





新一代 Bixby


瓷光天映 雅致生辉

三星 W25 Flip背板以深邃神秘的陶瓷黑色为基调,静谧而富有力量感。镶嵌其上且具有细腻磨砂触感的“心系天下”徽标,为机身整体增添了一抹奢华与尊贵。金色与黑色相互映衬,彰显低调又不失格调的优雅品位。



奢华边框 轻薄铰链





云扇雅韵 新生绽放




云扇雅韵 新生绽放



云扇雅韵 新生绽放

















追光逐影 一拍即合




暗光“使者” 大显身手


AI驱动 影像赋能



AI 驱动 影像赋能



远近变焦 拍出新意

展开小巧屏幕,以新颖角度拍出个性风格大片。立式自由拍摄模式,可根据拍摄对象距离自动调整成理想焦距。广角与超广角的CP组合,2倍光学品质变焦, “双镜”合璧定格精彩。


远近变焦 拍出新意

展开小巧屏幕,以新颖角度拍出个性风格大片。立式自由拍摄模式,可根据拍摄对象距离自动调整成理想焦距。广角与超广角的CP组合,2倍光学品质变焦, “双镜”合璧定格精彩。


爱了 创意不止于灵感 爱了
新一代 Bixby









部分展开的Galaxy Z Fold6铰链的特写。

精工典范 尊贵礼遇

开启黑金尊贵礼盒,折叠美学跃然眼前。箱体表面黑金交辉,闪耀尊贵锋芒。采用上下开合的经典设计,“心系天下”金色方印居中,金灿的类宝石纹理与手机边框相得益彰,搭配传统雅致的腰封设计,彰显非凡气度。盒内精心布局,收纳了:手机、三星 W25 Flip专属环保生态皮保护壳等尊享配套。



