Jaimal Singh - Spiritual Letters
Jaimal Singh - Spiritual Letters
Jaimal Singh - Spiritual Letters
1896 - 1903
K. L. Khanna, Secretary
Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Punjab, India
Statistics .. .. .. .. .. xix
Persons frequently mentioned in Baba Ji's letters .. xxii
Introduction .. .. .. .. 1
Incidents connected with the life of Baba Ji Maharaj .. 11
Baba Jaimal Singh Maharaj Ji's letters .. .. 16
Eldest son of Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji.
He passed away in February, 1952.
Second son of Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji
and was the first of the three sons to leave this world.
Youngest son of Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji.
He was the father of Charan Singh Ji Maharaj, and
left the mortal coil in 1956.
A devoted Satsangi from Village Mithapur, not
far from Beas. He was the father of Bibi Ralli, who
came to Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji when she
A devoted Satsangi of Swami Ji Maharaj and
was in charge of the entire administration at the Dera
(Beas) during Baba Ji Maharaj's time and even
afterwards. She passed away at the Dera in 1930.
19. You are always with me. And the real form
of the Satguru is the Shabd, and that is always with
you. I am very pleased with you.
He is always with you. You should have no
fears, because kings and emperors—all—owe their
power to the Lord. Whoever troubles anyone un-
reasonably will have to pay for it. Whatever has to
happen has already been decided and that will come
to pass. Man himself does nothing. Believe it
firmly. Satguru Himself told me that man himself
does nothing; he is only an instrument. Perform your
duties fearlessly. Whatever has to happen has
already been decided. For the rest you may do as
you please, but keep me informed, please. Wherever
you go the Guru will be with you. I have no experi-
ence either of service matters or of those of the world,
so you please use your own judgment. You may go
where you like and where you think you would be
happy. You have my permission. Wherever you go,
keep in touch with me. You are my very dear child.
You will go to Sach Khand in my company.
One day you will reach Sach Khand through
Shabd Dhun. Listen every day to the Shabd Dhun
with love and devotion. Make your abode therein and
let your mind be merged in the Dhun. Then you will
enjoy the 'ras'.* But it is not a thing to be described.
The surat will experience it and feel it.
* * * *
*ras, pronounced 'rus' means juice, enjoyment, pleasure, bliss.
it is. But keep your mind and soul in It and let the
inner attachment always be in It. As for the official
~work, the Malik (Lord) Radha Swami Din Dayal
Himself will do it and is doing it. And please do not
feel any anxiety. In illness one ought always to keep
up his spirits. You will receive Daya Mehr, and are
already receiving it.
. . . . Now you are receiving Daya Mehr day and
night. Huzur (Swami Ji) is all-forgiving and will
forgive you (the karmas). You write that you receive
letters from home, some saying one thing and some
saying another. Please do not worry yourself. When
you regain your health, we shall see to it. This is a
domestic matter. So many problems come up from
time to time. Write to them as you think proper and
that you will attend to it when you come on leave.
And please attend to your Bhajan and Simran every
day. Huzur Din Dayal is always with you.
You have also said that you hold Satsang. That
is very good. But it is very important to do Bhajan
also. There is no other real work except Bhajan.
Please reply by return post, for I am day and night
thinking of you.... Radha Swami from all Dera
* * * *
44. You should read shabads from the 'pothi'
>(Sar Bachan) whenever you have leisure because if
you are too much disturbed or immersed in work,
reading the 'pothi' will remind you of the Sat Guru.
If you lovingly think of the Sat Guru, everything—
"whether worldly or spiritual—will be done cheerfully
and the mind will not feel troubled. Then even the
routine or worldly work will have the same effect as
"parmarth'. You have gotten the well sunk and the
can take you safely out of this fire of the mind and
maya. It is in His Feet that you should fix your love
and devotion, and should never transgress His orders.
