Special Senses
Special Senses
Special Senses
- infective inflammatory or allergic
responses 6. OTITIS MEDIA
involving the structure of the external - infection of the middle ear occurring as a
auditory result of a
canal or the auricles blocked eustachian tube, which prevents
- an irritating or infective agent comes into drainage
contact - a common complication of an acute
with epithelial layer of the external ear respiratory
- this leads to either an allergic response infection
infection • Fever
- the skin becomes red, swollen, & tender • Irritability, restlessness & loss of
to touch appetite
on movement
• Rolling of head from side to side
- the excessive swelling of the canal lead
• Pulling on or rubbing the ear
• Earache or pain
• Signs of hearing loss
hearing loss due to obstruction
• Purulent ear drainage
- more common in children & termed as
• Red, opaque, bulging or retracting
tympanic membrane
- occurs more often in hot, humid
• Encourage oral fluids
• Teach the parents to feed infants in an
upright position
Pain • Instruct the child to avoid chewing
Itching during the acute period
- chewing increases the pain • Instruct the client to report excessive
• Provide local heat & have the child lie ear drainage to the physician
with affected ear down
• Instruct the parents in the appropriate
procedure to clean drainage from the 7. CHRONIC OTITIS MEDIA
ear with sterile cotton swabs - a chronic infective, inflammatory, or
• Instruct in the administer of analgesics allergic
or antipyretics such as Acetaminophen response involving the structure of the
(Tylenol) to decrease fever & pain middle ear
• Instruct the parents in the - surgical treatment is necessary to restore
administration of prescribed antibiotics, hearing
emphasizing that the 10-14 day period - the type of surgery can vary & include a
is necessary to eradicate positive simple
organisms reconstruction of the tympanic
• Instruct the parents that screening for membrane, a
hearing loss may be necessary myringotomy, or replacement of the
- temporary incision of tympanic within the middle ear
decompress the membrane and promote - a reconstruction of the middle ear may
drainage be
of effusion attempted to improve conductive
- insertion of tympanoplasty tubes in the hearing loss
to equalize pressure & keep the ears • Administer antibiotic ear drops as Rx
dry • Clear the ear of debris as Rx & irrigate
POST-OP NURSING CARE ear with a solution of equal parts of
• Keep the ears dry vinegar & sterile H2Oas Rx
• Earplugs should be worn during • Instruct to avoid persons with URTI
bathing, shampooing & swimming • Instruct client to obtain adequate rest,
• Diving & submerging under water are eat a balanced diet & drink adequate
C/I fluids
Client education post myringotomy • Instruct in DBE & coughing but forceful
• Avoid strenuous exercise coughing avoided.
• Avoid rapid head movements, - increases pressure in the middle ear esp.
bouncing or bending post-op
• Avoid straining on bowel movement POST-OP NURSING CARE
• Avoid drinking through a straw • Inform client that initial hearing after
• Avoid traveling by air surgery is diminished & hearing will
• Avoid forceful coughing improve after the ear canal packing is
• Avoid contact with persons with colds removed
• Avoid washing hair, showering or • Keep dressing clean & dry
getting the head wet for a week as Rx • Keep client flat with operative ear up
• Instruct the client that if she/he needs for at least 12 hours
to blow the nose, blow one side at a • Administer antibiotics as Rx
time with wide mouth open • Instruct the client that he/she may
• Instruct the client to keep ears dry by return to work in approximately 3
keeping a ball of cotton coated with weeks post-op
petroleum jelly in the ear & to change
cotton ball daily 8. OTOSCLEROSIS
- disease of the labyrinthine capsule of - removal of the stapes with a small hole
the middle drilled in
ear that results in a bony overgrowth of the footplate & a prosthesis is connected
the tissue between the incus & footplate
surrounding the ossicles - sounds cause the prosthesis to vibrate in
- causes the dev’t of irregular areas of the
new bone same manner as the stapes
formation & causes fixation of the COMPLICATIONS:
bones - Complete hearing loss
- stapes fixation leads to CONDUCTIVE - Prolonged vertigo
HEARING - Infection
LOSS - Facial nerve damage
- if it involves inner ear, PRE-OP NURSING CARE
SENSORINEURAL HEARING • Instruct the client in measures to
