Energy Medicine in The United States
Energy Medicine in The United States
Energy Medicine in The United States
Current Status
by Karl Maret, M.D., M.Eng.
President, Dove Health Alliance, Aptos, CA, USA
July 2009
Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine | PO Box 2860 | Loveland, CO 80539
de la Warr in the United Kingdom and Dr. Ruth Drown. Drown was the last major ERA practitioner in
America. The field of radionics cannot be understood as acting though traditional transverse
electromagnetic waves, but may be classified as a division of vibrational medicine that has become
popular through the publications of the late Richard Gerber M.D. who wrote extensively about it
(Gerber, 1988; Gerber, 2000).
Nicola Tesla, the inventor of modern alternating current technology, also had promoted the use of high
frequency currents developed by his Tesla coil devices for healing. In a paper delivered at the 1898 annual
meeting of the American Electro-Therapeutic Association in Buffalo, NY entitled High Frequency
Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes, he stated: "When a person is subjected to the
action of such a [force magnifying] coil, the proper adjustments being carefully observed, luminous
streams are seen in the dark issuing from all parts of the body... soon after the person perspires freely."
Tesla described a unique type of radiation created by his unique coil designs that appeared to differ
significantly from the conventional transverse electromagnetic waves described by Heinrich Hertz. Tesla
radiations are considered to be analogous to longitudinal waves, similar to sound waves, and have also
been called non-Hertzian waves. These coil designs worked by producing a broad spectrum of high
frequency emissions which appeared to create beneficial resonance conditions within living tissues. One
person who applied this technology with unique antenna designs was the Russian radio engineer Georges
Lakhovsky who worked in Paris with doctors successfully curing cancer in the 1930s. He also immigrated
to the United States and received patents for his medical applications. The beneficial application of Tesla
technologies to medicine were also described by Dr. Gustave Kolischer on September 6, 1932 at the
American Congress of Physical Therapy in New York: "Tesla's high frequency electrical currents were
bringing about highly beneficial results in dealing with cancer, surpassing anything that could be
accomplished with ordinary surgery."
There was also widespread interest in unusual scientific phenomena including dowsing, radiesthesia and
kindred divining phenomena, and psychical research. Extensive investigations were carried out by Joseph
Banks Rhine (1895-1980) who was a pioneer of parapsychology in the United States. Rhine founded the
parapsychology laboratory at Duke University, established the Journal of Parapsychology, and created the
Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man in 1962 which was renamed the Rhine Research Center
(RRC) in 1995 (see later). The RRC comprises two subsidiaries: The Institute for Parapsychology and the
Parapsychology Press. J.B. Rhine also initiated the Parapsychological Association. These unusual
phenomena were summarized as early as 1949 by the biometeorologist S.W. Tromp in his landmark
book Psychical Physics which offered the first scientific compendium of the living organic biofield, the
geophysical field, and the effects of various atmospheric influences and electromagnetic fields on living
systems. All this work may be considered foundational for the later development of energy medicine.
The specific term "energy medicine" appears to have its origin in the late 1980s. The John E. Fetzer
Foundation of Kalamazoo, MI sponsored an international Energy Medicine Conference held during
February 27 March 1, 1987 in Madras, India. Many American scientists attended this meeting with
sponsorship from the Fetzer Foundation. Of the more than 60 presentations that were delivered at this
conference, 28 appeared in the 1988 publication Energy Medicine around the World edited by Dr. T.M.
Srinivasan. Almost half of the chapters in this first energy medicine book were authored by researchers
from the United States. Dr. Srinivasan subsequently became an investigator for the Fetzer Foundation
working with the Edgar Cayce Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona collaborating with Drs. Gladys and William
McGarey and Harvey Grady to research various energy medicine phenomena. He also collaborated with
Dr. Elmer Green from the Menninger Foundation in some of this research. In 1989, both men, together
with Dr. Carol Schneider, founded the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy
Medicine (see below).
Dr. Elmer Green, considered by some to be one of the fathers of biofeedback, had a long-standing
interest in psychic phenomena and psychophysiology. In 1970 he studied the Indian Swami Rama at the
Menninger Foundation which subsequently led to a 1973 field trip to India to conduct physiological
research on a variety of swamis, yogic adepts, Tibetan trance meditators and other people having unusual
self-regulation skills. During the 1970s there was intense interest in biofeedback processes and subtle
body energetic systems, including the yogic teachings on the chakras, the numerous energy vortices in the
body described in Laya Yoga and other yogic systems. Dr. Green and his partner Alyce Green wrote
about their expanded view of psychophysiological self-regulation in their book Beyond Biofeedback
From Eastern yogic traditions also comes the expanded concept of vitality or life breath called "prana,"
and especially the concepts of multiple bodies beyond the flesh and blood physiological body, conceived
in various systems as "layers" with names such as the etheric body, the astral body, the emotional body,
the mental body, and other spirit bodies. A recent encyclopedia of the subtle energetic anatomy of human
beings, including an attempt of some quantum physical explanations, has just been published by Cyndi
Dale entitled The Subtle Body (2009).