(Also think:) "Whatever is in my fate I shall get and
I should not crave more." Whatever worldly work
He thinks is proper, He will do for you. Please have
no anxiety. He is always with you. This should be
your feeling.
* * * *
46. I was happy to receive your letter. It was
well written. You mentioned therein that Chanan
Singh's disease has been contracted by you because you
permitted him to use your clothes. Well, do not
worry about it. Do your Bhajan and Simran, and
you will get well. It was ordained in this manner and
it was beyond your power to avoid it.
You know all this very well, then why do you not
take proper precaution? You forget intentionally.
Please be careful in future. Grace will come to you.
You have asked for forgiveness and you have been
I have warned you a number of times that nothing
should be put to your personal use unless it comes out
of your own earnings. It appears that you have
begun looking beyond your just dues and are accepting
eatables offered to you. I suspect it and it should not
be so. This is very, very improper and should never
be done. Otherwise, you are the master of your
own actions.
If a non-Satsangi brings anything to the Dera
for distribution, I do not feel like distributing it. I
and you are one; therefore why should you not feel
If anyone offers a present to you, it should be
unreal and all the things that there are in it are unreal,
including our own body. You should carry on in
this world, knowing it to be unreal. Whatever we
think and do while dreaming, seems real at the time;
but when the dream is over, we know that it was false
or unreal. Similarly, all the business of the world
is false or unreal. Never be really attached to it.
Your true attachment should be in the Shabd Dhun,
and have a firm faith in the words of the Satguru and
know that they are true words. Also, while attending
to your official duties or going about or sitting or
sleeping, at all times go on doing your Simran mentally
and Huzur Din Dayal Radha Swami Anami Purush
will look after your spiritual as well as your worldly
You already have the merit of Darshan. When
you come here, I shall tell you everything. I am
however telling you a few things now: When you sit
in Simran all alone, dwell upon the words of the Sat
Guru and at the same time do the Simran (repeat the
five Holy Names). Meditate upon the form of the
Master. Then you will have Darshan. Then put
your 'surat' and 'nirat' firmly in the Shabd Dhun.
You will have Darshan, but there should be complete
love and faith.
* * * *
111. And do your Bhajan and Simran every day.
You should also hold Satsang. Carry on your official
duties too, but also find time for Bhajan and Simran,
and never forget death at any time. And always
remember the words of the Sat Guru. Our 'Home'
is beyond Alakh and Agam. We have to go there by
riding the Shabd Dhun. That is our Light. It is the
reflection of that Light which keeps the entire world
fore, fix your 'surat' and 'nirat' and 'nij man', with devo-
tion, in the Shabd Dhun. If you listen for ten minutes,
or five minutes, or four minutes, or two minutes, or
even one minute, with love and devotion, millions of
sins and obstacles will be removed. And after being
purified, and testing and distinguishing the note of the
Dhun, you will merge into it and enjoy the Bliss. (You
will know which note to by-pass and which one to
merge into).
In this very life you will reach Sach Khand, but
you should not hasten, please. Whenever you are
free from government duty, you should not waste your
time even a little, nor fritter away the attention of
your 'chit' (mind stuff, memory, inner attention), for
this time will not come to you again, even for a minute
and we have to carve a place for ourselves in the Shabd
Dhun while we are still in this body.
Please, never forget the inner devotion or attach-
ment of 'surat', 'nirat' and 'nij man' (to the Shabd).
It does not interfere in worldly duties. There is ample
time for 'parmarth' (spiritual work), and it has to be
done, please. At the end of our life no worldly thing
will be of any avail to us. Only Nam Dhun and the
words of the Sat Guru will help us.
During the month of Bhadron (August), early on a
Friday morning, Baba Ji called His younger brother,
Jiwan Singh, and said that all the worldly work of their
family had now been completed satisfactorily. He
then asked if they required anything else. Jiwan
Singh replied that now all they wanted was Sat Sangat;
namely, the continuance of Satsang and Spiritual
Guidance. Baba Ji told him that Dan Singh (another
brother of Baba Ji Maharaj), who was a close disciple
of Huzur Swami Ji Maharaj, through His Daya Mehr
(Grace), had also made a similar request.
