Monthly Meeting

Lapford Lookout

Useful Telephone Numbers

Emergency numbers ~ 999 or 112
Crimestoppers ~ 0800 555 111
Police Non-emergency number ~ 101
Dog Fouling/Fly Tipping 01884 255255
NHS number for non urgent medical needs ~ 111
Crediton Ring and Ride Co-Ordinator ~
01353 773303
Page 18

Name of Society


Banyu Hatten Aikido

Beaver Scouts (Winkleigh)
Books on Wheels
Fellowship 29
Friends of Lapford Mill
Friends of Lapford School
Heart of Lapford Development (HOLD)
Lapford Allotment Society
Lapford ARK and Foodbank
Lapford Association Football Club
Lapford Book Club
Lapford Dog Club
Lapford & District Horticultural Society
Lapford Emergency Action Plan Committee
Lapford Foodbank
Lapford Friends of Langannerie (twinning)
Lapford High 5 (ages 7-12)
Lapford Mothers Union
Lapford Over 60 Club
Lapford Pantomime Group
Lapford Youth and Playing Field Trust
Lapford & District Pre-school Playgroup
Lapford Project 2000 Committee
Lapford Regeneration Committee
Lapford Revel
Lapford Short Mat Bowls
Lapford Victory Hall Booking Secretary
Lapford Village Archive
Lapford Village Market
Lapford Voluntary Car Aid
Lapstock 2016
Nymet Rowland Village Pump
Springers 4s and under
The Friends of St Thomas of Canterbury
1st Bow Scouts Group

Mr Geoff Flather
Mr Ron Kercher
Mr Peter Westcott
Claire Tappon
Alex Gator
Mrs Becka Poole
Mrs Sue Briant-Evans
Mr Raymond Waldron
Mrs Briony Clinch
Mr John Burrows
Mrs Jill Doe
Mrs Sara Thurgood
Mrs Jeanne Whittaker
Mrs Jeanne Whittaker
Mrs. Briony Clinch
Mr John Burrows
Mrs Caroline Gilpin
Mrs Sheila Stoneman
Mrs Josie Robertson
Mr Ian Wilkie
Mrs Caroline Gilpin
Mrs Lorraine Kigongo
Mrs Sue Briant-Evans
Mrs Sue Briant-Evans
Mr Darren Crump
Mr Jon Tucker
Mr Andy Epstein
Mrs Jeanne Whittaker
Mrs Gemma Cran
Mrs Jenny Gray
Mr Steve Keable
Liz & Roland Smith
Mrs Caroline Gilpin
Mr Andy Epstein
Mrs Marie Waycott

01363 83355 / [email protected]
01363 83810 / [email protected]
01363 83525 / [email protected]
07816 235412 / [email protected]
01363 83795
01363 83763 / [email protected]
01363 83894
01363 83788
01363 83985 / [email protected]
01363 83410 / [email protected]
01363 83081 / [email protected]
01363 83068 / [email protected]
01363 83068 / [email protected]
01363 83666
01363 83985 / [email protected]
01363 83674 / [email protected]
01363 83610
01363 83208 / [email protected]
01363 83437
01363 83674 / [email protected]
01363 83162 / [email protected]
01363 83763 / [email protected]
01363 83763 / [email protected]
01363 83326 / [email protected]
07814 568846
01363 83332/ [email protected]
01363 83068 / [email protected]
01363 83172 /
01363 83099 / (Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm)
01363 83200 / [email protected]
01363 884446
01363 83674
01363 83332/ [email protected]
[email protected]


Cllr Niall McAreavey (Chair)

1 Higher Town Court, Rensey Lane,

Lapford, EX17 6FD

01363 83733 / [email protected]


Cllr Sue Briant-Evans

Edgerley Cottage, Lapford.

01363 83763 / [email protected]

Cllr John Burrows

7 Park Meadow Close, Lapford.

01363 83985 / [email protected]

Cllr Peter Heal

Ashlands, Lapford.