LOSS prevent middle ear or external ear
ASSESSMENT • Instruct the client to avoid excessive
Slowly progressing conductive hearing nose blowing
loss • Instruct not to clean the ear canal with
Bilateral hearing loss cotton-tipped applicators
A ringing or roaring type of constant • Instruct the client to remove the
tinnitus hearing aid 2 weeks before surgery to
Loud sounds heard in the ear when ensure the integration of local tissue
• Inform the client that hearing is initially
Pinkish discoloration (SCHWARTZ’S
worse after the surgical procedure & no
SIGN) of the tympanic membrane
- indicates vascular changes in the ear noticeable improvement in hearing
may occur for as long as 6 weeks
(-) Rinne test
• Inform the client that the Gelfoam ear
Weber test shows lateralization of the
packing interferes with hearing but is
sound to the ear with the most
used to decrease bleeding
conductive hearing loss
• Assist with ambulating during the first
1-2 days after surgery
- it is not uncommon to have bilateral
• Provide side rails when the client is in
involvement, although hearing loss
may be
• Administer antibiotics &
worse in one ear
antivertiginous & pain meds as Rx
- nonsurgical intervention promotes the
• Assess for facial nerve damage,
improvement of hearing through
weakness, changes in taste sensation,
vertigo, nausea & vomiting
- surgical intervention involves removal
• Instruct to move head slowly when
of the
changing positions
bony growth that is causing the
• Instruct to avoid showering & getting
hearing loss
the head & wound wet
• Instruct to refrain from using small
objects to clean the external ear canal
• Instruct to avoid rapid, extreme
changes in pressure caused by quick
(FENESTRATION) may be surgically
head movements, sneezing,nose
blowing, straining & changes in altitude
• Instruct to avoid changes in the middle - sometimes so intense that even when
ear pressure lying down,
- it could dislodge the graft prosthesis the client holds the bed or ground in
an attempt
MENIERE’S SYNDROME to prevent the whirling
- a syndrome also called • Nausea & vomiting
(- refers to dilation of the • Severe headaches
endolympathic system by
either overproduction or decreased NON-SURGICAL MANAGEMENT
reabsorption of • Preventing injury during vertigo
endolymphatic fluid) attacks
- characterized by tinnitus, unilateral • Providing bed rest in a quiet
sensorineural environment
hearing loss, & vertigo • Provide assistance with walking
- symptoms occur in attacks & last for • Instruct the client to move the head
several days, slowly
& the client becomes totally - to prevent worsening of vertigo
incapacitated • Initiate Na & fluid restrictions as Rx
- initial hearing loss is reversible, but as • Instruct to avoid smoking
the • Administer Nicotinic acid (Niacin) as
frequency of attacks continues, hearing Rx
loss - promote vasodilating effect
becomes permanent • Administer antihistamines as Rx
- repeated damage to the cochlea caused - reduce the production of histamine
by &
increased fluid pressure leads to the inflammation
permanent • Administer antiemetics as Rx
hearing loss • Administer tranquilizers & sedatives as
• Any factor that increases - to calm client & allow rest, control
endolymphatic secretion in the the vertigo,
labyrinth N&V
• Viral & bacterial infections SURGICAL MANAGEMENT
• Allergic reactions - performed when medical therapy is
• Biochemical disturbances ineffective &
• Vascular disturbances producing the functional level of the client has
changes in the microcirculation in the decreased
labyrinth significantly
• Feelings of fullness in the ear INSERTION OF THE SHUNT
• Tinnitus, as a continuous low-pitched - may be performed early in the course of
roar or humming sound - is present the disease
most of the time but worsens just to assist with the drainage of excess
before & during severe attacks fluids
• Hearing loss is worse during an attack • RESECTION OF THE VESTIBULAR
• Vertigo NERVE
- periods of whirling which might cause • LABYRINTHECTOMY
the client - removal of the labyrinth may be
to fall to the ground performed
• Assess packing & dressing on the ear
• Speak to the client on the side of the
unaffected ear EAR CARE
• Perform neurological assessments EAR PROTECTION
• Maintain side rails Protecting and Caring For Your Ears
The ears are delicate and irreplaceable
• Assist with ambulating
• Encourage the use of bedside Once hearing is damaged, it often can't be
commode restored.