From Taoist alchemy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) comes the principle of Chi or Qi, with its
Cosmic and Microcosmic cycles and flows through the channels or acupuncture meridians in the body.
The ideas of subtle energy in the form of life energy or "Chi" began to be more widely appreciated in
America after President Richard Nixon's visit to China in 1971. Accompanying President Nixon on his
trip was journalist James Reston who fell ill with appendicitis, and was treated with acupuncture
following an emergency operation. Impressed by its benefits, Reston wrote of his acupuncture experience
following his return to the United States in the New York Times, sparking American interest in
acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Since the 1970s, there have been an increasing number of American researchers active in the field of
subtle energies and energy medicine. These include Professor William Tiller, Professor Emeritus from
Stanford University, the late Robert Becker M.D., the late Professor Ross Adey M.D., Norman Shealy
M.D., Professor Cyril Smith and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho both from te United Kingdom, and to name only a few
of the more widely published researchers. Their contemporary work is described in more detail in the
following sections.
In contrast to the mind-body approaches that were based on more behavioral and biomedical research into
psychophysiological interactions, ISSEEEM represented an evolution in thinking and scientific inquiry to
include a body-mind-spirit perspective. Today it is home to both researchers interested in exploring
energy medicine in the context of transcendent and unitive experiences, both scientifically and personal,
that also helps to advance the frontiers of the science of human consciousness. They define energy
medicine as the diagnostic and therapeutic application of "energetic and information interactions resulting
from self-regulation" or brought about by interactions between mind and body. In this context, energy is
given an expanded definition beyond the familiar acoustic and electromagnetic energy fields that are
known to impact human biology and psychology. In addition the term "subtle energies" was introduced to
describe not-yet-measurable energies that seemed to affect both physiologic and physical mechanisms,
perhaps through a system of subtle channels, layers or sheaths that interpenetrate the dense physical body.
These subtle energy systems have been described for centuries in non-Western healing systems.
ISSEEEM promoted the idea that subtle energies and energy medicine are synergistic components in a
new scientific field that had its roots in Eastern medical systems and the subtle anatomy described in
Western esoteric traditions. As an educational society, ISSSEEM promotes the dissemination of
theoretical perspective and experimental research from biomedical, physical and behavioral sciences. The
annual conference of the society draws an international audience and is now held in Westminster,
Colorado near Denver. There are now 18 volumes of ISSSEEM's journal in publication and it is hoped it
will soon be available for online searches through the Index Medicus database at the U.S. National
Library of Medicine.
Besides this journal dedicated specifically to energy medicine and subtle energy research, the Mary Ann
Liebert publication, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, has been publishing 15
volumes to date in this complementary medicine field. From time to time valuable research articles in
energy medicine have appeared here. The Volume 10, No. 1 issue in February 2004 was specifically
dedicated to the field of energy medicine and is an excellent journal worth having in any energy medicine
According to NCCAM, energy medicine is divided into the application of "veritable" energy fields, those
that can be measured for diagnosis and treatment, and "putative" energy fields (also called biofields) that
have defied measurement to date by reproducible methods. Veritable energy include mechanical
vibrations (such as sounds); electromagnetic forces, including visible light, magnetism, monochromatic
radiation (such as lasers), and rays from other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. In contrast, putative
energies are based on the concept that a subtle form of energy (vital energy or life force) infuses living
systems that has been known in traditional healing systems by many names such as prana, etheric energy,
fohat, orgone, Odic force, mana, and homeopathic resonance.
Examples of practices involving putative energy fields include Reiki and Johrei, both of Japanese origin,
the Chinese practice of Qi Gong, Healing Touch and Polarity Therapy, Therapeutic Touch and related
practices, distant healing, and intercessory prayers. Although these approaches are the most controversial
of CAM energy medicine practices, they are gaining in popularity in the American marketplace and have
become the subjects of investigations at several academic medical centers. A recent National Center for
Health Statistics survey indicated that approximately one percent of Americans had used energy medicine
techniques, 0.5 percent had used veritable energy techniques, and 4.6 percent had used some kind of
healing ritual (CDC Advance Data and Report #333, 2004).
Energy medicine as it is practiced and studied is not restricted to what NCCAM includes in Energy
Therapies, but also overlaps with practices in the other four NCCAM fields listed above. Moving some
form of "life energy" has been part of every traditional healing system since antiquity. Western scientific
thought unfortunately removed the concept of "vitality' or "lan vital" from medical science in the 19th
century and thus had difficulty reincorporating these ideas that form such a vital part of Eastern medicine
systems. However, during the last three decades, Americans and Canadians have embraced the many
therapeutic approaches offered by the proponents of these traditional healing movements.
