Kenneth E Hagin - Leaflet - The Individual's Faith

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The key takeaways are that it is the individual's faith that activates God's healing power, faith has not been done away with, and maintaining one's healing requires resisting the devil and standing on God's word.

The story is about a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years and had spent all her money on doctors but got no better. When she heard about Jesus, she believed that if she just touched his clothes she would be healed, and she was. Jesus said it was her faith that had healed her.

The author struggled because he had been raised to believe that faith healing was not for today, but God spoke to him and showed him from Mark 5:34 that it was the woman's faith, not Jesus', that healed her. He realized faith had not been done away with.

The Individuals Faith

by Kenneth Hagin

been r a i s e d in a denomination
did not teach that these
And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,
were for us now. About
And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had,
the best teaching I had heard
and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus,
came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
was that God could heal if He
wanted to. But then every time
For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.
I would get hold of a pretty
good scripture which seemed to
And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body
that she was healed of that plague.
encourage me, the devil was
there to remind me of what I'd
And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue (or power) had gone out of him,
been taught and heard preached
turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
all my life. He would whisper
And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, into my e a r , "Well yes, but you
Who touched me?
are one of those that it is not
His will to heal. After all, that
And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.
has really been done away with
for today. That's just something
But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her,
came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
God could do by a sovereign act
of Hisif He wills."
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace,
One day, however, as I was
and be whole of thy plague.
meditating on the s c r i p t u r e s ,
the Spirit of God spoke to me.
Mark 5:25-34
Down on the inside of me, in my
spirit, something ( r e a l l y s o m e
one, the Holy Spirit) said, "Did
you notice in Mark 5:34 concerning the woman
tJLsus said, "Thy faith hath made thee whole."
with the issue of blood that J e s u s said to her,
It was not J e s u s ' faith. It was not someone
'Daughter thy faith has made thee whole,' and that
e l s e ' s faith. It was h e r faith. He was anointed
it was her faith that healed h e r ? "
with healing power and this power went out of
Lying flat on my back on the bed, I answered
Him, when she touched Him, and healed h e r .
But He said, "Your faith did it."
right out loud because it startled me, "No, I
didn't notice that."
It is not J e s u s ' faith that gives action to the
healing power with which He is anointed. It is
With difficulty, because my a r m s and hands
the faith of the individual who comes to receive
were partially paralyzed, I managed to thumb
healing which gives action to that power. And,
back a few pages in the Bible, which someone had
though he is anointed with it, that healing power
opened and laid in front of me, to that place in the
is inactive and is passive until faith is exercised.
Gospel of Mark and I read the whole story again.
When I got to the 34th v e r s e , I read where Jesus
I had quite a struggle with this v e r s e of
scripture (Mark 5:34) the first time I r e a d it
said, "Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole.
back in 1933. I was on the bed of affliction, given
Go in peace and be whole of thy plague."
up to die by medical science. My body was
Right out loud I said, " T h a t ' s right! I hadn't
practically totally paralyzed. I suffered with two
noticed that. Her faith made her whole."
serious organic heart troubles, an incurable
Then on the inside of me this question was
blood d i s e a s e , and my body had wasted away
asked, "Did you ever hear anybody say that faith
until I only weighed 89 pounds.
has been done away with?"
After a time of thinking and meditation I
As I read the s c r i p t u r e s I began to see a few
answered, "No, I have never heard anyone say
glimpses of light here and there on faith and
healing. But the struggle came because I had
that faith has been done away with."
Published by the Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Ass'n.
Post Office Box 50126, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150

