Let's Remember That We Are in The Holy Presence of God
Let's Remember That We Are in The Holy Presence of God
Let's Remember That We Are in The Holy Presence of God
Love of people for love of God is an essential quality of a true leader. Fr. James Keller Everyone is a potential leader because the heart of leadership is service; putting yourself on the line for what you believe and speaking out for the good of others. Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent; for I am with you. Acts 18:9-4
A Leader Is.. One who helps others live as good human beings. somebody who sets an example for others to use their Godgiven talents. One who promotes self-respect. not about controlling, but about influencing people in a positive way. someone who uses power to serve. somebody who encourages people to follow them in wanting to do good. willing to do whats right_ even if theyre the only one doing it.
From Christophers news note
Each of us has the talent and spirit within us to go out and lead. I willdelight in My people before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. Isaiah 65:19,24
The Golden Rule Show genuine appreciation. Give compliments. Point out the good in others. Use every chance to say a good word or do a kind deed. Develop tolerance and courtesy. Practice kindness. Ease others burdens. Act cheerfully. Learn to smile. In everything do to others as you would have them do to you. Mt. 7:12