Each year, almost half of Americans use some form of alternative therapy, typically as an adjunct or
complementary modality to conventional Western medicine. Medical schools and hospitals are tentatively
offering a few courses and programs now in CAM approaches. A much wider offering is available from a
wide variety of alternative service providers which go under a wide variety of names including
Humanistic, Holistic, Complementary, Integral, Quantum Integrative, Alternative, and Energy Medicine.
The lack of agreement on commonly accepted terminology, standards of practice, lack of sufficient
evidence-based outcomes research, philosophical and scientific foundations for practice, coupled with a
generally hostile orientation from materialistically-based scientific skeptics has led to some measure of
fragmentation in the CAM community and some confusion by the general public. This also applies to
many modalities used by energy medicine practitioners. The list below gives some indication of the wide
range of categories in general use in holistic medicine / CAM.
List of Specialties in Holistic Medicine / CAM (some involve aspects of energy medicine)
Acupuncture / Acupressure
Bioelectromagnetic therapy
Botanical medicine
Craniosacral therapies
Although CAM, also called Integrative Medicine by other groups, has made considerable in-roads into
conventional Western medical education in the United States, energy medicine, as such, is not widely
known in medical schools. Nonetheless, energy medicine must always be considered when discussing
CAM modalities since it forms a core discipline within the entire CAM field. In that context, consider the
following U.S. statistics:
The National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) reports that more
than 42% of Americans use alternative medicine to address their health and wellness concerns.
In addition, Americans spent more than $28 billion on these therapies in 1998, exceeding out-ofpocket spending for all USA hospitalizations.
A 1994 published survey revealed that more than 60% of doctors from a wide range of specialties
recommended alternative modalities to patients at least once. The same study also reported that
48% of those doctors used alternative modalities themselves.
The Journal of the American Medical Association reported a 48.3% increase in total visits to
alternative medicine practitioners between 1990 and 1998.
Nearly 85% of U.S. medical schools offer elective courses in alternative and complementary
medicine or include it in required courses.
In 1993, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that more than 34% of all Americans have
used some form of alternative medicine. A 1998 follow-up study showed that this figure had
increased to 42% of all Americans.
As a result of these trends, several alternative educational institutions have arisen as well as specialty
licensing boards in the CAM field. The most prominent of these operating in the United States are
described in the next section.
Among the 87 CAM curricula in the medical schools, which are mostly offered as elective courses to the
medical students, there have been a few unique energy medicine offerings. For example, at Mount Sinai
School of Medicine of the City University in New York, Joyce Shriver, Ph.D. was offering "The Power of
Subtle Body: Innovative Qi Gong" and "The Science of Yoga."
The University of Arizona in Tucson is noteworthy for having been funded for an NCCAM program grant
at the Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science under the direction of Dr. Gary Schwartz. Some
characteristics of the biofield were investigated by a team of several researchers including Mikel Aiken,
PhD, Ann Baldwin, PhD, Iris Bell, MD, PhD, Audrey Brookes, PhD, Katherine Burleson, MD, Maureen
Campensino, PhD, Melinda Connor, PhD, Katherine Creath, PhD, Allan Hamilton, MD, Lewis MehlMadrona, MD, PhD, Cheryl Rittenbaugh, PhD, and Beverly Rubik, PhD.
Specifically, they investigated whether the biofield could be observed in cells, plants, animals and
humans; what factors influence the direction, magnitude and stability of biofield effects; and whether
biofields can be measured from living systems using state-of-the-art bioelectromagnetic and optical
instruments. They concluded that significant advances in both biofield science and mind-body science can
best occur when these two areas are systematically integrated. Moreover, recent advances in
bioelectromagnetic and optical instrumentation have the potential to help address the important question
"does it work in theory?" Contemporary findings and theories in consciousness studies and quantum
physics (including parapsychology see Radin, 2006) hold great promise.
In California, there are several unique accredited graduate schools that offer graduate degrees in
Integrative and Holistic Health. None of these have developed a specific course in energy medicine to
date; however, they recognize the value of this emerging field as a distinct subspecialty within CAM. In
addition, two unique programs in integrative healthcare and energy medicine have been created in the last
decade, one at Holos University Graduate Seminary and the other at Energy Medicine University. These
institutions offer prospective students some opportunities for a course of study in energy medicine or
energy psychology. However, most people active in the energy medicine field obtain further training in
workshops and seminars at various conferences such as ISSSEEM, Institute of Noetic Sciences and
The California Institute for Human Science was started by the Japanese researcher, yogic adept and
electrical engineer Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama in Encinitas, CA. They offer graduate programs in various
disciples including Human Science. CIHS is also conducting research on ki-energy (Japanese word for chi
or life energy) employing a measuring device called AMI (an apparatus for measuring the function of
meridians and their corresponding internal organs) which Motoyama invented. The overall aim of the
Integral Health Program is to prepare the student for original research of a distinctly holistic and
integrative nature.