And then that still small inward voice said,

(I know now it was in my s p i r i t and that the HolySpirit was speaking to me) "No, and you never
will. For if faith has been done away with, then
nobody is saved today because Ephesians 2:8
s a y s , ' F o r by grace a r e ye saved through faith;
and that not of y o u r s e l v e s : it is the gift of God.'
T h e r e f o r e , if faith has been done away with, t h e r e
is nobody saved, t h e r e is no church, and t h e r e
a r e no believers today."
" T h a t ' s right. Faith could not have been done
away with," I agreed.
Then that inward voice said, "If faith has
not been done away with, and that woman's
faith made her whole, then your faith can make
you whole."
I was on my way! I didn't have to find some
definite p r o m i s e in the Bible that said, "Yes, it
is God's will to heal you." I just knew then that
God honored faith and if h e r faith could bring
healing to h e r , my faith could bring healing to m e !
Did you know that in most of the incidents of
healing r e c o r d e d in the New Testament, the faith
of the individual is spoken of? T h e r e a r e some
exceptions of special manifestations of God b e
cause God is a sovereign Being and as long as
He does not make Himself out a liar by violat
ing His Word, He can do anything He wants to
do. But most of the t i m e , even in the four
Gospels, the faith of the individual is spoken of.
T h e r e a r e nineteen specific c a s e s recorded in
the four Gospels of J e s u s healing individuals.
Individuals such as the woman with the issue of
blood, such as J a i r u s ' daughter, such as the two
blind men who followed Him as He went from
J a i r u s ' house, such a s the centurion who came
on behalf of his s e r v a n t , e t c . In twelve of the
nineteen c a s e s , the faith of the individual is
spoken of. Like J e s u s said h e r e , "Daughter,
your faith did it."
In one set of surroundings, we have t h r e e
outstanding c a s e s of healing. And in every single
c a s e , the faith of the individual, or the faith of
the one who came on the p a r t of another is
spoken of. For instance, J a i r u s could believe for
his daughter because she was in his household,
a little daughter, about 12 y e a r s of age; so it
was his responsibility.
J a i r u s , a r u l e r in the synagogue, came to J e s u s
when He landed at Capernaum and said, "My
little daughter lies at home sick, at the point of
death. (Notice his faith in operation.) Come and
lay thy hands on her, that she m a y b e healed; and
she shall live."
J e s u s was on His way to lay His hands on her
when the woman interrupted, reached in through
the crowd, touched His clothes and was healed.

Being momentarily detained, folks came from

J a i r u s ' house and said, "Don't trouble the Master
any longer, your little daughter is already dead."
But even then, J e s u s turned to J a i r u s and said,
"Be not afraid, only believe"
(Mark 5:36).
If you r e a d between the lines He said to him,
"You had faith to meet me when we landed, when
you said, 'My little daughter is at the point of
death. Come and lay your hands on her that she
may be healed.' Now don't fear. Just keep on
believing." Isn't that what He is saying? Only
believe. Only believe. J e s u s is encouraging him
to faith.
J e s u s went on to J a i r u s ' house, took the little
maiden by the hand and spoke to hershe came
back from the dead and was healed!
As J e s u s left J a i r u s ' house, two blind men
followed Him, crying and saying, "Thou son of
David, have m e r c y on u s . " When He was come
into the house, they came to him and He asked
them a question, "Believe ye that I am able to
do t h i s ? " And they said, "Yes, Lord." Then He
touched their eyes. (Yes, He laid hands upon
them.) But when He did, He said to them,
"According to your faith be it unto you." Their
eyes were opened!
(See Matthew 9:27-31.)
Here we see three outstanding healings which
happened in a short period of t i m e . One on the
way to J a i r u s ' house, one at J a i r u s ' house, and
the other on the way back from J a i r u s ' house.
One was nigh unto deathwho did actually die.
One involved a disease of twelve y e a r s standing
which doctors had given up on. The other was
a case of blindness. But in all of these c a s e s ,
faith prevailed!
You cannot simply lay down one method and
say, "This is the method by which you are going
to r e c e i v e from God." But you can preach the
Word of Godbecause God's Word always works!
I was holding a meetinjyjn Ea.st_T_Rxas several
y e a r s ago and the pastor asked me to go with
him to talk with a lady who was bedfast. She
was born again, filled with the Spirit, a member
of a Full Gospel church and she had internal
cancer, a terminal c a s e . The doctors had given
her six months to live and most of that time
was gone.
(I always endeavor to stay open to the Spirit
of God because I ha^e had some remarkable
manifestations along this line, as the Spirit wills;
not as I will. I had come up against some cancer
c a s e s that were special manifestations. They
were given up to die, t e r m i n a l c a s e s . Suddenly
in ministering to them I was in the Spirit and
I saw the spirit that oppressed their body and
commanded him to leave. Instantly they were
wel and went back to the same doctors who,

after running tests on them, could not find any

t r a c e of the cancer. The person I'm thinking
of now, after nineteen y e a r s , i s still alive and
But just because that person was
healed that way i s no sign every person could

