Astm D2163-91
Astm D2163-91
Astm D2163-91
ASTM Method D2163-91: Analysis of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases and Propene Concentrates
Method Overview: This method analyzes the composition of LP gases. Analysis of propane, propene and butane at 0.1 volume % and above are required.
Single channel analysis of LPG, 14 m x 0.15, 2.0 mm methyl silicone, 48_C isothermal.
Analysis done by Agilent G2890A micro GC and short column for fast analysis. 1. Nitrogen 2. Ethane 3. Propylene 4. Propane 5. Isobutane 6. 1-butene/isobutylene 7. Butane 8. trans-2-butene 9. cis-2-butene 10. isopentane 11. 1-pentene 12. Pentane 30 40 50 60 2 5 6 3 1 30 10 11 12 7 8 9 70 80 90 90 100 10 100 110 11 110 seconds 120 35 40 2
NOTE: This chromatogram illustrates that, even with very long columns, butadiene reactions are eliminated using the HP-PLOT Al2O3 KCl column.
7 min