Home - 01363 884277 / Office - 01363 775467

[email protected]

Cllr Jill Doe

Sunnyside, Lapford.

01363 83410 / [email protected]

Cllr Briony Clinch

1 Park Meadow Close, Lapford.

01363 83666

Cllr Ian Hemsworth (Vice Chair)

Argosy, Lapford, EX17 6PX

01363 884460 / [email protected]

Cllr Rachel Phillips

Barris House, Lapford.

01363 83509 / [email protected]

Cllr Stephen Wensley

Woodland Cottage, Lapford

884237 / [email protected]

Cllr Fern Leach

Netherfield House, Lapford, Crediton, EX17 6PU

01363 83803 / [email protected]

Mr Christopher Voaden,
Parish Clerk

Robin Cottage, 2 Chulmleigh Road,

Morchard Bishop, EX17 6NZ

01363 877807 / [email protected]

District Cllr Clive Eginton

6 Moortown, Chawleigh, Chulmleigh, EX187EW

01769 580830 / [email protected]

County Cllr Margaret Squires

Frostland Farm, Copplestone, EX17 5NY

01363 84337 / [email protected]

Mel Stride MP

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

02072 197037 / [email protected]

Lapford Lookout

Page 19

Strawberries and
Lapford Voluntary Car Aid provides the residents of the
village with courteous, reliable and fully insured drivers to
get you to your appointment safely and on time. Bookings
can be made, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, by telephoning
Jenny Gray on 01363 83099 with the date of your
appointment, preferably giving 24 hours notice please.
Current fares for the services covered are as follows:
Chulmleigh (Health Centre & Dental Practice) - 5.00
Crediton (Hospital) - 5.00
Winkleigh Surgery - 5.00
Chiddenbrook Surgery - 5.00
Morchard Bishop (Surgery) - 3.00
Should you be offered an urgent appointment to see your
nominated doctor at the Winkleigh surgery this can now
be arranged by telephoning Jenny as abovethe fare is
5.00. Please note this out of area option is NOT
available for North Tawton or Okehampton surgeries.

Cut 250g of local strawberries into quarters.

Soak them in a little fresh orange juice and a
dessertspoon of Devon honey for 30 minutes.
Add 300 ml double Devon cream, whisked until soft, and
1 generous tablespoon local natural yogurt.
Spoon into serving dishes and garnish with mint leaves.
Serves four to six. Enjoy!

Paul Cleave

Lapford Lookout has a circulation of 600 copies and the

advertising of village events is free of charge. There is a
charge for all other advertisements and current advertising
rates, payable in advance, are:
One eighth page:
One quarter page:
One half page:
Whole page:

6 per month.
12 per month.
24 per month.
50 per month.

Pay for 12 months and you get one extra month, FREE!
Please send all advertising with payment to the Editor by
the deadline of the 14th of each month for inclusion in the
next issue. Cheques to be made payable to Lapford
Project 2000 please.



EVERY THURSDAY 9.45am 11.45am

EVERY THURSDAY 9.45am 11.45am


SUNDAY SERVICES 11a.m. & 6.30p.m.
5th June

a.m. Colin Smallacombe

p.m. Sowah Adjei

12th June

a.m. John Hawkins

p.m. Chris Hutchins


19 June

a.m. Prof. Roy Sambles

p.m. Edwin Webber

26th June

a.m. Jim Archer

p.m. Frank Bristow

29th May

a.m. Pastor David Bulley

p.m. Mervyn Burd


A Family Bring-and-Share Picnic Sunday 5th
June. Meet in the Playing Field about
A House Group, Meeting the Spirit, will meet
1.30p.m., on Mondays 13th & 27th June at 61a
Church Alive stall at the Village Market on
Saturday 25th June.
For any other events please see the church
notice board or Newsletter

Information about these and other church activities from

Pastor David Bulley 83374 or Peter Lacey 884230
Lapford Lookout

Page 20

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