• Administer antivertiginous& antiemetic So give your ears – and your hearing – the
medications as Rx same level of care and attention as you do
other vital parts of your body.
CERUMEN & FOREIGN BODIES General Nursing Care Tips
- Have your ears and hearing checked
- the most common cause of impacted - Know the warning signs of hearing loss
canals - See a medical professional right away
- can include vegetables, beads, pencil - injure your ears,
erasers & - experience ear pain, or
insects - notice changes in your ears or sense
of hearing
• Sensation of fullness in the ear with or Warning Signs of Hearing Loss
without hearing loss - Difficulty hearing conversations,
• Pain, itching or bleeding especially in the presence of background
NURSING CARE - Frequently asking others to repeat
• Removal of the wax by irrigation is a what they’ve said
- Misunderstanding what people say
slow process
- Difficulty hearing on the telephone
• Irrigation is C/I in clients with a hx of - Requiring the TV or radio volume to be
tympanic membrane perforation louder than others in the room prefer
• To soften cerumen, add 3 gtts of - Feeling that people are mumbling
glycerin to the ear @ hs & 3 gtts of when they are talking
hydrogen peroxide BID - Difficulty hearing certain
environmental sounds, such as birds chirping
• After several days the ear is irrigated
- Agreeing or nodding your head during
-50-70 ml of solution is the maximal conversations when you’re not sure what’s
amount a client can tolerate during an been said
irrigation sitting - Removing yourself from conversations
FOREIGN BODIES because it’s too difficult to hear
NURSING CARE - Reading lips so you can try to follow
• If the foreign matter is vegetable, what people are saying
- Straining to hear or keep up with
irrigation is used with care
• Insects are killed before removal - Tinnitus
unless they can be coaxed out by
flashlight or a humming noise Preventing Hearing Loss
• Mineral oil or alcohol is instilled to - Avoid loud or prolonged exposure to
suffocate the insect which is then noise.
removed with ear forceps - When you can't avoid noise, wear ear
• Use small ear forceps to remove the
- If your ears produce excessive earwax,
object & avoid pushing the object have your ears cleaned periodically by a
farther into the canal & damaging the health care professional. (Do not use cotton
tympanic membrane swabs, as you will lodge more earwax even
deeper into the ear canal than the small - Stop smoking.
amount of wax you will remove.) - Some studies have found that adults
- Avoid ototoxic drugs. If taking one who smoke are more likely to develop
already, talk with your doctor and see if hearing loss than nonsmokers.
there's a less-ototoxic alternative. - Smoking can also aggravate existing
- Stay healthy and be mindful of risk conditions, such as tinnitus
factors, such as hypertension. - Blowing of the nose
A study conducted by a team of
Noise researchers from the University of
- Avoid exposure to loud noise. Virginia and the University of Aarhus in
- best action: get rid of the noise or Denmark, revealed that blowing your
leave the noisy area. nose may actually cause mucus to
- Follow this simple rule of thumb: if you be propelled back into the sinus
need to shout to be heard over noise, it's cavities.
potentially damaging
- When you can’t avoid noise, always Also, blowing the nose creates a huge
wear ear protection (earplugs or earmuffs) amount of pressure in the nose -- over seven
- Be aware that repeated or prolonged times more pressure than is produced by
exposure to lower noise levels may cause sneezing or coughing.
hearing damage Proper blowing of the nose
- Protect the ears of children who are Blow your nose gently.
too young to know the dangers that noise Blowing too hard creates even more
can pose pressure that can force infectious
mucus into your ears and sinuses.
Cleaning of Ears Avoid the "both-nostrils-open" blow.
- Clean ears with extra care. Instead ...
- Wipe the outer ear with a washcloth or Press a finger over one nostril.
tissue. Gently blow the nose into a paper
- Never put anything into your ear that’s tissue thru the one open nostril.
smaller than an adult finger covered with a Switch your finger to close the opposite
washcloth. nostril, and repeat.