Baba Ji then called Bibi Inder Kaur (His sister-
in-law) and asked her to demand anything she desired.
Bibi Inder Kaur requested that she desired nothing
except to remain with Him. Baba Ji told her that
she should try to contact Shabd Dhun and continued,
During the same month, on a Thursday, one
Sadhu Satsangi told Baba Ji that he was not prepared
to accept anybody as Guru in His place. Baba Ji
replied, "You people are not worthy of any Saviors."
Then one Satsangi requested Baba Ji for Spiritual
Enlightenment. Baba Ji said that very few people
were able to understand the greatness of the ten Sikh
Gurus. Nevertheless, whosoever, during their life-
time, was able to recognize the ten Gurus as Sant Sat
Gurus was made worthy of complete Salvation and
was released from the "wheel of eighty-four".
Baba Ji continued: "Similarly and very rarely
have people recognized me as Sant Satguru." He
further stated that whoever is appointed by a Sant
Satguru in His lifetime, to be His Successor, is in fact
the Sarup (Form) of the Sant Satguru Himself.
Baba Ji related that the Guru whom He appointed
in His place would have greater personality and dis-
tinction, adding, "I have only partially revealed
myself. He will become widely manifest. I tried to
accommodate everyone, but He will not have Spiritual
On a Sunday morning sometime late in November
1903, about one month before His death, Baba Ji
said, while sitting in Satsang, "My work in this
world has now been fully completed. The surat
(soul) now does not feel inclined to come down and is
very keen to remain in higher regions. The day before
yesterday it was in Sahansdal Kanwal, yesterday in
Trikuti, and today it is in Daswandwar. It wishes to
soar further up and has no intention to come down."
Baba Ji further stated, "Before sitting in Bhajan,
please recapitulate the rive regions and repeat the five
Names. Today all the Satsangis should have been
present here because I have received the orders from
Huzur Din Dayal Swami Ji Maharaj to give full and
•complete description of all the regions to each and
every Satsangi."
Following this, Baba Ji said, "All Satsangis should
now listen attentively. It is the^Hukm (Order) of
Swami Ji Maharaj that every Satsangi must remember
the secrets of the regions up to Alakh, Agam and
About twenty-four or twenty-five days before His
death, while Baba Ji Maharaj was sitting with a few
Satsangis and was giving a general talk on Parmarth,
one Satsangi suddenly got up and inquired of Baba
Ji when He intended to cast off this physical body.
Baba Ji said that He would go on the 14th Poh (28th
December during the night, but actually during the
early hours of the 29th morning), but that Bibi Rukko
was not to be told anything about it because she easily
gets upset and perturbed. Baba Ji stated, "I have
been telling Bibi indirectly for the last four years that
I shall soon be leaving. I have to go to the Silpli
Dweep (an internal plane). Swami Ji's orders in this
respect are final and the 'hansas' (evolved souls)
residing there are waiting, as I have orders to take
them up."
Baba Ji further said that whoever remains within
the orders of the Satguru attains True Salvation, and
that the Satsangis should now remain within the orders
of Babu Sawan Singh. Baba Ji repeated that He had
the final Hukm (Orders) to go to Silpli Dweep.
About twelve days before the death of Baba Ji
Maharaj, Bibi Rukko reminded Him that He had
stated sometime back that there should be six Successors
(Masters) to carry out the work after Him. Baba Ji
replied that such was His intention some years ago,
when He still lived in His own village, Ghoman. He
said, "Now it is Swami Ji's Will that there should
be only one Master here, after Him, and that He will
be Babu Sawan Singh Ji."
