Team Three Hour TCP

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Three Hour Series (TCP) SalesPartners World Wide Community Last Updated October 3, 2012 (10:05 p.m. EST America)



Business Is a Team Sport
For the participants, this training is all about getting them to an understanding of why they must build a team and just as important, what the current state of their team is. This workbook has been designed and engineered for you to guide the participants to a greater understanding of what a championship team truly is. We will explore what the essential elements of a team are, team environment, vision, motivation and what it takes to actually build a dream team. We want the participants to think differently about themselves and their teams when they leave this training and to have a plan in place to put into action.
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2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Setting A Strong Foundation For Success
Page | 3 Follow the steps laid out in this book Be consistent and demand that your participants are consistent. This Trainers Curriculum Program (TCP) was designed for you and the participants Start on time and end on time ALWAYS Always acknowledge the participants for starting and remaining in the training Once you have gone through your Earn the Right, lay down some rules and gain agreement from all participants: o No cell phones o Use only the workbook and pen that has been provided Gain agreement to begin the training with What I Feel Like Saying. Explain the process and the importance of the ritual and make sure you hold all participants to the process. Sales are an outcome of focused measurable activity. If the participants cannot sell during this program, then do you want them on your team?

Logistics For Training

Set up the room at least one hour before training Set room up with only enough chairs for those who have paid and registered for event All chairs face towards the front of room positioning towards flip charts Place two flip charts in the front of the room Use SalesPartners branded flip charts Use specific SalesPartners four color markers Place workbooks on tables with four SalesPartners color markers and pens for participants.
2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Outcomes For Three Hour Trainer
These outcomes are to be achieved within this three hour training Page | 4 session. Outcome # 1: Participants Have A Greater Understanding We want the participants to leave this workshop with a greater understanding of how all the principles and rules that are discussed in the training work in their specific instances. Outcome # 2: Participants Agree to Apply Knowledge Participants clearly understand how to take the knowledge they have gained during the training and apply it in their business or organization. Outcome # 3: Participants Have Plan of Activity What the participants accomplish between the trainings is where the magic occurs.

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Getting Started
Once you have completed your Earn The Right in front of the room, begin the three hour by introducing the participants to What I Feel Page | 5 Like Saying. Ensure that all participants understand why the ritual is important and why the training begins with the exercise. Once all participants have finished, have them turn to page two of their workbook and read the following paragraph. Discuss with the participants the key words in the paragraph, making sure to highlight such words as design, engineered and consistently as these words are extremely important for them to understand in this process.

Business is a team sport and you cant do it all on your own. If you want to be able to build a championship team, you have to be able to sell to your team and potential staff, and teach your team how to succeed as individuals and as a group. Today we will explore what it takes to create a winning team that can accelerate the success of your business. One that will leverage your time, money and energy and one that will help you develop leaders so your business can stand the test of time.

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page three of their workbook and read through the outcomes that have been designed for the three hour training. Page | 6

Outcomes For Team Training

These outcomes are to be achieved within this three hour training and over the following months: Outcome # 1: Understanding why you must build a championship team and what a Team is How you build a team is always the same. Knowing why you must build a team sets the foundation for success Knowing the standards of a great team will allow you to build one. Outcome # 2: Understanding the components to building a championship team Knowing Your Net Present Position (What is your starting point) Assess your current team members and begin creating your dream team Utilizing the power of outside resources to expand your team Creating a winning team and a winning culture that attracts and retains great team players. Keeping your team motivated and engaged Outcome # 3: Establish action items to implement the learning acquired Holding you and your team accountable to the necessary steps required to build a championship team

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page four of their workbooks. You will now be discussing the boundaries that will need to be set in order to ensure optimal success throughout the program. Have your Page | 7 participants read through each one and discuss what each boundary means to them.

Setting The Boundaries For This Program

Explaining the Model: Blue Outer Circle = Universe Universe is the greatest boundary. You can never be outside of yourself.