  1. 仅后置广角摄像头分辨率为5000万像素。
  2. 三星W25 Flip的外屏尺寸为3.4英寸,是显示屏圆角拉伸为直角时矩形较长对角线长度;由于圆角、切口以及相机孔,实际可视区域约为整个矩形区域的95%。
  3. Bixby功能需要连接网络并登录三星账号,服务可用性可能因国家/地区、语言、设备型号或操作系统版本不同而异。无法完全保证结果的准确性。
  4. 三星W25 Flip具备IEC60529中界定的IP48防护等级。其中IP4X等级防护意味着可防止直径不小于1.0mm的固体异物(如金属线)的进入,但不防尘也不防沙;IPX8等级防水检测条件为:(1)无流动清水,水深1.5米;(2)试验时间30分钟;(3)水温与产品温差不大于5K;(4)环境温度范围为15℃~35℃,大气压力为86kPa~106kPa。请严格按照产品说明书中有关防水的说明使用,否则由此造成的设备损坏由使用者自行承担责任。不建议在海滩或游泳池使用。
  5. 装甲铝边框不包括音量键、侧键、SIM卡槽。
  6. 三星W25 Flip的主屏幕尺寸为6.7英寸是显示屏圆角拉伸为直角时的对角线长度,6.6英寸是圆角对角线长度;由于存在圆角和相机孔,实际可视面积略小。
  7. 结果可能因光线条件和/或拍摄条件(包括多个拍摄对象、失焦或移动的拍摄对象)有所不同。
  8. 自适应像素传感器支持光学品质变焦。
  9. 在相机助手(Camera Assistant)应用程序设置中开启2倍变焦,该应用需前往应用商店另行下载。
  10. AI 变焦适用于设备所能支持的数码变焦长度范围内。无法完全保证结果的准确性。
  11. 结果可能因光线条件和/或拍摄条件(包括多个拍摄对象、失焦或移动的拍摄对象)有所不同。
  12. 使用后置摄像头可在立式交互模式下实现自动变焦,如果手动调整变焦,则自动变焦将停止工作。在暗光条件下受到限制。如果设备正在移动或拍摄对象距离太近,可能无法工作。
  13. 同传功能需要连接网络并登录三星账号,服务的可用性可能因语言而有所不同。部分语言可能需要下载语言包。无法完全保证结果的准确性。
  14. 可以从主屏幕和外屏同时查看同传画面,但必须手动开启该功能。外屏不可独立实现该功能。
  15. 通话实时翻译功能需要网络连接来接收消息,一旦设备接收到来电语音信息,即使没有网络连接也可对其进行翻译。该功能需要登录三星账号,服务可用性可能因语言不同而异,部分语言可能需要下载语言包。通话实时翻译功能可在部分应用程序上使用。无法完全保证结果的准确性。
  16. 聊天助手中的建议回复功能需要网络连接。仅大视野智能外屏支持建议回复功能。该功能需要登录三星账号,服务可用性可能因语言不同而异。无法完全保证结果的准确性。
  17. 即圈即搜功能需要连接网络并登录三星账号,服务的可用性可能因语言不同而异,用户可能需要将Android更新至新版本。服务的可用性取决于您的应用程序和设备设置,部分功能可能与某些应用程序不兼容。图像为模拟图像仅用于说明之目的,根据圈选情况结果可能有所不同。无法完全保证结果的准确性。外屏不支持即圈即搜功能。
  18. 转录助手需要连接网络并登录三星账号,服务可用性可能因语言不同而异。仅限已预装的录音机应用程序、电话应用程序、三星笔记应用程序、三星同传应用程序录制的文件支持转录助手功能,部分国家已预装的电话应用程序不支持转录助手功能。其摘要功能需满足一定数量的字符并低于字符限制;其转文本功能限于音频文件不超过3个小时才能实现。无法完全保证结果的准确性。
  19. 绘图助手的涂鸦生图功能需要连接网络并登录三星账号。编辑后的图片最大可至12MP,且会覆盖一层可见水印,表示图片是通过AI生成的。无法完全保证生成图片的准确性和可靠性。
  20. 照片助手的智绘人像功能需要连接网络并登录三星账号。编辑后的图片最大可至9MP,且会覆盖一层可见水印,表示图片是通过AI生成的。输入图像的质量可能会影响智绘人像的生成结果,建议输入正面人像照,避免使用大面积遮挡照片,例如戴墨镜、戴口罩等。智绘人像不支持生成儿童的人像照片。无法完全保证生成图片的准确性和可靠性。
  21. 照片助手的生成式编辑功能需要连接网络并登录三星账号。编辑后的图片最大可至12MP,且会覆盖一层可见水印,表示图片是通过AI生成的。无法完全保证生成图片的准确性和可靠性。
  22. 即时慢动作仅适用于预装的三星视频播放器和三星相册。服务可用性可能因视频规格不同而异。无法完全保证结果的准确性。
  23. 照片助手的动态效果功能支持JPG,HEIC (HEIF),BMP,PNG和WebP文件。可能在某些照片上不可用。无法完全保证生成图片的准确性和可靠性。
  24. 骁龙是高通技术公司和/或其子公司的产品。骁龙是高通公司的商标或注册商标。
  25. 当插入两张SIM卡时,主副卡可支持移动的5G/4G/2G,联通的5G/4G/3G/2G,电信的5G/4G,广电的5G/4G,电信卡和广电卡必须开通VOLTE服务。
  26. 设备的外屏采用Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus® 2。
  27. 在第三方实验室条件下测得的典型值。典型值是指依据IEC61960标准对电池样品检测后根据偏差值加权评估而得出的近似平均值。三星W25 Flip的额定容量(最小)为3887mAh。实际电池续航寿命可能因网络环境、使用模式和其他因素而异。
  28. 从Android™设备进行有线传输,需要接收设备配备Android™ 4.3或以上版本,发送设备配备Android 4.3™或以上版本。无需数据线,通过无线连接即可实现传输。对于无线连接,接收设备必须配备Android™ 4.0或以上版本,发送设备必须配备Android™ 4.0或以上版本。在Samsung Galaxy接收设备上的“设置”中打开S 换机助手,或者从三星应用商店下载S 换机助手应用程序。可用于传输的数据、内容和应用程序可能因传输方式而有所不同。
  29. 从iOS设备进行有线传输,需要接收设备配备Android™ 4.3或以上版本,发送设备配备iOS 5或以上版本。无需数据线,通过无线连接或iCloud即可实现传输。对于无线连接,接收设备必须配备Android™4.0或以上版本,发送设备必须配备iOS 12或以上版本。iCloud传输需要接收设备配备Android™ 4.0或以上版本,发送设备配备iOS 5或以上版本。在Samsung Galaxy接收设备上的“设置”中打开S 换机助手,或者从应用商店下载S 换机助手。对于无线传输,可通过您的iPhone或iPad的应用商店,下载iOS S 换机助手应用程序。可用于传输的数据、内容和应用程序可能因传输方式而有所不同。联系人、相册、视频、日历和提醒事项可以从iOS设备无线传输。
  30. 同时传输多组数据时,建议使用有线连接。
  31. Samsung Galaxy设备之间的S 互传功能可用于以下操作系统:运行Android OS 10.0 (Q OS)和Samsung One UI 2.1或以上版本的智能手机和平板电脑,运行Windows 10或以上版本的电脑。需要三星账号以及Wi-Fi和蓝牙连接。快速分享至iOS和Android设备,可通过发送分享链接:分享的单个文件不能超过5GB(每天最多可传输5GB数据),链接有效期为两天。发送者的设备需要三星账号,发送者和接收者的设备均需要连接网络。
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} } }; const eventList = { setVideo: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.clickToVideosWrap.length; i++) { els.clickToVideo[i] = utils.videoHandler({ wrap: els.clickToVideosWrap[i], video: els.clickToVideosWrap[i].video, controller: els.clickToVideosWrap[i].controller, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); } if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-started'); } }, playCallback: function () { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-started'); } setTagging.pause(this.controller); }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } } }); } }, clickVideoCta: function (e) { if (e.target == e.currentTarget) { if (e.currentTarget.video.paused) { e.currentTarget.video.play(); } else { e.currentTarget.video.pause(); } } } }; const setTagging = { play: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, pause: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); (function () { window.flagship.features.headline = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils; let els = {}; const init = function () { setElements(); bindEvents(); }; const setElements = function() { els.moveText = document.querySelectorAll('.js-move-text'); els.moveText1 = document.querySelectorAll('.animate-l'); els.moveText2 = document.querySelectorAll('.animate-r'); els.moveText3 = document.querySelectorAll('.iphone-gradually-appearing1'); // els.moveText4 = document.querySelectorAll('.guang'); els.moveText5 = document.querySelectorAll('.iphone-gradually-appearing1_mo'); }; const bindEvents = function () { eventList.setScene(); eventHandler.scroll(); eventList.scroll(); }; const eventHandler = { scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scroll); } }; const eventList = { scroll: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.moveText.length; i++) { els.moveText[i].sceneObj.trackAnimation(function () { if(this.progress >= 10) { els.moveText[i].classList.add('is-moved'); if (this.trackElement.classList.contains('common-description')) this.trackElement.style.transitionDelay = "0.2s"; } if(this.progress <= 0) { els.moveText[i].classList.remove('is-moved'); } }); } for (let i = 0; i < els.moveText1.length; i++) { els.moveText1[i].sceneObj.trackAnimation(function () { if(this.progress >= 10) { els.moveText1[i].classList.add('animate__slideInLeft'); if (this.trackElement.classList.contains('common-description')) this.trackElement.style.transitionDelay = "0.2s"; } if(this.progress <= 0) { els.moveText1[i].classList.remove('animate__slideInLeft'); } }); } for (let i = 0; i < els.moveText2.length; i++) { els.moveText2[i].sceneObj.trackAnimation(function () { if(this.progress >= 10) { els.moveText2[i].classList.add('animate__slideInRight'); if (this.trackElement.classList.contains('common-description')) this.trackElement.style.transitionDelay = "0.2s"; } if(this.progress <= 0) { els.moveText2[i].classList.remove('animate__slideInRight'); } }); } for (let i = 0; i < els.moveText3.length; i++) { els.moveText3[i].sceneObj.trackAnimation(function () { if(this.progress >= 10) { els.moveText3[0].classList.add('animate__slideInOpen'); // els.moveText3[1].classList.add('animate__slideInLeft'); } if(this.progress <= 0) { els.moveText3[0].classList.remove('animate__slideInOpen'); // els.moveText3[1].classList.remove('animate__slideInLeft'); } }); } for (let i = 0; i < els.moveText5.length; i++) { els.moveText5[i].sceneObj.trackAnimation(function () { if(this.progress >= 10) { els.moveText5[0].classList.add('animate__slideInOpen'); // els.moveText3[1].classList.add('animate__slideInLeft'); } if(this.progress <= 0) { els.moveText5[0].classList.remove('animate__slideInOpen'); // els.moveText3[1].classList.remove('animate__slideInLeft'); } }); } }, setScene: function () { for(let i = 0; i < els.moveText.length; i++) { els.moveText[i].sceneObj = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.moveText[i], useFixed: false, }); } for(let i = 0; i < els.moveText1.length; i++) { els.moveText1[i].sceneObj = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.moveText1[i], useFixed: false, }); } for(let i = 0; i < els.moveText2.length; i++) { els.moveText2[i].sceneObj = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.moveText2[i], useFixed: false, }); } for(let i = 0; i < els.moveText3.length; i++) { els.moveText3[i].sceneObj = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.moveText3[i], useFixed: false, }); } // for(let i = 0; i < els.moveText4.length; i++) { // els.moveText4[i].sceneObj = SCROLLER({ // trackElement: els.moveText4[i], // useFixed: false, // }); // } for(let i = 0; i < els.moveText5.length; i++) { els.moveText5[i].sceneObj = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.moveText5[i], useFixed: false, }); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); (function() { window.flagship = window.flagship || {}; window.flagship.features = window.flagship.features || {}; window.flagship.features.ai = (function() { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils; const resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}, objs = {}, status = { prevIndex: 0, isAuto: true, }; const init = function() { els.section = document.querySelector('.highlights-ai'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); // eventList.setScene(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function() { els.carouselWrap = els.section.querySelector('.js-carousel-wrap'); els.yotubeCta = els.section.querySelectorAll('.js-youtube-popup'); // swiper els.swiperContainer = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-container'); els.nextArrow = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-button-next'); els.prevArrow = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-button-prev'); els.pagination = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-pagination'); // video // els.videoWrap = els.section.querySelectorAll('.common-video'); // els.videoControlCta = Array.prototype.slice.call(els.section.querySelectorAll('.common-video__control')); }; const bindEvents = function() { eventHandler.load(); // eventHandler.scroll(); eventHandler.click(); resize.add(eventList.onResize); }; const eventHandler = { load: function() { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', eventList.onLoad, { once: true }); }, scroll: function() { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scroll); }, click: function() { // for (let i = 0; i < els.videoControlCta.length; i++) { // els.videoControlCta[i].addEventListener('click', eventList.setVideoStatus); // } els.nextArrow.addEventListener('click', eventList.setArrowFocus); els.nextArrow.addEventListener('keydown', eventList.setArrowFocus); els.prevArrow.addEventListener('click', eventList.setArrowFocus); els.prevArrow.addEventListener('keydown', eventList.setArrowFocus); // for (let i = 0; i < els.yotubeCta.length; i++) { // els.yotubeCta[i].addEventListener('click', eventList.pauseVideo); // } }, }; const eventList = { swiper: { set: function() { if (objs.swiper == null) { objs.swiper = new Swiper(els.swiperContainer, { init: false, speed: 500, navigation: { nextEl: els.nextArrow, prevEl: els.prevArrow, }, pagination: { el: els.pagination, type: 'bullets', renderBullet: function() { return '
  • '; } }, }); } }, init: function() { let notification = this.el.querySelector('.swiper-notification'); this.el.removeChild(notification); els.nextArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); els.nextArrow.removeAttribute('role'); els.prevArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); els.prevArrow.removeAttribute('role'); objs.swiper.on('slideChange', eventList.swiper.slideChange); objs.swiper.on('transitionEnd', eventList.swiper.transitionEnd); objs.swiper.on('touchMove', eventList.swiper.touchMove); objs.swiper.on('touchEnd', eventList.swiper.touchEnd); els.bullets = objs.swiper.pagination.bullets; for (let i = 0; i < els.bullets.length; i++) { els.bullets[i].addEventListener('click', function() { objs.swiper.slideTo(i); }); } // eventList.setVideo(); // eventList.scroll(); accessibility.slide(); accessibility.pagination.label(); accessibility.pagination.tagging(); }, slideChange: function() { let activeIndex = objs.swiper.activeIndex; let nextIndex = (activeIndex == (objs.swiper.slides.length - 1)) ? null : activeIndex + 1; // if (nextIndex != null) { // if (nextIndex == 2) { // eventList.lazyLoad(els.videoWrap[nextIndex]); // } else if (nextIndex == 3) { // eventList.lazyLoad(els.videoWrap[nextIndex]); // } // } // set autoplay if (objs.swiper.activeIndex == (objs.swiper.slides.length - 1)) status.isLast = true; accessibility.slide(); accessibility.pagination.label(); status.prevIndex = activeIndex; }, transitionEnd: function() { // let activeController = objs[`video_${objs.swiper.activeIndex}`].controller; let isArrow = document.activeElement.classList.contains('swiper-button-next') || document.activeElement.classList.contains('swiper-button-prev'); let isBullet = document.activeElement.classList.contains('swiper-pagination-bullet'); if (!!isArrow || !!isBullet) return; // activeController.focus(); }, touchMove: function() { objs.swiper.off('transitionEnd', eventList.swiper.transitionEnd); }, touchEnd: function() { objs.swiper.on('transitionEnd', eventList.swiper.transitionEnd); }, }, setVideo: function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { objs[`video_${i}`] = newVideoHandler({ playType: 'scrollPlay', wrap: els.videoWrap[i], video: els.videoWrap[i].querySelector('video'), controller: els.videoControlCta[i], startPoint: status.currentDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1 ? 25 : 35, reversePoint: status.currentDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1 ? 65 : 75, resetCallback: function() { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); } }, playCallback: function() { accessibility.controlTagging.play(objs[`video_${i}`].wrap.control); }, pauseCallback: function() { accessibility.controlTagging.pause(objs[`video_${i}`].wrap.control); }, endCallback: function() { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } if (!status.isAuto || !!status.isLast) return; setTimeout(() => { objs.swiper.slideNext(500); }, 300); } }); } }, setScene: function() { objs.scene = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.carouselWrap, useFixed: false }); }, onLoad: function() { status.currentDevice = resize.checkResolution(); if (!!utils.isLowNetwork()) status.isAuto = false; eventList.swiper.set(); objs.swiper.on('init', eventList.swiper.init); objs.swiper.init(); }, onResize: function(currRes) { status.currentDevice = currRes; }, scroll: function() { objs.scene.trackAnimation(function() { if (!status.isAuto) return; objs[`video_${objs.swiper.activeIndex}`].scrollActive(this.progress); }); }, lazyLoad: function(videoWrap) { videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([videoWrap.querySelector('video')], function(target) { if (!target.videoHandler.wrap.classList.add('is-loaded')) target.videoHandler.wrap.classList.add('is-loaded'); }); let image = videoWrap.querySelectorAll('img'); imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia(image); }, setVideoStatus: function() { let activeIndex = els.videoControlCta.indexOf(this); if (!objs[`video_${activeIndex}`].video.paused) { objs[`video_${activeIndex}`].video.pause(); if (!utils.isLowNetwork()) status.isAuto = false; } else { objs[`video_${activeIndex}`].video.play(); if (!utils.isLowNetwork()) status.isAuto = true; } }, setArrowFocus: function(e) { status.arrowFocusTimeout = null; if ((e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode == 13) || e.type == 'click') { e.preventDefault(); clearTimeout(status.arrowFocusTimeout); status.arrowFocusTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (objs.swiper.isBeginning && !objs.swiper.isEnd) { els.nextArrow.focus(); } else if (!objs.swiper.isBeginning && objs.swiper.isEnd) { els.prevArrow.focus(); } }, 300); } }, pauseVideo: function() { if (!objs[`video_${objs.swiper.activeIndex}`].video.paused) { objs[`video_${objs.swiper.activeIndex}`].video.pause(); if (!utils.isLowNetwork()) status.isAuto = false; } } }; const accessibility = { slide: function() { for (let i = 0; i < objs.swiper.slides.length; i++) { if (i != objs.swiper.activeIndex) { utils.onAccessibility(objs.swiper.slides[i]); } else { utils.offAccessibility(objs.swiper.slides[i]); } } }, pagination: { label: function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.bullets.length; i++) { let slideTitle = objs.swiper.slides[i].getAttribute('data-slide-name'); if (i === objs.swiper.realIndex) { if (typeof LOCAL_VARI != 'undefined' && !!LOCAL_VARI) { els.bullets[i].setAttribute('aria-label', `Slide${i+1}: ${slideTitle} ${LOCAL_VARI.selected.toLowerCase()}`); } else { els.bullets[i].setAttribute('aria-label', `Slide${i+1}: ${slideTitle} selected`); } } else { els.bullets[i].setAttribute('aria-label', `Slide${i+1}: ${slideTitle}`); } } }, tagging: function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.bullets.length; i++) { let tagging = { 'data-omni-type': 'microsite_pcontentinter', 'data-omni': 'galaxy-z-fold5:highlights:overview:index:', 'ga-ca': 'indication', 'ga-ac': 'carousel', 'ga-la': 'galaxy-z-fold5:highlights:overview:index:', }; Object.keys(tagging).forEach(function(key) { if (key == 'data-omni' || key == 'ga-la') { els.bullets[i].setAttribute(key, tagging[key] + (i + 1)); } else { els.bullets[i].setAttribute(key, tagging[key]); } }); } }, }, controlTagging: { pause: function(control) { if (!!control) { let dataOmni = control.getAttribute('data-omni'), gaLa = control.getAttribute('ga-la'); control.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); control.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, play: function(control) { if (!!control) { let dataOmni = control.getAttribute('data-omni'), gaLa = control.getAttribute('ga-la'); control.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); control.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } }, } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); (function () { window.flagship = window.flagship || {}; window.flagship.features = window.flagship.features || {}; window.flagship.features.oneColumnCarousel = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils; const resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}; let prevDevice; let currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); let dimmedClass = 'is-dimmed'; const isRtl = document.documentElement.classList.contains('rtl'); const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelectorAll('.js-one-column-carousel'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); setProperty(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { els.section[i].swiperContainer = els.section[i]; els.section[i].swiperSlides = els.section[i].swiperContainer.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide'); els.section[i].prevArrow = els.section[i].parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-prev'); els.section[i].nextArrow = els.section[i].parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-next'); els.section[i].scrollbar = els.section[i].parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-scrollbar'); } }; const setProperty = function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { let isSlideLength = els.section[i].swiperSlides.length; for (let j = 0; j < isSlideLength; j++) { els.section[i].swiperSlides[j].video = els.section[i].swiperSlides[j].querySelector('.common-video__video'); } } } const bindEvents = function () { eventList.load(); resize.add(eventList.resize); }; const eventList = { load: function() { swiperEvents.set(); for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { els.section[i].swiper.init(); if (els.section[i].swiperSlides.length >= 2) { els.section[i].swiper.init(); } } }, resize: function() { currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); if (prevDevice != currDevice) { eventList.responsive(); prevDevice = currDevice; }; }, responsive: function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { eventList.resetDimmedSlide(els.section[i].swiper); els.section[i].swiper.slideTo(0, false); if (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(els.section[i].swiper).viewLength > 0 && currDevice != 'mobile') eventList.initDimmedSlides(els.section[i].swiper); } }, setMedia: function(swiper, index) { let isIndex = index + 1 > swiper.slides.length -1 ? swiper.slides.length -1 : index + 1; let videoLength = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('video').length - 1; let imageLength = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('img').length - 1; let videoloadComplateLength = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('.is-video-load-complete').length - 1; let imageloadComplateLength = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('.is-img-load-complete').length - 1; let nextVideo = swiper.slides[isIndex].querySelector('video'); let nextImage = swiper.slides[isIndex].querySelector('img'); if (videoloadComplateLength != videoLength) { if (!!nextVideo) { videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([nextVideo]); } } if (imageloadComplateLength != imageLength) { if (!!nextImage) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([nextImage]); } } }, resetVideo: function(swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { let isVideo = swiper.slides[i].video; if (!!isVideo && !isVideo.paused) { isVideo.pause(); isVideo.currentTime = 0; }; }; }, getCarouselSizeInfo: function(swiper) { let slideLength = swiper.slides.length; let slideWidth = swiper.slides[0].clientWidth; let slideMargin = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(swiper.slides[0]).margin.split(' ')[isRtl ? 3 : 1]); let slideSize = slideWidth + slideMargin; let maxMoveSize = ((slideSize * slideLength) - slideMargin) - swiper.wrapperEl.clientWidth; let viewWidth = swiper.wrapperEl.clientWidth; let viewLength = parseInt((viewWidth + slideMargin)/slideSize); let lastBeforeSize = slideLength == 2 ? 0 : Math.abs((maxMoveSize - slideSize)) + Math.abs((viewWidth - slideWidth)); let isMoveSize = Math.abs(parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(swiper.wrapperEl).transform.split(',')[4])); return { slideWidth: slideWidth, slideMargin: slideMargin, slideSize: slideSize, maxMoveSize: maxMoveSize, viewWidth: viewWidth, viewLength: viewLength, lastBeforeSize: lastBeforeSize, isMoveSize: isMoveSize } }, initDimmedSlides: function(swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { if ((swiper.activeIndex + eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(swiper).viewLength) <= i) { swiper.slides[i].classList.add(dimmedClass); } } }, setDimmedSlide: function(swiper) { if (currDevice != 'mobile') { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { let dimmedSlide = (swiper.activeIndex) > i || (swiper.activeIndex + (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(swiper).viewLength - 1)) < i; if (dimmedSlide) { swiper.slides[i].classList.add(dimmedClass); } else { swiper.slides[i].classList.remove(dimmedClass); } } } }, resetDimmedSlide: function(swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { swiper.slides[i].classList.remove(dimmedClass); } }, } const swiperEvents = { set: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { if (els.section[i].swiper == null) { new Swiper(els.section[i].swiperContainer, { init: false, slidesPerView: 'auto', navigation: { nextEl: els.section[i].nextArrow, prevEl: els.section[i].prevArrow, }, scrollbar: { el: els.section[i].scrollbar, draggable: true }, }); els.section[i].swiper.on('init', swiperEvents.init); els.section[i].swiper.on('slideChange', swiperEvents.slideChange); els.section[i].swiper.on('transitionEnd', swiperEvents.transitionEnd); } } }, init: function () { let isNextArrow = this.el.parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-next'); let isPrevArrow = this.el.parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-prev'); isNextArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); isNextArrow.removeAttribute('role'); isPrevArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); isPrevArrow.removeAttribute('role'); accessibility.slide(this); if (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this).viewLength > 0 && currDevice != 'mobile') eventList.initDimmedSlides(this); }, slideChange: function () { accessibility.slide(this); eventList.resetVideo(this); if (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this).viewLength > 0 && currDevice != 'mobile') eventList.setDimmedSlide(this); if (this.realIndex > 0) eventList.setMedia(this, this.realIndex); }, transitionEnd: function() { if (this.slides.length < 3 && currDevice == 'mobile') return; setTimeout(() => { let carouselInfo = eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this); let lastIndex = this.slides.length -1; let lastSlide = this.slides[lastIndex]; let lastBeforeSlide = this.slides[lastIndex - 1]; if (carouselInfo.isMoveSize > carouselInfo.lastBeforeSize || carouselInfo.maxMoveSize == carouselInfo.isMoveSize) { eventList.resetVideo(this); lastSlide.classList.add('is-last-slide'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.add('is-dimmed'); lastSlide.classList.remove('is-dimmed'); utils.offAccessibility(this.slides[lastIndex]); utils.onAccessibility(this.slides[lastIndex - 1]); } else if (lastSlide.classList.contains('is-last-slide') && carouselInfo.lastBeforeSize == carouselInfo.isMoveSize) { eventList.resetVideo(this); lastSlide.classList.add('is-dimmed'); lastSlide.classList.remove('is-last-slide'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.remove('is-dimmed'); utils.onAccessibility(this.slides[lastIndex]); utils.offAccessibility(this.slides[lastIndex - 1]); } }, 0); }, destroy: function (swiper) { if (swiper != null) { swiper.navigation.destroy(true); swiper.destroy(true); swiper = null; } }, }; const accessibility = { slide: function (swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { if (i != swiper.activeIndex) { utils.onAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); } else { utils.offAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); } } } }; return { init: init, } })(); })(); (function () { window.flagship.features.scrollVideo = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = { scrollVideoWraps: [], scrollVideo: [], scene: [], }, currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); const init = function () { els.scrollVideoWraps = document.querySelectorAll('.js-scroll-video'); if (els.scrollVideoWraps.length > 0) { setProperty(); eventList.setVideo(); eventList.setScene(); bindEvents(); } }; const setProperty = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.scrollVideoWraps.length; i++) { els.scrollVideoWraps[i].video = els.scrollVideoWraps[i].querySelector('video'); els.scrollVideoWraps[i].controller = els.scrollVideoWraps[i].querySelector('.js-video-control'); els.scrollVideoWraps[i].controller.video = els.scrollVideoWraps[i].video; els.scrollVideoWraps[i].startPoint = !!els.scrollVideoWraps[i].getAttribute('data-start-point') ? parseInt(els.scrollVideoWraps[i].getAttribute('data-start-point')) : undefined; els.scrollVideoWraps[i].reversePoint = !!els.scrollVideoWraps[i].getAttribute('data-reverse-point') ? parseInt(els.scrollVideoWraps[i].getAttribute('data-reverse-point')) : undefined; els.scrollVideoWraps[i].moStartPoint = !!els.scrollVideoWraps[i].getAttribute('data-mo-start-point') ? parseInt(els.scrollVideoWraps[i].getAttribute('data-mo-start-point')) : undefined; els.scrollVideoWraps[i].moReversePoint = !!els.scrollVideoWraps[i].getAttribute('data-mo-reverse-point') ? parseInt(els.scrollVideoWraps[i].getAttribute('data-mo-reverse-point')) : undefined; } }; const bindEvents = function () { eventHandler.scroll(); eventList.scroll(); eventHandler.click(); resize.add(eventList.resize); }; const eventHandler = { scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scroll); }, click: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.scrollVideoWraps.length; i++) { els.scrollVideoWraps[i].controller.addEventListener('click', eventList.clickVideoCta); } } }; const eventList = { setVideo: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.scrollVideoWraps.length; i++) { els.scrollVideo[i] = utils.videoHandler({ playType: 'scrollPlay', startPoint: (currDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1) ? els.scrollVideoWraps[i].moStartPoint : els.scrollVideoWraps[i].startPoint, reversePoint: (currDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1) ? els.scrollVideoWraps[i].moReversePoint : els.scrollVideoWraps[i].reversePoint, wrap: els.scrollVideoWraps[i], video: els.scrollVideoWraps[i].video, controller: els.scrollVideoWraps[i].controller, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); } if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-started'); } if (!!this.video.videoWrap && this.video.videoWrap.classList.contains('js-interactive-intro-video')) { this.video.tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } }, playCallback: function () { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-started'); } setTagging.pause(this.controller); }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } } }); } }, setScene: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.scrollVideoWraps.length; i++) { els.scene[i] = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.scrollVideoWraps[i].video, useFixed: false, resize: utils.detector.isTouchDevice ? false : true }); } }, scroll: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.scrollVideoWraps.length; i++) { els.scene[i].trackAnimation(function () { els.scrollVideo[i].scrollActive(this.progress); }); } }, resize: function (currRes) { currDevice = currRes; }, clickVideoCta: function (e) { if (e.target == e.currentTarget) { if (e.currentTarget.video.paused) { e.currentTarget.video.play(); } else { e.currentTarget.video.pause(); } } } }; const setTagging = { play: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, pause: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.threeColumnCarousel = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}, swiperObj, prevDevice = null, currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); dimmedClass = 'is-dimmed'; const isRtl = document.documentElement.classList.contains('rtl'); const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelectorAll('.js-three-column-carousel'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { els.section[i].swiperContainer = els.section[i]; els.section[i].swiperSlide = els.section[i].querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide'); els.section[i].nextArrow = els.section[i].parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-next'); els.section[i].prevArrow = els.section[i].parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-prev'); els.section[i].scrollbar = els.section[i].parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-scrollbar'); }; }; const bindEvents = function () { eventList.load(); resize.add(eventList.resize); }; const eventHandler = { swiper: function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { els.section[i].swiper.on('init', swiperEvents.init); els.section[i].swiper.on('slideChange', swiperEvents.slideChange); els.section[i].swiper.on('transitionEnd', swiperEvents.transitionEnd); }; } }; const eventList = { load: function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { let desktopStatus = (currDevice == 'desktop' || currDevice == 'tablet') && els.section[i].swiperSlide.length > 3; let mobileStatus = (currDevice == 'mobile' || currDevice == 'mobileS') && els.section[i].swiperSlide.length > 1; if (desktopStatus || mobileStatus) { swiperEvents.set(); eventHandler.swiper(); els.section[i].swiper.init(); } } }, resize: function() { currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); if (prevDevice != currDevice) { eventList.responsive(); prevDevice = currDevice; }; }, responsive: function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { let isSection = els.section[i]; let desktopStatus = (currDevice == 'desktop' || currDevice == 'tablet') && isSection.swiperSlide.length > 3; let mobileStatus = currDevice == 'mobile' && isSection.swiperSlide.length > 1; eventList.resetDimmedSlide(isSection.swiper); // accessibility.reset(isSection.swiper); if (desktopStatus || mobileStatus) { if (isSection.swiper?.initialized) swiperEvents.destroy(isSection.swiper); swiperEvents.set(); eventHandler.swiper(); isSection.swiper.init(); // if (desktopStatus) eventList.initDimmedSlides(isSection.swiper); // if (mobileStatus) accessibility.slide(isSection.swiper); } else if ((!desktopStatus || !mobileStatus) && isSection.swiper != undefined) { if (isSection.swiper?.initialized) swiperEvents.destroy(isSection.swiper); } }; }, getCarouselSizeInfo: function(swiperObj) { let slideLength = swiperObj.slides.length; let slideWidth = swiperObj.slides[0].clientWidth; let slideMargin = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(swiperObj.slides[0]).margin.split(' ')[isRtl ? 3 : 1]); let slideSize = slideWidth + slideMargin; let maxMoveSize = ((slideSize * slideLength) - slideMargin) - swiperObj.wrapperEl.clientWidth; let viewWidth = swiperObj.wrapperEl.clientWidth; let viewLength = Math.round((viewWidth + slideMargin)/slideSize); let lastBeforeSize = slideLength == 3 ? 0 : (slideWidth + slideMargin) * ((slideLength - viewLength) - 1); let isMoveSize = Math.abs(parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(swiperObj.wrapperEl).transform.split(',')[4])); return { slideLength: slideLength, slideWidth: slideWidth, slideMargin: slideMargin, slideSize: slideSize, maxMoveSize: maxMoveSize, viewWidth: viewWidth, viewLength: viewLength, lastBeforeSize: lastBeforeSize, isMoveSize: isMoveSize } }, initDimmedSlides: function(swiperObj) { for (let i = 0; i < swiperObj.slides.length; i++) { let isSlide = swiperObj.slides[i]; if ((swiperObj.activeIndex + eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(swiperObj).viewLength) <= i) { isSlide.classList.add(dimmedClass); utils.onAccessibility(isSlide) } } }, setDimmedSlide: function(swiperObj) { if (currDevice != 'mobile') { for (let i = 0; i < swiperObj.slides.length; i++) { let isSlide = swiperObj.slides[i]; let dimmedSlide = (swiperObj.activeIndex) > i || (swiperObj.activeIndex + (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(swiperObj).viewLength - 1)) < i; if (dimmedSlide) { isSlide.classList.add(dimmedClass); utils.onAccessibility(isSlide) } else { isSlide.classList.remove(dimmedClass); utils.offAccessibility(isSlide) } } } }, resetDimmedSlide: function(swiperObj) { if (!!!swiperObj) return; for (let i = 0; i < swiperObj.slides.length; i++) { swiperObj.slides[i].classList.remove(dimmedClass); } }, tagging: function () { const values = { 'data-omni-type': 'microsite_pcontentinter', 'data-omni': 'galaxy-z-fold6:highlights:indicator:sldr-dots:', 'ga-ca': 'indication', 'ga-ac': 'carousel', 'ga-la': 'galaxy-z-fold6:highlights:indicator:sldr-dots:', }; } }; const swiperEvents = { set: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.section.length; i++) { if (els.section[i].swiper == null) { new Swiper(els.section[i].swiperContainer, { init: false, slidesPerView: 'auto', speed: 200, navigation: { nextEl: els.section[i].nextArrow, prevEl: els.section[i].prevArrow, }, scrollbar: { el: els.section[i].scrollbar, draggable: true } }); } } }, init: function () { let isNextArrow = this.el.parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-next'); let isPrevArrow = this.el.parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-prev'); isNextArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); isNextArrow.removeAttribute('role'); isPrevArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); isPrevArrow.removeAttribute('role'); eventList.tagging(); if (currDevice != 'mobile') { eventList.initDimmedSlides(this); } else { // accessibility.slide(this); }; }, transitionEnd: function() { let carouselInfo = eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this); if (currDevice == 'mobile' || currDevice == 'tablet') return; if (carouselInfo.viewLength < 3) return; setTimeout(() => { let lastIndex = this.slides.length -1 ; let lastSlide = this.slides[lastIndex]; let lsatDimmedLength = (carouselInfo.slideLength - 1) - carouselInfo.viewLength; let lastBeforeSlide = this.slides[lsatDimmedLength]; if (carouselInfo.isMoveSize > carouselInfo.lastBeforeSize && carouselInfo.maxMoveSize >= carouselInfo.isMoveSize) { lastSlide.classList.add('is-last-slide'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.add('is-dimmed'); lastSlide.classList.remove('is-dimmed'); } else if (lastSlide.classList.contains('is-last-slide') && carouselInfo.lastBeforeSize == carouselInfo.isMoveSize) { lastSlide.classList.add('is-dimmed'); lastSlide.classList.remove('is-last-slide'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.remove('is-dimmed'); } }, 0); }, slideChange: function () { eventList.setDimmedSlide(this); // if (currDevice == 'mobile') accessibility.slide(this); }, destroy: function (swiperObj) { swiperObj.navigation.destroy(true); swiperObj.destroy(true); swiperObj = null; }, }; // const accessibility = { // slide: function (swiper) { // for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { // if (i != swiper.activeIndex) { // utils.onAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); // } else { // utils.offAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); // } // } // }, // reset: function(swiper) { // for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { // utils.offAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); // } // } // }; return { init: init } })(); })(); (function () { window.flagship.features.flexWindow = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils; const resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}; let oldIndex = 0; let swiperObj = {}; let pointerOffset = {}; let currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); let videoPlayStatus = false; let lowNetwork = document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network'); const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.features-flex-window'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.carouselWrap = els.section.querySelector('.features-flex-window__carousel'); els.carouselInner = els.section.querySelector('.features-flex-window__carousel-inner'); els.swiperContainer = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-container'); els.nextArrow = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-button-next'); els.prevArrow = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-button-prev'); els.autoSlideController = els.section.querySelector('.features-flex-window__carousel-button'); els.blind = els.autoSlideController.querySelector('.blind'); els.videos; els.realCarouselSlides; }; const setProperty = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.realCarouselSlides.length; i++) { let isSlide = els.realCarouselSlides[i]; let isVideoWrap = els.realCarouselSlides[i].querySelector('.common-video'); if (!!isVideoWrap) { isSlide.videoWrap = isVideoWrap; isSlide.videoWrap.video = isVideoWrap.querySelector('.common-video__video'); isSlide.video = isVideoWrap.querySelector('.common-video__video'); isSlide.videoWrap.controller = isVideoWrap.querySelector('.js-video-control'); isSlide.videoWrap.controller.video = isVideoWrap.querySelector('.common-video__video'); } } }; const bindEvents = function () { eventList.load(); eventHandler.scroll(); // eventHandler.autoSlideController(); }; const eventHandler = { scroll: function() { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scroll) }, transitionend: function() { els.carouselInner.addEventListener('animationend', eventList.transitionend, {once: true}) }, flickSwiper: function() { els.carouselWrap.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { pointerOffset.start = null; pointerOffset.current = null; pointerOffset.start = e.touches[0].clientX; els.carouselWrap.addEventListener('touchmove', eventList.getPointerMoveSize); }); els.carouselWrap.addEventListener('touchend', function() { if (pointerOffset.start == null) return; eventList.flickSwiper(); els.carouselWrap.removeEventListener('touchmove', eventList.getPointerMoveSize); }); els.carouselWrap.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { pointerOffset.start = null; pointerOffset.current = null; pointerOffset.start = e.offsetX; els.carouselWrap.addEventListener('mousemove', eventList.getPointerMoveSize); }); els.carouselWrap.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { eventList.flickSwiper(); els.carouselWrap.removeEventListener('mousemove', eventList.getPointerMoveSize); }); els.carouselWrap.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { if (pointerOffset.start == null) return; pointerOffset.start = null; pointerOffset.current = null; els.carouselWrap.removeEventListener('mousemove', eventList.getPointerMoveSize); }); }, click: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.realCarouselSlides.length; i++) { let isVideoWrap = els.realCarouselSlides[i].videoWrap; if (!!isVideoWrap) { els.realCarouselSlides[i].videoWrap.controller.addEventListener('click', eventList.clickVideoCta); } } }, // autoSlideController: function() { // els.autoSlideController.addEventListener('click', eventList.autoSlideController); // } }; const eventList = { load: function() { swiperEvent.set(); swiperObj.thumb.init(); eventList.setScene(); eventList.scroll(); els.blind.innerText = LOCAL_VARI.play; }, setVideo: function() { els.realCarouselSlides = els.swiperContainer.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide'); els.videos = els.swiperContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-video__video'); setProperty(); eventHandler.click(); for (let i = 0; i < els.realCarouselSlides.length; i++) { let isVideoWrap = els.realCarouselSlides[i].videoWrap; if (!!isVideoWrap) { if (!isVideoWrap.classList.contains('is-loaded')) isVideoWrap.classList.add('is-loaded'); utils.videoHandler({ playType: 'scrollPlay', wrap: isVideoWrap, video: isVideoWrap.video, controller: isVideoWrap.controller, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); } if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-started'); } }, playCallback: function () { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-started'); } setTagging.pause(this.controller); }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } } }); } } }, playVideo: function(videoWrap) { let isVideo = videoWrap.video; if (isVideo.readyState >= 4) { isVideo.play(); } else { isVideo.load(); isVideo.addEventListener('canplay', function() { isVideo.play(); }, {once: true}); } }, resetVideo: function() { if (!!!els.realCarouselSlides) return; for (let i = 0; i < els.realCarouselSlides.length; i++) { let isVideo = els.realCarouselSlides[i].video; if (!!isVideo && !isVideo.paused) { isVideo.pause(); isVideo.currentTime = 0; }; }; }, clickVideoCta: function (e) { if (e.target == e.currentTarget) { if (e.currentTarget.video.paused) { e.currentTarget.video.play(); } else { e.currentTarget.video.pause(); } } }, setScene: function() { SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.swiperContainer, resize: true }) }, // autoSlideController: function() { // let taggingValue = this.getAttribute('data-omni'); // if (this.classList.contains('is-playing')) { // this.classList.remove('is-playing'); // this.classList.add('is-paused'); // this.setAttribute('data-omni', taggingValue.replace('play', 'pause')); // this.setAttribute('ga-la', taggingValue.replace('play', 'pause')); // els.blind.innerText = LOCAL_VARI.pause; // } else { // this.classList.remove('is-paused'); // this.classList.add('is-playing'); // this.setAttribute('data-omni', taggingValue.replace('pause', 'play')); // this.setAttribute('ga-la', taggingValue.replace('pause', 'play')); // els.blind.innerText = LOCAL_VARI.play; // } // }, resetScroll: function() { swiperEvent.destroy(swiperObj.thumb); swiperEvent.set(); swiperObj.thumb.init(); for (let i = 0; i < swiperObj.thumb.slides.length; i++) { let isVideo = swiperObj.thumb.slides[i].querySelector('.common-video'); if (!!isVideo) { isVideo.classList.remove('is-playing'); isVideo.classList.remove('is-paused'); isVideo.classList.remove('is-ended'); isVideo.classList.remove('is-loaded'); isVideo.classList.remove('is-completed'); } } els.carouselInner.classList.remove('is-animate-start'); els.autoSlideController.classList.add('is-ended'); els.autoSlideController.classList.remove('is-playing'); els.autoSlideController.classList.remove('is-paused'); }, scroll: function() { els.swiperContainer.scroller.trackAnimation(function() { let clsaaStatus = els.carouselInner.classList.contains('is-animate-start'); let activeStatus = this.progress > 20 && !clsaaStatus; let resetStatus = this.wheelDirection == 'up' && this.progress <= 0 && clsaaStatus; let isActiveVideo = swiperObj.thumb.slides[swiperObj.thumb.activeIndex].querySelector('video'); if (resetStatus) { eventList.resetScroll(); }; if (activeStatus) { videoPlayStatus = false; els.carouselInner.classList.add('is-animate-start'); els.autoSlideController.classList.add('is-ended'); els.autoSlideController.classList.remove('is-playing'); eventHandler.transitionend(); }; for (let i = 0; i < els.videos.length; i++) { if (!lowNetwork && videoPlayStatus && !!isActiveVideo) isActiveVideo.videoHandler.scrollActive(this.progress); } }); }, // transitionend: function() { // videoPlayStatus = true; // els.autoSlideController.classList.remove('is-playing'); // els.autoSlideController.classList.add('is-ended'); // setTimeout(function() { // let isActiveVideo = swiperObj.thumb.slides[swiperObj.thumb.activeIndex].querySelector('video'); // if (!!isActiveVideo) { // isActiveVideo.currentTime = 0; // // isActiveVideo.play(); // } // }, 600); // }, getPointerMoveSize: function(e) { if (!!e.touches) { pointerOffset.current = e.touches[0].clientX; } else { pointerOffset.current = e.offsetX; } }, }; const swiperEvent = { set: function() { swiperObj.thumb = new Swiper(els.swiperContainer, { init: false, loop: true, centeredSlides: true, slidesPerView: 'auto', navigation: { nextEl: els.nextArrow, prevEl: els.prevArrow }, }); swiperObj.thumb.on('transitionEnd', swiperEvent.transitionEnd); swiperObj.thumb.on('init', swiperEvent.init); }, init: function() { els.nextArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); els.nextArrow.removeAttribute('role'); els.prevArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); els.prevArrow.removeAttribute('role'); accessibility.slide(this); eventList.setVideo(); }, transitionEnd: function() { let isActiveSlide = els.swiperContainer.querySelector('.swiper-slide-active'); let isVideoWrap = isActiveSlide.videoWrap; accessibility.slide(this); eventList.resetVideo(); if (!lowNetwork && !!isVideoWrap) eventList.playVideo(isVideoWrap); }, destroy: function (swiper) { swiper.navigation.destroy(true); swiper.destroy(true); }, } const accessibility = { slide: function (swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { if (i != swiper.activeIndex) { utils.onAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); } else { utils.offAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); } } } }; // const setTagging = { // play: function (targetController) { // if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { // let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); // targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); // } // if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { // let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); // targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); // } // }, // pause: function (targetController) { // if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { // let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); // targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); // } // if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { // let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); // targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); // } // } // }; return { init: init } })(); })(); (function () { window.flagship.features.aiOverview = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = flagship.common.resize; let els = {}; let currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); let isLoaded = false; const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.features-ai-overview'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { // fixed // els.fixedTrack = els.section.querySelector('.js-fixed-track'); // els.fixedInner = els.section.querySelector('.js-fixed-inner'); // title els.overviewTextWrap = els.section.querySelector('.js-overview-text-wrap'); els.overviewTopText = els.section.querySelector('.js-overview-top-text'); els.overviewMiddleTextPc = els.section.querySelector('.js-overview-middle-text-pc'); els.overviewMiddleTextMo = els.section.querySelector('.js-overview-middle-text-mo'); els.overviewBottomTextPc = els.section.querySelector('.js-overview-bottom-text-pc'); els.overviewBottomTextMo = els.section.querySelector('.js-overview-bottom-text-mo'); // introLogoVideo els.introLogoWrap = els.section.querySelector('.js-intro-logo-wrap'); els.introLogoVideoWrap = els.section.querySelector('.js-intro-logo-video-wrap'); els.introLogoVideoWrap.video = els.introLogoVideoWrap.querySelector('video'); els.introLogoVideoWrap.coverImg = els.introLogoVideoWrap.querySelector('.js-intro-logo-cover-image'); // logoVideo els.logoWrap = els.section.querySelector('.js-logo-wrap'); els.logoVideoWrap = els.section.querySelector('.js-logo-video-wrap'); els.logoVideoWrap.video = els.logoVideoWrap.querySelector('video'); els.logoVideoWrap.coverImg = els.logoVideoWrap.querySelector('.js-logo-cover-image'); // dimmed els.dimmed = els.section.querySelector('.js-dimmed'); }; const bindEvents = function () { eventHandler.load(); resize.add(eventHandler.resize); }; const eventHandler = { load: function () { eventList.checkBrokenFixed(); if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('is-ai-broken-fixed') || document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network')) { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', eventList.setStaticContents, {once:true}); } else { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { eventList.setVideoHandler(); eventList.fixedScroller.set(); }, {once : true}); window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.setScroll); eventList.setScroll(); } window.addEventListener('orientationchange', eventHandler.orientationchange); }, resize: function (currRes) { currDevice = currRes; eventList.setContents(); }, orientationchange: function () { setTimeout(function () { eventList.setContents(); }, 150); } }; const eventList = { mediaLoader: function () { let scrollTop = window.pageYOffset, kv = document.querySelector('.features-kv'), kvTop = scrollTop + kv.getBoundingClientRect().top; if ((scrollTop > kvTop) && !isLoaded) { if (!els.introLogoVideoWrap.coverImg.classList.contains('is-img-load-complete')) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.introLogoVideoWrap.coverImg]); } if (!els.introLogoVideoWrap.video.classList.contains('is-mp4video-load-complete')) { mp4VideoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.introLogoVideoWrap.video]); } if (!els.logoVideoWrap.coverImg.classList.contains('is-img-load-complete')) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.logoVideoWrap.coverImg]); } if (!els.logoVideoWrap.video.classList.contains('is-mp4video-load-complete')) { mp4VideoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.logoVideoWrap.video]); } isLoaded = true; } }, setVideoHandler: function () { utils.videoHandler({ wrap: els.introLogoVideoWrap, video: els.introLogoVideoWrap.video }); utils.videoHandler({ wrap: els.logoVideoWrap, video: els.logoVideoWrap.video }); }, // fixedScroller: { // set: function () { // if (els.fixedTrack.scene == null) { // els.fixedTrack.scene = SCROLLER({ // trackElement: els.fixedTrack, // fixedElement: els.fixedInner, // useFixed: true, // useFixedStlye: false, // useStrictMode: false, // trackHeight: 2, // resize: (utils.detector.isTouchDevice) ? false : true // }); // } // }, // destroy: function () { // if (els.fixedTrack.scene != null) { // els.fixedTrack.scene.destroy(true, true); // els.fixedTrack.scene = null; // els.fixedTrack.style = ''; // } // }, // play: function () { // if (els.fixedTrack.scene != null) { // els.fixedTrack.scene.trackAnimation(function () { // let progress = this.progress; // let isMobile = currDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1; // introLogoHideValue = utils.calRange({ // targetValue: 1, // progress: progress, // startPoint: 35, // endPoint: 45 // }), // introLogoScaleValue = utils.calRange({ // targetValue: 0.5, // progress: progress, // startPoint: 35, // endPoint: 45 // }), // textWrapShowValue = utils.calRange({ // targetValue: 1, // progress: progress, // startPoint: 43, // endPoint: 48 // }), // topMiddleTextShowValue = utils.calRange({ // targetValue: 1, // progress: progress, // startPoint: 38, // endPoint: 45 // }), // logoShowValue = utils.calRange({ // targetValue: 1, // progress: progress, // startPoint: 40, // endPoint: 46 // }), // bottomTextShowValue = utils.calRange({ // targetValue: 1, // progress: progress, // startPoint: 50, // endPoint: 55 // }), // bottomTextTopValue = utils.calRange({ // targetValue: 50, // progress: progress, // startPoint: 52, // endPoint: 60 // }); 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}, setContents: function () { eventList.checkBrokenFixed(); if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('is-ai-broken-fixed') || document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network')) { eventList.fixedScroller.destroy(); eventList.setStaticContents(); window.removeEventListener('scroll', eventList.setScroll); } else { eventList.setFixedContents(); } }, setScroll: function () { eventList.mediaLoader(); eventList.fixedScroller.play(); }, }; return { init: init } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.cameraSpec = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}, prevDevice = null, currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.features-camera-spec'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.listInner = els.section.querySelectorAll('.js-camera-spec-inner'); }; const bindEvents = function () { resize.add(eventList.resize); eventList.load(); eventList.showCollout(); eventHandler.scroll(); }; const eventHandler = { scroll: function() { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.showCollout); } } const eventList = { load: function() { eventList.setSecene(); }, resize: function (currRes) { currDevice = currRes; if (currDevice != prevDevice) { prevDevice = currDevice; } }, setSecene: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.listInner.length; i++) { SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.listInner[i], useFixed: false }); } }, showCollout: function() { for (let i = 0; i < els.listInner.length; i++) { els.listInner[i].scroller.trackAnimation(function() { if (this.progress > 0) { this.trackElement.classList.add('is-active'); } if (i == 0) { if (this.progress <= 0) { for (let j = 0; j < els.listInner.length; j++) { els.listInner[j].classList.remove('is-active'); } } } }); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); (function () { window.flagship.features.colorchip = function (colorchipWrap) { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, common = window.flagship.features.common, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}, activeClass = 'is-active', currentDevice = resize.checkResolution(), prevDevice = null, currentSlidesPerView = currentDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1 ? 