Baba Ji had ordered Milkhi Ram of Mithapur to
come to the Dera every Sunday. The night that Baba
Ji was to leave His mortal coil, Bibi Rukko begged Him
to take her along with Him. Baba Ji told her that
she had yet to do a good deal of His work and that she
should not be sad. He assured her that Swami Ji had
been requested that she may always be with Them
(Swami Ji Maharaj and Baba Ji Maharaj).
On Swami Ji's Birthday, Bhai Hira Singh of
Village Jalowal and Bhai Sant Singh of Village Balsarai
(both very near the Dera) called at the Dera and asked
Bibi Rukko to request Baba Ji Maharaj that both of
them should be permitted to remain with Him. This
message was duly conveyed by her to Baba Ji, who
said, "How can they remain with me? They have yet
to do a good deal of our work in this world. They
have both considered me as something more than a
mere man. They had made this request previously
in Ghoman also. I wish to redeem their entire families.
They cannot understand the Mauj (Will) of the Saints.
However, I shall take Bhai Hira Singh with me very
soon, through my own spiritual Power, because he is
my associate from previous births. Bhai Hira Singh
had also made the request that his entire family should
be parmarthis.
Bhai Hira Singh then said that he had been greatly
benefited by Baba Ji Maharaj's Satsangs and it was his
humble request that Satsang should be continued as at
present, and that Baba Ji Maharaj should always be
there to give the discourse. Baba Ji replied, "I shall
be with you in my Shabd Sarup, and Satsang will
also continue as at present. Swami Ji Maharaj will
himself give you refuge in your last moments."
NOTE: Actually, at the time of Bhai Hira Singh's death, he had
said that his soul was soaring up and that Baba Ji Maharaj
was with him and calling him to come immediately to his
Real Home.
(This is listed as letter No. 2 under the heading
of "Extracts from Letters from Bibi Rukko", on the
following pages.)
A number of people calling themselves Satsangis
of Beas come here and are permitted to stay in Soami
Bagh. We are not sure if their statements are always
correct. Kindly inform your Satsangis that whosoever
wishes to visit Soami Bagh should take a letter of
introduction from an authorised person at your end.
I write this because there have been two or three
cases previously of impersonation.
8th January, 1936
My most revered and exalted Sri Huzur Sardar
Sahib, may your protecting hand ever remain over us.
With folded hands, I implore you to accept
Radhaswami Salutations offered in all humility at your
Sacred Feet. I felt greatly honoured to have received
your most gracious letter.
This servant of yours has a longing, more intense
than your good self, to have your Darshan. If I
were fit enough to bear the strain of the journey, I
should have myself come to you. Owing to extreme
weakness, however, I regret my inability and helpless-
ness to present myself. Kind hearted and generous as
you are, please condescend to visit this place and
oblige me. On Basant Panchmi, the 28th January,
ATMA—Soul; spirit.
ATMANAND—Spiritual Bliss.
ATMA PAD—Spirit pole or region; esoterically, the third Spiritual
Region—Daswandwar—where the soul is rid of all its coverings
or fetters and shines in its own effulgence.
ATMA TATTWA—Spiritual essence; soul.
AVYAKRITA—Unmanifested; one of the three forms of Brahm.
AWAGAWAN—Coming and going; birth and death.
DAYA MEHR—Mercy and Grace.
DERA—Camp or Colony. In this book the name refers to the
Radha Swami Colony, situated on the banks of the River Beas,
in the Punjab.
DERA BABA JAIMAL SINGH—P.O. address of Radha Swami
Colony Beas.
DESH—Region; country; territory; realm.
DEV LOK—Region of the gods.
DEVAS OR DEVTAS—Literally, "shining ones"; personifications of
the forces of Nature; gods.
DHAM—Abode; region; home; place.
DH AN—Wealth.
DHANI—Rich; wealthy; owner; esoterically, Lord of various inner
Spiritual Regions.
DHARAM RAI—King Judge; Divine Accountant, who administers
reward or punishment after death, according to the karmas of
the souls. However, the Initiated soul is not under his juris-
diction because the Master Himself takes care of the soul, and
He tempers Justice with Mercy.