Black Outer Circle = Time

You are always moving across time. In business you dont do things fast you do things in TIME.

Red Outer Circle = Rules

In the absence of rules, people will make them up on their own. Discipline is the greatest secrete rule in business. Without rules it is hard to set boundaries and without boundaries you have no wealth.

Green = Environment

Environment is greater than WILL.

Have the participants turn to page four of their workbooks and continue the discussion of Environment is Greater Than Will.
The picture showcases the idea that the environmental factors of nature; TEMPERATURE, ELEVATION, and FOOD, all play a part in our ability to survive and or thrive. The human has a MIND as well. Its ability to survive and thrive are just as much predicated on physical environment as it is the metaphysical we choose as our reality.
2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Simple Set Of Rules For This Training
Review the rules below, gaining agreement from the participants that Page | 8 they understand why each rule is important. Actively Listen Speak supportively Understand that there are many ways of doing things Be prepared to hold your own point of view Be open to all points of view Be on time No phone or phone messages Give your full attention Have fun There are no stupid questions

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page seven of their workbooks. You will begin by setting the foundation for the entire workshop based on a premise. We want the participants to understand the importance of Page | 9 building a team, not just how to do it, but why it is so important to their future. Have the participants answer and discuss the first question and then go over the definition of a premise. Why? Because in order for them to eventually be able to build a championship team, they must believe the premise below. Any ideas they have of why people go into business can ultimately be categorized into one of the two premises below: Dont want to work for someone else (Lifestyle), Have wealth (Sell Business) Outcome # 1: Understanding why you must build a championship team and what a Team is Why do most people go into business? Write your thoughts below: What is a premise? premise (pr m s) 1. A proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn. The premise of todays training is that you build a business to: 1. Create the Lifestyle You Want 2. Have the ability to ultimately sell your business Make sure the participants understand this concept before moving on.

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page eight of their workbooks. This page is a blank flip chart for them to follow along as you facilitate our Content/Context flip chart. Again, in order for the participants to Page | 10 understand why they must build a team and how to hold that team together, this flip chart is of the utmost importance.


Facilitate any comments or feedback and move onto the next page.
2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page nine of their workbooks. You will now review with the participants the elements that make up a championship team. How can they build or turn their existing teams into a championship team if they do not understand what makes teams successful. Have the participants explain what each of the elements mean to them.

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What do you know about teams?

Team = a group of people with complementary skills who: Have a common mission Have a set of performance goals Have a personal set of performance standards Have a common approach and strategy Are driving for common mission Team Standards: Demonstrate a commitment to the standards; Trust each other. Hold all mistakes as learning experiences; Seek clarity. Debrief what was learned in all cases. Team Cooperation: Have a shared brightness of the future. High frequency of interaction/communication. Purposefully make and keep agreements. Build and maintain rapport with others. Demand compliance with the rules. You must be willing to call it and be called.

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 10 of their workbooks. Throughout the next six pages of the participants workbook, will be reviewing the components of building a championship team. It is important that we get the participants to understand their net present position. Where are they now? Only then can we begin to help them take the necessary action to build that championship team. Take the participants through the following questions on leadership and utilize the flip chart to facilitate the process. Develop a comprehensive lists of what leadership means to the room, the qualities of a leaderetc Outcome # 2: Understanding the components to building a championship team

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What does leadership mean to you in your business? What qualities does a great leader need to be successful in your business? How do you identify leaders within your team? What is the importance of creating leaders within your team?

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 11 of their workbooks. While most people understand what it takes to be a great leader, most do not realize the things they are doing that lead to their demise within their Page | 13 own organizations. This is an opportunity to have the participants see for themselves where they are failing. Make sure to discuss where the participants see their own flaws.

