The Job Skills Program is another option for training current and new employees.

The Centers of Excellence are 12 flagship institutions that build and sustain Washington’s competitive advantage in targeted industries.

Workforce Portal is an Association of Washington Business (AWB) partner website to connect you with employee training opportunities and Washington state's community and technical colleges.

Customized Training Program information for college staff


The Washington Customized Training Program (CTP) provides interest-free training loan assistance to businesses that provide employment opportunities in the state.

CTP enhances the growth of Washington's economy, increases employment opportunities and adds to the state's quality of life.  And it might be just what your company needs to grow its most valuable asset: employees.


Danny Marshall
Program Administrator, Workforce Education
[email protected]


The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) pays the up-front costs for customized training. After the training is complete, the business repays costs to SBCTC interest-free.

  • The first payment is equal to 25 percent of the full cost of the program and is due upon training completion.
  • The remaining 75 percent is spread over the next 18 months.

As each payment is made, the business may take a state B&O tax credit equal to 50 percent of the payment. Thus, the total tax credit will be equal to 50 percent of the full cost of the training.

Any private business that is:

  • Located or newly relocating to Washington
  • A state business and occupation (B&O) taxpayer
  • Forming an agreement with a qualified training institution for customized training.

Applications must be submitted by two parties. The second party must be a qualified training institution, defined as a public community or technical college or a Washington-located private vocational school licensed by either the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board or the Washington Student Achievement Council.

Community and technical colleges can include formal instruction in:

  • Basic education and skills
  • English language for non-native speakers
  • Technical skills and job-related instruction
  • Skills assessment and evaluation
  • Training equipment, materials, facilities and supplies

Call the training contact at your nearest community or technical college to discuss your specific training needs.

The college will work with you to submit an application to the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) for the grant or loan.

Visit the Customized Training Program information page, and view the Customized Training Program Guidelines for a detailed description of the program, policies and procedures.

Funds are awarded to the college providing training services to your organization.