Steam Coil Design
Steam Coil Design
Steam Coil Design
farenheit final temperature final temperature in degree farenheit delta T in degree farenheit specific heat of oil kcal/ kg/degree celsius total heat required in kilo calories total heat required in BTU steam requirement for heating steam rquirement for one hour in kgs case -1 steam required for 12 hrs steam requirement/ hr in kg/ hr total steam requirement basis efficiency 0f 70% heat transfer area required U= Watts/ sqm/degree celsius A= area in sqft A= area in sq mtr temp difference= In degree farenheit 5000000 35 69.4 58 110.8 41.4 0.51 58650000 234600000 97750 97750 8146 Q= Uadt 679 754 UA *temp difference 1100 5152 13.4 41.4 to be confirmed by eve
42.7 55.5
3" size of pipe required for 1000 kg/ hr as per steam charts for 4 bar steam with a velocity of 25 m/s
steam required for 24 hrs steam requirement/ hr in Kg/hr with 60% efficiency
2" size of pipe required for 400 kg / hr as per steam charts fo r 4 bar steam with velocity of 25 m/s
size of pipe required for 400 kg / hr as per steam charts fo r 4 bar steam with velocity of 25 m/s