Six months later (I like to check up on

some of these cases) the Full Gospel pastor
c o r r o b r a t e d the fact that she had gone back to
the large city to the cancer clinics where they
had run t e s t s on h e r and were absolutely

be successfully ministered to in that way. If

amazed and even willing to sign an affidavit,

the Lord doesn't give me a word, then I can't

minister other than through the Word of God.)
I entered her r o o m and began to talk to
her about faith. "Well now, Brother Hagin,
I know I am saved and filled with the Holy
Ghost and if I die, I'm ready for heaven so
I'm not worried about it anyway. But just to
be honest about it, I'm looking for somebody
to heal m e . "
"Some man?"
"No man is going to heal you. Jesus might
heal yorrthrough some man, but no man is going
to heal you."
Those were the days of the great healing
revivals. At the close of World War II and on
through the 1950's t h e r e were great healing
revivals and tent meetings going everywhere.
I guess just about everybody had prayed for this
woman, however, she was none the better but
r a t h e r grew worse. She told me she had tried
all these men and they had not healed h e r and
now she wanted to t r y m e .
"I don't mind telling you at all, I can't
heal you and I don't have any particular leading
or manifestations of the Spirit at the moment
so the only thing I can do is tell you what the
Word of God says."
"Oh well," she said, "if I'm supposed to
believe something, you'd just a s well forget
Of course, you know as well as I do, she
Not long afterwards I was preaching in
t h e western p a r t of the state of Texas and I
met another lady with terminal c a n c e r . It
was identically the s a m e kind of c a s e . Not
only that, but this woman was born again,
filled with the Spirit and a member of the same
Full Gospel denomination as the other woman.
She had been sent to the l a r g e r cities to
cancer clinics, but the doctors there had just
sent her back home to die. I didn't have any
special manifestations of the Spirit, God didn't
tell me to do anything, so we began to talk
about faith. I simply talked to her about the
Word of God and faith in God's Word. Now the
other woman had said, "If I'm expected to b e
lieve anything, just forget it." But this woman
began to take hold of it, p r a i s e God, and was
perfectly healed!

when nobody asked them to, that she was in

this condition. They weren't opposed to Divine
healing. She told them what had happened and
they were thrilled that she was healed. They
said, "One thing we know, you were there and
now you a r e well. Every test i s negative."
Somebody who didn't know the details could
have said, "These two women were m e m b e r s of
the s a m e denomination. They were born again,
Spirit-filled people. I wonder why God healed one
of them and God wouldn't heal the other?"
It i s not a matter of God healing one and
"wouldn't" heal the other! Our text said, "Daugh
t e r , your faith has made you whole."
One of them said, "If I'm supposed to believe
anything, forget it."
The other one began to take hold of God's
Word and said, "Yes, I'll act on God's Word."
She received it joyfully and that made the dif
ference .
Once I took a Full Gospel church as pastor
and my wife and I had been t h e r e only about
t h r e e months when one of the ladies of our,
congregation came to the parsonage and wanted
to talk to m e . She had some questions. She had
just been saved in a meeting I'd held at the
church before becoming pastor but h e r mother
and some of h e r relatives had been in that
church for a number of y e a r s .
She began, "Excluding me, because I'm just a
new Christian, but I don't believe there a r e any
m o r e faithful Christians than Mama and some of
the others in our family. T h e r e is no one more
consecrated, dedicated and separated unto God.
And I don't c a r e if she is my mother, there isn't
anybody m o r e spiritual than Mama."
I agreed with h e r . I considered her mother
to be the most spiritual person in that church.
And to be honest with you even now I still con
sider h e r mother to be the most spiritual person
I've ever m e t .
She went on, "My husband's family was
exactly the opposite of my m o t h e r ' s family. They
were saved and filled with the Spirit and belong
ed to the s a m e Full Gospel Church, but they
Oh, they were good people, good citizens. They
wouldn't tell a lie for anything in the world. They
would let you cut their heads off before they would
tell a lie o r commit a sin, that they knew of, of
commission. But they a r e full of sins of omission.
(You know the Bible says to him that knoweth to

do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin

(James 4:17). In all the 23 y e a r s they lived
here they'd just come to church when they felt
like i t . If they didn't feel like it, they wouldn't
come. And other than my husband, they wouldn't
support the church. If they felt like it they would

He made this statement regarding forgive

ness immediately after He said, "...What things
soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye
receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark

put in something If they didn't they wouldn't.

is someone you won't forgive.

