NVR6004SL Specification-Ttb Vision Co.

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Support embedded
Linux OS
Support Protocol
Onvif 2.3 version
Support VGA ,HD! S"nc video output
VGA,HD! im#$e resolution #x to %&2'(%')'
Support HD previe*, #ll c+#nnels support #in stre#m
Support ,oom function of previe* #nd pl#"b#c-
Support event,pl#"b#c-,b#c-up recordin$ ,support picture pl#"b#c- #nd se#rc+
Support One.-e" recordin$
Support f#st pl#"b#c-
Support P2P
Support /c+ 02'P simult#neous pl#"b#c-
odel 12.2V34''/SL
#in processor Hi$+ perform#nce embedded microprocessor
Oper#tin$ s"stem 1mbedded L!256 OS
Video spec.
Video compression form#t H.24/
Displ#" !m#$e 3esolution 02'P73'fps8&4'P73'fps8%')'P73'fps
Pl#"b#c- !m#$e 3esolution 02'P73'fps8&4'P73'fps8%')'P73'fps
otion Detection c#n setup %&29%4:%2;pcs motion detection #re#
e#c+ c+#nnel#nd multi.level sensitivit"9%.4 levels #d<ust#ble;
Priv#c" #s-in$ Depends on ipc
Audio spec.
Audio compression form#t #dpcm $0%%
=*o.*#" #udio %c+
3ecordin$ ode
3ecordin$ ode #nu#l 3ecordin$, otion Detection 3ecordin$, =ime 3ecordin$,
Al#rm 3ecordin$
3ecordin$ stor#$e HDD,2et*or-
>r#me r#te 3' fps 2=S?82@fps PAL
3ecordin$ Pl#"b#c- #x suport /c+ 02'P
A#c-up ode Support HDD,5SA >l#s+ Dis- store B b#c-up
2et*or- Video !nput /c+
Video output %c+ VGA #nd %c+ HD!
Audio !nput 2CA
Audio Output 2CA
Al#rm !nput 2CA
Al#rm Output 2CA
2et*or- %x%'C%''bps,3D/@ port
3S/)@ 2CA
5SA 2 5SA 2.' ports
HDD support % 3=A SA=A HDD inside
Po*er D? E%2V C/A
Po*er consumption %4F.%)F9not include HDD #nd Po1;
Oper#tion temper#ture '@@
Oper#tion +umidit" %'G&'G
Demension 2@2(2%3(/2mm9'.)u +i$+t;
Fei$+t %.@..%.)HG9not include HDD;

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