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11.3 pmoles of an ideal gas are throttled per second from 9.2 psia to 6.4 psia.
What is the entropy change?
Ans. 2.162 BTU/sec-deg R
12.A turbine uses 100,000 lbm/hr of steam which enters with an enthalpy of
1400 BTU/lbm and essentially zero entrance velocity.
10,000 hp are
developed. The exit velocity of the steam is 500 fps. Expansion is adiabatic.
What is the exit enthalpy?
Ans. h2 = 1140.5 BTU/lbm
13.4 lbm/sec of steam enter a turbine with velocity of 65 ft/sec and enthalpy of
1350 BTU/lbm. The steam enters the condenser after being expanded to
1075 BTU/lbm and 125 ft/sec. The total heat loss from the turbine casing is
50 BTU/sec. What power is generated by this turbine?
Ans. 1500 hp
14.What is the enthalpy of water at 200 psia and 900 deg F?
Ans. 1476.2 BTU/lbm
15.What is the final enthalpy of steam which is expanded isentropically through
a turbine from 100 psia and 500 deg F (superheated) to 3 psia?
Ans. 1016.2 BTU/lbm
16.A 2 pound block of steel (c = 0.11 BTU/lbm-deg F) is removed from a furnace
and quenched in a 5 pound aluminum (c = 0.21 BTU/lbm-deg F) tank filled
with 12 pounds of water. The water and tank are initially in equilibrium at 75
deg F, and their temperature rises to 100 deg F after quenching. What is the
initial steel temperature?
Ans. 1583 deg F
17.What is the rms velocity of oxygen at 70 deg F?
Ans. 5.29 x 10-21 J/molecule
18.What is the average velocity of a nitrogen molecule at 20n deg C?
Ans. 470.5 m/sec
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