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n! o i t a r i p s n Daily I
Journal today. Write down one thing you love about yourself. Do this every Monday. The list will add up - fast.


Its #ToneItUp Tuesday! So go to and try Karena & Katrinas new workout! K&K are my biggest inspirations! (and of course Bree Bond hehe

sm ile. w or k ou t . e a t h e a lt hy . r e p e at .
ove yourself. If you want to change your body now, you must love it now ! if you dont love who you are now, you will never get to where you want to be later. This is not a diet. This is my lifestyle. I am not a nutritionist. I am a teenage girl learning to take care and love my body, by nourishing it with wholesome foods, and heart pumping exercise. Indulging in ice!cream every now and then, and accepting the challenges of everyday. No diet can last forever, but a change in lifestyle can.
Whoa its Wednesday! Feeling stressed because of work or school? Get ahead today. Tackle a project or get a head start on an assignment. You wont stress out later, and your body will thank you for it!

In this plan you will discover not only easy and delicious recipes, but learn how to love who you are and get to where you want to be ! the healthy and fun way! There are no shortcuts. Again this is not a diet. You will not restrict yourself, but rather learn to listen to your body and fuel it properly. If your body is craving greens ! its salad time! If youre in the mood for something sweet ! have a treat! Its all about moderation. Today is the day to learn to love and make a change. Why wait for tomorrow when you have today?

Challenge yourself today. Whether that is pushing yourself a little harder in your workout, nally cleaning our your crazy closet, or cleaning out your inbox. Whatever it is - do it.

Its time to nish o! your week by making or trying your favorite #CambriasKitchen recipe and sharing it on Twitter or Instagram! @breelovesbeauty

reakfast is a Perfect Fit Protein Pancake from "Recipe below# with fruit or berries.

fternoon snack is baby carrots

AM Workout

with hummus.


PM Workout Cycle sculpt class

orning Snack is 0$ Greek "50 mins# OR 30 mins of cardio + 20 mins of toning!

yogurt with a handful of blueberries & Truvia

inner is any protein with any

unch is tuna with greek yogurt as

mayo with carrots/celery/egg. Serve with a salad :)

veggie! Options are endless. Salmon, tuna, turkey, tofu, or chicken...anything! With any and all veggies.

BLB tip: stop comparing yourself to others. If that means staying off Tumblr for a little while, do it.

Pe r fe ct Fit P ro te in Pa n ca ke
1/4 cup egg white s 1 scoop Perfect Fit Protein Powder


If you want something youve never had, then youve got to do something youve never done.

2 Tbs Almond Milk ( I like coconut milk) 1 tsp cinnamon 1 Tbs ground axs eed
the little bubbles just like cooking an y pancake! Flip over (careful!) and cook on the other size un til the middle is done (peek inside wi th a fork). Recipe & directions from To!

1/2 mashed banana

Pour into a pan tha t has been sprayed with olive oil cooking spray- heat on medium. !Cook on e side until you see

reakfast is a Perfect Fit Protein Smoothie! 1 cup

coconut milk, 1/2 frozen banana, handful frozen berries, + 1 scoop Perfect Fit Protein!


orning Snack is one

grapefruit with Truvia !

unch is chicken salad, with celery, red Perfect Fit Protein is Organic, Gluten-Free, Raw, Vegan, Non-GMO,

onions, slivered almonds, Greek yogurt as mayo, Dijon mustard, black pepper, lemon juice...anything to add flavor! Whatever you like :)

Kosher, Non-Fat, Low in Sodium, and Free of Sugar, Dairy, Lactose, Cholesterol, Soy, Corn, Wheat and Allergens!

inner is a piece of sh " l like

fternoon snack is chopped up Dover Sole, Cod, Mahi Mahi or Salmon# with veggies!! "I love asparagus, and zucchini!#
BLB tip: it is OK to have a treat! One brownie, or a little ice-cream is fun! But remember, food is fuel, NOT therapy!

cucumber/baby carrots dipped in Greek yogurt dip, or hummus! Plus some nuts!

Bree Bond AM Workout!

AM Workout 2X PM Workout
Abs + Weighting Lifting "I go to a class and it takes a little over an hour# OR 20 mins of ab workouts + 2 Blogilates videos!


reakfast is turkey bacon, egg whites, & Greek yogurt with Truvia and a sprinkle of berries!

AM Workout
30 minute fast walk or elliptical! Get into it!! SWEAT.


orning Snack is one piece of fruit,

ex. orange, apple, or pear

unch is a salad with loads of veggies!

Carrots, cucumber, celery, tomato, olives, avocado, and some almonds or chicken!

My favorite dressing is just plain oil. Yes oil. No ranch, or thousand Dressing: lemon + vinegar, balsamic vinegar, island.....nothing like that! Salads are SO good or olive oil + black pepper! for you! But be careful because dressings can sneak in and ruin your fternoon snack is 1 Tbsp peanut nutritious meal! :" I LOVE a little melted coconut oil on or almond butter, spread on celery, topped my salads or a drizzle of olive oil. ! with almonds!