5 : 7; const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.js-colors'); els.popup = document.querySelector('.js-viewer'); if (colorchipWrap.type == 'popup') { colorchipWrap.contentWrap = els.popup; } else { colorchipWrap.contentWrap = els.section; } setElements(); setProperty(); bindEvents(); }; const setElements = function () { // panel // els.panelWrap = els.section.querySelector('.js-panel-wrap'); // els.panelItems = els.panelWrap.querySelectorAll('.js-panel-item'); // colorchip els.swiperContainer = colorchipWrap.querySelector('.js-colorchip-container'); els.colorchipButtons = colorchipWrap.querySelectorAll('.js-colorchip-button'); els.swiperArrowWrap = colorchipWrap.querySelector('.js-arrow-wrap'); els.swiperNextArrow = colorchipWrap.querySelector('.js-colorchip-next'); els.swiperPrevArrow = colorchipWrap.querySelector('.js-colorchip-prev'); els.colorchipNames = colorchipWrap.querySelectorAll('.js-colorchip-name'); // 360 Popup Btn // els.viewerBtn = els.section.querySelector('.viewer-btn'); // viewer // els.viewerSection = els.section.querySelector('.js-colors-viewer'); els.viewerIframe = colorchipWrap.contentWrap.querySelector('iframe'); // exclusive badge els.exclusive = colorchipWrap.contentWrap.querySelector('.js-exclusive-badge'); }; const setProperty = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.colorchipButtons.length; i++) { els.colorchipButtons[i].index = i; } }; const bindEvents = function () { eventList.checkColorchipSwiper(); if (colorchipWrap.type != 'popup') eventList.setColors(0); eventHandler.click(); eventHandler.keydown(); resize.add(eventList.resize); eventHandler.scroll(); }; const eventHandler = { click: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.colorchipButtons.length; i++) { els.colorchipButtons[i].addEventListener('click', eventList.clickColorchip); } // els.viewerBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { // let activeIndex = this.getAttribute('data-target-index'); // eventList.setColorchip(activeIndex); // eventList.setColorName(activeIndex); // eventList.setExclusive(activeIndex); // }); els.swiperNextArrow.addEventListener('click', accessibility.clickArrow); els.swiperPrevArrow.addEventListener('click', accessibility.clickArrow); }, keydown: function () { els.swiperNextArrow.addEventListener('keydown', accessibility.clickArrow); els.swiperPrevArrow.addEventListener('keydown', accessibility.clickArrow); }, scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scroll); } }; const eventList = { scroll: function () { let winOffsetBottom = window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight, kv = document.querySelector('.features-kv'), kvHeight = kv.getBoundingClientRect().height + utils.getNavHeight(); if (winOffsetBottom >= kvHeight) { // bg load colorchipWrap.bgImgs = colorchipWrap.querySelectorAll('.js-bg-img'); if(!!colorchipWrap.bgImgs) bgLoader.setResponsiveMedia(colorchipWrap.bgImgs); eventList.setViewer(); window.removeEventListener('scroll', eventList.scroll); } }, setViewer: function () { if (!utils.isLowNetwork()) { setTimeout(function () { els.viewerIframe.style.position = 'fixed'; els.viewerIframe.style.top = 0; els.viewerIframe.style.opacity = 0; setTimeout(function () { els.viewerIframe.style.position = ''; els.viewerIframe.style.top = ''; els.viewerIframe.style.opacity = ''; }, 300); }, 1000); // set eventList.setViewerUrl(els.colorchipButtons[0].getAttribute('data-colors')); } }, checkColorchipSwiper: function () { let colorchipSwiperLength = currentDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1 ? 6 : 8; if (els.colorchipButtons.length >= colorchipSwiperLength) { if (els.swiperArrowWrap.style.display == 'none') { els.swiperArrowWrap.style.display = ''; } swiperEvents.set(); } else { if (els.swiperArrowWrap.style.display != 'none') { els.swiperArrowWrap.style.display = 'none'; } if (els.colorchipSwiper != null) { swiperEvents.destroy(); } } }, setColors: function (activeIndex) { eventList.setPopupBtn(els.colorchipButtons[activeIndex]); eventList.setColorchip(activeIndex); eventList.setPanel(activeIndex); eventList.setColorName(activeIndex); eventList.setExclusive(activeIndex); }, resize: function (currRes) { currentDevice = currRes; if (currentDevice !== prevDevice) { eventList.checkColorchipSwiper(); currentSlidesPerView = currentDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1 ? 5 : 7; prevDevice = currentDevice; } }, clickColorchip: function () { let targetColor = this; eventList.setColors(targetColor.index); eventList.setViewerUrl(targetColor.getAttribute('data-colors')); }, setColorchip: function (activeIndex) { let targetcolorchipButton = els.colorchipButtons[activeIndex]; for (let i = 0; i < els.colorchipButtons.length; i++) { els.colorchipButtons[i].classList.remove(activeClass); if (!!colorchipWrap.isStatic) { els.colorchipButtons[i].setAttribute('aria-selected', false); } else { els.colorchipButtons[i].removeAttribute('title'); } } if (!targetcolorchipButton.classList.contains(activeClass)) { targetcolorchipButton.classList.add(activeClass); if (!!colorchipWrap.isStatic) { targetcolorchipButton.setAttribute('aria-selected', true); } else { accessibility.selected(targetcolorchipButton); } } }, setPanel: function (activeIndex) { if (!colorchipWrap.isStatic) return; // for (let i = 0; i < els.panelItems.length; i++) { // if (els.panelItems[i].classList.contains(activeClass)) { // els.panelItems[i].classList.remove(activeClass); // els.panelItems[i].setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); // } // } // if (!els.panelItems[activeIndex].classList.contains(activeClass)) { // els.panelItems[activeIndex].classList.add(activeClass); // els.panelItems[activeIndex].setAttribute('aria-hidden', false); // } }, setColorName: function (activeIndex) { for (let i = 0; i < els.colorchipNames.length; i++) { if (els.colorchipNames[i].classList.contains(activeClass)) { els.colorchipNames[i].classList.remove(activeClass); els.colorchipNames[i].setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); } } if (!els.colorchipNames[activeIndex].classList.contains(activeClass)) { els.colorchipNames[activeIndex].classList.add(activeClass); els.colorchipNames[activeIndex].setAttribute('aria-hidden', false); } }, setViewerUrl: function (colorName) { if (!!colorchipWrap.isStatic) return; if (colorchipWrap.type == 'popup') { let viewerSrc = els.viewerIframe.getAttribute('src').split('#color=')[0]; els.viewerIframe.setAttribute('src', `${viewerSrc}#color=${colorName}`); } else { // els.viewerSection.setAttribute('data-model-color', colorName); els.viewerIframe.setAttribute('src', common.getViewerUrl()); } }, setPopupBtn: function (target) { if (colorchipWrap.type == 'popup') return; // els.viewerBtn.setAttribute('data-target-index', target.index); // els.viewerBtn.setAttribute('data-model-color', target.getAttribute('aria-controls')); }, setExclusive: function (activeIndex) { if (!!els.colorchipButtons[activeIndex].getAttribute('data-exclusive')) { els.exclusive.classList.add('is-active'); } else { els.exclusive.classList.remove('is-active'); } } }; const swiperEvents = { set: function () { if (els.colorchipSwiper == null) { els.colorchipSwiper = new Swiper(els.swiperContainer, { init: false, navigation: { nextEl: els.swiperNextArrow, prevEl: els.swiperPrevArrow, }, slidesPerView: currentSlidesPerView, speed: 300, }); els.colorchipSwiper.on('init', swiperEvents.init); els.colorchipSwiper.on('slideChange', swiperEvents.slideChange); els.colorchipSwiper.init(); } }, init: function () { let notification = this.el.querySelector('.swiper-notification'); if (!!notification) this.el.removeChild(notification); els.swiperPrevArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); els.swiperPrevArrow.removeAttribute('role'); els.swiperNextArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); els.swiperNextArrow.removeAttribute('role'); accessibility.colorchip(els.colorchipSwiper); }, slideChange: function () { accessibility.colorchip(els.colorchipSwiper); }, destroy: function () { els.colorchipSwiper.destroy(true); els.colorchipSwiper = null; }, }; const accessibility = { clickArrow: function (e) { let arrowTimeout = null, arrowStyleTimeout = null; if ((e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode == 13) || e.type == 'click') { e.preventDefault(); if (els.colorchipSwiper.isBeginning && !els.colorchipSwiper.isEnd) { els.swiperPrevArrow.style.setProperty('display', 'block'); clearTimeout(arrowTimeout); arrowTimeout = setTimeout(function () { els.swiperNextArrow.focus(); }, 300); clearTimeout(arrowStyleTimeout); arrowStyleTimeout = setTimeout(function () { els.swiperPrevArrow.style.display = ''; }, 400); } else if (!els.colorchipSwiper.isBeginning && els.colorchipSwiper.isEnd) { els.swiperNextArrow.style.setProperty('display', 'block'); clearTimeout(arrowTimeout); arrowTimeout = setTimeout(function () { els.swiperPrevArrow.focus(); }, 300); clearTimeout(arrowStyleTimeout); arrowStyleTimeout = setTimeout(function () { els.swiperNextArrow.style.display = ''; }, 400); } } }, colorchip: function (swiperObj) { let isNotActivedColorchips = null; for (let i = 0; i < swiperObj.slides.length; i++) { if (currentDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1) { isNotActivedColorchips = (i != swiperObj.activeIndex) && (i > swiperObj.activeIndex + 4) || (swiperObj.activeIndex > i); } else { isNotActivedColorchips = (i != swiperObj.activeIndex) && (i > swiperObj.activeIndex + 6) || (swiperObj.activeIndex > i); } if (isNotActivedColorchips) { utils.onAccessibility(swiperObj.slides[i]); setTimeout(function () { utils.onAccessibility(swiperObj.slides[i]); }, 300); } else { utils.offAccessibility(swiperObj.slides[i]); setTimeout(function () { utils.offAccessibility(swiperObj.slides[i]); }, 300); } } }, selected: function (target) { if (typeof LOCAL_VARI != 'undefined' && !!LOCAL_VARI) { target.setAttribute('title', LOCAL_VARI.selected); } else { target.setAttribute('title', 'Selected'); } } }; return init(colorchipWrap); }; let colorchips = document.querySelectorAll('.js-colorchip'); for (let i = 0; i < colorchips.length; i++) { colorchips[i].type = colorchips[i].parentElement.classList.contains('js-popup-colorchip') ? 'popup' : 'colors'; colorchips[i].isStatic = colorchips[i].parentElement.getAttribute('data-static'); // flagship.features.colorchip(colorchips[i]); } })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.faq = (function () { const resize = window.flagship.common.resize, utils = window.flagship.common.utils; let els = {}, prevDevice = null, currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.js-faq'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.faqList = els.section.querySelector('.js-faq-list'); }; const bindEvents = function () { resize.add(eventList.resize); eventList.setAccordion(); }; const eventList = { resize: function (currRes) { currDevice = currRes; if (currDevice != prevDevice) { eventList.responsive(); prevDevice = currDevice; } }, responsive: function () { let isOpenedItems = els.faqList.querySelectorAll('.js-faq-item.is-open'); if (isOpenedItems.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < isOpenedItems.length; i++) { let isOpenedItemContent = isOpenedItems[i].querySelector('.js-faq-answer'); let clientHeight = isOpenedItemContent.children[0].clientHeight; isOpenedItemContent.style.height = `${clientHeight}px`; } } }, setAccordion: function () { els.accordion = new window.flagship.common.accordion({ wrap: els.faqList, classList: { item: 'js-faq-item', button: 'js-faq-open', contents: 'js-faq-answer', activeClass: 'is-open' }, open: { start: function (target) { let targetInnerCta = target.querySelector('.js-featue-cta'); if (targetInnerCta) targetInnerCta.addEventListener('click', accessibility.moveFocus); } } }); els.accordion.init(); }, }; const accessibility = { moveFocus: function (e) { if (this.getAttribute('href').indexOf('#') > -1) { e.preventDefault(); let sectionId = this.getAttribute('href'), section = document.querySelector(`${sectionId}`), sectionTop = section.getBoundingClientRect().top, movePosition = (sectionTop + window.pageYOffset) - utils.getNavHeight(), clickable = section.querySelectorAll('a, button'), title = section.querySelector('h2') || section.querySelector('h3'); 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if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('is-formfactor-broken-fixed') || document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network')) { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', eventList.setStaticContents, {once: true}); } else { if (isAos) { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { eventList.fixedScroller.set(); eventList.sequencePlayer.set(); }, {once: true}); window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.sequencePlayer.play); } else { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', eventList.setVideoHandler, {once: true}); els.fixedVideo.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.fixedScroller.play); eventList.fixedScroller.set(); }, {once: true}); } } window.addEventListener('orientationchange', eventHandler.orientationchange); }, resize: function () { eventList.setContents(); }, orientationchange: function () { setTimeout(function () { eventList.setContents(); }, 150); } }; const eventList = { setVideoHandler: function () { utils.videoHandler({ wrap: els.fixedVideoWrap, video: els.fixedVideo }); 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'./images/seq/' : SEQUENCE_IMG_PATH, name: imageName, extension: 'jpg', addType: 'append' }); }, destroy: function () { if (els.fixedVideoTrack.seqSence != null) { els.fixedVideoWrap.removeChild(els.fixedVideoWrap.querySelector('canvas')); els.fixedVideoTrack.seqSence = null; } }, play: function () { if (els.fixedVideoTrack.scene != null) { els.fixedVideoTrack.scene.trackAnimation(eventList.fixedScrollMotion); } } }, fixedScrollMotion: function () { let progress = this.progress; let isMobile = currDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1; if (els.fixedVideoTrack.seqSence != null) { let motionValue = utils.calRange({ targetValue: (currDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1) ? 123 : 92, progress: progress, }); els.fixedVideoTrack.seqSence.play({ index: parseInt(motionValue) }); } else { if (els.fixedVideo.readyState >= 4) { let scrollTimeValue = utils.calRange({ targetValue: els.fixedVideo.duration, progress: progress, }); els.fixedVideo.currentTime = scrollTimeValue - 0.1; } } if (isMobile) { // title1 let titleOpacityValue1 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 1, progress: progress, startPoint: 30, endPoint: 35 }), numOpacityValue1 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 1, progress: progress, startPoint: 28, endPoint: 33 }), titleWrapShowTopValue1 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 70, progress: progress, startPoint: 33, endPoint: 44 }), titleHideValue1 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 1, progress: progress, startPoint: 55, endPoint: 60 }), numHideValue1 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 1, progress: progress, startPoint: 55, endPoint: 60 }), titleWrapHideTopValue1 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 50, progress: progress, startPoint: 57, endPoint: 60 }); 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els.titleWrap1.infoWrap.classList.remove('is-text-visible'); } } if (progress >= 57) { TweenMax.to(els.titleWrap1, 0.1, { y: -(titleWrapShowTopValue1 + titleWrapHideTopValue1) + '%' }); } // title2 let titleOpacityValue2 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 1, progress: progress, startPoint: 58, endPoint: 67 }), numOpacityValue2 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 1, progress: progress, startPoint: 56, endPoint: 65 }), titleWrapShowTopValue2 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 50, progress: progress, startPoint: 56, endPoint: 67 }), titleHideValue2 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 1, progress: progress, startPoint: 87, endPoint: 90 }), numHideValue2 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 1, progress: progress, startPoint: 87, endPoint: 90 }), titleHideScaleValue2 = utils.calRange({ targetValue: 0.1, progress: progress, startPoint: 87, endPoint: 90 }); TweenMax.to(els.titleWrap2.infoWrap, 0.1, { opacity: numOpacityValue2 - 0.01 }); TweenMax.to(els.titleWrap2.text, 0.1, { opacity: titleOpacityValue2 - 0.01 }); 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window.removeEventListener('scroll', eventList.sequencePlayer.play); } else { window.removeEventListener('scroll', eventList.fixedScroller.play); } eventList.setStaticContents(); } else { eventList.setFixedContents(); } }, }; return { init: init } })(); })(); (function () { window.flagship = window.flagship || {}; window.flagship.features = window.flagship.features || {}; window.flagship.features.highlightsZone = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils; const resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}; let prevDevice; let swiperObj = {}; let pointerOffset = {}; let currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); let dimmedClass = 'is-dimmed'; let ctaPlayStatus = true; let scrollProgress = null; let lowNetwork = document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network'); let isBgLoaded = false; const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.features-highlights'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); setProperty(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.mainContainer = els.section.querySelector('.js-highlights-main-container'); 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}); els.prevArrow.addEventListener('click', function (e) { eventList.stopAutoPlay(e) eventList.swiperArrow(e); }); els.scrollbar.addEventListener('click', eventList.stopAutoPlay); }, scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scroll) } } const eventList = { load: function () { swiperEvents.set(); swiperObj.main.init(); swiperObj.bg.init(); eventList.setVideo(); eventList.setScene(); eventList.scroll(); }, resize: function () { currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); if (prevDevice != currDevice) { eventList.responsive(); prevDevice = currDevice; }; }, responsive: function () { let desktopStatus = eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(swiperObj.main).viewLength > 0 && currDevice == 'desktop'; eventList.resetDimmedSlide(swiperObj.main); swiperObj.main.slideTo(0, false); if (desktopStatus) eventList.initDimmedSlides(swiperObj.main); }, setVideo: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { utils.videoHandler({ playType: 'scrollPlay', startPoint: currDevice != 'mobile' ? 40 : 24, reversePoint: currDevice != 'mobile' ? 88 : 80, wrap: els.videoWrap[i], video: els.videoWrap[i].video, controller: els.videoWrap[i].controller, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); } if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-started'); } }, playCallback: function () { setTagging.pause(this.controller); this.video.timeupdateEvent = function(){ if (this.currentTime > 0) { if (!this.videoHandler.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.videoHandler.wrap.classList.add('is-started'); } eventList.setProgerssDuration(i); this.removeEventListener('timeupdate', this.timeupdateEvent); } } this.video.addEventListener('timeupdate', this.video.timeupdateEvent); }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } if (els.mainContainer.autoPlay) { if (scrollProgress > 40 && scrollProgress < 55) { clearTimeout(swiperObj.main.videoTiming); swiperObj.main.videoTiming = setTimeout(() => { swiperObj.main.slideNext(); }, 1000); } } } }); } }, playVideo: function (video) { if (video.readyState >= 1) { video.play(); } else { video.addEventListener('canplay', function () { this.play(); }, { once: true }) } }, clickVideoCta: function (e) { if (e.target == e.currentTarget) { if (e.currentTarget.video.paused) { eventList.playVideo(e.currentTarget.video); ctaPlayStatus = true; } else { e.currentTarget.video.pause(); ctaPlayStatus = false; } } }, stopAutoPlay: function (e) { if (e.target.classList.contains('js-video-control') || e.target.classList.contains('swiper-button-next') || e.target.classList.contains('swiper-button-prev') || e.target.classList.contains('js-highlights-scrollbar') ) { els.mainContainer.autoPlay = false; }; }, swiperArrowVisiblirity: function () { let mainSlidesLength = els.mainSwiperSlides.length - 1; let mainSwiper = swiperObj.main; let prevArrow = mainSwiper.previousIndex > mainSwiper.realIndex; let nextArrow = mainSwiper.previousIndex < mainSwiper.realIndex; if (prevArrow) { if (mainSwiper.realIndex == (mainSlidesLength - 1)) { if (els.nextArrow.style.display == 'none') els.nextArrow.style.display = ''; } else if (mainSwiper.realIndex == 0) { els.prevArrow.style.display = 'none'; } }; if (nextArrow) { if (mainSwiper.realIndex == 1) { if (els.prevArrow.style.display == 'none') els.prevArrow.style.display = ''; } else if (mainSwiper.realIndex == mainSlidesLength) { els.nextArrow.style.display = 'none'; } }; }, swiperArrow: function (e) { let mainSwiper = swiperObj.main; let mainSlidesLength = els.mainSwiperSlides.length - 1; let prevArrow = e.target.classList.contains('swiper-button-prev'); let nextArrow = e.target.classList.contains('swiper-button-next'); if (prevArrow) { clearTimeout(swiperObj.main.videoTiming); mainSwiper.slidePrev(); if (mainSwiper.realIndex == 0) { setTimeout(() => { els.nextArrow.blur(); els.nextArrow.focus(); }, 300); } }; if (nextArrow) { clearTimeout(swiperObj.main.videoTiming); mainSwiper.slideNext(); if (mainSwiper.realIndex == mainSlidesLength) { setTimeout(() => { els.prevArrow.blur(); els.prevArrow.focus(); }, 300); } }; }, scroll: function () { els.section.scene.trackAnimation(function () { let isIndex = swiperObj.main.realIndex; let isMainVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[isIndex].video.videoHandler; scrollProgress = this.progress; if (!lowNetwork && ctaPlayStatus) isMainVideoHandler.scrollActive(this.progress); if (scrollProgress > 0 && !isBgLoaded) { for (let i = 0; i < els.bgSwiperSlides.length; i++) { if (!els.bgSwiperSlides[i].image.classList.contains('is-img-load-complete')) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.bgSwiperSlides[i].image]); } } isBgLoaded = true; } }); }, slideVideoPlay: function () { let isIndex = swiperObj.main.realIndex; let isVideoWrap = els.videoWrap[isIndex]; isVideoWrap.classList.add('is-ended'); setTimeout(function () { isVideoWrap.classList.remove('is-started', 'is-paused'); if (!ctaPlayStatus) isVideoWrap.video.paused(); isVideoWrap.video.currentTime = 0; if (ctaPlayStatus) { eventList.playVideo(isVideoWrap.video); setTimeout(function () { if (els.mainContainer.autoPlay) isVideoWrap.video.videoHandler.controller.blur(); if (els.mainContainer.autoPlay) isVideoWrap.video.videoHandler.controller.focus(); if (isIndex == (swiperObj.main.slides.length - 1)) { els.mainContainer.autoPlay = false; } }, 300); } }, 50); }, setProgerssDuration: function (index) { let isDuration = els.videoWrap[index].video.duration; if (!!!els.videoWrap[index].durationSet) { els.videoWrap[index].progressBar.style.animationDuration = `${isDuration}s`; els.videoWrap[index].durationSet = true; } }, setMedia: function (index) { let videoLength = els.mainSwiperSlides.length - 1; let isIndex = index + 1 let loadIndex = isIndex < videoLength ? isIndex : videoLength; let mainVideoloadComplateLength = els.mainContainer.querySelectorAll('.is-video-load-complete').length - 1; for (let i = 0; i <= loadIndex; i++) { if (mainVideoloadComplateLength != videoLength && !els.videoWrap[i].video.classList.contains('.is-video-load-complete')) { if (!!els.videoWrap[i].video) videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videoWrap[i].video]); if (!lowNetwork) { if (!!els.videoWrap[i].coverImageHighband) imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videoWrap[i].coverImageHighband]); } else { if (!!els.videoWrap[i].coverImageLowband) imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videoWrap[i].coverImageLowband]); } if (!!els.bgSwiperSlides[i].image) imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.bgSwiperSlides[i].image]); } } }, pauseVideo: function (swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { let isVideo = swiper.slides[i].querySelector('video'); if (!!isVideo && !isVideo.paused) { isVideo.pause(); }; }; }, getCarouselSizeInfo: function (swiper) { let slideLength = swiper.slides.length; let slideWidth = swiper.slides[0].clientWidth; let slideMargin = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(swiper.slides[0]).margin.split(' ')[1]); let slideSize = slideWidth + slideMargin; let maxMoveSize = ((slideSize * slideLength) - slideMargin) - swiper.wrapperEl.clientWidth; let viewWidth = swiper.wrapperEl.clientWidth; let viewLength = parseInt((viewWidth + slideMargin) / slideSize); let lastBeforeSize = slideLength == 2 ? 