They may be out for three months and never even

make a s e r v i c e .
"Now here i s my question. Over a 23 year
period if any of my m o t h e r ' s family, who a r e true
to God, consecrated, dedicated and faithful in
every wayif Mama or any of us ever got healed,
I don't know it. We'd always wind up going to the
hospital, being operated on or dying (a couple of
them had died prematurely). But now, my
husband's family, if any of them ever failed to get
healed over a 23 year period, I don't know it.
They always got healed. They never failed to
get healed."
The husband's family were not a s good
Christians a s the other family. They were
Christians, but not as good Christians. You
don't get healed, however, because you a r e a
good Christian. And you surely don't get healed
because you a r e a bad Christian. There i s
something else involved h e r e .
Her question was, "Why?How come?"
I said to her, "Sister, I couldn't answer you
and definitely say 'this is the reason' unless God
revealed it to m e . But, knowing the Bible I
could give you a few general reasons.Without
knowing your husband's family, other than
knowing him, I would s a y that they had two
outstanding c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . One, they were
quick to repent and forgive. And the other, they
were quick to believe."
Believing has a p a r t . J e s u s said, "Daughter,
thy faith has made thee whole" (Mark 5:34).
Jesus said to the two blind men, "According
to your faith be it unto you" (Matthew 9:29).
Jesus said to J a i r u s , "Be not afraid, only
believe" (Mark 5:36).
J e s u s said to the centurion who came to
Him on behalf of his servant, "Go thy way, and
as thou hast believed, so be it done unto you"
(Matthew 8:13).
Jesus said to the man who met Him a s He
came down off the Mount of Transfiguration on
behalf of his son, who was lunatic and suffered
from s e i z u r e s , "If thou canst believe all things
are possible to him that believeth" (Mark 9:23).
So believing must play an important part!
And secondly, in connection with prayer and
faith and believing, J e s u s makes a very out
standing statement, "And when ye stand praying,
forgive. .." (Mark 11:25).

So you s e e , that's why I knew that if these

people always received healing , even though
they weren't the best Christians in the world,
they must m e a s u r e up on these two points
for it to work. And when I said that without
knowing them I would say they had two outstanding
c h a r a c t e r i s t s (1) quick to repent and believe and
(2) quick to forgive, that woman's eyes got almost
as big as s a u c e r s . She said, "Brother Haginyou
hit the nail right on the head."
(I h a d n ' t , the Bible had. I had just told her
what the Bible says and the Bible does hit the
nail on the head.)
She went on, "I know you don't know any of
my husband's family except him. But I believe
they were the quickest people to repent of any
body I've ever seen. If they even thought, they
wouldn't wait to be s u r e , that you had something
against them or that they had offended you or
hurt you or sinned against you in any way, and
they thoroughly meant it, they were the quickest
people you've ever seen to come and ask you to
forgive them and to repent of it.
"I believe some of them could be out of
church for months, in about a half-way back
slidden condition and they could come and get
in the altar and repent the fastest and believe
God the quickest of anybody I've ever seen in
my lifetime."
(There is something about that which pleases
God. No, it did not please God the people had
sinned o r failed, but there is something about
repenting when you see you have failed and
something about believing God that does please
"But now," she continued, "you take Mama and
u s . W e ' r e the type that if we thought somebody
had done us wrong or sinned against us or offend
ed u s , we'd forgive them all right if they would
sort of get down before us and lick our feet. But it
would take us a little while to do it. We'd want
to make them suffer a little and hold them in
suspension before we did. And when it came to
believingit would take u s forever almost to
believe anything."
She had the answer to h e r own question.
Someone in the church might have said,
"I don't understand. Here is this fine outstanding
Christian family and they don't ever get healed.
And here is this other family, members of the

