Animal Acrostics

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Grade 1/2

Animal Acrostics
Grade/Subject: Grade 1/2 ELA Unit: Poetry Lesson Duration: 10:15-11:45 90 min ASSESSMENTS
(Observations, Key Questions, Written Assessments, Performance Assessments) Observations: - Are students on task? - Are they asking questions? - Are they listening? - Are they raising their hands to ask questions? - Are they speaking out of turn? - Are they unnecessarily leaving their desks? Key Questions: (Review) - What are acrostic poems? - What are the elements of an acrostic poem? - What is the structure of an acrostic poem? - Why do people use them? Written Assessments: - Are they using proper printing? - Do they check for proper spelling with peers? - Do their words relate to the word choice? Performance Assessments: - Can they work well with a partner? - Can they create an acrostic poem? - Does their illustration enhance their poetry? - Does their illustration relate? - Do they use interesting words? OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES

Students will:

GLOs Student will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to:



Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. II. To enhance the clarity and artistry of communication III. Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
SLOs Grade 1: 2.2.10 Identify how words can imitate sounds and create special effects. 4.1.9. Use words and pictures to add sensory detail in oral, print and other media texts. SLOs Grade 2: 2.2.3. Model own oral, print and other media texts on familiar forms 2.2.10. Identify and use words and sentences that have particular emotional effects 2.2.11. Identify words in oral, print and other media texts that create clear pictures or impressions of sounds and sights.

Identify the structure of an acrostic poem. II. Identify the elements of an acrostic poem. III. Create an acrostic poem as a class. IV. Create an acrostic poem individually. V. Identify words that relate to the chosen noun/ theme (themselves). VI. Identify the structures and elements of a list poem VII.Create a list poem as a class


Resource #1: Read Write Think Resource #2: How to Make a Pop-Up Resource #3:African Acrostics by Avis Harley Eye to Eye Elephant Acrostic A Croc Acrostic Crocodile Acrostic


African Acrotics by Avis Harley Animal Acrostic booklets Glue, crayons and pencil crayons Poetry portfolios

Thursday, March 14, 2013 White board sheets and markers Poetry rubrics Self-check list

Grade 1/2

Introduction (10 min.): Hook/Attention Grabber: Ring the bell/ chime to indicate children should meet on the carpeted area. Review rules for silent, individual reading. Once students have identified the rules have them read for 10 minutes. A Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Review with students what an Acrostic poem is? What rules do acrostic poems have? Does anyone know what a list poem is? Based on it being called a list poem, what do you think it might be? Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students will remain on task. Students will not be talking while others are talking. Students will remain in their desks, and not shout out unless otherwise indicated. Students will work quietly while others are completing their spelling tests. Advance Organizer/Agenda: Should have the booklets cut out and ready for students. Have exemplar ready to show students. Have rubrics created for students as well as their spelling sheets ready for them. Transition to Body: Show them the exemplar and say this is what we will be creating today. They are the same as the acrostics we created yesterday, except, instead of the words going down, they are going across. Body (70 min.): Learning Activity #1: Individual Reading Students will gather at the carpet when they hear the chime. We will review the rules for reading individually. Students will read quietly, read for the whole time, stay in one spot, read for stamina and get started right away.
Assessments/Differentiation: Students can read any book they would like so its differentiation through interests as well. Assessment will be done through observation. Are students reading individually or are they getting off task and fooling around? Are they looking away from their books?

Learning Activity #2: Spelling Test and Printing Grade ones will be doing their spelling test first. While grade ones are taking their test, the grade two students will be working on their printing booklets or finishing their rainbow name-bows. They are expected to do so quietly, although they may ask an expert quietly about what step to take in completing their acrostic if necessary. While grade twos are taking their tests, the grade ones will also have the opportunity to work on their printing and be able to work on their rainbow name-bows. Remind students who are working on their printing that they should be doing self-checks on each page. They are looking to see that they have straight lines, round circles, and finger spaces. They should also be checking to see that their letters are touching the lines properly and that the overall impression is good.

The spelling tests will be collected after they are completed. Assessment will be done through marking them. Students will do their printing and this will be assessed. Differentiation is done through separate spelling tests for the different grade levels. Sentences and words will be given orally for students tests. Learning Activity #3: Acrostics Review and Animal Booklets Tell students that today we are doing acrostics poem again. Have a renewed discussion about what they are. Read a few examples from African Acrostics. Do another class example of an acrostic poem (for an animal). Show students the animal acrostic exemplars. Tell them we will be creating these today, so hopefully everyone thought of their favourite animal! We will be marked on these, and give them the rubric of how they will be assessed (Illustration and words). Students must create their animal acrostic on the white board first, and then check with a peer for their spelling. They must also check to see that the words make sense and dont use words that dont relate to their animal. After they are sure they are ready they can put up their hand, I will check it and give them the okay to move onto creating the craft. Indicate that students will only be given one booklet each so they have to be delicate with them and use pencil first to make sure its the best booklet they can create.
Assessments/Differentiation: There is a visual component to this part of the class, things will be written on the board. They will also be given the chance to create an illustration which will appeal to the artistic students. Assessment will be done through peer assessment where they check each others work. It will also be done through collecting the acrostics when they have been completed. These booklets will be assessed based off of the rubric. Does the content of the poem relate to the topic? Do they use descriptive and creative words? Is the illustration complete and does it enhance the meaning of the poem?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Grade 1/2

Learning Activity #4: List Poems (if theres time priority is to booklets) Talk to students about list poems. What do they think a list poem is? Show them a few examples on the smart-board. Create a list poem in class about St. Patricks Day.
Assessments/Differentiation: There is a visual component, so this will appeal to visual learners. Students will respond orally to questions such as what is a list poem. How do you think they are made? We will create a list poem as a class about St. Patricks Day. Do they identify words that relate to the theme?

Closure (10 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: When students have completed their activities they will use their sticky notes to answer the prompt: what questions do I have about acrostics? If they have no questions they will create an acrostic on their sticky note from the word SCHOOL. If we have made it to the list poems, students will write a list poem about what they know about poetry so far. Feedback From Students: Feedback will be received verbally, through questioning. How do students feel about acrostics? As well, feedback will be collected in the form of the post-its. If students have questions they will be addressed at the start of LA on Monday. Feedback To Students: Read their sticky notes and on Monday address their questions. Address questions as they are raised in class as well. Transition To Next Lesson: Tell students that we will continue with our poetry unit on Monday and that we will be doing rhyming poems, and coral reading just like the class who went to Kiwanis at St. Patricks today. They were doing spoken poetry.

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