Their doctoral program in Integral Health has been designed to foster the following aims: (1) to present a
course of study which allows for the development of a sophisticated grasp of convergences and
divergences in Eastern and Western thought in medicine, science, religion, and philosophy, and for
synthetic-integrative possibilities; (2) to provide training in a range of devices which yield physical data
bearing upon manifestations of body-mind-sprit in operation; (3) to apply and expand scientific forms of
investigation to incorporate study of "paranormal" aspects of human life, and to show how such
phenomena can be assimilated into religious thought and philosophy; (4) to provide an opportunity for
students with the appropriate educational preparation to conduct a substantial research project which
contribute to the synthetic goal of the field of Integral Health.
The California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco offers a Master of Arts in Integrative Health
Studies. This program integrates Eastern, Western, and indigenous healing traditions, exploring personal,
multi-cultural, and global definitions of health. It bridges traditional and contemporary mind-body-spirit
perspectives and cutting-edge discoveries in the natural sciences.
Saybrook Graduate School located in San Francisco has been offering graduate courses in humanistic
psychology since 1971. The new dean of the Mind-Body Medicine doctoral program is Dr. James
Gordon, a Harvard educated psychiatrist and a world renowned expert in using mind-body medicine to
heal depression, anxiety, and psychological trauma. He is the Founder and Director of The Center for
Mind-Body Medicine, a Clinical Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Family Medicine at
Georgetown Medical School, and recently served as Chairman of the White House Commission on
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy.
John F. Kennedy University has three campuses in the San Francisco Bay area including one in Berkeley.
It has been offering a graduate degree in Holistic Health Education for 25 years. Its program explores the
links among the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health.
Holos University Graduate Seminary was founded by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. and has been in
operation since 2002. This institution has graduated nearly 100 students and it offers a Master of
Theology and Doctor of Theology research degrees in spiritual healing and energy medicine.
Dissertations with full text are on the school web site. This institution located in Bolivar, Missouri also
has unique fields of study in Integrative Healthcare, Medical-Counseling Intuition, Transformational
Psychology and Spiritual Direction. Dr. Bernard Williams is President and Chief Executive Officer of
Holos University Graduate Seminary.
Energy Medicine University in Mill Valley, California was started by Francesca McCartney, PhD and has
been in operation since 2006. It is the graduate degree school of the Academy of Intuition Medicine which
was founded in 1984. It will graduate the first students in 2010. It will offer both a Master of Science and
Doctor of Philosophy research degrees in Integrative Holistic Health. This new organization currently has
fields of study in Integral Psychology, Medical Intuition, Bioenergetics, Biophysics, Organizational
Transformation, Intuitive Counseling, Energy Psychology, Spirituality and Health. Dr. Bernard Williams
serves as dean of the new university.
In addition, there are many Complementary and Alternative Training programs offered by a wide variety
of institutions in the U.S. and Canada. The website Healthworld Online lists 3,340 schools throughout the
U.S. and 266 in Canada. These schools cover a wide range of disciplines ranging from acupuncture,
massage, yoga, herbology, and chiropractic, to nutrition, feng shui, and zero balancing. Very few schools
are directly concerned with energy medicine as a separate discipline, and many interpret energy medicine
from a subtle energy or putative perspective. California has the largest cross section of schools with 521
schools, colleges, and training facilities listed. Some of these institutions are licensed by the state,
however a large number are private colleges, training facilities, or non-registered training centers.
There are many reports on the beneficial use of energy psychology approaches in trauma recovery
(Folkes, 2002; Feinstein, 2008b), psychotherapy (Gallo, 2002; Feinstein 2008a) and general psychology
(Feinstein and Eden, 2008; Feinstein, Eden and Craig, 2005; Gallo 2004). More than two dozen variations
of EP can be identified, with the most well-known being Thought Field Therapy (TFT), the Tapas
Acupressure Technique (TAT), and the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Many of the variations
adapt practices and concepts from acupuncture and acupressure; others borrow from yoga, meditation,
qigong, and other traditional practices (Feinstein, 2008a).
There is an Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) that has been supporting this
work for over 10 years. Dr. Greg Nicosia is the current president with Dr. Robert Schwarz serving as
Executive Director. ACEP is an international nonprofit organization of licensed mental health
professionals and allied energy health practitioners who are dedicated to developing and applying energy
psychology methods for the treatment and relief of those suffering from emotional challenges such as
addictions & compulsions, anxiety, depression, limiting beliefs, personality disorders, phobias, stress, and
trauma. To date, only two peer-reviewed randomized control trials (RCTs) have been completed
comparing the most well-established EP protocols with other modalities. These RCTs, however, meet
American Psychological Association criteria establishing a form of EP as a "probably efficacious
treatment" for specific phobias and another as a probably efficacious treatment for maintaining weight
loss (Feinstein, 2008a). There are some researchers who believe that EP works through modification of
the human biofield described in more detail by Rubik (Rubik, 2002).