Fatal Flaws In Leadership

Read through the following list of Fatal flaws in leadership and rank in order of most fatal (1) to least fatal (10).
___ Failure to inspire, lack of energy and enthusiasm. These failed leaders were described by their colleagues as unenthusiastic and passive. ___ Acceptance of mediocre performance in place of excellent results. The poorest leaders did not set stretch goals, inadvertently encouraging mediocre performance by letting people coast along doing less work. ___ A lack of clear vision and direction. Poor leaders have a murky view of the future, dont know precisely what direction to take, and are unwilling to communicate about the future, leaving their subordinates with no clear path forward. ___ An inability to collaborate and be a team player. Poor leaders avoid their peers, act independently, and fail to develop positive relations with colleagues. ___ Failure to walk the talk. Saying one thing and doing another is the fastest way to lose the trust of all your colleagues. ___ Failure to improve and learn from mistakes. ___ An inability to lead, change or innovate owing to a resistance to new ideas. This flaw manifests itself as a failure to take suggestions from subordinates or peers. ___ A failure to develop others. These poor leaders were not concerned about helping their direct reports develop or about the longer-term success of their employees or their department. ___ Inept interpersonal skills. These are the leaders who are rude, and talk down, dont listen, dont ask good questions, dont reach out to others, and dont praise or otherwise reinforce good behavior and success. ___ Displays of bad judgment that leads to poor decisions.

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 12 of their workbooks and answer the following questions to evaluate the current environment within their organization. Refer back to the environment is greater than Page | 14 will image on page seven of the participants workbook to facilitate the discussion.

Your Environment is Key!

Evaluate the current culture (environment) of your business as it pertains to you and your team? Is your environment promoting or prohibiting a positive work experience for you and your team? Have you fostered a culture that allows your team to grow?

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 13 of their workbooks. At this point we want the participants to look critically at their current team. If they want to build their dream team they will have to come to the determination that they might have to make some difficult decisions.

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Who is on your team?

Complete the following exercise. If you are a solo entrepreneur or a sales professional (sales, service providers..etc), use the space below to describe what your top team members would look like and the types of team members you would stay away from. List your top team members. List your bottom team members. Write down and discuss WHY you listed the employees in their respective lists.

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 14 of their workbooks. Advisors, mentors and a vast number of resources that are often available to the participants are often underutilized. This is another opportunity for them to gain a greater understanding of how they can leverage tier time and money. Ex. The owner who spends late nights doing payroll versus the owner who is willing to spend $50 to have the payroll completed for them!

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Your Team is Bigger Than You Think It Is!

Why are advisors important to you and your team? What advisors are currently part of your team and who do you need to add to your team? What advisors are available to you and your team that you are not currently utilizing? What resources are available to your team that you are not currently utilizing?

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 15 of their workbooks. Have the participants step into the future to see what their dream team would look like if it was already built.

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What is your Vision!

Now that we have established your net present position, it is time to move to the future to begin building your Dream Team. If you are to attract and retain the team players to build a championship team, you must first be able to envision what your team will be comprised of. Take a moment to answer the following questions. Without worrying about cost, time or energy list all the positions you would have on your dream team (include any positions you currently have that you would keep). List the qualities of the people you want on your team and list the qualities you want to stay away from. What hard decisions would you have to make to create your dream team? Who is going to help you build your dream team?

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 16 of their workbooks. How to sell, negotiate, communicate, solve problems, and cooperate are not skills traditionally taught, but when done properly, they produce incredible levels of loyalty, performance, and strength.

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Training is one of the most important and overlooked skills in business. Why? Because training should be ongoing. We can never learn too much. If you are not continually training and educating yourself and your team members, you are placing yourself and your organization in a perilous position. What are the key areas that we can train ourselves and our teams on and why? List in order of importance Note: Here we are looking for such things as sales, product knowledge, customer service, procedural, team building..etc What processes do you have in place to train your team and to ensure that you yourself are training? Note: Here we are looking for such things as new hire training, continuing education, mentorship, succession planning Does your staff train each other? Rank on a scale of 1-5 how effective your training is. 1 2 3 4