DHARAMSALAS—Hindu and Sikh temples; free guest houses
endowed by religious bodies.
DHARMA—Duty, religious or moral.
DHUN—Sound; manifestation of Shabd; Inner Sound; synonymous
with Shabd or Word; a particular tune or melody.
DHUNDHUKAR—Misty chaos.
DHUNYATMAK—Inexpressible, Primal Sound, which cannot be
spoken or written, nor can it be heard with the physical ears.
DHUNYATMIK NAM—Another name for Shabd; see Nam.
DHYAN—Contemplation; a form of spiritual practice; attention;
esoterically, beholding the form of the Master within.
DIN DAYAL—Din means humble; Dayal means merciful; hence,
merciful to the humble.
DRISHT—Sight; view.
DRISHTI—A special gaze or glance bestowed by the Satguru.
DUKH—Affliction; pain; suffering; hardship; sorrow.
DURBAR OR DARBAR—Court; usually means the court of kings;
hall of audience.
LAC—Gum or resin.
LAGMATRA—Dot or dash.
LAKH, LAKSH OR LAC—One hundred thousand.
LAKHS—Plural of lakh.
LANGAR—Free community kitchen. See Radha Soami Satsang
LOBH—Greed; avarice.
LOGOS—Same as Shabd.
LOK OR LOKA—Region; world.
MAHA—Great; supreme.
MAHA AKASH—Great Heaven; Great Sky; the Sky above Trikuti.
MAHA MAYA—See Shakti.
MAHA NAD—Literally, Great Sound; the Primal Word or Shabd.
MAHARAJ—Literally, Great King; a title of respect.
MAHA PURUSH—Supreme Lord.
MAHA SUNN—Great Vaccuum; the region of intense darkness,
situated above Sunn or Daswandwar proper and below Bhan-
wargupha. It is really one of the six great spiritual regions,
but is never referred to by the Saints because the disciples are
not to dwell upon it, for their own protection. It can be crossed
only with the help of the Master. Hence, though there are six
great spiritual regions, only five are named as such in Sant
Mat literature, and this one is included in the five without
mentioning it as a separate region. Therefore, Daswandwar
is really Sunn and Maha Sunn, respectively, from below
MAHATMA—Great Soul; also applied to highly spiritual persons.
MAI JI—Grandmother; an affectionate term for any elderly lady.
MALIK—Lord; Master; Possessor; Owner.
MAN (pronounced 'mun')—Mind.
MANDAL—Circle; orb; sphere.
MANDIR—Temple; a building.
MANMUKH—Literally, facing the mind; that is, he who obeys the
RADHA—Primal soul.
Supreme Lord God. Swami literally means Lord, and Radha
means soul—hence, it means "Lord of the Soul".
COLONY, BEAS—The Colony was founded in the year 1891
by Param Sant Baba Jaimal Singh Ji and is named Dera Baba
Jaimal Singh in the sacred memory of the illustrious Saint.
It is conveniently situated on the west bank of the River Beas,
in the eye center and has gone up to the Agya center (the first
Spiritual Region), which condition is known as Turiya, and
one is as dead to the world but wide awake within.
SWAMI—Literally, Lord; the Supreme Lord; Supreme Creator;
esoterically, the Lord of the eighth and Highest Spiritual
Region; the name is also applied to the Sound Current, the
Original Shabd and the Real Home; it is also a title given to
religious teachers.
SWAMI JI—The Great Saint and Founder of what is now known
as the Radha Swami Faith, Science and Philosophy. His real
name was Seth Shiv Dayal Singh. See Radha Swami Dayal.
SWAMI SAGAR—Literally, Ocean of the Lord; name given to the
well, which was started by Baba Ji in 1897 and completed by
Him in 1898, at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, and is still used in the
Colony, for drinking water.
SWARATH—Worldly duties; worldly work.