- Using cotton swabs or other small Proper blowing of the nose
object may damage the sensitive structures Drink plenty of fluids.
of your inner ear Makes it easier for mucus to be
- Earwax is usually removed by the removed by blowing gently.
ear’s own cleaning mechanism. Blowing your nose after taking a steamy
- If there is build-up of excess earwax, shower can also help.
have it removed by a physician or medical
professional. Proper blowing of the nose
Use paper tissues rather than cloth
Illness and Medications handkerchiefs.
- Reduce the risk of ear infections by A used handkerchief is a breeding ground for
treating upper respiratory tract infections germs -- and when you reuse it you're
promptly spreading those germs around your face and
- Some illnesses and medical conditions hands.
can affect hearing. Proper blowing of the nose
- If experiencing sudden hearing loss or Only use a paper tissue once, then throw it
persistent noise in your ears or head away.
(tinnitus), have it seen by a health care Minimizes the risk of putting germs
provider/physician right away back onto your face and hands.
Wash your hands when you're finished,
Illness and Medications Microbes from your nose and tissue will
- Be aware that certain medications are be transferred to your fingers while you
ototoxic and may damage your hearing. blow.
- Take medications only as directed, and Prevents spread of germs to other
refer to you health care provider/physician people or back to yourself.
immediately if you experience unusual
symptoms Ear Examination
Includes an assessment of:
Hearing, and Look for wax or other obstructions (e.g.
appearance of the ear foreign bodies – tips of cotton buds!)
Ear Examination Ear wax
Ear Examination Inspecting the Tympanic Membrane
History Move the otoscope in order to see several
Look for classic symptoms of ear different views of the drum.
disease: deafness, tinnitus, discharge Normal tympanic membrane should appear
(otorrhia), pain (otalgia), and vertigo pearly grey, concave, & roughly circular
Previous ear surgery, or head injury (~1cm in diameter).
Family history of deafness Inspecting the Tympanic Membrane
Systemic disease (for example stroke, 1=Attic (pars flaccida)
multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular 2= Lateral process of malleus
disease) 3=Handle of malleus
Ototoxic drugs (antibiotics: 4=End of the malleus
gentamicin), diuretics, cytotoxics) 5=Light reflex
Exposure to noise (pneumatic drill or Inspecting the Tympanic Membrane
shooting, for example) Look for signs of inflammation
History of atopy and allergy in children Acute otitis media
Inspecting the Tympanic Membrane
Ear Examination
Inspecting the External Ear Look for signs of perforation.
Inspect the external ear before examination Perforation of ear drum
with an otoscope/auriscope. Ear Examination
Slowly retract the otoscope/auriscope from
Swab any discharge, and remove any wax. the ear.
Inspecting the External Ear Change the speculum on the
Look for obvious signs of abnormality: otoscope/auriscope and examine the other
Size and shape of pinna ear.
Extra cartilage tags/pre-auricular Finally document what was seen in both ears,
sinuses or pits the condition of the tympanic membrane and
Signs of trauma to pinna the external auditory meatus
Suspicious skin lesions on the pinna Basic hearing tests
including neoplasia Detailed hearing tests are usually performed
Skin conditions of the pinna and in audiology clinics.
external canal
Infection/inflammation of external ear A patient with normal hearing should hear
canal with discharge equally as well in both ears.
Signs/scars of previous surgery
Tuning fork tests: Weber test and Rinne test
Gently pull on the pinna to test for pain (If Free field voice testing (whisper from 40 cm)
painful this may suggest external ear
disease). Weber test
The vibrating fork is placed anywhere on the
Palpate for any lymph nodes (e.g. The midline of the patient's skull. The patient has
parotid or postauricular nodes ~ this may to say where they hear the vibration.
also be suggestive of external ear disease) Interpretation of results is as follows:
INSPECTION OF THE EXTERNAL Normal hearing: vibration will be heard on
AUDITORY MEATUS the midline or equally in both ears
Examine the ‘good ear’ first. With prior Perceptive loss: sound is heard better by the
warning to the patient, gently pull the pinna intact ear
upwards and outwards (Directly down and Conductive loss: sound is heard better by the
back in children). affected ear
Inspecting the Ear Canal and Ear Drum Weber Test
Slowly insert the otoscope/auriscope, looking Weber Test
at the skin of the canal while entering. Rinne Test
Check skin for normality or signs of Should be performed on each ear in turn.
inflammation. The base of the fork is placed against the
Inspecting the Ear Canal and Ear Drum patient's mastoid process on one side.