11:24). He infers that prayer and faith won't

w o r k if t h e r e i s u n f o r g i v n e s s in y o u r life; if t h e r e

same church, who a r e Christians all right but not

the finest and best as they should be and they
always get healed. Why?"
A p e r s o n might have some of the ' r o b e s of
righteousness' to don on the outside, but on the
inside he might be like a sepulcher full of dead
man's bones. You can't see that.
Someone might have seemed to be repentant
when actually the only thing they were s o r r y
about was that they were caught. They were not
really repenting because they had done wrong.
There is a difference between the two. But
God s e e s .
You can see people's physical actions, but
you cannot see the s p i r i t of man. And faith
is of the heart and of the spirit. It is s p i r i t u a l faith or heart-faith that counts. "For with the
heart man believeth...." (Romans 10:10).
Let me repeat this statement of Smith
Wigglesworth's, " T h e r e is something about
believing God that will cause Him to p a s s over
a million people just to get to you."
Looking again at the woman with the issue
of blood l e t ' s examine her faith in action. J e s u s
said, "Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole"
(Mark 5:34). But notice that she had said
e a r l i e r as recorded in the 28th v e r s e , "If I
may but touch His clothes I shall be whole."
What she said was her faith speaking. What
you say is your faith speaking.
Let me repeat it again. I keep saying it
and I'm going to keep on saying it, "What you
say is your faith speaking."
Your confessions of faith fix the landmarks
of your life. You will never receive or r e a l i z e
in your life beyond your faith.
Oh y e s , you can be helped t e m p o r a r i l y through
someone e l s e ' s faith. Someone else can even
get an answer* for you. Someone e l s e , through
faith, sometimes can even get healing for you.
But sooner or later you a r e going to be back
on your own.
A number of y e a r s ago, I was preaching
in Oklahoma, and one church from about 35
miles away would bring a busload to the weeknight s e r v i c e s . F r o m that congregation, a gentle
man in his 70's who was totally deaf without a
hearing aid and whom the doctors didn't give
long to live due to a heart condition and another
very s e r i o u s condition, was instantly healed.
Instantly, both of the m a n ' s e a r s were opened
and he could hear a watch tick out of either
ear. All other symptoms also left him.
We ran this meeting s e v e r a l weeks. That
church kept coming but he didn't always make
it. As I got up to preach one night, I looked
out into the center section and right on the

second seat from the front sat this man,

wearing his hearing aid. Well I knew that
two weeks before and afterwards, for he had
been in some s e r v i c e s , the man was all right.
Everybody talked to him in normal tones.
T h e r e is a reason things don't work and
I like to find out why. L e t ' s find the reason,
c o r r e c t it and then w e ' r e all right. This had
worked for this man. He was healed. But yet,
two weeks later he came right back to the same
meeting wearing his hearing aid. He'd lost
his healing.
Some little fellow who was about two inches
narrow between his e a r s said, "Well no, he
wasn't healed. If he'd been healed, he would
have always been healed."
Well, for days people could talk to him and he
heard everything. After hands were laid on him
in the name of J e s u s , he could hear a whisper,
he could hear a watch tick out of either e a r . Also
previously, due to his balancing apparatus, he
could not walk or stand up by himself. He had to
have a cane' and much of the time somebody had
to help him. All of those symptoms disappeared
and they did not come back. He had no more
trouble balancing even though doctors had said
he would never be able to walk by himself. The
heart trouble was gone. He didn't lose healing
in those a r e a s . But he did lose healing in his
e a r s and now he could not hear.
So, when I got up and saw him there, before
I preached, I said, "Aren't you the fellow who
came down from 35 miles away and was healed?"
He couldn't hear me even with his hearing
aid. His daughter spoke up and said, "Yes,
h e ' s the one."
"What happened?" I asked.
She said, "Well he lost his healing. That
is, he lost the healing of the e a r s , the hearing."
"Bring him up h e r e , I want to talk to him."
He could not hear a word I was saying. She
had to turn and shake him to eet him up t h e r e .
I shouted to him, "I thought you received
your healing?"
He shouted back, "I thought I did too."
"What happened?"
"I can't hardly hear now with a hearing
aid. I'm worse than I ever was. But after you
laid hands on me, my e a r s were opened. I
heard a watch tick. In fact, for about ten
days I was perfectly all right. Never heard
any better in my life. My daughter tested me
at home about four or five days after I was
healed. She stood behind me and dropped an
ordinary straight pin on a linoleum floor and
I could hear it hit the floor."
That's pretty keen hearing.

