May 17

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Bronte School Deputy Heads Newsletter

10th May 2013

Firstly, Id like to say a big thank you to Year 6 for all their fundraising efforts this week in aid of ChYps. We wont have a final figure until all the sponsor money has been collected in, but we will let you know soon. Thank you also to all the children and parents who supported the weeks events so generously we couldnt have done it without you. Last weeks quiz night was a resounding success and thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended. Well done to the winners - theVon Trapp Family Quiz zers and a huge thank you to Mr & Mrs Maynard for organising the evening so well and for so generously supplying the raffle prizes. Bronte Friends made a profit of 252 from the evening. Next Monday (20th May) we shall be having another open morning between 9am and 11am. You are welcome to come and visit your childs class, or indeed any of the classes, and watch the lessons taking place. Next Wednesday (22nd May) we have the whole school photograph. The children will be photographed in their blazers. No old-style blazers will be permitted as these are now obsolete, and have been for some time, and will spoil the uniformity of the image. Reminders for next week: Monday: Open Morning 9-11am Tuesday: Year 3 & 4 trip to the Museum of Childhood Wednesday:Whole school photograph ISA Kwik Cricket Competition Thursday: Years 1 & 2 trip to Dartford Theatre & Library

We were thrilled to receive confirmation of our prestigious Arts Mark Gold status this week, recognising our excellent arts provision in school. Artsmark is Art Council Englands flagship programme to enable schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision. It is delivered by Trinity College London and has the support of the Department for Education, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and OFSTED. You will soon see our framed certificate and plaque on display! We are one of only a few primary/preparatory schools in Kent to have received Artsmark Gold status and are justly proud of this achievement.

While talking of the arts, we are also piloting the Arts Award with a few children this term with a view to participating fully during the next academic year. This is also run by Trinity College, London and is a great way for children to be inspired and enjoy the arts. It provides a framework for learning new skills and sharing them, and developing creativity and leadership skills. We have trained members of staff to become Arts Award advisers and will provide more information at the beginning of the next academic year, once our pilot has been completed and evaluated.

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