PM Workout
30 minutes of yoga or stretching Maybe Tone It Up Long & Lean Routine from Beach Babe DVD?!
BLB tip: EAT!!! EAT! Eat until youre satisfied. You should never be hungry but never FULL. Do not be afraid to EAT. <3

inner is salmon with unlimited

veggies! Ex. broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliower, asparagus....any veggie!


reakfast is oatmeal with berries "or 1/2 banana# + cinnamon + Truvia! OR Protein Pancake! orning Snack is banana or apple "sliced# sprinkled with cinnamon & Truvia!

unch is a spinach salad with strawberries,

AM Workout

pecans, a little feta cheese, and balsamic vinegar


fternoon snack is kale chips! :# inner time! Vegetarian night! Make

HIIT Workout - Tone It Up HIIT the Beach OR Blogilates HIITilates videos (2 of them)

#B LBP lan

your favorite veggie dish! How about some veggie stir!fry?

K a le C h ip s !
1 bunch of kale 1 Tablespoon of Ol ive Oil

PM Workout Cycle sculpt

Pinch of salt Place chopped up kale on a cookie sheet and drizzle wi th olive oil. Finish o! with a dash of sa lt and pop it in the oven for about 15 minutes at 375 degrees. DONE!

class "50 mins# OR 30 mins of cardio + 20 mins of toning!

BLB tip: listen to your body. Are you actually hungry? Do you need another serving of veggies? Lets be honest here: you can have all the veggies you want. But why have all you want, when you can give your body just what you need? Listen to yourself!

reakfast is a Perfect Fit Protein Wa%e! Top with peanut butter "or almond butter# and strawberries!


orning Snack is one grapefruit +

unch is a wrap with turkey

bacon, lettuce, and tomato + a little avocado

AM Workout
(repeat everything 2X)


fternoon snack is 0$

Greek yogurt with handful of raspberries blueberries, or blackberries. inner is lean turkey meatballs with

spaghetti squash or zucchini pasta. Top with all natural, or organic tomato sauce!

! ! !
PM Workout: 30 minute light jog or power walk. This can be easy and fun! Walk your dog or jog with a friend.

BLB tip: Set a goal. Write it down. Visualize it. Believe it and receive it! Make a plan. Commit. DO IT FOR YOU.


reakfast is a Greek yogurt fruit parfait! Add in berries & all natural granola!

s p i T p My To

inner is coconut shrimp veggie stir!fry!

Add in your favorite veggies and a bit of coconut cream!

Aim for 9 hours of sleep every night. Get no less than 7.5 hours every night. SLEEP!

Bree Bond AM Workout!


orning Snack is melon!

Cantaloupe, Honeydew, or Watermelon! "if not, then berries#

unch is soup & salad! Homemade

or store bought low sodium. I like butternut squash & tomato. Salad with carrots, cucumber & your choice of dressing.

Drink water! Always have water with you. Carry a water bottle everywhere you go. Drink a glass before bed and right when you wake up. I drink at least two at every meal.

fternoon snack is baby carrots

BLB tip: What motivates you? Who motivates you? Make an inspiration board!! Look at it everyday as a reminder. VISUALIZE! :)

with hummus!

PM Workout:

Yoga! Or Pilates! Maybe a foam roller? Something relaxing to end your Saturday. 15!20 minutes. I like Blogilates :#


AM Workout

reakfast is Aa Bowl or French Toast from #CambriasKitchen! Dont forget to take a pic and send it to me on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #BLBPlan and #CambriasKitchen :#


orning Snack is any piece of

unch is pizza! Healthy pizza from

#CambriasKitchen. Use a tortilla, with low sodium tomato sauce and then add tons of veggies, zucchini, bell pepper, onions, mushrooms, thinly sliced carrots. Add some lean chicken on top!
fternoon snack is 0$
BLB tip: Philippians 4:13

inner is anything tonight!

Make sure to include lots of veggies!

Greek yogurt with berries.

If you are interested in PERSONAL TRAINING please contact my friend Bree Bond! : [email protected] If you are interested in Tone It Up go to to read about more info on K&Ks nutrition plan!

I am NOT: a personal trainer, dietitian, certied nutritionist, or health/tness expert. This is what I like to eat, and how I like to workout. I am just a teenager who likes to stay active and eat healthy. In no way am I claiming that this plan will work for everyone and every body type. I do not count calories, therefore I do not know the caloric count specied for each day. Everything in this plan I learned on my own. I am still apart of Tone It Up, and I did not give away any of their tips for their private members, as I am a member and I paid to be apart of Tone It Up. I shared Tone It Ups free recipes and workouts; its what they o&er to anyone reading their site. I am not paid or being compensated to promote Tone It Up or Perfect Fit Protein, I just believe in their way of life, and products! A! workouts in this plan are either from Tone It Up, Karena and Katrina, "certied trainers# Bree Bond, "NASM Certied Personal Trainer# or from Tumblr. If anything hurts while working out STOP. I will not be held responsible for injury. Listen to your body, and stop if any workout is causing pain or severe discomfort. This is a dietary outline of what I eat. Some days I eat more. Some days I workout less. It all depends. My food is not limited to, and or restricted to the food specied in this plan. My workouts are not limited to, and or restricted to the workouts in this plan. Again, I am not certied, this is simply what works for ME. EAT EAT EAT!!! Never go hungry or starve your body. Fuel and nourish it!


~ Cambria


Be friends with me!! :) YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: @breelovesbeauty


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