Recently there has been considerable progress by suggestions that the science of epigenetics can explain a
probable mechanism of action for energy psychological interventions and possibly energy medicine in
general. (Church, 2007). Especially active in this area has been Dawson Church who has suggested that
this new field be called "Epigenetic Medicine." Epigenetic switching pathways turn the genes on or off
based on environmental conditions, including emotions. It appears that there are over 100 genes in our
body that are activated by thoughts, feelings and experiences. Those genes can be turned on or off
deliberately through emotional responses and experiences, in as little as three seconds, thus dramatically
affecting the immune system and modifying our resistance to disease. The cell biologist and former
Stanford professor Dr. Bruce Lipton has also been active in this field with his very popular book The
Biology of Belief. He lectures widely and believes that epigenetic signaling is a probable mechanism
capable of explaining the effectiveness of many energy medicine modalities.
Another extensive body of teaching in applying the principles of subtle energy medicine was created by
Donna Eden who often teaches this work with her husband David Feinstein. Her book Energy Medicine
has been widely read and she has taught workshops for self-healing using the energetic methods
developed by her for many years. Recently she has created a home study program and is working toward
a certification program in this form of energy medicine. Further information can be found on their
website: Energy Medicine with Donna Eden.
The Institute of Noetic Science is located in Petaluma, CA north of San Francisco and has conducted
thirty years of groundbreaking research on human consciousness. It has a large membership and conducts
annual conferences to share its research and educational outreach on selected topics of personal growth
and shifts in human consciousness that are of interest to its membership. One part of its activities involves
an integrated research and educational program that focuses on the interfaces between consciousness,
science and society. This is a multidisciplinary, multimethodological, and multinational collaboration. Its
three research areas, coordinated by director of research Dr. Marilyn Schlitz, are:
1. Extended Human Capacities and focuses on creativity, meditation, psi studies, subtle energies,
states of consciousness including death, dying and beyond.
2. Integral Health and Healing including the investigation of biofields, distant healing, integral
medicine, Mind Body medicine , extended survival, and placebo expectancy effects.
3. Emerging Worldviews which investigates integral intelligence, the science of wisdom, Gaia
theory, transformative practices, cultivating spiritual awareness, and East /West /Indigenous
The Center for Frontier Science at Temple University was founded in 1987 after Richard J. Fox, then
Chairman of the board of trustees, wanted to give scientists a chance to express ideas that were outside of
mainstream science. One of its purposes was to examine new scientific claims that may lead to
breakthroughs. The Center globally coordinates information exchange, networking, and education on
frontier issues of science, medicine, and technology. The Center helps engender greater openness to
scientific claims in various areas of science such as the relation between electromagnetic fields and life,
the mind-matter interrelationship, complementary medicine, and novel energy technologies.
Since 1989, the Center has hosted many public lectures. The Center's first director was Dr. Beverly Rubik
and the current director is Nancy Kolenda. The Center publishes the journal Frontier Perspectives which
contains many provocative articles including quantum physics, healing, bioelectromagnetics and other
areas relevant to energy medicine.
The Samueli Institute is part of Samueli Foundation in Alexandria, VA. Its mission is to transform health
care through rigorous scientific exploration of healing using clinical, basic and health services research.
Their four program areas involve integrative medicine; optimal healing environments; the Center for
Research on Integrative Medicine in the Military (CRIMM); and brain, mind and healing. Many health
issues are complex because they span across disciplines and can extend beyond science. The institute's
approach is to take into account the whole person including environment, belief systems, and general care
needs combining both allopathic and non-allopathic methods.
The Rhine Research Center is a non-profit public educational organization licensed in the State of North
Carolina that conducts research and public education and publishes the Journal of Parapsychology. It is
interested in the field of parapsychology at large, including extrasensory perception (ESP), psychokinesis
(PK), survival after death and near death experiences (NDE's), reincarnation, healing and others. A study
of the human biofield is being carried out by Steve Baumann, Ph.D. and Bill Joines, Ph.D. A variety of
detectors, including those that can measure charge accumulation and electromagnetic emissions, are being
used to study bio-energy healers, meditators and people who claim unusual effects on electrical
equipment. This is a continuation of work originally begun at Duke University that is being funded by a
grant from the Bial Foundation.
The Institute of HeartMath in Boulder Creek, CA was founded by Doc Childre in 1971 as a non-profit
research and education organization with a mission to study the physiological mechanisms by which the
heart communicates with the brain and its influence on cognitive processing, perception, emotion and
health. HeartMath is dedicated to improving health, performance and well-being at home and in the
workplace by providing products and services that enable people to transform stress, better regulate
emotional responses and harness the power of heart/brain communication. Their director of research is
Rollin McCraty.