When the patient can no longer hear the when light is bright and opens when light is
vibration, the tuning fork is placed next to dim.
their ear on the same side. Sclera: the tough white sheet that covers
Rinne Test the outside of the eye
Interpretation of results is as follows: The Eye
If the sound is now heard, the Rinne Eye also has a focusing lens, which focuses
test is positive, meaning that air images from different distances on the
conduction is better than bone retina.
conduction and there is:
- no hearing loss The Eye
- perceptive hearing loss. - Ciliary muscles in ciliary body control
Conductive hearing loss may be the focusing of lens automatically.
diagnosed if the test is negative (i.e. - Image formed on the retina is
bone conduction is better than air transmitted to brain by optic nerve.
conduction) - The image is finally perceived by
Rinne Test brain.
Rinne Test Three Layers
The whispered voice test of the Eyeball
Has the advantage of not needing any Sclera: outer fibrous layer, helps keep the
equipment. shape of the eye
Patients are told that they will be asked to Choroid: middle blood rich layer supplying
repeat three numbers. nutrition to the eye structures
The examiner stands out of view of the Retina: inner colored (pigmented) nerve
patient (to prevent lip reading) while layer of the eye.
covering one of the patient's ears and
rubbing the external auditory meatus with a Eye Care Practitioners
gentle circular motion. Eye Care Practitioners
This serves to mask sound input from the Ophthalmologist
non-test ear. a medical doctor who specializes in eye
The examiner then fully exhales (which care.
reduces voice volume) and standing 0.75 m Optometrist
(arm's length) from the ear being tested optometric doctor trained to provide
whispers 3 numbers. refractive correction and diagnose/treat
It is very important to pay attention to the common issues.
loudness of the whispering. Ophthalmic medical practitioner
Failure to repeat 50% or more of the numbers Similar to an optometrist (in the UK).
on two trials is considered a fail and suggests Oculist
a 30 dB+ hearing loss. Older term for either an
Whispered voice test ophthalmologist or optometrist.
Stand 1-2 feet behind client so they can not Ocularist
read your lips. specializes in the fabrication and fitting
2) Instruct client to place one finger on of ocular prostheses for people who
tragus of left ear to obscure sound. have lost eyes due to trauma or illness.
3) Whisper word with 2 distinct syllables Optician
towards client's right ear. also called Optical Dispenser
4) Ask client to repeat word back. specializes in the fabrication and
5) Repeat test for left ear. fitting of
6) Client should correctly repeat 2 syllable spectacles. Prescription for the
word. spectacles must
The eye is like a camera. be supplied by an ophthalmologist
The external object is seen like the camera or
takes the picture of any object. optometrist.
The Eye Orthoptist
Light enters the eye thru a small hole called specializes in ocular motility, which is
the pupil and is focused on the retina, the movement of the eye controlled by
which is like a camera film. the extraocular muscles.
Iris (colored ring of the eye) controls the Vision therapist
amount of light entering the eye; closes work with patients that require therapy,
such as low vision patients.
Ophthalmic medical personnel - photophobia (iridocyclitis, Iritis)
popularly called "OMP"
is a collective term for allied health Keratitis
personnel in ophthalmology. Glaucoma
often used to refer to non-specialized Eye Health Promotion
personnel (unlike ocularists or Nutrition
opticians). Ensure proper intake of nutrients necessary
for optimum vision health in the daily diet
Symptoms of eye strain are often relieved by:
- resting the eyes
- changing the work environment
- wearing the proper glasses.
- Using proper lighting when using a
Prevention of Eye Strain when Using a