1 = not so well and 5 = very well. Circle only one number

5 Why did you choose the number that you did?

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 17 of their workbooks. This page is a blank flip chart for them to follow along as you facilitate our Drive flip chart. This flip chart is based upon Daniel Pinks best selling novel entitled Drive, which explores the concepts of human motivation. The essence of the book is that, as people we are intrinsically motivated (Purpose, Autonomy, Mastery) from the inside and not extrinsically motivated (Money). The old style of management, if you do this, you get this reward, or if you dont do this, you get this consequence, (carrot and sticks) is being pushed aside. The idea here is not to give the participants a full lesson on this idea, but to get them thinking. Have them read the book as part of their work in between sessions. Important definitions for the flip chart: Purpose: The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal (what is my greater purpose

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within the organization and what is the greater purpose of the organization itself)
Autonomy: the quality or state of being self-governing; selfdirecting freedom and especially moral independence, Mastery: possession or display of great skill or technique: skill or knowledge that makes one master of a subject (here we are

focusing on the pursuit of mastery, that we have an opportunity to become a master of what is in front of us)

Flip Chart (picture available of following page): Write down Motivation and have the participants turn to page 18 to answer the first question on motivation. Once you have discussed their beliefs, turn back to the flip chart and begin the process of explaining what studies have shown motivate us as people. Reference the book Drive, (as noted above) and begin by writing Purpose. Ask the participants to discuss what purpose means to them and how it applies in their business and for their team members. Repeat this process for Autonomy and Mastery.

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 18 of their workbooks and answer the remaining questions now that you have taken them through the flip chart. Page | 20

Motivation, Drive and Accountability

What is motivation to you and what do you believe are the factors that motivate you and/or your team? How has that changed? How can focusing more on autonomy, purpose and mastery help drive you and your team to success? Do you know what your brightness of the future is and do you sell it to your team? What does accountability mean to you and how does that help your team. Can accountability be fun?

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Have the participants turn to page 19 of their PCWs and discuss with them the importance of completing tasks in between the trainings. Page | 21 They will then complete the two assignments below.

Completing Tasks
What happens in these trainings is only a small part of what is going to make you successful. The real magic will occur when you take what you have learned and apply it in your business. To keep you on track and hold you accountable throughout the three hour series, you will now make an agreement as to the tasks you are going to complete in between sessions that will allow you to accelerate your success. Create Your Dream Team List two tasks you will complete prior to the next session that will help build your dream team. 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ Leading Your Team List two action items you will complete prior to the next session that will help you become a better leader. 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ Contact your SalesPartner to schedule an accountability conference call prior to the next training session to assess how well you accomplished your tasks.
2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Final Actions
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Review the Selling Accountability worksheet and the Activity and Exposure checklist. Both can be found on the following pages. In addition, make sure you finish the training session by: Confirming the day, time and location of the next training: Reminding all participants that we will start and finish on time. Thanking them for being a part of this training process. The hardest part of mastering anything is always getting started. Finishing with What I feel like saying.

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Activity and Exposure Checklist Do you agree to take action based on the definitions below: YES I AGREE TO TAKING ACTION THIS MONTH Understanding: During this program you identified key action items that will assist you in building a championship team. Using what you learned is the essence of growth. YES I AGREE TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE Understanding: If you track something it will grow. If you track something and report your results, it will grow in multiple directions. YES I AGREE TO ACCEPT ALL TYPES OF FEEDBACK FOR THE ACTION I TAKE Understanding: As humans we are tuners, what we tune-in to we can focus on; what we tune-out we never understand. YES I WOULD LIKE TO ATTEMPT CERTIFICATION IN ORDER TO BECOME A CERTIFIED SALESPARTNERS WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY ACCELERATED SMALL BUSINESS Understanding: This distinction is given to a select group of small businesses by our global community. It allows the small business owners and employees to enter into ongoing Partnering Training

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2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership


Page | 24 2012 Developed by Ben Arcuri, John Dano, & Kelly Ritchie

SalesPartners World Wide Community

2012 SalesPartners World Wide Community Rough Draft 90 Day High Impact Training Developed by Curriculum Leadership

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