Then, as I said, some little old fellow

about one-half inch n a r r o w between his e a r s
said, "Why you know if the man was ever
healed, he would always have been healed. If
God does it, i t ' s always done. He just didn't
get healed."
Here was a man with deafness of seven y e a r s
standing who couldn't h e a r it thunder without a
hearing aid. After hands were laid on him in the
name of J e s u s , his e a r s were opened and he was
hearing keenly. You know he was healed! How else
could he have heard for ten days? I asked him if
there was any time in the seven year period that
he had ever been able to h e a r . He said that t h e r e
was not.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"Well," he said, "in our little town when they
put up the mail at the post office they close all
the windows because they only have one or two
c l e r k s . Some of us fellows know about when the
mail comes in and we stand around there talking
waiting for them to put it up. About ten days after
I received my healing I was standing there and
suddenly, like you had snapped your finger, m y
hearing left me; a s though I was wearing a
hearing aid and you had turned it off. I couldn't
hear a thing. It went off for about a minute or
two. Then it came back on. All day that day
there would be intervals every two or three hours
that it would suddenly go off. Then it would come
back. I didn't think much of jt, but the next day,
in identically the same place in the post office,
at about 10 o'clock in the morning, waiting for
them to put up the mail, suddenly my hearing
went off. And all day long for five to ten minute
periods I couldn't h e a r a thing. But then it
would come back. The third day, standing in the
same place at the same time of day, my hearing
left me for an hour. An hour later it came back
on and stayed on until in the afternoon when it
left and never did come back. So I dug out this
old hearing aid and put it back on. Now then I
can't even hear as well with it as I could before.
I'm worse then I ever w a s . "
"What do you suppose happened?" I shouted
to him.
"I don't know. I thought the Lord healed me,
but I guess he didn't."
"Of course you were healed. How could you
have heard for ten days? Why a r e the other
conditions still gone? Do you know what h a p
"No, do you?"
"I surely do."
"Tell me then."
"The very first time your- hearing left you,
you were healed by my faith and by the faith

of this congregation; a mutual faith, a general

faith, a m a s s faith, as we all believed God. It
is e a s i e r in that kind of atmosphere to receive
something. But then when you got back up
there by yourself, you were on your own. Faith
has got a p a r t to play in t h i s . The minute
your hearing went off that first day you said,
"I thought the Lord healed m e . I guess He
"You must be a fortune teller or a mind
r e a d e r . T h a t ' s exactly what I s a i d . "
"No, I'm not telling your fortune or reading
your mind. I don't even have a revelation on it.
I just know you had to open the door for the
devil to come back in. Iknow that from the Bible.
When you said that, you opened the door and said,
'Come on back in Mr. Devil and put it back on
m e , ' and he obliged you. I'm going to minister
to you again."
The first night I ministered to him, immedi
ately a s I touched him, both e a r s were opened.
He was instantly healed. This time, however,
it took an hour before the e a r s were both opened
and he could hear perfectly. Then I taught him
for a little while about how that if you r e s i s t the
devil he will flee from you ( J a m e s 4:7). And
that if this thing tried to come back, how to
r e s i s t it.
I saw that same man ten y e a r s later when
I held a meeting in the same church. He was
then 82 y e a r s old and he came to the service
(I can prove this by hundreds of people) with
no hearing aid, and no crutch or cane. I talked
to him in normal tones. He had been healed
all of those y e a r s . He was still well at 82.
Still healed and not deaf at 82!
But do you know that would not have been so
had he not come back to the s e r v i c e and received
help and teaching as to what God's Word says.
He found out he had a part to play! Jesus said,
"Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole."
We can help people t e m p o r a r i l y . T e m p o r a r
ily, we had helped that fellow. But when he got
home he was on his own. However, when we
were able to talk to him and get faith into
him, he stood his ground, p r a i s e God, and
ten y e a r s later was still healed and no longer
deafable to maintain that which he had r e reived.
After you have received your healing, hold
fast to it. There is an enemy a r r a y e d against
you which will endeavor to rob you of that
which God has done for you. If Satan t r i e s to
come back and take it away from you, don't
let him do it. Hold your ground and say,
"No, Satan, you can't put that back on me."

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