0 : Math.abs((maxMoveSize - slideSize)) + Math.abs((viewWidth - slideWidth)); let isMoveSize = Math.abs(parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(swiper.wrapperEl).transform.split(',')[4])); return { slideWidth: slideWidth, slideMargin: slideMargin, slideSize: slideSize, maxMoveSize: maxMoveSize, viewWidth: viewWidth, viewLength: viewLength, lastBeforeSize: lastBeforeSize, isMoveSize: isMoveSize } }, setScene: function () { els.section.scene = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.section, useFixed: false }); }, initDimmedSlides: function (swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { if ((swiper.activeIndex + eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(swiper).viewLength) <= i) { swiper.slides[i].classList.add(dimmedClass); } } }, setDimmedSlide: function (swiper) { if (currDevice != 'mobile') { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { let dimmedSlide = (swiper.activeIndex) > i || (swiper.activeIndex + (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(swiper).viewLength - 1)) < i; if (dimmedSlide) { swiper.slides[i].classList.add(dimmedClass); } else { swiper.slides[i].classList.remove(dimmedClass); } } } }, resetDimmedSlide: function (swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { swiper.slides[i].classList.remove(dimmedClass); } }, getPointerMoveSize: function (e) { if (!!e.touches) { pointerOffset.current = e.touches[0].clientX; } else { pointerOffset.current = e.offsetX; } } } const swiperEvents = { set: function () { if (swiperObj.main == null) { swiperObj.main = new Swiper(els.mainContainer, { init: false, slidesPerView: 'auto', scrollbar: { el: els.scrollbar, draggable: true }, }); swiperObj.main.on('init', swiperEvents.init); swiperObj.main.on('slideChange', swiperEvents.slideChange); swiperObj.main.on('transitionEnd', swiperEvents.transitionEnd); } if (swiperObj.bg == null) { swiperObj.bg = new Swiper(els.bgContainer, { init: false, slidesPerView: 'auto', allowTouchMove: false }); } els.prevArrow.style.display = 'none'; }, init: function () { let isNextArrow = this.el.parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-next'); let isPrevArrow = this.el.parentElement.querySelector('.swiper-button-prev'); isNextArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); isNextArrow.removeAttribute('role'); isPrevArrow.removeAttribute('aria-label'); isPrevArrow.removeAttribute('role'); accessibility.slide(this); if (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this).viewLength > 0 && currDevice == 'desktop') eventList.initDimmedSlides(this); }, slideChange: function () { swiperObj.bg.slideTo(this.realIndex); accessibility.slide(this); eventList.pauseVideo(this); if (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this).viewLength > 0 && currDevice == 'desktop') eventList.setDimmedSlide(this); if (this.realIndex > 0) eventList.setMedia(this.realIndex); if (!lowNetwork) eventList.slideVideoPlay(); eventList.swiperArrowVisiblirity(); }, transitionEnd: function () { setTimeout(() => { let carouselInfo = eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this); let lastIndex = this.slides.length - 1; let lastSlide = this.slides[lastIndex]; let lastBeforeSlide = this.slides[lastIndex - 1]; let isIndex = swiperObj.main.previousIndex; let isMoveSize = currDevice != 'mobile' ? carouselInfo.isMoveSize : carouselInfo.isMoveSize + Math.abs(carouselInfo.slideMargin); els.videoWrap[isIndex].video.pause(); if (carouselInfo.maxMoveSize == isMoveSize) { lastSlide.classList.add('is-last-slide'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.add('is-dimmed'); lastSlide.classList.remove('is-dimmed'); if (currDevice == 'mobile') { eventList.pauseVideo(this); if (!lowNetwork && ctaPlayStatus) { lastSlide.querySelector('video').play(); }; lastSlide.classList.add('swiper-slide-active'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.remove('swiper-slide-active'); } } else if (lastSlide.classList.contains('is-last-slide') && carouselInfo.lastBeforeSize == carouselInfo.isMoveSize) { lastSlide.classList.add('is-dimmed'); lastSlide.classList.remove('is-last-slide'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.remove('is-dimmed'); if (currDevice == 'mobile') { eventList.pauseVideo(this); if (!lowNetwork && ctaPlayStatus) { lastBeforeSlide.querySelector('video').play(); }; lastSlide.classList.remove('swiper-slide-active'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.add('swiper-slide-active'); } } }, 0); }, destroy: function (swiper) { if (swiper != null) { swiper.navigation.destroy(true); swiper.destroy(true); swiper = null; } }, }; const setTagging = { play: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, pause: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } } }; const accessibility = { slide: function (swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { if (i != swiper.activeIndex) { utils.onAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); } else { utils.offAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); } } } }; return { init: init, } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.interactiveCircleToSearch = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}; let objs = {}; let stepInfo = []; let scrollProgress = null; let isPlaySection = null; const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.js-circle-to-search'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.interactiveContent = els.section.querySelector('.js-interactive'); els.tutorialVideoContainer = els.section.querySelector('.common-interactive__tutorial'); els.videoList = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video'); els.videoWrap = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video .common-video'); els.videos = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video .common-video__video'); els.tooltipCta = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); els.tutorialReplay = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelector('.js-replay-cta'); }; const setProperty = function (el, index) { el.video = el.querySelector('video'); el.video.videoWrap = el; el.controller = el.querySelector('.js-video-control'); el.controller.video = el.querySelector('video'); el.alert = el.parentElement.querySelector('.common-tutorial__alert'); el.tooltip = el.parentElement.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip'); el.tooltipCta = el.parentElement.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); el.video.playIndex = index; el.video.coverImage = el.querySelector('.common-video__cover-image'); }; const bindEvents = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { setProperty(els.videoWrap[i], i); setStepStatus(els.videoList[i]) } setVideos(); eventList.videoController(); eventList.click(); eventList.setScroller(); eventHandler.scroll(); }; const setStepStatus = function (el) { stepInfo.push({ alert: el.getAttribute('data-alert'), tooltip: el.getAttribute('data-tooltip') }); }; const eventList = { setScroller: function () { if (els.interactiveContent.scene == null) { els.interactiveContent.scene = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.interactiveContent, useFixed: false }); } }, scrollEvent: function () { if (els.interactiveContent.scene != null) { if (els.interactiveContent.classList.contains('is-tutorial-opened')) { els.interactiveContent.scene.trackAnimation(function () { scrollProgress = this.progress; let activeVideo = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelector('.is-visible video'); let firstVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[0].video.videoHandler; let replayStatus = !document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network') && activeVideo.paused && !els.videoWrap[0].classList.contains(firstVideoHandler.endedClass) && !els.videoWrap[0].classList.contains(firstVideoHandler.pauseClass) && scrollProgress > 0 && scrollProgress < 100; let resetStatus = scrollProgress === 0 || scrollProgress === 100; if (replayStatus) { if (els.videoWrap[0].video.readyState == 4 && els.videoWrap[0].video.paused) { els.videoWrap[0].video.play(); } else { els.videoWrap[0].video.addEventListener('canplay', function() { els.videoWrap[0].video.play(); }, {once:true}); } } if (resetStatus) { activeVideo.pause(); activeVideo.currentTime = 0; eventList.tutorialReset(); } }); } } }, videoController: function () { for (let i = 0; i < objs.videos.length; i++) { objs.videos[i].controller.addEventListener('click', function () { if (this.video.paused) { this.video.play(); } else { this.video.pause(); } }); } }, nextVideoPlay: function (index) { if (!!els.videoList[index].tooltip) { utils.onAccessibility(els.videoList[index].tooltip); } els.videoList[index + 1].classList.add('is-visible'); utils.onAccessibility(els.videoList[index]); if (els.videos[index + 1].readyState > 3) { els.videos[index + 1].play(); } else { els.videos[index + 1].addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { if (this.paused) this.play(); }); } els.videoList[index].classList.remove('is-visible'); }, click: function () { let self = this; for (let i = 0; i < els.tooltipCta.length; i++) { els.tooltipCta[i].addEventListener('click', function () { self.nextVideoPlay(i); }); } }, tutorialReset: function () { let firstVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[0].video.videoHandler; els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.playClass); els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.pauseClass); els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.endedClass); // video wrap if (!els.videoList[0].classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoList[0].classList.add('is-visible'); } // tooltip if (!!els.videoWrap[0].tooltip && els.videoWrap[0].tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoWrap[0].tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } // tootip accessibility utils.offAccessibility(els.videoWrap[0]); if (!!els.videoWrap[0].tooltip) utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[0].tooltip); for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { if (els.videoList[i].classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoList[i].classList.remove('is-visible'); } if (!els.videoWrap[i].video.paused) { els.videoWrap[i].video.pause(); els.videoWrap[i].video.currentTime = 0; } // tooltip if (!!els.videoWrap[i].tooltip && els.videoWrap[i].tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoWrap[i].tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[i]); if (!!els.videoWrap[i].tooltip) utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[i].tooltip); } } // replay cta els.tutorialReplay.style.display = 'none'; els.tutorialReplay.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); els.tutorialReplay.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); } }; const eventHandler = { scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scrollEvent); eventList.scrollEvent(); } } const setVideos = function () { objs.videos = []; for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { let isVideoWrap = els.videoWrap[i]; objs.videos.push(utils.videoHandler({ wrap: isVideoWrap, video: isVideoWrap.video, controller: isVideoWrap.controller, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); if (this.controller.style.display = 'none') { this.controller.style.display = ''; } } }, playCallback: function () { els.videoList[this.video.playIndex].removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.videoList[this.video.playIndex].removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); this.controller.style.display = 'block'; utils.offAccessibility(this.controller); setTagging.pause(this.controller); let nextPlayindex = this.video.playIndex + 1; if ((els.videos.length - 1) > this.video.playIndex && els.videos[nextPlayindex].readyState < 4) { if (!els.videos[nextPlayindex].classList.contains('is-video-load-complete')) { videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videos[nextPlayindex]]); } if (!els.videos[nextPlayindex].coverImage.classList.contains('is-img-load-complete')) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videos[nextPlayindex].coverImage]); } } }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { if (!!this.wrap.tooltip && stepInfo[this.video.playIndex].tooltip == 'true') { let self = this; if (!!this.wrap.tooltipCta) this.wrap.tooltipCta.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (!!this.wrap.tooltip) this.wrap.tooltip.classList.add('is-visible'); utils.offAccessibility(this.wrap.tooltip); } if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } this.controller.style.display = 'none'; if ((els.videos.length - 1) == this.video.playIndex) { els.tutorialReplay.style.display = 'block'; els.tutorialReplay.removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.tutorialReplay.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); } } })); } }; const setTagging = { play: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, pause: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.interactiveInterpreter = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}; let objs = {}; let stepInfo = []; let scrollProgress = null; let isMute = null; let isPlaySection = null; const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.js-interpreter'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.interactiveContent = els.section.querySelector('.js-interactive'); els.tutorialVideoContainer = els.section.querySelector('.common-interactive__tutorial'); els.videoList = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video'); els.videoWrap = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video .common-video'); els.videos = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video .common-video__video'); els.tooltipCta = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); els.tutorialReplay = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelector('.js-replay-cta'); els.allVideoWrap = els.section.querySelectorAll('.js-video-wrap'); els.muteCta = els.section.querySelectorAll('.js-mute-cta'); // status isMute = !!els.muteCta && els.muteCta.length > 0; }; const setProperty = function (el, index) { el.video = el.querySelector('video'); el.video.videoWrap = el; el.controller = el.querySelector('.js-video-control'); el.controller.video = el.querySelector('video'); el.alert = el.parentElement.querySelector('.common-tutorial__alert'); el.tooltip = el.parentElement.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip'); el.tooltipCta = el.parentElement.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); el.video.playIndex = index; el.video.coverImage = el.querySelector('.common-video__cover-image'); if (isMute) { el.muteCta = els.muteCta[index + 1]; } }; const bindEvents = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { setProperty(els.videoWrap[i], i); setStepStatus(els.videoList[i]) } setVideos(); eventList.videoController(); eventList.click.tooltipCta(); eventList.setScroller(); eventHandler.scroll(); if (isMute) { muteEventHandler(); } }; const setStepStatus = function (el) { stepInfo.push({ alert: el.getAttribute('data-alert'), tooltip: el.getAttribute('data-tooltip') }); }; const muteEventHandler = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.muteCta.length; i++) { muteEventList.setProperty(els.muteCta[i], i); muteEventList.setMuteBlindText(els.muteCta[i], i); muteEventList.click(els.muteCta[i], i); els.allVideoWrap[i].querySelector('video').style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } }; const muteEventList = { setProperty: function (muteCta, index) { muteCta.videoWrap = els.allVideoWrap[index]; muteCta.videoWrap.muteCta = muteCta; muteCta.video = els.allVideoWrap[index].querySelector('video'); muteCta.blind = muteCta.querySelector('.blind'); }, setMuteBlindText: function (muteCta) { muteCta.blind.innerText = muteCta.getAttribute('data-unmute'); }, click: function (muteCta) { muteCta.addEventListener('click', function () { let isMute = this.video.muted; if (!!isMute) { this.classList.remove('is-muted'); this.classList.add('is-unmuted'); this.blind.innerText = this.getAttribute('data-mute'); this.video.muted = false; setTagging.mute(this); } else { this.classList.remove('is-unmuted'); this.classList.add('is-muted'); this.blind.innerText = this.getAttribute('data-unmute'); this.video.muted = true; setTagging.unmute(this); } }); }, }; const eventList = { setScroller: function () { if (els.interactiveContent.scene == null) { els.interactiveContent.scene = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.interactiveContent, useFixed: false }); } }, scrollEvent: function () { if (els.interactiveContent.scene != null) { if (els.interactiveContent.classList.contains('is-tutorial-opened')) { els.interactiveContent.scene.trackAnimation(function () { scrollProgress = this.progress; let activeVideo = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelector('.is-visible video'); let firstVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[0].video.videoHandler; let replayStatus = !document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network') && activeVideo.paused && !els.videoWrap[0].classList.contains(firstVideoHandler.endedClass) && !els.videoWrap[0].classList.contains(firstVideoHandler.pauseClass) && scrollProgress > 0 && scrollProgress < 100; let resetStatus = scrollProgress === 0 || scrollProgress === 100; if (replayStatus) { if (els.videoWrap[0].video.readyState == 4 && els.videoWrap[0].video.paused) { els.videoWrap[0].video.play(); } else { els.videoWrap[0].video.addEventListener('canplay', function() { els.videoWrap[0].video.play(); }, {once:true}); } } if (resetStatus) { activeVideo.pause(); activeVideo.currentTime = 0; eventList.tutorialReset(); } }); } } }, videoController: function () { for (let i = 0; i < objs.videos.length; i++) { objs.videos[i].controller.addEventListener('click', function () { if (this.video.paused) { this.video.play(); } else { this.video.pause(); } }); } }, nextVideoPlay: function (index) { if (!!els.videoList[index].tooltip) { utils.onAccessibility(els.videoList[index].tooltip); } els.videoList[index + 1].classList.add('is-visible'); utils.onAccessibility(els.videoList[index]); if (els.videos[index + 1].readyState > 3) { els.videos[index + 1].play(); } else { els.videos[index + 1].addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { if (this.paused) this.play(); }); } els.videoList[index].classList.remove('is-visible'); }, click: { tooltipCta: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.tooltipCta.length; i++) { els.tooltipCta[i].addEventListener('click', function () { eventList.nextVideoPlay(i); }); } } }, tutorialReset: function () { let firstVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[0].video.videoHandler; els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.playClass); els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.pauseClass); els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.endedClass); // video wrap if (!els.videoList[0].classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoList[0].classList.add('is-visible'); } // tooltip if (!!els.videoWrap[0].tooltip && els.videoWrap[0].tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoWrap[0].tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } // tootip accessibility utils.offAccessibility(els.videoWrap[0]); if (!!els.videoWrap[0].tooltip) utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[0].tooltip); for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { if (els.videoList[i].classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoList[i].classList.remove('is-visible'); } if (!els.videoWrap[i].video.paused) { els.videoWrap[i].video.pause(); els.videoWrap[i].video.currentTime = 0; } // tooltip if (!!els.videoWrap[i].tooltip && els.videoWrap[i].tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoWrap[i].tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[i]); if (!!els.videoWrap[i].tooltip) utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[i].tooltip); } } // replay cta els.tutorialReplay.style.display = 'none'; els.tutorialReplay.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); els.tutorialReplay.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); } }; const eventHandler = { scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scrollEvent); eventList.scrollEvent(); } } const setVideos = function () { objs.videos = []; for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { let isVideoWrap = els.videoWrap[i]; objs.videos.push(utils.videoHandler({ wrap: isVideoWrap, video: isVideoWrap.video, controller: isVideoWrap.controller, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); if (this.controller.style.display = 'none') { this.controller.style.display = ''; } } }, playCallback: function () { els.videoList[this.video.playIndex].removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.videoList[this.video.playIndex].removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); utils.offAccessibility(this.wrap.muteCta); if (!this.video.muted) { this.wrap.muteCta.classList.remove('is-unmuted'); this.wrap.muteCta.video.muted = true; this.wrap.muteCta.blind.innerText = this.wrap.muteCta.getAttribute('data-unmute'); setTagging.unmute(this.wrap.muteCta); } this.controller.style.display = 'block'; utils.offAccessibility(this.controller); setTagging.pause(this.controller); let nextPlayindex = this.video.playIndex + 1; if ((els.videos.length - 1) > this.video.playIndex && els.videos[nextPlayindex].readyState < 4) { if (!els.videos[nextPlayindex].classList.contains('is-video-load-complete')) { videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videos[nextPlayindex]]); } if (!els.videos[nextPlayindex].coverImage.classList.contains('is-img-load-complete')) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videos[nextPlayindex].coverImage]); } } }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { if (!!this.wrap.tooltip && stepInfo[this.video.playIndex].tooltip == 'true') { let self = this; if (!!this.wrap.tooltipCta) this.wrap.tooltipCta.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (!!this.wrap.tooltip) this.wrap.tooltip.classList.add('is-visible'); utils.offAccessibility(this.wrap.tooltip); } if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } this.controller.style.display = 'none'; if ((els.videos.length - 1) == this.video.playIndex) { els.tutorialReplay.style.display = 'block'; els.tutorialReplay.removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.tutorialReplay.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); } } })); } }; const setTagging = { play: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, pause: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } }, mute: function (targetCta) { if (targetCta.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetCta.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetCta.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('unmute', 'mute')); } if (targetCta.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetCta.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetCta.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('unmute', 'mute')); } }, unmute: function (targetCta) { if (targetCta.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetCta.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetCta.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('mute', 'unmute')); } if (targetCta.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetCta.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetCta.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('mute', 'unmute')); } }, }; return { init: init } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.interactiveSuggested = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}; let objs = {}; let stepInfo = []; let scrollProgress = null; let isPlaySection = null; const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.js-suggested-replies'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.interactiveContent = els.section.querySelector('.js-interactive'); els.tutorialVideoContainer = els.section.querySelector('.common-interactive__tutorial'); els.videoList = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video'); els.videoWrap = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video .common-video'); els.videos = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video .common-video__video'); els.tooltipCta = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); els.tutorialReplay = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelector('.js-replay-cta'); }; const setProperty = function (el, index) { el.video = el.querySelector('video'); el.video.videoWrap = el; el.controller = el.querySelector('.js-video-control'); el.controller.video = el.querySelector('video'); el.alert = el.parentElement.querySelector('.common-tutorial__alert'); el.tooltip = el.parentElement.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip'); el.tooltipCta = el.parentElement.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); el.video.playIndex = index; el.video.coverImage = el.querySelector('.common-video__cover-image'); }; const bindEvents = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { setProperty(els.videoWrap[i], i); setStepStatus(els.videoList[i]) } setVideos(); eventList.videoController(); eventList.click(); eventList.setScroller(); eventHandler.scroll(); }; const setStepStatus = function (el) { stepInfo.push({ alert: el.getAttribute('data-alert'), tooltip: el.getAttribute('data-tooltip') }); }; const eventList = { setScroller: function () { if (els.interactiveContent.scene == null) { els.interactiveContent.scene = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.interactiveContent, useFixed: false }); } }, scrollEvent: function () { if (els.interactiveContent.scene != null) { if (els.interactiveContent.classList.contains('is-tutorial-opened')) { els.interactiveContent.scene.trackAnimation(function () { scrollProgress = this.progress; let activeVideo = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelector('.is-visible video'); let firstVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[0].video.videoHandler; let replayStatus = !document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network') && activeVideo.paused && !els.videoWrap[0].classList.contains(firstVideoHandler.endedClass) && !els.videoWrap[0].classList.contains(firstVideoHandler.pauseClass) && scrollProgress > 0 && scrollProgress < 100; let resetStatus = scrollProgress === 0 || scrollProgress === 100; if (replayStatus) { if (els.videoWrap[0].video.readyState == 4 && els.videoWrap[0].video.paused) { els.videoWrap[0].video.play(); } else { els.videoWrap[0].video.addEventListener('canplay', function() { els.videoWrap[0].video.play(); }, {once:true}); } } if (resetStatus) { activeVideo.pause(); activeVideo.currentTime = 0; eventList.tutorialReset(); } }); } } }, videoController: function () { for (let i = 0; i < objs.videos.length; i++) { objs.videos[i].controller.addEventListener('click', function () { if (this.video.paused) { this.video.play(); } else { this.video.pause(); } }); } }, nextVideoPlay: function (index) { if (!!els.videoList[index].tooltip) { utils.onAccessibility(els.videoList[index].tooltip); } els.videoList[index + 1].classList.add('is-visible'); utils.onAccessibility(els.videoList[index]); if (els.videos[index + 1].readyState > 3) { els.videos[index + 1].play(); } else { els.videos[index + 1].addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { if (this.paused) this.play(); }); } els.videoList[index].classList.remove('is-visible'); }, click: function () { let self = this; for (let i = 0; i < els.tooltipCta.length; i++) { els.tooltipCta[i].addEventListener('click', function () { self.nextVideoPlay(i); }); } }, tutorialReset: function () { let firstVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[0].video.videoHandler; els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.playClass); els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.pauseClass); els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.endedClass); // video wrap if (!els.videoList[0].classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoList[0].classList.add('is-visible'); } // tooltip if (!!els.videoWrap[0].tooltip && els.videoWrap[0].tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoWrap[0].tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } // tootip accessibility utils.offAccessibility(els.videoWrap[0]); if (!!els.videoWrap[0].tooltip) utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[0].tooltip); for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { if (els.videoList[i].classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoList[i].classList.remove('is-visible'); } if (!els.videoWrap[i].video.paused) { els.videoWrap[i].video.pause(); els.videoWrap[i].video.currentTime = 0; } // tooltip if (!!els.videoWrap[i].tooltip && els.videoWrap[i].tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoWrap[i].tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[i]); if (!!els.videoWrap[i].tooltip) utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[i].tooltip); } } // replay cta els.tutorialReplay.style.display = 'none'; els.tutorialReplay.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); els.tutorialReplay.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); } }; const eventHandler = { scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scrollEvent); eventList.scrollEvent(); } } const setVideos = function () { objs.videos = []; for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { let isVideoWrap = els.videoWrap[i]; objs.videos.push(utils.videoHandler({ wrap: isVideoWrap, video: isVideoWrap.video, controller: isVideoWrap.controller, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); if (this.controller.style.display = 'none') { this.controller.style.display = ''; } } }, playCallback: function () { els.videoList[this.video.playIndex].removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.videoList[this.video.playIndex].removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); this.controller.style.display = 'block'; utils.offAccessibility(this.controller); setTagging.pause(this.controller); let nextPlayindex = this.video.playIndex + 1; if ((els.videos.length - 1) > this.video.playIndex && els.videos[nextPlayindex].readyState < 4) { if (!els.videos[nextPlayindex].classList.contains('is-video-load-complete')) { videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videos[nextPlayindex]]); } if (!els.videos[nextPlayindex].coverImage.classList.contains('is-img-load-complete')) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videos[nextPlayindex].coverImage]); } } }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { if (!!this.wrap.tooltip && stepInfo[this.video.playIndex].tooltip == 'true') { let self = this; if (!!this.wrap.tooltipCta) this.wrap.tooltipCta.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (!!this.wrap.tooltip) this.wrap.tooltip.classList.add('is-visible'); utils.offAccessibility(this.wrap.tooltip); } if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } this.controller.style.display = 'none'; if ((els.videos.length - 1) == this.video.playIndex) { els.tutorialReplay.style.display = 'block'; els.tutorialReplay.removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.tutorialReplay.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); } } })); } }; const setTagging = { play: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, pause: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.interactiveNoteAssist = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}; let objs = {}; let stepInfo = []; let scrollProgress = null; let isPlaySection = null; const init = function () { els.section = document.querySelector('.js-note-assist'); if (!!els.section) { setElements(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.interactiveContent = els.section.querySelector('.js-interactive'); els.tutorialVideoContainer = els.section.querySelector('.common-interactive__tutorial'); els.videoList = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video'); els.videoWrap = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video .common-video'); els.videos = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.common-interactive__tutorial-video .common-video__video'); els.tooltipCta = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelectorAll('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); els.tutorialReplay = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelector('.js-replay-cta'); }; const setProperty = function (el, index) { el.video = el.querySelector('video'); el.video.videoWrap = el; el.controller = el.querySelector('.js-video-control'); el.controller.video = el.querySelector('video'); el.alert = el.parentElement.querySelector('.common-tutorial__alert'); el.tooltip = el.parentElement.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip'); el.tooltipCta = el.parentElement.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); el.video.playIndex = index; el.video.coverImage = el.querySelector('.common-video__cover-image'); }; const bindEvents = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { setProperty(els.videoWrap[i], i); setStepStatus(els.videoList[i]) } setVideos(); eventList.videoController(); eventList.click(); eventList.setScroller(); eventHandler.scroll(); }; const setStepStatus = function (el) { stepInfo.push({ alert: el.getAttribute('data-alert'), tooltip: el.getAttribute('data-tooltip') }); }; const eventList = { setScroller: function () { if (els.interactiveContent.scene == null) { els.interactiveContent.scene = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.interactiveContent, useFixed: false }); } }, scrollEvent: function () { if (els.interactiveContent.scene != null) { if (els.interactiveContent.classList.contains('is-tutorial-opened')) { els.interactiveContent.scene.trackAnimation(function () { scrollProgress = this.progress; let activeVideo = els.tutorialVideoContainer.querySelector('.is-visible video'); let firstVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[0].video.videoHandler; let replayStatus = !document.documentElement.classList.contains('low_network') && activeVideo.paused && !els.videoWrap[0].classList.contains(firstVideoHandler.endedClass) && !els.videoWrap[0].classList.contains(firstVideoHandler.pauseClass) && scrollProgress > 0 && scrollProgress < 100; let resetStatus = scrollProgress === 0 || scrollProgress === 100; if (replayStatus) { if (els.videoWrap[0].video.readyState == 4 && els.videoWrap[0].video.paused) { els.videoWrap[0].video.play(); } else { els.videoWrap[0].video.addEventListener('canplay', function() { els.videoWrap[0].video.play(); }, {once:true}); } } if (resetStatus) { activeVideo.pause(); activeVideo.currentTime = 0; eventList.tutorialReset(); } }); } } }, videoController: function () { for (let i = 0; i < objs.videos.length; i++) { objs.videos[i].controller.addEventListener('click', function () { if (this.video.paused) { this.video.play(); } else { this.video.pause(); } }); } }, nextVideoPlay: function (index) { if (!!els.videoList[index].tooltip) { utils.onAccessibility(els.videoList[index].tooltip); } els.videoList[index + 1].classList.add('is-visible'); utils.onAccessibility(els.videoList[index]); if (els.videos[index + 1].readyState > 3) { els.videos[index + 1].play(); } else { els.videos[index + 1].addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { if (this.paused) this.play(); }); } els.videoList[index].classList.remove('is-visible'); }, click: function () { let self = this; for (let i = 0; i < els.tooltipCta.length; i++) { els.tooltipCta[i].addEventListener('click', function () { self.nextVideoPlay(i); }); } }, tutorialReset: function () { let firstVideoHandler = els.videoWrap[0].video.videoHandler; els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.playClass); els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.pauseClass); els.videoWrap[0].classList.remove(firstVideoHandler.endedClass); // video wrap if (!els.videoList[0].classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoList[0].classList.add('is-visible'); } // tooltip if (!!els.videoWrap[0].tooltip && els.videoWrap[0].tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoWrap[0].tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } // tootip accessibility utils.offAccessibility(els.videoWrap[0]); if (!!els.videoWrap[0].tooltip) utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[0].tooltip); for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { if (els.videoList[i].classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoList[i].classList.remove('is-visible'); } if (!els.videoWrap[i].video.paused) { els.videoWrap[i].video.pause(); els.videoWrap[i].video.currentTime = 0; } // tooltip if (!!els.videoWrap[i].tooltip && els.videoWrap[i].tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { els.videoWrap[i].tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[i]); if (!!els.videoWrap[i].tooltip) utils.onAccessibility(els.videoWrap[i].tooltip); } } // replay cta els.tutorialReplay.style.display = 'none'; els.tutorialReplay.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); els.tutorialReplay.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); } }; const eventHandler = { scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.scrollEvent); eventList.scrollEvent(); } } const setVideos = function () { objs.videos = []; for (let i = 0; i < els.videoWrap.length; i++) { let isVideoWrap = els.videoWrap[i]; objs.videos.push(utils.videoHandler({ wrap: isVideoWrap, video: isVideoWrap.video, controller: isVideoWrap.controller, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); if (this.controller.style.display = 'none') { this.controller.style.display = ''; } } }, playCallback: function () { els.videoList[this.video.playIndex].removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.videoList[this.video.playIndex].removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); this.controller.style.display = 'block'; utils.offAccessibility(this.controller); setTagging.pause(this.controller); let nextPlayindex = this.video.playIndex + 1; if ((els.videos.length - 1) > this.video.playIndex && els.videos[nextPlayindex].readyState < 4) { if (!els.videos[nextPlayindex].classList.contains('is-video-load-complete')) { videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videos[nextPlayindex]]); } if (!els.videos[nextPlayindex].coverImage.classList.contains('is-img-load-complete')) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([els.videos[nextPlayindex].coverImage]); } } }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { if (!!this.wrap.tooltip && stepInfo[this.video.playIndex].tooltip == 'true') { if (!!this.wrap.tooltipCta) this.wrap.tooltipCta.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (!!this.wrap.tooltip) this.wrap.tooltip.classList.add('is-visible'); utils.offAccessibility(this.wrap.tooltip); } if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } this.controller.style.display = 'none'; if ((els.videos.length - 1) == this.video.playIndex) { els.tutorialReplay.style.display = 'block'; els.tutorialReplay.removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.tutorialReplay.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); } } })); } }; const setTagging = { play: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, pause: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.interactive = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize; let els = {}, prevDevice = null, currDevice = resize.checkResolution(), scrollProgress = null; const init = function () { els.interactiveContents = document.querySelectorAll('.js-interactive'); if (!!els.interactiveContents && els.interactiveContents.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < els.interactiveContents.length; i++) { setProperty(els.interactiveContents[i], i); eventList.setIntroVideo(els.interactiveContents[i]); eventList.setIntroScene(els.interactiveContents[i]); bindEvents(els.interactiveContents[i], i); } } }; const setProperty = function (content, index) { // introVideo content.index = index; content.introVideo = content.querySelector('.js-interactive-intro-video video'); content.introVideo.videoWrap = content.querySelector('.js-interactive-intro-video'); content.introVideo.wrap = content.querySelector('.js-interactive-intro-video .js-video-wrap'); content.introVideo.parentWrap = content.parentElement; content.introVideo.controllerCta = content.introVideo.videoWrap.querySelector('.js-video-control'); content.introVideo.controllerCta.video = content.introVideo; content.introVideo.tooltip = content.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip'); content.introVideo.tooltipCta = content.querySelector('.js-tutorial-tooltip-cta'); content.introVideo.tooltipCta.parentWrap = content; content.tutorialContentWrap = content.querySelectorAll('.js-tutorial-video'); content.tutorialContentWrap.tooltip = content.querySelectorAll('.js-tutorial-video .js-tutorial-tooltip'); // start, reverse point content.introVideo.wrap.startPoint = !!content.introVideo.wrap.getAttribute('data-start-point') ? parseInt(content.introVideo.wrap.getAttribute('data-start-point')) : undefined; content.introVideo.wrap.reversePoint = !!content.introVideo.wrap.getAttribute('data-reverse-point') ? parseInt(content.introVideo.wrap.getAttribute('data-reverse-point')) : undefined; content.introVideo.wrap.moStartPoint = !!content.introVideo.wrap.getAttribute('data-mo-start-point') ? parseInt(content.introVideo.wrap.getAttribute('data-mo-start-point')) : undefined; content.introVideo.wrap.moReversePoint = !!content.introVideo.wrap.getAttribute('data-mo-reverse-point') ? parseInt(content.introVideo.wrap.getAttribute('data-mo-reverse-point')) : undefined; // replayCta content.replayCta = content.querySelector('.js-replay-cta'); content.replayCta.parentWrap = content; }; const bindEvents = function (content, i) { eventHandler.click.introTooltipCta(content.introVideo.tooltipCta); eventHandler.click.replayCta(content.replayCta); eventHandler.click.videoController(content.introVideo.controllerCta); eventHandler.scroll(content); eventList.scroll(content); resize.add(function (currRes) { eventList.resize(currRes, content); }); }; const eventList = { setIntroVideo: function (content) { utils.videoHandler({ playType: 'scrollPlay', startPoint: content.introVideo.wrap.startPoint, reversePoint: content.introVideo.wrap.reversePoint, wrap: content.introVideo.wrap, video: content.introVideo, controller: content.introVideo.controllerCta, resetCallback: function () { if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-completed'); } if (this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.remove('is-started'); } utils.offAccessibility(content.introVideo.videoWrap); if (content.introVideo.controllerCta.style.display == 'none') { content.introVideo.controllerCta.style.display = 'block'; } if (this.video.tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { this.video.tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); } this.video.tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); utils.onAccessibility(this.video.tooltip); }, playCallback: function () { if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-started')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-started'); } setTagging.pause(this.controller); let videoWrap = content.tutorialContentWrap[0].querySelector('.js-video-wrap'); videoWrap.coverImg = videoWrap.querySelector('.common-video__cover-image'); videoWrap.video = videoWrap.querySelector('video'); if (!!videoWrap.coverImg && !videoWrap.coverImg.classList.contains('is-img-load-complete')) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([videoWrap.coverImg]); } if (!!videoWrap.video && !videoWrap.video.classList.contains('is-video-load-complete')) { videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([videoWrap.video]); } }, pauseCallback: function () { setTagging.play(this.controller); }, endCallback: function () { let self = this; if (!this.wrap.classList.contains('is-completed')) { this.wrap.classList.add('is-completed'); } this.video.tooltip.classList.add('is-visible'); utils.offAccessibility(this.video.tooltip); let isPlaySection = null; isPlaySection = scrollProgress > 30 && scrollProgress < 60; if (isPlaySection) { this.video.tooltipCta.focus(); setTimeout(function () { self.video.tooltipCta.focus(); self.controller.style.display = 'none'; }, 300); } } }); }, setIntroScene: function (content) { content.introVideo.scene = SCROLLER({ trackElement: content.introVideo, useFixed: false, resize: utils.detector.isTouchDevice ? false : true }); }, scroll: function (content) { if (!content.classList.contains('is-tutorial-opened')) { content.introVideo.scene.trackAnimation(function () { content.introVideo.videoHandler.scrollActive(this.progress); scrollProgress = this.progress; let pauseStatus = (this.wheelDirection == 'up' && scrollProgress <= 30) || (this.wheelDirection == 'down' && scrollProgress >= 60); if (pauseStatus && !content.introVideo.paused) { content.introVideo.pause(); } }); } }, click: { introVideoTooltipCta: function () { let content = this.parentWrap; content.classList.add('is-tutorial-opened'); utils.onAccessibility(content.introVideo.videoWrap); content.tutorialContentWrap[0].classList.add('is-visible'); utils.offAccessibility(content.tutorialContentWrap[0]); content.tutorialContentWrap[0].querySelector('.common-video__control').focus(); setTimeout(function () { content.tutorialContentWrap[0].querySelector('.common-video__control').focus(); }, 300); content.introVideo.tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); let videoWrap = content.tutorialContentWrap[0].querySelector('.js-video-wrap'); videoWrap.video.play(); }, replayCta: function () { let content = this.parentWrap; content.introVideo.tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible'); utils.onAccessibility(content.introVideo.tooltip); utils.offAccessibility(content.introVideo.videoWrap); content.introVideo.controllerCta.style.display = 'block'; content.introVideo.controllerCta.focus(); setTimeout(function () { content.introVideo.controllerCta.focus(); }, 300); content.replayCta.style.display = 'none'; content.replayCta.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); content.replayCta.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); for (let i = 0; i < content.tutorialContentWrap.length; i++) { content.tutorialContentWrap[i].classList.remove('is-visible'); if (!!content.tutorialContentWrap.tooltip[i]) { content.tutorialContentWrap.tooltip[i].classList.remove('is-visible'); } utils.onAccessibility(content.tutorialContentWrap[i]); setTimeout(function () { content.tutorialContentWrap[i].querySelector('video').currentTime = 0; }, 300); } content.classList.remove('is-tutorial-opened'); content.introVideo.play(); }, videoController: function (e) { if (e.target == e.currentTarget) { if (e.currentTarget.video.paused) { e.currentTarget.video.play(); } else { e.currentTarget.video.pause(); } } }, }, reset: function (content) { if (content.classList.contains('is-tutorial-opened')) { content.classList.remove('is-tutorial-opened'); } // replay cta if (content.replayCta.style.display == 'block') { content.replayCta.style.display = 'none'; content.replayCta.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); content.replayCta.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); } // tutorial video let tutorialWrap = content.tutorialContentWrap; for (let i = 0; i < tutorialWrap.length; i++) { tutorialWrap[i].classList.remove('is-visible'); utils.onAccessibility(tutorialWrap[i]); // video tutorialWrap[i].video = tutorialWrap[i].querySelector('video'); if (!tutorialWrap[i].video.paused) { tutorialWrap[i].video.pause(); tutorialWrap[i].video.currentTime = 0; } // tooltip if (!!tutorialWrap.tooltip[i]) { if (tutorialWrap.tooltip[i].classList.contains('is-visible')) { tutorialWrap.tooltip[i].classList.remove('is-visible'); } utils.onAccessibility(tutorialWrap.tooltip[i]); } } // intro video utils.offAccessibility(content.introVideo.videoWrap); if (content.introVideo.controllerCta.style.display == 'none') { content.introVideo.controllerCta.style.display = 'block'; } // intro tooltip if (content.introVideo.tooltip.classList.contains('is-visible')) { content.introVideo.tooltip.classList.remove('is-visible') } utils.onAccessibility(content.introVideo.tooltip); if (scrollProgress >= 30 && scrollProgress <= 60) { if (content.introVideo.paused) { content.introVideo.currentTime = 0; content.introVideo.play(); } } }, resize: function (currRes, content) { currDevice = currRes; if (prevDevice != currDevice) { eventList.reset(content); } prevDevice = currDevice; }, }; const eventHandler = { click: { replayCta: function (replayCta) { replayCta.addEventListener('click', eventList.click.replayCta); }, introTooltipCta: function (introTooltipCta) { introTooltipCta.addEventListener('click', eventList.click.introVideoTooltipCta); }, videoController: function (introVideoController) { introVideoController.addEventListener('click', eventList.click.videoController); } }, scroll: function (content) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { eventList.scroll(content); }); } }; const setTagging = { play: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('pause', 'play')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('pause', 'play')); } }, pause: function (targetController) { if (targetController.hasAttribute('data-omni')) { let dataOmni = targetController.getAttribute('data-omni').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('play', 'pause')); } if (targetController.hasAttribute('ga-la')) { let gaLa = targetController.getAttribute('ga-la').toLowerCase(); targetController.