The Foundation for Mind-Being Research located in Los Altos, CA was started by nuclear engineer and
physicist William Gough in 1980 to explore the interface between science and consciousness. Its purpose
is to assist in the evolution of integrated models that encompass the physical, mental and spiritual. The
objective is to bring the new field of consciousness studies into wider recognition as a bona fide field of
science. The Foundation nurtures a scientific, philosophical, and artistic community and has conducted
monthly lectures and seminars including energy medicine.
The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine of Colorado, is currently working with various
scientists, looking at energy medicine devices that are available in the market place. Their intention is to
offer the public some objective background information to help interested parties to make more informed
decisions as to the usefulness of various devices for healing and self-care.
The Center for Neuroacoustic Research (CNR) in Encinitas, CA was created Dr. Jeffrey Thompson to
research the application of sound in healing. The Center uses scientific testing procedures to observe the
functioning of the body and brain guiding a precise use of sound to heal. Cutting edge, scientific sound
technology, combined with a deep understanding of the ancient use of sound to heal and expand
consciousness, has brought CNR the ability to balance the autonomic nervous system in real time.
Advanced research equipment such as EEG brain-mapping, heart rate variability, stress monitors and
others are making it possible to precisely measure the effects of specific sound frequencies in vibrational
healing. Dr. Thompson's research and musical creations are increasingly being used by energy medicine
There are many other organizations that have a specific interest in various energy medicine devices and
technologies, many of whom seek to promote specific instrumentation or techniques. Due to the extensive
nature of these devices and instrumentation, these have not been included in this introductory article.
Many of these organizations have interesting articles on energy medicine which are usually the opinion of
the authors. An example of such writings from the Institute of Technical Energy Medicine (ITEM),
seeking to promote this field, can be found on ITEM's Energy Medicine Information Center.
Window," showing that low-level electromagnetic fields with specific amplitudes, frequencies and wave
forms can induce electromagnetic resonances and tissue changes. By 1976 low level electromagnetic field
effects had been shown to occur across the extremely low frequency (ELF) range, peaking between about
12 and 20 Hz. The effects were seen most clearly with the ELF signals amplitude modulated onto
microwaves. He wrote extensively on the danger of widespread electromagnetic pollution from cell
phones and other modern microwave radiation that is modulated by these low frequency fields.
Robert O. Becker, M.D. (1923-2008) was one of the first medical pioneers to study natural electrical
currents in the human body and to caution about electropollution. Dr. Becker had been active in the field
of bioelectromagnetics, publishing several outstanding overviews of this field as well as popular books
that included, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundations of Life and Cross Currents:
The Perils of Electropollution. He showed how our human bodies and immune systems are being
adversely affected by man-made electromagnetic fields from power lines, radar, microwaves, satellites,
ham radios, video display terminals, and even electric appliances. In his books, Dr. Becker pointed out
that radiation once considered safe, is now correlated with increases in cancer, birth defects, depression,
and learning disabilities. His research funding was eliminated when he began to suggest that magnetic
fields from 60 Hz power lines could adversely affect human health.
Mae-Wan Ho Ph.D. is the director of the Institute for Science in Society in the United Kingdom, an
organization that is a source of information and reflection on issues related to genetic engineering in
agriculture and medicine. However, her valuable contribution to energy medicine involves the
characterization of the thermodynamics of organized complexity in living systems including the energy
flow in living cycles, the liquid crystalline nature of living matter, and the application of quantum physics
to life involving quantum entanglement and biological coherence. Following in the footsteps of quantum
physicist Erwin Schrdinger's 1944 classic What is Life?, Ho wrote The Rainbow and the Worm lucidly
describing the biophysics of organisms, thereby offering a solid foundation for the physics behind energy
medicine. She is the only non-American in this listing.
James Oschman, Ph.D. is a well-known author who has described the biophysics of energy medicine
and its application to therapeutics and human performance (2000, 2003). In 2009, Dr. Oschman was also
the president of ISSSEEM. He was a student of Professor Albert Szent-Gyrgyi and helped to popularize
his understanding of the energetic basis of biochemistry and all life processes (see below). He lectures
extensively on the nature of the living matrix, the body's rapid communication system that displays
semiconductor-like processes. He promotes the field of energy medicine internationally and has valuable
resources available on his Nature's Own Research Association website.
Elizabeth Rauscher Ph.D. is a theoretical physicist, researcher and inventor whose brilliant insights
continue to offer a sound theoretical foundation for many subtle energy and energy medicine phenomena.
With her late husband W.L. Van Bise, she invented a non-superconducting magnetic detector, external
magnetic pacemaker, and pulsed magnetic pain control system. In her long career, she has authored more
than 275 scientific papers and 6 books including a new model of relativistic physics in complex
Minkowski space involving eight dimensions that expands on Albert Einstein's well-accepted theories.
