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Creative Chapter Assignment

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Creative Chapter Assignment

Directions: Please read the following carefully. Make sure you follow the rubric.
You will be writing a chapter that could be inserted into The Kite Runner.

This means it must relate to the text, be from

the point of view of Amir, and be written in a similar style. For example, you could talk more about Hassans life. You might
want to discuss what happens in Pakistan before Amir goes to the US or even what happens between 1976- 1981, when Amir
finally escapes Afghanistan. You could talk about the 15 years after Baba dies, but before Amir hears from Rahim Kahn.
The choice is yours - this is your chance to be creative!
Your chapter must include the following elements:

Be between 750 - 1000 words

Be written from Amirs point of view

Be written in the same style

Have a title

Be creative and relate to the text

Include a back cover review in 50 100 words in which you highlight which literary/stylistic/narrative/ thematic
features appear in your chapter
Criterion A: Content

Criterion B: Organization

Criterion C: Style & Language Mechanic

understand and analyse language,

content, structure, meaning and unseen
oral, written and visual texts?
compare and contrast works
analyse the effects of the authors
choices on an audience?
express an informed and independent
response to literary and non-literary texts?
compose pieces that apply appropriate
literary and/or non-literary features to
serve the context and intention?
apply language A terminology in
The student does not reach a standard

Create work that employs

organizational structures and languagespecific conventions throughout a
variety of text types?

use appropriate and varied register,

vocabulary and idiom?
use correct grammar and syntax?
use appropriate and varied sentence
use correct spelling/writing?
use language to narrate, describe, analyse,
explain, argue, persuade, inform, entertain
and express feelings?
use language accurately?

The student does not reach a standard

The student does not reach a standard

Very limited understanding of the text

and topic, and little or no awareness of
the authors choices. There is little or no
detail, development or support.
In creative work, pieces show very
limited imagination or sensitivity; the
student rarely employs literary features, or
employs literary and/or non- literary
features that do not serve the context or
The use of terminology is missing,
inconsistent and/or incorrect.
Chapter shows very little understanding of
the text and rarely uses details,
development, and support. Piece reflects
limited imagination and sensitivity from
Amirs point of view & style.
Limited understanding of the text and
topic, and sometimes shows an
awareness of the authors choices,
although detail, development and/or
support are insufficient.
In creative work, pieces show limited
imagination or sensitivity; the student
attempts to employ literary and/or nonliterary features; these sometimes serve
the context and intention.
Terminology is sometimes accurate and

Rarely employs organizational

structures and/or language- specific
conventions, or uses those that do not
serve the context and intention.
The work is generally disorganized,
unclear and/or incoherent. Employs
critical apparatus inappropriately or
not at all.

Very limited range of appropriate

vocabulary, idiom and sentence structure.
There are very frequent errors in grammar
and syntax, which persistently hinder
Little or no evidence of a register and style
that serve the context and intention.
Very frequent errors in punctuation and
spelling/writing, which persistently hinder
communication. In oral/presentation work
there is little or no competence in oratory
Chapter rarely employs range of appropriate
vocabulary, idiom and sentence structure
with many errors.




Organize ideas and arguments in a

sustained, coherent and logical
Employ appropriate critical apparatus?

Chapter rarely employs organizational

structure and ideas are disorganized
and unclear.
Sometimes employs organizational
structures and/or language-specific
conventions that serve the context and
The work shows the beginnings of
organization but lacks coherence.
The student employs critical apparatus
with limited success.

Limited range of appropriate vocabulary,

idiom and sentence structure. There are
frequent errors in grammar and syntax,
which hinder communication.
There is some evidence of a register and
style that serve the context and intention.
Frequent errors in punctuation and
spelling/writing, which hinder
communication. In oral/presentation work
there is some competence in oratory




Chapter shows a limited understanding of

the text and sometimes uses details,
development, and support. Piece reflects
limited imagination and sensitivity from
Amirs point of view & style.

Chapter sometimes employs

organizational structure and ideas lack

Chapter employs a limited range of

appropriate vocabulary, idiom and sentence
structure with frequent errors.

Demonstrates sufficient understanding

of the text and topic, and an awareness
of the authors choices, using adequate
detail, development and support.
In creative work, pieces reflect some
imagination and sensitivity; Generally
employs literary and/or non-literary
features that serve the context and
Terminology is usually accurate and

Usually employs organizational

structures and language- specific
conventions that serve the context and
The work is generally organized,
clear and coherent. Generally
employs critical apparatus correctly.

Chapter adequately shows understanding

of the text and uses details, development,
and support. Piece reflects sufficient
imagination and sensitivity from Amirs
point of view & style.

Chapter usually employs organizational

structure and ideas are generally

Employs a range of appropriate

vocabulary, idiom and sentence structure.
Grammar and syntax are generally
accurate; occasional errors sometimes
hinder communication.
Often uses a register and style that serve
the context and intention.
Punctuation and spelling/writing are
generally accurate; occasional errors
sometimes hinder communication. In
oral/presentation work there is adequate
Chapter generally employs an effective
range of appropriate vocabulary, idiom and
sentence structure with occasional errors.

Good understanding of the text, topic

and the authors choices, using
substantial detail, development and
In creative work, pieces reflect
imagination and sensitivity; the student
employs literary and/or non-literary
features that serve the context and
Relevant terminology is used accurately
and appropriately.
Chapter shows understanding of the text
and consistently uses details,
development, and support.
Piece reflects imagination and sensitivity
from Amirs point of view & style.
Perceptive understanding of the text,
topic and the authors choices,
consistently using illustrative detail,
development and support.
In creative work, pieces reflect a lot of
imagination and sensitivity. Employs
literary and/or non-literary features
effectively that serve the context and
intention. Shows a sophisticated
command of relevant terminology, and
uses it appropriately.

Consistently uses organizational

structures and language- specific
conventions that serve the context and
The work is usually well-organized,
clear and coherent and the ideas being
expressed build on each other.
Employs critical apparatus correctly.

Consistently employs sophisticated

organizational structures and languagespecific conventions that serve the
context and intention.
The work is consistently wellorganized, clear and coherent and the
ideas being expressed build on each
other in a sophisticated manner.
Integrates critical apparatus correctly
and effectively.

Employs a wide and effective range of

appropriate vocabulary, idiom and sentence
structure. Grammar and syntax are
accurate; very infrequent errors do not
hinder communication Demonstrates
mastery of a register and style that serve the
context and intention.
Punctuation and spelling/writing are
accurate; very infrequent errors. In
oral/presentation work there is a high level
of competence.

Chapter thoroughly shows understanding

of the text and consistently uses details,
development, and support.
Piece reflects a lot of imagination and
sensitivity from Amirs point of view &

Chapter employs sophisticated

organizational structure and ideas are
consistently coherent.

Chapter employs a wide and effective range

of appropriate vocabulary, idiom and
sentence structure with very few errors.

Chapter employs organizational

structure and ideas are usually

Employs a range of appropriate

vocabulary, idiom and sentence structure.
Grammar and syntax are accurate;
occasional errors rarely hinder
Consistently uses a register and style that
serve the context and intention.
Punctuation and spelling/writing are
accurate; occasional errors rarely hinder
communication. In oral/presentation work
there is a good level of competence.
Chapter employs an effective range of
appropriate vocabulary, idiom and sentence
structure with few errors.

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