5 Bellwork - Earths Climate

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Unit 5

Earths Climate
Tuesday 5.13.14
Write todays date in Box #1
Read Pages 152-153 in the GREEN
Environmental Siene !ook " answer the
#ollowing $%estions&
1'(hat is the di##erene !etween a
)rimar* " seondar* air )oll%tant+
2'(hat are the ,-.E )rimar* air
)oll%tants in the United States+
3'(hat are the ,/UR main so%res o#
these air )oll%tants+
Wednesday 5.14.14
Write todays date in Box #2
Read Pages 101-100 in the GREEN
Environmental Siene !ook " answer the
#ollowing $%estions&
1'(hat is the main gas that de)letes the
o2one la*er+ (hat was it %sed #or+
2'3ist at least 45REE damaging e##ets o#
o2one de)letion6
3'(hat was the )%r)ose o# the 7ontreal
Thursday 5.15.14
Write todays date in Box #3
Read Pages 500-581 9se 2161' in the EARTH
Siene !ook " answer the #ollowing $%estions&
1'3ist the 1 #ators that a##et limate6
2'5ow does the intensit* o# solar radiation
var* at di##erent )arts o# Earth+
:ow 4%rn to Pages 581 ; 58<
3'3ook at the gra)hs on the to)6 (hat is on
the =-a=is+ (hat is on the two *-a=es+
(hat does the red line re)resent+ (hat do
the !l%e !ars re)resent+
riday 5.1!.14
Write todays date in Box #4
Read Pages 582-588 9se 2162' in the
EARTH Siene !ook " answer the
#ollowing $%estions&
1'(hat is the >?))en lassi#iation s*stem+
2'(hat are the ,-.E )rini)al gro%)s in the
>?))en lassi#iation s*stem+
3'(ilmington@ :C is in whih glo!al limate
"onday 5.1#.14
Write todays date in Box #5
Read Pgs6 8A-8< 9se A61' in the EARTH
Siene !ook " answer the #ollowing $%estions&
1' (hat are the main ingredients in
oal vs6 oil " nat%ral gas+
2'(hih grade o# oal do *o% see the most
o# on the U6S6 oal #ield ma)+ (hih grade
do *o% see the least o#+
3'(hat two energ* reso%res might !e
%sed to re)lae )etrole%m one da*+
Tuesday 5.2$.14
Write todays date in Box #!
Read the CBRB/: CCC3E hando%t on *o%r
desk " answer the #ollowing $%estions&
1' St%d* the )it%re6 (hih o# Earths
Ds)heresE has ar!on in it+
2'(hat #orm does ar!on take in the
atmos)here+ (here did it ome #rom+
3'(hat #orm does ar!on take in
animals/)eo)le+ (here did it ome #rom+
A'(hat are h%mans doing to a##et the nat%ral
!alane o# the ar!on *le+
Tuesday 5.2$.14
%o&y the 'o((o)in* into Box ##
%ARB+N ,+-%E
- Fe#ine ar!on so%re with 7rs6 Can%)
- Bs *o% wath the Brain Po) video@ tr* to list
as man* so%res o# ar!on as *o% an 9!oth
nat%ral and man-made'6
%o&y the 'o((o)in* into Box #12
%ARB+N ,.N/
Fe#ine ar!on sink with 7rs6 Can%)
3ist as man* ar!on sinks as *o% an
Wednesday 5.21.14
Write todays date in Box #0
Read the DC3-7B4E C5B:GE SC-E:CE
,BC4SE hando%t on *o%r desk " answer the
#ollowing $%estions&
1' 3ist some o# the natura( a%ses o# limate
2'3ist some o# the hu1an a%ses o# limate hange6
3'-n addition to inreases in glo!al s%r#ae
tem)erat%res@ what are the ,E2EN other )iees o#
evidene that show %s the )lanet is warming+
-# *o% dont have eno%gh room in Bo= H<@ %se Bo= H1IJ
Thursday 5.22.14
Write todays date in Box #3
Read Pgs6 1I2-1I< 9se A62' in the
EARTH Siene !ook " answer the
#ollowing $%estions&
1' (hat are the two main advantages o# %sing
solar energ*+
2'(hat is the D#%elE %sed in a n%lear reator+
5ow is energ* reated %sing this D#%elE+
3'(hat alternate energ* so%re has the
)otential to meet 5-1IK o# the energ*
demands o# the United States+
riday 5.23.14
4+- HA2E A TE,T T+5A4666
F%ring Bellwork toda*@ )lease do the #ollowing&
1'Grade *o%r two Unit 5 $%i22es and go over
the answers6
2',inish and st%d* *o%r Unit 5 Review
3'Get *o%r -S: read* to !e t%rned in 4/FBCJ
,.T 7-.ET8466666
When you 'inish your test9
1'4%rn in *o%r test@ !ooklet@ " liker
2'Sit !ak down and work F-3-GE:43C on
*o%r Unit 5 -S:6 7ake s%re ever* )age is
PER,EC4J Fo some o# the e=tra redit )agesJ
45-S -S C/UR 3BS4 7BL/R :/4EB//>
4+-R BE,T666

,.T 7-.ET8466666
SILENTLY Read Pgs. 153-155 in the
Environmental Science Textoo!.
"#estion $
What did the EPA do in 1970 & 1990?
"#estion $
What is a catalytic converter? How did
it help air pollution?
"#estion $
What is a scrubber? How do they help air
"#esiton $
What is a theral inversion?
SILENTLY Read Pg. 1%& in the
Environmental Science Textoo!.
"#estion $
!ist the name and '( n#mer "or as
any )*I+S as you can "ind in the
picture at the top o" the pa#e.
"#estion $
!ist the name and '( n#mer "or as
any ,)SES as you can "ind in the
picture at the top o" the pa#e.
SILENTLY Read the -IP** .a!e-
/' *all0 )rticle
"#estion $
What is your opinion about #lobal cliate
chan#e? $o you %believe& in all o" the
*ow watch the "ollowin# video+
,achel Pi-e . /he 0cience 1ehind the Headlines
Have you chan#ed your ind at all?
SILENTLY Read 1&1.32 Pgs. %33-
What is the di""erence between the
#reenhouse e""ect and #lobal
How is #lobal warin# predicted to
a""ect weather patterns?

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