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('play', 'pause')); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.moveFeature = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils; let els = {}; const init = function () { els.jumpCta = document.querySelectorAll('.js-jump-cta'); if (!!els.jumpCta) { setProperty(); bindEvents(); } }; const setProperty = function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.jumpCta.length; i++) { els.jumpCta[i].sectionId = els.jumpCta[i].getAttribute('href'); els.jumpCta[i].section = document.querySelector(`${els.jumpCta[i].sectionId}`); els.jumpCta[i].returnCta = els.jumpCta[i].section.querySelector('.js-return-cta'); els.jumpCta[i].returnCta.jumpCta = els.jumpCta[i]; els.jumpCta[i].returnCta.section = els.jumpCta[i].section; } }; const bindEvents = function () { eventHandler.click(); eventList.setScene(); eventHandler.scroll(); }; const eventHandler = { click: function () { for (let i = 0; i < els.jumpCta.length; i++) { els.jumpCta[i].addEventListener('click', eventList.clickJumpCta); els.jumpCta[i].returnCta.addEventListener('click', eventList.clickReturnCta); } }, scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.hideReturnCta); } }; const eventList = { setScene: function () { for(let i=0; i swiper.slides.length -1 ? swiper.slides.length -1 : index + 1; let videoLength = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('video').length - 1; let imageLength = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('img').length - 1; let videoloadComplateLength = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('.is-video-load-complete').length - 1; let imageloadComplateLength = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('.is-img-load-complete').length - 1; let nextVideo = swiper.slides[isIndex].querySelector('video'); let nextImage = swiper.slides[isIndex].querySelector('img'); if (videoloadComplateLength != videoLength) { if (!!nextVideo) { videoLoader.setResponsiveMedia([nextVideo]); } } if (imageloadComplateLength != imageLength) { if (!!nextImage) { imageLoader.setResponsiveMedia([nextImage]); } } }, resetVideo: function(swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { let isVideo = swiper.slides[i].video; if (!!isVideo && !isVideo.paused) { isVideo.pause(); isVideo.currentTime = 0; }; }; }, getCarouselSizeInfo: function(swiper) { let slideLength = swiper.slides.length; let slideWidth = swiper.slides[0].clientWidth; let slideMargin = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(swiper.slides[0]).margin.split(' ')[isRtl ? 3 : 1]); let slideSize = slideWidth + slideMargin; let maxMoveSize = ((slideSize * slideLength) - slideMargin) - swiper.wrapperEl.clientWidth; let viewWidth = swiper.wrapperEl.clientWidth; let viewLength = parseInt((viewWidth + slideMargin)/slideSize); let lastBeforeSize = slideLength == 2 ? 0 : Math.abs((maxMoveSize - slideSize)) + Math.abs((viewWidth - slideWidth)); let isMoveSize = Math.abs(parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(swiper.wrapperEl).transform.split(',')[4])); return { slideWidth: slideWidth, slideMargin: slideMargin, slideSize: slideSize, maxMoveSize: maxMoveSize, viewWidth: viewWidth, viewLength: viewLength, lastBeforeSize: lastBeforeSize, isMoveSize: isMoveSize } }, setDimmedSlide: function(swiper) { if (currDevice != 'mobile') { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { let dimmedSlide = (swiper.activeIndex) > i || (swiper.activeIndex + (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(swiper).viewLength - 1)) < i; if (dimmedSlide) { swiper.slides[i].classList.add(dimmedClass); } else { swiper.slides[i].classList.remove(dimmedClass); } } } }, slideChange: function () { accessibility.slide(this); eventList.resetVideo(this); if (eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this).viewLength > 0 && currDevice != 'mobile') eventList.setDimmedSlide(this); if (this.realIndex > 0) eventList.setMedia(this, this.realIndex); }, transitionEnd: function() { if (this.slides.length < 3 && currDevice == 'mobile') return; setTimeout(() => { let carouselInfo = eventList.getCarouselSizeInfo(this); let lastIndex = this.slides.length -1; let lastSlide = this.slides[lastIndex]; let lastBeforeSlide = this.slides[lastIndex - 1]; if (carouselInfo.isMoveSize > carouselInfo.lastBeforeSize || carouselInfo.maxMoveSize == carouselInfo.isMoveSize) { eventList.resetVideo(this); lastSlide.classList.add('is-last-slide'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.add('is-dimmed'); lastSlide.classList.remove('is-dimmed'); utils.offAccessibility(this.slides[lastIndex]); utils.onAccessibility(this.slides[lastIndex - 1]); } else if (lastSlide.classList.contains('is-last-slide') && carouselInfo.lastBeforeSize == carouselInfo.isMoveSize) { eventList.resetVideo(this); lastSlide.classList.add('is-dimmed'); lastSlide.classList.remove('is-last-slide'); lastBeforeSlide.classList.remove('is-dimmed'); utils.onAccessibility(this.slides[lastIndex]); utils.offAccessibility(this.slides[lastIndex - 1]); } let swiperActiveSlide = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-slide-active'); let lastSlideActive = els.section.querySelector('.is-last-slide'); let isActiveSlide = !!lastSlideActive ? lastSlideActive : swiperActiveSlide; let isActiveVideo = isActiveSlide.querySelector('video'); if (!!isActiveVideo && !isLowBand) isActiveVideo.play() }, 0); }, setScene: function() { els.section.scene = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.section }); }, setVideoType: function() { if (!!els.videos) { for (let i = 0; i < els.videos.length; i++) { els.videos[i].videoHandler.playType = 'scrollPlay'; } } }, scroll: function() { els.section.scene.trackAnimation(function() { let swiperActiveSlide = els.section.querySelector('.swiper-slide-active'); let lastSlideActive = els.section.querySelector('.is-last-slide'); let isActiveSlide = !!lastSlideActive ? lastSlideActive : swiperActiveSlide; let isActiveVideo = isActiveSlide.querySelector('video'); if (!!isActiveVideo && !isLowBand) isActiveVideo.videoHandler.scrollActive(this.progress); }); } }; const accessibility = { slide: function (swiper) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i++) { if (i != swiper.activeIndex) { utils.onAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); } else { utils.offAccessibility(swiper.slides[i]); } } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); ; (function () { window.flagship.features.viewer = (function () { const utils = window.flagship.common.utils, resize = window.flagship.common.resize, common = window.flagship.features.common, isLow = utils.isLowNetwork(); let els = {}, currDevice = resize.checkResolution(); const init = function () { // els.viewerBtn = document.querySelector('.viewer-btn'); els.section = document.querySelector('.js-colors'); els.popup = document.querySelector('.js-viewer'); if (!!isLow) { if (!els.viewerBtn) return; els.currentWrap = els.popup; setElements(); setProperty(); popupEvents.set(); bindEvents(); } else { if (!els.section) return; els.currentWrap = els.section; setElements(); setProperty(); bindEvents(); } }; const setElements = function () { els.wrapEl = document.querySelector('#wrap'); els.contents = document.querySelector('#contents'); // popup els.popupWrap = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-viewer-wrap'); els.popupInner = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-viewer-inner'); els.closeCta = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-viewer-close'); els.popupContents = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-viewer-contents'); // popup-scroll els.popupScroll = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-viewer-scroll'); els.popupScrollUpBtn = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-scroll-up'); els.popupScrollDownBtn = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-scroll-down'); // viewer els.viewerIframe = els.currentWrap.querySelector('iframe'); els.foldBtn = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-fold-btn'); els.resetBtn = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-reset-btn'); // angle preset els.presetOpen = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-preset-open'); els.presetClose = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-preset-close'); els.presetLayer = els.currentWrap.querySelector('.js-preset-layer'); els.angleCta = els.currentWrap.querySelectorAll('.js-angle-cta'); }; const setProperty = function () { // timeout els.resizeTimeout = null; els.resizeInnerTimeout = null; els.viewerOpener = null; els.viewerIframe.isHash = false; els.viewerIframe.isIntroposeReady = false; els.viewerIframe.isFold = false; els.viewerIframe.resetTimeout = null; }; const bindEvents = function () { eventHandler.load(); eventHandler.message(); eventHandler.click(); resize.add(eventList.resize); if (!isLow) { eventList.setScene(); } }; const eventHandler = { load: function () { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', eventList.load, { once: true }); }, message: function () { window.addEventListener('message', eventList.receiveV3DMessage, false); }, click: function () { if (!!isLow) { els.popupScroll.addEventListener('click', eventList.clickLayerScroll); } els.foldBtn && els.foldBtn.addEventListener('click', eventList.clickFold); els.resetBtn && els.resetBtn.addEventListener('click', eventList.clickReset); els.presetOpen && els.presetOpen.addEventListener('click', eventList.openPresetPopup); for (let i = 0; i < els.angleCta.length; i++) { els.angleCta[i].addEventListener('click', eventList.setAngle); } els.contents.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if (e.target.classList.contains('js-reset-btn') || e.target.classList.contains('js-fold-btn') || e.target.classList.contains('js-preset-open') || e.target.closest('.js-preset-layer')) return; eventList.closePresetPopup(); }); }, scroll: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', eventList.runIntroPose); } }; const eventList = { load: function () { if (!!isLow) { eventList.innerWrapHeight(); eventList.layerScroll(); } accessibility.fold.ariaLabel(); eventList.setFoldClass(); }, receiveV3DMessage: function (e) { if (e.data == 'V3D.state.popOpen') { if (currDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1 || currDevice == 'tablet') { if (els.closeCta) { if (!els.popupWrap.classList.contains('is-popup-opened')) els.popupWrap.classList.add('is-popup-opened'); els.closeCta.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); els.closeCta.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); els.closeCta.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } } else if (e.data == 'V3D.state.popClose') { if (currDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1 || currDevice == 'tablet') { if (els.closeCta) { if (els.popupWrap.classList.contains('is-popup-opened')) els.popupWrap.classList.remove('is-popup-opened'); els.closeCta.removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.closeCta.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); els.closeCta.removeAttribute('disabled'); } } } else if (e.data == 'V3D.state.introPose.ready') { if (!isLow) { els.viewerIframe.isIntroposeReady = true; eventHandler.scroll(); eventList.runIntroPose(); } else { els.viewerIframe && els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.introPose.run', '*'); } } else if (e.data == 'V3D.state.localData.ready') { els.viewerIframe && els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(V3DLOCALDATA), '*'); } else if (e.data == 'V3D.state.actionPose.0') { els.viewerIframe.isFold = true; eventList.setFoldClass(); } else if (e.data == 'V3D.state.actionPose.1') { els.viewerIframe.isFold = false; eventList.setFoldClass(); } else if (e.data == 'V3D.event.pointerdown') { eventList.closePresetPopup(); } }, resize: function (currRes) { currDevice = currRes; if (utils.detector.isTouchDevice && !utils.detector.isIosDevice) eventList.innerWrapHeight(); eventList.layerScroll(); }, innerWrapHeight: function () { clearTimeout(els.resizeInnerTimeout); els.resizeInnerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (els.popupInner) { els.popupInner.style.height = parseInt(window.innerHeight * 0.9) + 'px'; } }, 0); }, layerScroll: function () { clearTimeout(els.resizeTimeout); els.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { eventList.setLayerScroll(); }, 300); }, setLayerScroll: function () { if (!els.popupContents) return; if (els.popupContents.scrollHeight > els.popupContents.clientHeight) { utils.offAccessibility(els.popupScroll); els.popupScroll && els.popupScroll.classList.add('is-scroll-btn'); } else { utils.onAccessibility(els.popupScroll); els.popupScroll && els.popupScroll.classList.remove('is-scroll-btn'); } }, clickLayerScroll: function (e) { e && e.preventDefault(); if (e.target.matches('.js-scroll-btn')) { let scrollDown = e.target.classList.contains('js-scroll-down'), $popupContents = $(els.popupContents); if (scrollDown) { $popupContents.stop().animate({ scrollTop: $popupContents.scrollTop() + 100 }, { duration: 300, complete: function () { eventList.updateLayerScroll(true); } }); } else { $popupContents.stop().animate({ scrollTop: $popupContents.scrollTop() - 100 }, { duration: 300, complete: function () { eventList.updateLayerScroll(true); } }); } } }, updateLayerScroll: function (isClicked) { const offsetTop = els.popupContents.scrollTop, layerBottom = els.popupContents.scrollHeight - els.popupContents.clientHeight; els.popupScrollUpBtn.removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.popupScrollUpBtn.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); els.popupScrollUpBtn.removeAttribute('disabled'); els.popupScrollDownBtn.removeAttribute('tabindex'); els.popupScrollDownBtn.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); els.popupScrollDownBtn.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (offsetTop == 0) { isClicked && els.popupScrollDownBtn && els.popupScrollDownBtn.focus(); els.popupScrollUpBtn.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); els.popupScrollUpBtn.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); els.popupScrollUpBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } else if (offsetTop >= layerBottom - 1) { isClicked && els.popupScrollUpBtn && els.popupScrollUpBtn.focus(); els.popupScrollDownBtn.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); els.popupScrollDownBtn.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); els.popupScrollDownBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } }, setScene: function () { els.sceneObj = SCROLLER({ trackElement: els.section, useFixed: false }); }, runIntroPose: function () { els.sceneObj.trackAnimation(function () { let progress = currDevice.indexOf('mobile') > -1 ? 50 : 30; if (this.progress >= progress && !!els.viewerIframe.isIntroposeReady) { els.viewerIframe && els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.introPose.run', '*'); window.removeEventListener('scroll', eventList.runIntroPose); } }); }, clickFold: function () { if (!els.viewerIframe.isFold) { els.viewerIframe.isFold = true; els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.action.reverse', '*'); } else { els.viewerIframe.isFold = false; els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.action', '*'); } accessibility.fold.ariaLabel(); eventList.setFoldClass(); accessibility.fold.tagging(); }, clickReset: function () { let viewerSrc = els.viewerIframe.getAttribute('src'); els.viewerIframe.setAttribute('src', `${viewerSrc}#reset=1`); clearTimeout(els.viewerIframe.resetTimeout); els.viewerIframe.resetTimeout = setTimeout(function () { viewerSrc = viewerSrc.split('#reset=1')[0]; els.viewerIframe.setAttribute('src', viewerSrc); }, 300); }, openPresetPopup: function () { if (!els.presetLayer.classList.contains('is-active')) { els.presetOpen.classList.add('is-open'); els.presetLayer.classList.add('is-active'); els.presetOpen.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true); els.presetClose.focus(); } else { eventList.closePresetPopup(); } els.presetClose && els.presetClose.addEventListener('click', eventList.closePresetPopup); }, closePresetPopup: function (e) { if (els.presetLayer.classList.contains('is-active')) { els.presetOpen.classList.remove('is-open'); els.presetLayer.classList.remove('is-active'); els.presetOpen.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false); if (e && e.target.classList.contains('js-preset-close')) { els.presetOpen.focus(); } } }, setFoldClass: function () { if (!els.viewerIframe.isFold) { if (els.foldBtn.classList.contains('is-folded')) els.foldBtn.classList.remove('is-folded'); els.foldBtn.classList.add('is-fold'); } else { if (els.foldBtn.classList.contains('is-fold')) els.foldBtn.classList.remove('is-fold'); els.foldBtn.classList.add('is-folded'); } }, setAngle: function () { let target = this, targetAngle = target.innerText.toLowerCase(); if (targetAngle == 'front') { els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.setPosition.angleX: 0,angleY: 0', '*'); } else if (targetAngle == 'back') { els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.setPosition.angleX: 0,angleY: 3.141592653589793', '*'); } else if (targetAngle == 'top') { els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.setPosition.angleX: 1.5707963267948966,angleY: 3.141592653589793', '*'); } else if (targetAngle == 'bottom') { els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.setPosition.angleX: -1.5707963267948966,angleY: 0', '*'); } else if (targetAngle == 'left') { els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.setPosition.angleX: 0,angleY: 1.5707963267948966', '*'); } else if (targetAngle == 'right') { els.viewerIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('V3D.setPosition.angleX: 0,angleY: -1.5707963267948966', '*'); } accessibility.selected(target); } }; const popupEvents = { set: function () { utils.layerPopup({ layerPopup: els.popup, layerPopupClass: '.js-viewer', openerEvent: { element: els.viewerBtn, }, closeCtas: [els.closeCta], dimmed: els.popupWrap, moveTarget: document.documentElement, contents: els.contents, show: { start: function (target) { els.popup.classList.add('is-init'); popupEvents.show(target.openerCta); }, end: function () { if (utils.detector.isIosDevice) els.popup.style.display = 'block'; els.popup.classList.add('is-open'); } }, hide: { start: function () { els.popup.classList.remove('is-open'); }, end: function () { setTimeout(function () { els.popup.classList.remove('is-init'); }, 300); popupEvents.hide(); } } }); }, show: function (viewerOpener) { if (viewerOpener.classList.contains('viewer-btn')) { els.viewerIframe.isHash = false; els.viewerOpener = viewerOpener; } else { els.viewerIframe.isHash = true; els.viewerOpener = els.viewerBtn; } els.viewerIframe.setAttribute('src', common.getViewerUrl()); }, hide: function () { els.viewerIframe.setAttribute('src', 'about:blank'); if (els.viewerIframe.isHash) { setTimeout(function () { els.viewerOpener.focus(); }, 300); } }, }; const accessibility = { fold: { ariaLabel: function () { if (!els.viewerIframe.isFold) { els.foldBtn.setAttribute('aria-label', `${els.foldBtn.getAttribute('data-unfolded')}`); } else { els.foldBtn.setAttribute('aria-label', `${els.foldBtn.getAttribute('data-folded')}`); } }, tagging: function () { let dataOmni = els.foldBtn.getAttribute('data-omni'), gaLa = els.foldBtn.getAttribute('ga-la'); if (!els.viewerIframe.isFold) { els.foldBtn.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('folded', 'unfolded')); els.foldBtn.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('folded', 'unfolded')); } else { els.foldBtn.setAttribute('data-omni', dataOmni.replace('unfolded', 'folded')); els.foldBtn.setAttribute('ga-la', gaLa.replace('unfolded', 'folded')); } }, }, selected: function (target) { for (let i = 0; i < els.angleCta.length; i++) { els.angleCta[i].removeAttribute('title'); if (els.angleCta[i].classList.contains('is-selected')) { els.angleCta[i].classList.remove('is-selected'); } } if (!target.classList.contains('is-selected')) { target.classList.add('is-selected'); } if (typeof LOCAL_VARI != 'undefined' && !!LOCAL_VARI) { target.setAttribute('title', LOCAL_VARI.selected); } else { target.setAttribute('title', 'Selected'); } } }; return { init: init } })(); })(); flagship.features.initialize = (function () { window.flagship.common.resize.bindEvent(); const init = function () { flagship.features.flexWindow.init(); flagship.features.ai.init() flagship.features.clickToVideo.init(); flagship.features.headline.init(); flagship.features.oneColumnCarousel.init(); flagship.features.scrollVideo.init(); flagship.features.interactiveSuggested.init(); flagship.features.threeColumnCarousel.init(); // flagship.features.aiOverview.init(); flagship.features.cameraSpec.init(); flagship.features.faq.init(); flagship.features.highlightsZone.init(); // flagship.features.formfactor.init(); flagship.features.interactiveCircleToSearch.init(); flagship.features.interactiveInterpreter.init(); flagship.features.interactiveNoteAssist.init(); flagship.features.interactive.init(); // flagship.features.moveFeature.init(); flagship.features.performance.init(); flagship.features.photoAssist.init(); flagship.features.viewer.init(); flagship.highlights.colors.init(); flagship.highlights.colors2.init(); }; video1 = '', video2 = '', video3 = '', video0 = ''; $(".js-youtube-popup1").click(function(){ $(".tankuang").show(); //禁止滚动条滚动 $('html,body').css({'overflow': 'hidden'}); $(".video_box").html(video1); }); $(".tankuang a").click(function(){ $(".tankuang").hide(); $(".video_box").html(video0); //实现滚动条滚动 $('html,body').css({'overflow': 'auto'}); }) $(".js-youtube-popup2").click(function(){ $(".tankuang").show(); //禁止滚动条滚动 $('html,body').css({'overflow': 'hidden'}); $(".video_box").html(video2); }); $(".tankuang a").click(function(){ $(".tankuang").hide(); $(".video_box").html(video0); 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    "); return e.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") || e.attr("data-swiper-slide-index", t), i.cache && (this.virtual.cache[t] = e), e }, appendSlide: function (e) { if ("object" == typeof e && "length" in e) for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) e[t] && this.virtual.slides.push(e[t]); else this.virtual.slides.push(e); this.virtual.update(!0) }, prependSlide: function (e) { var s, a, t = this.activeIndex, i = t + 1, n = 1; if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o += 1) e[o] && this.virtual.slides.unshift(e[o]); i = t + e.length, n = e.length } else this.virtual.slides.unshift(e); this.params.virtual.cache && (s = this.virtual.cache, a = {}, Object.keys(s).forEach(function (e) { var t = s[e], i = t.attr("data-swiper-slide-index"); i && t.attr("data-swiper-slide-index", parseInt(i, 10) + 1), a[parseInt(e, 10) + n] = t }), this.virtual.cache = a), this.virtual.update(!0), this.slideTo(i, 0) }, removeSlide: function (e) { if (null != e) { var t = this.activeIndex; if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var i = e.length - 1; 0 <= i; --i) this.virtual.slides.splice(e[i], 1), this.params.virtual.cache && delete this.virtual.cache[e[i]], e[i] < t && --t, t = Math.max(t, 0); else this.virtual.slides.splice(e, 1), this.params.virtual.cache && delete this.virtual.cache[e], e < t && --t, t = Math.max(t, 0); this.virtual.update(!0), this.slideTo(t, 0) } }, removeAllSlides: function () { this.virtual.slides = [], this.params.virtual.cache && (this.virtual.cache = {}), this.virtual.update(!0), this.slideTo(0, 0) } }, b = { name: "virtual", params: { virtual: { enabled: !1, slides: [], cache: !0, renderSlide: null, renderExternal: null, addSlidesBefore: 0, addSlidesAfter: 0 } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { virtual: { update: w.update.bind(this), appendSlide: w.appendSlide.bind(this), prependSlide: w.prependSlide.bind(this), removeSlide: w.removeSlide.bind(this), removeAllSlides: w.removeAllSlides.bind(this), renderSlide: w.renderSlide.bind(this), slides: this.params.virtual.slides, cache: {} } }) }, on: { beforeInit: function () { var e; this.params.virtual.enabled && (this.classNames.push(this.params.containerModifierClass + "virtual"), U.extend(this.params, e = { watchSlidesProgress: !0 }), U.extend(this.originalParams, e), this.params.initialSlide || this.virtual.update()) }, setTranslate: function () { this.params.virtual.enabled && this.virtual.update() } } }, K = { handle: function (e) { var t = this.rtlTranslate, i = (e = e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent : e).keyCode || e.charCode; if (!this.allowSlideNext && (this.isHorizontal() && 39 === i || this.isVertical() && 40 === i || 34 === i)) return !1; if (!this.allowSlidePrev && (this.isHorizontal() && 37 === i || this.isVertical() && 38 === i || 33 === i)) return !1; if (!(e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || h.activeElement && h.activeElement.nodeName && ("input" === h.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() || "textarea" === h.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase()))) { if (this.params.keyboard.onlyInViewport && (33 === i || 34 === i || 37 === i || 39 === i || 38 === i || 40 === i)) { var s = !1; if (0 < this.$el.parents("." + this.params.slideClass).length && 0 === this.$el.parents("." + this.params.slideActiveClass).length) return; var a = j.innerWidth, n = j.innerHeight, o = this.$el.offset(); t && (o.left -= this.$el[0].scrollLeft); for (var r = [[o.left, o.top], [o.left + this.width, o.top], [o.left, o.top + this.height], [o.left + this.width, o.top + this.height]], l = 0; l < r.length; l += 1) { var c = r[l]; 0 <= c[0] && c[0] <= a && 0 <= c[1] && c[1] <= n && (s = !0) } if (!s) return } this.isHorizontal() ? (33 !== i && 34 !== i && 37 !== i && 39 !== i || (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1), (34 !== i && 39 !== i || t) && (33 !