Her papers with Russell Targ specifically describe how 8-space can be used to give a scientific
explanation for remote viewing, ESP and precognition. All these psi sciences have been studied by the
U.S. government and selected academic institutions including the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in
Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) was an American inventor who designed new optical microscopes to
observe living pathogens at high magnifications. He developed "beam ray" devices could devitalize the
pathogens by inducing destructive resonances. He worked with medical doctors to apply these devices to
treat cancer and was hailed as a pioneer investigator in the 1930s. He believed that he could observe and
render inert a number of living viruses which he thought were causal factors in several diseases. His work
initially involved radio frequency devices but later was carried on with devices using audio frequencies
without the benefit of microscopic examination of the pathogens. His work was never properly replicated
by the modern medical establishment and remains controversial.
Paul Rosch, M.D. is the founder of the American Institute of Stress and a strong promoter of energy
medicine. Dr. Rosch is Editor of Stress Medicine, Associate Editor of The International Journal of
Emergency Mental Health, and International Journal of Stress Management. He has organized and
presided over the annual International Congress on Stress since 1988, which has featured state of the art
presentations on all aspects of stress, as well as cutting edge research in relevant areas of
Bioelectromagnetic and Alternative Medicine. He is also the co-editor of the 50 chapter book
Bioelectromagnetic Medicine (2003) which provides an update on cutting edge presentations over the
past decade at the International Congress on Stress and features research advances in Eastern Europe,
Russia and the Orient that are not well known in the U.S. Included are state-of the art reviews on rTMS
(repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation), vagal nerve stimulation, cranioelectrical stimulation,
electroporation millimeter wave therapy, pulsed and static magnetic field applications, theories of
mechanisms of action and a new model of communication in the body based on electromagnetic signaling
and the concept of an "electrical circulatory system."
Biophysicist Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., the former Director of the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple
University, is now the director of the Center for Frontier Sciences in Oakland, CA with their laboratory in
Emeryville, CA. Dr. Rubik has written extensively on the biofield hypothesis. She was the Chair of a
1992 National Institutes of Health panel that examined the efficacy of various bioelectromagnetic
therapies. This was published in the 1994 report entitled, "Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical
Horizons" with a chapter entitled "Bioelectromagnetic Applications in Medicine."
Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyrgyi (1893-1986) developed fundamental ideas about the application of
the theories of quantum physics to the biochemistry, and later to cancer. He researched the subatomic
properties of the protein fabric of the body and recognized that the living matrix behaved like a
semiconductor. He recognized that almost all of the body formed an energetic continuum with molecules
acting as vital "conductors" in the energetic dance of life. Late in life, Szent-Gyrgyi began to pursue free
radicals a potential cause of cancer and aging. He came to see cancer as being ultimately an electronic
problem at the molecular level. He inspired many researchers including Dr. James Oschman who
continued to popularize his ideas.
William Tiller, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Materials Science from Stanford University, has published
over 250 conventional scientific papers, 3 books and holds several patents (Tiller Foundation). In parallel,
for over 30 years, he has been pursuing serious experimental and theoretical study of the field of
psychoenergetics which will very likely become an integral part of "tomorrow's" physics. In this new
area, he has published an additional 100 scientific papers and four seminal books that detail his groundbreaking experiments with Intention Imprinted Electrical Devices. His new physics paradigm, which is
backed by robust scientific experiments, is in part based on a newer, higher order electrodynamic model
that suggests that consciousness and intention can affect material processes and biological assays.
influenced many of the healers in the United States including many of the nurses who have studied
therapeutic touch as well as Barbara Brennan, Ph.D. who directs the Barbara Brennan School of
Healing in Florida.
Other Western leaders in holistic medicine include: Deepak Chopra, M.D. an advocate of meditation and
quantum healing; Dr. Jon-Kabat Zinn, founder of a stress-reduction clinic at the University of
Massachusetts and an expert on mindfulness meditation; and, cardiologist Dean Ornish M.D., an expert
on reversing heart disease through diet, yoga and meditation. He created the Preventive Medicine
Research Institute and is a Professor at the University of California in San Francisco. His testimony to the
U.S. Senate in 2009 on integrative healthcare can be found on the U.S. Senate website. All these authors
have found that calmness and self-knowledge gained through meditation may have therapeutic biological
In the 1980s, C. Norman Shealy, M.D. grounded holistic and energy medicine into mainstream
acceptability with his study and training of medical intuitives. His groundbreaking research with
clairvoyant and author Caroline Myss, Ph.D. created the accepted definition of the term "medical
intuitive." In the 1970s Dr. Shealy was one of the prime founders of the American Holistic Medical and
Nurses Associations. Dr. Shealy created the first degree granting Energy Medicine Program within
Greenwich University (now defunct). This program participated in a new academic paradigm for the
study of biology and medicine based on energy-information. As described earlier, in 2002 Dr. Shealy
founded the Holos University Graduate Seminary to provide graduate degrees in spiritual healing
In the 1990s, three mainstream doctors published books on the interaction of the human energy field and
medicine. Christine Northrop, M.D., wrote about energy anatomy in her best-selling book, Women's
Bodies, Women's Wisdom. Judith Orloff, M.D., wrote about clairvoyance in the practice of psychiatry
in her book, Second Sight. Psychiatrist and neuroscientist Mona Lisa Schultz, M.D. wrote Awakening
Intuition, which explains how to use the mind-body network for insight and healing.
