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Un Word Family Lesson

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Design for Learning

Instructor: L. Donahoo
Lesson Title: The Word Family -un
Curriculum Area: English Language Arts

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher:

K/Mrs. Burton
Date: 11-17-15
Estimated Time: 15 minutes

Standards Connection: 40.) With guidance and support from adults, explore word
relationships. [L.K.5]
Learning Objective(s): Students will recognize words that are in the word family un,
such as fun, with no errors.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:
Today students we will do our best to show that we know words that are in the word
family un, such as fun.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
Students will be given words from different word families that represent feathers. They
will glue the correct word (feather) to the -un word family turkey.
Good morning friends! Last week Mrs. Burton talked about the ot word family didnt
she? Does anyone remember a word that ends in ot? Yes, pot! Well today we are going
to learn about a new word family! The teacher will hold up a card with -un to introduce
the new word family. Can you all help me read what our new word family is together?
Yes un! (Transition to teaching)
Learning Design:
I. Teaching: Like I said, today we are going to talk about a new word family! Were
going to learn about words that end in un. I have some words for us to go over. F-un,
everyone say it with me. F-un. Great job! S-un, again lets say it together. S-un. Okay,
can anyone think of another word that ends with un? Yes, run! All of those words
rhyme dont they? Words that rhyme are usually in the same word family, but not always.
Like the words ton or won rhymes with words in this word family but they really in the
on family.
II. Opportunity for Practice: Lets see if we can use what we have learned to make words!
I need some volunteers, who would like to help me out? Give me a thumbs up on your
chest! The teacher will call on eight students. Four students have cards that are the onset
of the words run, sun, fun and bun and the other four will have cards that are the rhyme
of those words. Okay, when I say the word that you have I want you to stand up here
with the rhyme of the word which is un. S-un, who has the word sun? Great job! You
can put your word together here on the pocket chart and sit down. What about r-un, who
has run? F-un, who has the word fun? Such a great job class! Last word b-un, who has
the word bun? Awesome guys! Lets say these words together. B-un, s-un, r-un, f-un.
III. Assessment:
Okay, before you go back to your seats, I want to show everyone what youre about to
work on. Can anyone tell me what holiday is coming up this week? Yes Thanksgiving!
What do you think about when you think about Thanksgiving? Yes turkey! Today we are
going to make a turkey with these feathers. Each feather has a word on it and a picture
of that word. Everyone will get one turkey and seven feathers. The feathers that you

glue to the turkey need to be in the un family. Words such as fun or sun are in the un
family. Does the word dog end in un? Would we glue that to our un word family
turkey? No we wouldnt! Youll only glue four feathers to your turkey and the other three
will be words that arent in the un word family. This is what it should look like class.
IV. Closure: Great job today guys! I cant wait to see everyones turkeys. Today we
talked about words that end in what? Yes, -un. Can anyone remind me of some words
that end in un? Give me a thumbs up on your chest if you have the answer. Thats right
fun ends with un. I need two more words that end in un, who can tell me one? Yes,
sun! Okay, someone tell me one last word that ends in un. Yes run ends in un! Such a
great job today class, Im so proud of all of you!
Materials and Resources:
Pocket Chart
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
For four students, I will write on the worksheet using a yellow marker the words that they
need to glue on the turkey.
Data Analysis:
I didnt use a rubric for this lesson, but watched the students as they worked on these and
checked them when they each turned them in. There were four students that I wrote the
words using a yellow marker on the turkey where they were supposed to glue those
letters. Two of these students still struggled and I asked them to sound out the words
with me and tell me if they think those were in the -un word family that we talked
about today. After a few tries they finally figured it out and understood that the end of
those words was what they were looking for, the rime of the word. Two other students
mixed up some of the words, but after I read the word family and I asked them if those
words rhymed with the other words they knew right away which word they should have
used. Over all the class had 75% on this worksheet which I was actually very happy
This was my last lesson to teach and my cooperating teacher observed me and it was
videoed. Therefore I feel like with all of those things it should have been the best lesson
that I have taught; yet it wasnt. I was very disappointed in the way that this lesson ended
up being presented. I should have chose something on my own instead of asking for
what Mrs. Burton thought I should have taught. I was extremely frustrated while I was
writing this lesson and finding things to put together for it and what words to use. There
were only a few words that I had to work with and I felt like my creativity didnt have
room to put together an exciting lesson like I really wanted to. I figured out an
assessment that I was really happy with, but over all there was not much to my lesson and

the content. I definitely know that I need help teaching word families, but I think this
was a good start. Over all, this lesson wasnt terrible, but she told me that she thought I
could have had the students be more involved and I agree. I definitely think that I could
have had them come to the front to put words together using the onset and the rime.
Every time I finish teaching a lesson I learn more about myself than I do the students. I
see what I need to work on and things I could have done better. Without a doubt that was
the case after this lesson. Patience is something I need to work on; because I wanted this
lesson to come together quicker than it did and eventually I decided I would just work
with what I had. It took me longer to write and make this worksheet than any of my other
lessons. But at the end of the day I know that I have to realize that the number one thing
I need to worry about is: Is this lesson going to enhance the students learning? And if I
do that then I will be set. Although as far as the assessment, I was very impressed on
how well they did.












Samford University
Design for Learning

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