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Kathryn Mosiman Analysis of Musical Scores Dr.

Gordon Sly Sunday, August 11, 2013

An Analysis of The Pasture by Z. Randall Stroope

Description: The Pasture is the second song in a setting of three pieces entitled Where the Earth Meets the Sky, hich e!emplify the cultural heritage of America. "ach song ithin the set highlights the contri#ution of American poets, each from different cultural #ac$grounds. %his song uses te!t ritten #y &o#ert 'rost, one of America(s leading 20th century poets. )is poems often reflect on pastoral, *e "ngland themes. %his poem is no e!ception. The Pasture depicts a day in the life of rural farmer completely daily chores. %hat #eing said, there is a hint of a deeper meaning that lies #eneath the surface of the poem. +. &andall Stroope(s setting of this poem to music instantly #rings out the emotional affects con,eyed through the te!t. Stroope composes a female ,erse follo ed #y a men(s ,erse that creates t o characters ithin the poem. -oth characters repeat ./ sha(n(t #e long0 creating an intimate, lo,ing relationship #et een the t o characters. Stroope also ma$es use of changing meters that dri,es the musical line to that phrase. As each character(s ,erse continues, the phrase ./ sha(n(t #e long0 is repeated and lengthens. 'inally, each ,erse ends ith .1ou come too0. %his not only further esta#lishes the type of relationship that is #et een the characters, #ut it also leads to a transition #et een ,erses. Stroope ma$es use of ,ery simple te!t painting2.totters0 sung on 13th notes #y the men, . ater0 sung in thirds #y the omen. %he accompaniment also has moments of simplicity that adds to the o,erarching theme of the piece, ho e,er it also could stand alone ithout the te!t. 4,erall, Stroope sets 'rost(s poem diligently depicting a special relationship. 5hen performing or listening to this piece, each character .promises0 lo,e one another and ne,er #e gone too long. Agency Statement: %he agency of this piece lies in Stroope(s a#ility to create a po erful, emotional affect through his use of meter changes, a rich te!ture in the accompaniment, and interplay #et een the men6 omen(s ,oices to #ring to fruition a ,ery special relationship.

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