Ever since Barack Obama was elected as the U.S. President, there has been a widespread initiative to
create a new healthcare system. Although the field of energy medicine has not been part of this dialogue,
there are now emerging possibilities that are worth pursuing.
On February 25-27, 2009 the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine (IOM) convened a
summit that explored the science and practice of integrative medicine health care that addresses together
the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of the healing process for improving the breadth and depth
of patient-centered care and promoting the nation's health. The meeting reviewed the state of the science,
assessed the potential and the priorities, and sought to identify elements of an agenda to improve
understanding, training, practice, and other actions that might help improve the prospects for integrative
medicine's contributions to better health and health care. Several energy medicine organizations see these
positive developments as an opportunity to enlarge the health care dialogue to include energy medicine
within the context of a possibly greater role for integrative medicine in the new medical system. There
exists the possibility of considerable health care cost savings if the best diagnostic and treatment
modalities in energy medicine were put to a large scale test. Further information is available at Institute of
Medicine of the Natoinal Academies.
Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons. (1994). A Report to the National Institutes of Health
on Alternative Medical Systems and Practices in the United States. Includes chapter on Biomagnetics
Applications in Medicine. Torrance, CA: Homestead Schools Inc.
Becker, Robert O. (1982). Electromagnetism and Life. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Becker, Robert O. (1985). The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundations of Life. New York:
William Morrow & Co.
Becker, Robert O. (1990). Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution. Los Angeles: Jeremy Tarcher.
Church, Dawson (2007). The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of
Intentions. Santa Rosa, CA: Elite Books.
Dale, Cyndi (2009). The Subtle Body. Boulder, CO: Sounds True Publishers.
Eden, Donna (2008, revised ed., 1st ed, 1999). Energy Medicine. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher.
Feinstein, D. (2008a). Energy Psychology: A Review of the Preliminary Evidence. Psychotherapy:
Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 45(2), 199-213.
Feinstein, D. (2008b). Energy psychology in disaster relief. Traumatology, 14(1), 124-137.
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Folkes, C. (2002). Thought Field Therapy and trauma recovery. International Journal of Emergency
Mental Health, 4, 99-103.
Gallo, F. P. (2004). Energy psychology: Explorations at the interface of energy, cognition, behavior, and
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Gallo, F. P. (Ed.). (2002). Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy. New York: Norton.
Gerber, R. (1988). Vibrational Medicine. Santa Fe, NM: Bear and Co.
Gerber, R. (2000). Vibrational Medicine for the 21st Century. New York: William Morrow.
Green, Elmer & Alyce. (1977) Beyond Biofeedback. Ft. Wayne, IN: Knoll Publishing.
Ho, Mae-Wan (2008, 3rd ed., 1st ed., 1998). The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms.
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
Lipton, Bruce. (2008) The Biology of Belief. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.
Northrup, Christiane. (2006). Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom. (3rd ed., 1st ed. 1994). New York:
Bantam Books (Random House).
Orloff, Judith. (1996) Second Sight. New York: Warner Books.
Oschman, James, (2000). Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Oschman, James (2003). Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance. Philadelphia:
Butterworth/ Heinemann (Elsevier Science).
Radin, D. (2006) Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality. Paraview Pocket
Rauscher, Elizabeth. (1983). Electromagnetic Phenomena in Complex Geometrics and Nonlinear
Phenomena, Non-Hertzian Waves and Magnetic Monopoles. Tesla Book Co. (spiral bound).
Rauscher, Elizabeth. (2002). Non-Abelian gauge groups for real and complex amended Maxwell's
equations. In R.L Amoroso, G. Hunter, M. Kafatos & J-P Vigier (eds.) Gravitation and Cosmology:
From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale, pp. 183-188. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
Renshaw, Ken. (2009). Beyond Einstein's Horizon: Science, Remote Viewing and ESP. Cambria, CA;
Constellation Press.
Rosch, P. and M. S. Markov (2003). Bioelectromagnetic Medicine. New York:Marcel Dekker.
Rubik B. (2002). The biofield hypothesis: Its biophysical basis and role in medicine. Journal of
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