== i && 37 !== i || !t) || this.slideNext(), (33 !== i && 37 !== i || t) && (34 !== i && 39 !== i || !t) || this.slidePrev()) : (33 !== i && 34 !== i && 38 !== i && 40 !== i || (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1), 34 !== i && 40 !== i || this.slideNext(), 33 !== i && 38 !== i || this.slidePrev()), this.emit("keyPress", i) } }, enable: function () { this.keyboard.enabled || (T(h).on("keydown", this.keyboard.handle), this.keyboard.enabled = !0) }, disable: function () { this.keyboard.enabled && (T(h).off("keydown", this.keyboard.handle), this.keyboard.enabled = !1) } }, E = { name: "keyboard", params: { keyboard: { enabled: !1, onlyInViewport: !0 } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { keyboard: { enabled: !1, enable: K.enable.bind(this), disable: K.disable.bind(this), handle: K.handle.bind(this) } }) }, on: { init: function () { this.params.keyboard.enabled && this.keyboard.enable() }, destroy: function () { this.keyboard.enabled && this.keyboard.disable() } } }; function S() { for (var i, e = [], t = arguments.length; t--;) e[t] = arguments[t]; i = (i = 1 === e.length && e[0].constructor && e[0].constructor === Object ? e[0] : (n = e[0], e[1])) || {}, i = U.extend({}, i), n && !i.el && (i.el = n), d.call(this, i), Object.keys(G).forEach(function (t) { Object.keys(G[t]).forEach(function (e) { S.prototype[e] || (S.prototype[e] = G[t][e]) }) }); var s, a, n, o = this, r = (void 0 === o.modules && (o.modules = {}), Object.keys(o.modules).forEach(function (e) { var t, e = o.modules[e]; e.params && (t = Object.keys(e.params)[0], "object" == typeof (e = e.params[t]) && null !== e && t in i && "enabled" in e && (!0 === i[t] && (i[t] = { enabled: !0 }), "object" != typeof i[t] || "enabled" in i[t] || (i[t].enabled = !0), i[t] || (i[t] = { enabled: !1 }))) }), U.extend({}, W)), l = (o.useModulesParams(r), o.params = U.extend({}, r, F, i), o.originalParams = U.extend({}, o.params), o.passedParams = U.extend({}, i), (o.$ = T)(o.params.el)); if (n = l[0]) return 1 < l.length ? (s = [], l.each(function (e, t) { t = U.extend({}, i, { el: t }); s.push(new S(t)) }), s) : (n.swiper = o, l.data("swiper", o), n && n.shadowRoot && n.shadowRoot.querySelector ? (a = T(n.shadowRoot.querySelector("." + o.params.wrapperClass))).children = function (e) { return l.children(e) } : a = l.children("." + o.params.wrapperClass), U.extend(o, { $el: l, el: n, $wrapperEl: a, wrapperEl: a[0], classNames: [], slides: T(), slidesGrid: [], snapGrid: [], slidesSizesGrid: [], isHorizontal: function () { return "horizontal" === o.params.direction }, isVertical: function () { return "vertical" === o.params.direction }, rtl: "rtl" === n.dir.toLowerCase() || "rtl" === l.css("direction"), rtlTranslate: "horizontal" === o.params.direction && ("rtl" === n.dir.toLowerCase() || "rtl" === l.css("direction")), wrongRTL: "-webkit-box" === a.css("display"), activeIndex: 0, realIndex: 0, isBeginning: !0, isEnd: !1, translate: 0, previousTranslate: 0, progress: 0, velocity: 0, animating: !1, allowSlideNext: o.params.allowSlideNext, allowSlidePrev: o.params.allowSlidePrev, touchEvents: (r = y.pointerEvents ? ["pointerdown", "pointermove", "pointerup"] : ["mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseup"], o.touchEventsTouch = { start: (n = ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel"])[0], move: n[1], end: n[2], cancel: n[3] }, o.touchEventsDesktop = { start: r[0], move: r[1], end: r[2] }, y.touch || !o.params.simulateTouch ? o.touchEventsTouch : o.touchEventsDesktop), touchEventsData: { isTouched: void 0, isMoved: void 0, allowTouchCallbacks: void 0, touchStartTime: void 0, isScrolling: void 0, currentTranslate: void 0, startTranslate: void 0, allowThresholdMove: void 0, formElements: "input, select, option, textarea, button, video", lastClickTime: U.now(), clickTimeout: void 0, velocities: [], allowMomentumBounce: void 0, isTouchEvent: void 0, startMoving: void 0 }, allowClick: !0, allowTouchMove: o.params.allowTouchMove, touches: { startX: 0, startY: 0, currentX: 0, currentY: 0, diff: 0 }, imagesToLoad: [], imagesLoaded: 0 }), o.useModules(), o.params.init && o.init(), o) } var C = { lastScrollTime: U.now(), lastEventBeforeSnap: void 0, recentWheelEvents: [], event: function () { return - 1 < j.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("firefox") ? "DOMMouseScroll" : ((t = "onwheel" in h) || ((e = h.createElement("div")).setAttribute("onwheel", "return;"), t = "function" == typeof e.onwheel), (t = !t && h.implementation && h.implementation.hasFeature && !0 !== h.implementation.hasFeature("", "") ? h.implementation.hasFeature("Events.wheel", "3.0") : t) ? "wheel" : "mousewheel"); var e, t }, normalize: function (e) { var t = 0, i = 0, s = 0, a = 0; return "detail" in e && (i = e.detail), "wheelDelta" in e && (i = -e.wheelDelta / 120), "wheelDeltaY" in e && (i = -e.wheelDeltaY / 120), "wheelDeltaX" in e && (t = -e.wheelDeltaX / 120), "axis" in e && e.axis === e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && (t = i, i = 0), s = 10 * t, a = 10 * i, "deltaY" in e && (a = e.deltaY), "deltaX" in e && (s = e.deltaX), e.shiftKey && !s && (s = a, a = 0), (s || a) && e.deltaMode && (1 === e.deltaMode ? (s *= 40, a *= 40) : (s *= 800, a *= 800)), { spinX: t = s && !t ? s < 1 ? -1 : 1 : t, spinY: i = a && !i ? a < 1 ? -1 : 1 : i, pixelX: s, pixelY: a } }, handleMouseEnter: function () { this.mouseEntered = !0 }, handleMouseLeave: function () { this.mouseEntered = !1 }, handle: function (e) { var t = e, i = this, s = i.params.mousewheel; if (i.params.cssMode && t.preventDefault(), !i.mouseEntered && !s.releaseOnEdges) return !0; t.originalEvent && (t = t.originalEvent); var a = 0, n = i.rtlTranslate ? -1 : 1, o = C.normalize(t); if (s.forceToAxis) if (i.isHorizontal()) { if (!(Math.abs(o.pixelX) > Math.abs(o.pixelY))) return !0; a = o.pixelX * n } else { if (!(Math.abs(o.pixelY) > Math.abs(o.pixelX))) return !0; a = o.pixelY } else a = Math.abs(o.pixelX) > Math.abs(o.pixelY) ? -o.pixelX * n : -o.pixelY; if (0 === a) return !0; if (s.invert && (a = -a), i.params.freeMode) { var r = { time: U.now(), delta: Math.abs(a), direction: Math.sign(a) }, n = i.mousewheel.lastEventBeforeSnap, o = n && r.time < n.time + 500 && r.delta <= n.delta && r.direction === n.direction; if (!o) { i.mousewheel.lastEventBeforeSnap = void 0, i.params.loop && i.loopFix(); var l, c, n = i.getTranslate() + a * s.sensitivity, s = i.isBeginning, d = i.isEnd; if ((n = n >= i.minTranslate() ? i.minTranslate() : n) <= i.maxTranslate() && (n = i.maxTranslate()), i.setTransition(0), i.setTranslate(n), i.updateProgress(), i.updateActiveIndex(), i.updateSlidesClasses(), (!s && i.isBeginning || !d && i.isEnd) && i.updateSlidesClasses(), i.params.freeModeSticky && (clearTimeout(i.mousewheel.timeout), i.mousewheel.timeout = void 0, 15 <= (l = i.mousewheel.recentWheelEvents).length && l.shift(), s = l.length ? l[l.length - 1] : void 0, d = l[0], l.push(r), s && (r.delta > s.delta || r.direction !== s.direction) ? l.splice(0) : 15 <= l.length && r.time - d.time < 500 && 1 <= d.delta - r.delta && r.delta <= 6 && (c = 0 < a ? .8 : .2, i.mousewheel.lastEventBeforeSnap = r, l.splice(0), i.mousewheel.timeout = U.nextTick(function () { i.slideToClosest(i.params.speed, !0, void 0, c) }, 0)), i.mousewheel.timeout || (i.mousewheel.timeout = U.nextTick(function () { i.mousewheel.lastEventBeforeSnap = r, l.splice(0), i.slideToClosest(i.params.speed, !0, void 0, .5) }, 500))), o || i.emit("scroll", t), i.params.autoplay && i.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction && i.autoplay.stop(), n === i.minTranslate() || n === i.maxTranslate()) return !0 } } else { s = { time: U.now(), delta: Math.abs(a), direction: Math.sign(a), raw: e }, d = i.mousewheel.recentWheelEvents, o = (2 <= d.length && d.shift(), d.length ? d[d.length - 1] : void 0); if (d.push(s), (!o || s.direction !== o.direction || s.delta > o.delta) && i.mousewheel.animateSlider(s), i.mousewheel.releaseScroll(s)) return !0 } return t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : t.returnValue = !1, !1 }, animateSlider: function (e) { return 6 <= e.delta && U.now() - this.mousewheel.lastScrollTime < 60 || (e.direction < 0 ? this.isEnd && !this.params.loop || this.animating || (this.slideNext(), this.emit("scroll", e.raw)) : this.isBeginning && !this.params.loop || this.animating || (this.slidePrev(), this.emit("scroll", e.raw)), this.mousewheel.lastScrollTime = (new j.Date).getTime(), !1) }, releaseScroll: function (e) { var t = this.params.mousewheel; if (e.direction < 0) { if (this.isEnd && !this.params.loop && t.releaseOnEdges) return !0 } else if (this.isBeginning && !this.params.loop && t.releaseOnEdges) return !0; return !1 }, enable: function () { var e = C.event(); if (this.params.cssMode) return this.wrapperEl.removeEventListener(e, this.mousewheel.handle), !0; if (!e) return !1; if (this.mousewheel.enabled) return !1; var t = this.$el; return (t = "container" !== this.params.mousewheel.eventsTarged ? T(this.params.mousewheel.eventsTarged) : t).on("mouseenter", this.mousewheel.handleMouseEnter), t.on("mouseleave", this.mousewheel.handleMouseLeave), t.on(e, this.mousewheel.handle), this.mousewheel.enabled = !0 }, disable: function () { var e = C.event(); if (this.params.cssMode) return this.wrapperEl.addEventListener(e, this.mousewheel.handle), !0; if (!e) return !1; if (!this.mousewheel.enabled) return !1; var t = this.$el; return (t = "container" !== this.params.mousewheel.eventsTarged ? T(this.params.mousewheel.eventsTarged) : t).off(e, this.mousewheel.handle), !(this.mousewheel.enabled = !1) } }, L = { update: function () { var e, t, i = this.params.navigation; this.params.loop || (e = (t = this.navigation).$nextEl, (t = t.$prevEl) && 0 < t.length && (this.isBeginning ? t.addClass(i.disabledClass) : t.removeClass(i.disabledClass), t[this.params.watchOverflow && this.isLocked ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](i.lockClass)), e && 0 < e.length && (this.isEnd ? e.addClass(i.disabledClass) : e.removeClass(i.disabledClass), e[this.params.watchOverflow && this.isLocked ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](i.lockClass))) }, onPrevClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(), this.isBeginning && !this.params.loop || this.slidePrev() }, onNextClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(), this.isEnd && !this.params.loop || this.slideNext() }, init: function () { var e, t, i = this.params.navigation; (i.nextEl || i.prevEl) && (i.nextEl && (e = T(i.nextEl), this.params.uniqueNavElements && "string" == typeof i.nextEl && 1 < e.length && 1 === this.$el.find(i.nextEl).length && (e = this.$el.find(i.nextEl))), i.prevEl && (t = T(i.prevEl), this.params.uniqueNavElements && "string" == typeof i.prevEl && 1 < t.length && 1 === this.$el.find(i.prevEl).length && (t = this.$el.find(i.prevEl))), e && 0 < e.length && e.on("click", this.navigation.onNextClick), t && 0 < t.length && t.on("click", this.navigation.onPrevClick), U.extend(this.navigation, { $nextEl: e, nextEl: e && e[0], $prevEl: t, prevEl: t && t[0] })) }, destroy: function () { var e = this.navigation, t = e.$nextEl, e = e.$prevEl; t && t.length && (t.off("click", this.navigation.onNextClick), t.removeClass(this.params.navigation.disabledClass)), e && e.length && (e.off("click", this.navigation.onPrevClick), e.removeClass(this.params.navigation.disabledClass)) } }, k = { update: function () { var e = this.rtl, s = this.params.pagination; if (s.el && this.pagination.el && this.pagination.$el && 0 !== this.pagination.$el.length) { var a, t = (this.virtual && this.params.virtual.enabled ? this.virtual : this).slides.length, i = this.pagination.$el, n = this.params.loop ? Math.ceil((t - 2 * this.loopedSlides) / this.params.slidesPerGroup) : this.snapGrid.length; if (this.params.loop ? ((a = Math.ceil((this.activeIndex - this.loopedSlides) / this.params.slidesPerGroup)) > t - 1 - 2 * this.loopedSlides && (a -= t - 2 * this.loopedSlides), n - 1 < a && (a -= n), a < 0 && "bullets" !== this.params.paginationType && (a = n + a)) : a = void 0 !== this.snapIndex ? this.snapIndex : this.activeIndex || 0, "bullets" === s.type && this.pagination.bullets && 0 < this.pagination.bullets.length) { var o, r, l, c = this.pagination.bullets; if (s.dynamicBullets && (this.pagination.bulletSize = c.eq(0)[this.isHorizontal() ? "outerWidth" : "outerHeight"](!0), i.css(this.isHorizontal() ? "width" : "height", this.pagination.bulletSize * (s.dynamicMainBullets + 4) + "px"), 1 < s.dynamicMainBullets && void 0 !== this.previousIndex && (this.pagination.dynamicBulletIndex += a - this.previousIndex, this.pagination.dynamicBulletIndex > s.dynamicMainBullets - 1 ? this.pagination.dynamicBulletIndex = s.dynamicMainBullets - 1 : this.pagination.dynamicBulletIndex < 0 && (this.pagination.dynamicBulletIndex = 0)), o = a - this.pagination.dynamicBulletIndex, l = ((r = o + (Math.min(c.length, s.dynamicMainBullets) - 1)) + o) / 2), c.removeClass(s.bulletActiveClass + " " + s.bulletActiveClass + "-next " + s.bulletActiveClass + "-next-next " + s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev " + s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev-prev " + s.bulletActiveClass + "-main"), 1 < i.length) c.each(function (e, t) { var t = T(t), i = t.index(); i === a && t.addClass(s.bulletActiveClass), s.dynamicBullets && (o <= i && i <= r && t.addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-main"), i === o && t.prev().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev").prev().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev-prev"), i === r && t.next().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-next").next().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-next-next")) }); else { var t = c.eq(a), d = t.index(); if (t.addClass(s.bulletActiveClass), s.dynamicBullets) { for (var t = c.eq(o), h = c.eq(r), u = o; u <= r; u += 1) c.eq(u).addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-main"); if (this.params.loop) if (d >= c.length - s.dynamicMainBullets) { for (var p = s.dynamicMainBullets; 0 <= p; --p) c.eq(c.length - p).addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-main"); c.eq(c.length - s.dynamicMainBullets - 1).addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev") } else t.prev().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev").prev().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev-prev"), h.next().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-next").next().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-next-next"); else t.prev().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev").prev().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-prev-prev"), h.next().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-next").next().addClass(s.bulletActiveClass + "-next-next") } } s.dynamicBullets && (d = Math.min(c.length, s.dynamicMainBullets + 4), t = (this.pagination.bulletSize * d - this.pagination.bulletSize) / 2 - l * this.pagination.bulletSize, h = e ? "right" : "left", c.css(this.isHorizontal() ? h : "top", t + "px")) } "fraction" === s.type && (i.find("." + s.currentClass).text(s.formatFractionCurrent(a + 1)), i.find("." + s.totalClass).text(s.formatFractionTotal(n))), "progressbar" === s.type && (d = s.progressbarOpposite ? this.isHorizontal() ? "vertical" : "horizontal" : this.isHorizontal() ? "horizontal" : "vertical", l = (a + 1) / n, h = e = 1, "horizontal" == d ? e = l : h = l, i.find("." + s.progressbarFillClass).transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scaleX(" + e + ") scaleY(" + h + ")").transition(this.params.speed)), "custom" === s.type && s.renderCustom ? (i.html(s.renderCustom(this, a + 1, n)), this.emit("paginationRender", this, i[0])) : this.emit("paginationUpdate", this, i[0]), i[this.params.watchOverflow && this.isLocked ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](s.lockClass) } }, render: function () { var e = this.params.pagination; if (e.el && this.pagination.el && this.pagination.$el && 0 !== this.pagination.$el.length) { var t = (this.virtual && this.params.virtual.enabled ? this.virtual : this).slides.length, i = this.pagination.$el, s = ""; if ("bullets" === e.type) { for (var a = this.params.loop ? Math.ceil((t - 2 * this.loopedSlides) / this.params.slidesPerGroup) : this.snapGrid.length, n = 0; n < a; n += 1) e.renderBullet ? s += e.renderBullet.call(this, n, e.bulletClass) : s += "<" + e.bulletElement + ' class="' + e.bulletClass + '">' + e.bulletElement + ">"; i.html(s), this.pagination.bullets = i.find("." + e.bulletClass) } "fraction" === e.type && (s = e.renderFraction ? e.renderFraction.call(this, e.currentClass, e.totalClass) : ' / ', i.html(s)), "progressbar" === e.type && (s = e.renderProgressbar ? e.renderProgressbar.call(this, e.progressbarFillClass) : '', i.html(s)), "custom" !== e.type && this.emit("paginationRender", this.pagination.$el[0]) } }, init: function () { var e, t = this, i = t.params.pagination; i.el && 0 !== (e = T(i.el)).length && (t.params.uniqueNavElements && "string" == typeof i.el && 1 < e.length && 1 === t.$el.find(i.el).length && (e = t.$el.find(i.el)), "bullets" === i.type && i.clickable && e.addClass(i.clickableClass), e.addClass(i.modifierClass + i.type), "bullets" === i.type && i.dynamicBullets && (e.addClass("" + i.modifierClass + i.type + "-dynamic"), t.pagination.dynamicBulletIndex = 0, i.dynamicMainBullets < 1 && (i.dynamicMainBullets = 1)), "progressbar" === i.type && i.progressbarOpposite && e.addClass(i.progressbarOppositeClass), i.clickable && e.on("click", "." + i.bulletClass, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e = T(this).index() * t.params.slidesPerGroup; t.params.loop && (e += t.loopedSlides), t.slideTo(e) }), U.extend(t.pagination, { $el: e, el: e[0] })) }, destroy: function () { var e, t = this.params.pagination; t.el && this.pagination.el && this.pagination.$el && 0 !== this.pagination.$el.length && ((e = this.pagination.$el).removeClass(t.hiddenClass), e.removeClass(t.modifierClass + t.type), this.pagination.bullets && this.pagination.bullets.removeClass(t.bulletActiveClass), t.clickable && e.off("click", "." + t.bulletClass)) } }, A = { setTranslate: function () { var e, t, i, s, a, n, o, r; this.params.scrollbar.el && this.scrollbar.el && (n = this.scrollbar, e = this.rtlTranslate, r = this.progress, t = n.dragSize, i = n.trackSize, s = n.$dragEl, a = n.$el, n = this.params.scrollbar, r = (i - (o = t)) * r, e ? 0 < (r = -r) ? (o = t - r, r = 0) : i < -r + t && (o = i + r) : r < 0 ? (o = t + r, r = 0) : i < r + t && (o = i - r), this.isHorizontal() ? (s.transform("translate3d(" + r + "px, 0, 0)"), s[0].style.width = o + "px") : (s.transform("translate3d(0px, " + r + "px, 0)"), s[0].style.height = o + "px"), n.hide && (clearTimeout(this.scrollbar.timeout), a[0].style.opacity = 1, this.scrollbar.timeout = setTimeout(function () { a[0].style.opacity = 0, a.transition(400) }, 1e3))) }, setTransition: function (e) { this.params.scrollbar.el && this.scrollbar.el && this.scrollbar.$dragEl.transition(e) }, updateSize: function () { var e, t, i, s, a, n, o; this.params.scrollbar.el && this.scrollbar.el && (t = (e = this.scrollbar).$dragEl, i = e.$el, t[0].style.width = "", t[0].style.height = "", s = this.isHorizontal() ? i[0].offsetWidth : i[0].offsetHeight, n = (a = this.size / this.virtualSize) * (s / this.size), o = "auto" === this.params.scrollbar.dragSize ? s * a : parseInt(this.params.scrollbar.dragSize, 10), this.isHorizontal() ? t[0].style.width = o + "px" : t[0].style.height = o + "px", i[0].style.display = 1 <= a ? "none" : "", this.params.scrollbar.hide && (i[0].style.opacity = 0), U.extend(e, { trackSize: s, divider: a, moveDivider: n, dragSize: o }), e.$el[this.params.watchOverflow && this.isLocked ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](this.params.scrollbar.lockClass)) }, getPointerPosition: function (e) { return this.isHorizontal() ? ("touchstart" === e.type || "touchmove" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0] : e).clientX : ("touchstart" === e.type || "touchmove" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0] : e).clientY }, setDragPosition: function (e) { var t = this.scrollbar, i = this.rtlTranslate, s = t.$el, a = t.dragSize, n = t.trackSize, o = t.dragStartPos, t = (t.getPointerPosition(e) - s.offset()[this.isHorizontal() ? "left" : "top"] - (null !== o ? o : a / 2)) / (n - a), e = (t = Math.max(Math.min(t, 1), 0), i && (t = 1 - t), this.minTranslate() + (this.maxTranslate() - this.minTranslate()) * t); this.updateProgress(e), this.setTranslate(e), this.updateActiveIndex(), this.updateSlidesClasses() }, onDragStart: function (e) { var t = this.params.scrollbar, i = this.scrollbar, s = this.$wrapperEl, a = i.$el, n = i.$dragEl; this.scrollbar.isTouched = !0, this.scrollbar.dragStartPos = e.target === n[0] || e.target === n ? i.getPointerPosition(e) - e.target.getBoundingClientRect()[this.isHorizontal() ? "left" : "top"] : null, e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), s.transition(100), n.transition(100), i.setDragPosition(e), clearTimeout(this.scrollbar.dragTimeout), a.transition(0), t.hide && a.css("opacity", 1), this.params.cssMode && this.$wrapperEl.css("scroll-snap-type", "none"), this.emit("scrollbarDragStart", e) }, onDragMove: function (e) { var t = this.scrollbar, i = this.$wrapperEl, s = t.$el, a = t.$dragEl; this.scrollbar.isTouched && (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, t.setDragPosition(e), i.transition(0), s.transition(0), a.transition(0), this.emit("scrollbarDragMove", e)) }, onDragEnd: function (e) { var t = this.params.scrollbar, i = this.scrollbar, s = this.$wrapperEl, a = i.$el; this.scrollbar.isTouched && (this.scrollbar.isTouched = !1, this.params.cssMode && (this.$wrapperEl.css("scroll-snap-type", ""), s.transition("")), t.hide && (clearTimeout(this.scrollbar.dragTimeout), this.scrollbar.dragTimeout = U.nextTick(function () { a.css("opacity", 0), a.transition(400) }, 1e3)), this.emit("scrollbarDragEnd", e), t.snapOnRelease && this.slideToClosest()) }, enableDraggable: function () { var e, t, i, s, a; this.params.scrollbar.el && (i = this.scrollbar, e = this.touchEventsTouch, t = this.touchEventsDesktop, a = this.params, i = i.$el[0], s = !(!y.passiveListener || !a.passiveListeners) && { passive: !1, capture: !1 }, a = !(!y.passiveListener || !a.passiveListeners) && { passive: !0, capture: !1 }, y.touch ? (i.addEventListener(e.start, this.scrollbar.onDragStart, s), i.addEventListener(e.move, this.scrollbar.onDragMove, s), i.addEventListener(e.end, this.scrollbar.onDragEnd, a)) : (i.addEventListener(t.start, this.scrollbar.onDragStart, s), h.addEventListener(t.move, this.scrollbar.onDragMove, s), h.addEventListener(t.end, this.scrollbar.onDragEnd, a))) }, disableDraggable: function () { var e, t, i, s, a; this.params.scrollbar.el && (i = this.scrollbar, e = this.touchEventsTouch, t = this.touchEventsDesktop, a = this.params, i = i.$el[0], s = !(!y.passiveListener || !a.passiveListeners) && { passive: !1, capture: !1 }, a = !(!y.passiveListener || !a.passiveListeners) && { passive: !0, capture: !1 }, y.touch ? (i.removeEventListener(e.start, this.scrollbar.onDragStart, s), i.removeEventListener(e.move, this.scrollbar.onDragMove, s), i.removeEventListener(e.end, this.scrollbar.onDragEnd, a)) : (i.removeEventListener(t.start, this.scrollbar.onDragStart, s), h.removeEventListener(t.move, this.scrollbar.onDragMove, s), h.removeEventListener(t.end, this.scrollbar.onDragEnd, a))) }, init: function () { var e, t, i, s; this.params.scrollbar.el && (e = this.scrollbar, s = this.$el, i = T((t = this.params.scrollbar).el), 0 === (s = (i = this.params.uniqueNavElements && "string" == typeof t.el && 1 < i.length && 1 === s.find(t.el).length ? s.find(t.el) : i).find("." + this.params.scrollbar.dragClass)).length && (s = T('
    '), i.append(s)), U.extend(e, { $el: i, el: i[0], $dragEl: s, dragEl: s[0] }), t.draggable && e.enableDraggable()) }, destroy: function () { this.scrollbar.disableDraggable() } }, Q = { setTransform: function (e, t) { var i = this.rtl, e = T(e), i = i ? -1 : 1, s = e.attr("data-swiper-parallax") || "0", a = e.attr("data-swiper-parallax-x"), n = e.attr("data-swiper-parallax-y"), o = e.attr("data-swiper-parallax-scale"), r = e.attr("data-swiper-parallax-opacity"); a || n ? (a = a || "0", n = n || "0") : this.isHorizontal() ? (a = s, n = "0") : (n = s, a = "0"), a = 0 <= a.indexOf("%") ? parseInt(a, 10) * t * i + "%" : a * t * i + "px", n = 0 <= n.indexOf("%") ? parseInt(n, 10) * t + "%" : n * t + "px", null != r && (s = r - (r - 1) * (1 - Math.abs(t)), e[0].style.opacity = s), null == o ? e.transform("translate3d(" + a + ", " + n + ", 0px)") : (i = o - (o - 1) * (1 - Math.abs(t)), e.transform("translate3d(" + a + ", " + n + ", 0px) scale(" + i + ")")) }, setTranslate: function () { var s = this, e = s.$el, t = s.slides, a = s.progress, n = s.snapGrid; e.children("[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]").each(function (e, t) { s.parallax.setTransform(t, a) }), t.each(function (e, t) { var i = t.progress; 1 < s.params.slidesPerGroup && "auto" !== s.params.slidesPerView && (i += Math.ceil(e / 2) - a * (n.length - 1)), i = Math.min(Math.max(i, -1), 1), T(t).find("[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]").each(function (e, t) { s.parallax.setTransform(t, i) }) }) }, setTransition: function (s) { void 0 === s && (s = this.params.speed), this.$el.find("[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]").each(function (e, t) { var t = T(t), i = parseInt(t.attr("data-swiper-parallax-duration"), 10) || s; 0 === s && (i = 0), t.transition(i) }) } }, Z = { getDistanceBetweenTouches: function (e) { if (e.targetTouches.length < 2) return 1; var t = e.targetTouches[0].pageX, i = e.targetTouches[0].pageY, s = e.targetTouches[1].pageX, e = e.targetTouches[1].pageY; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s - t, 2) + Math.pow(e - i, 2)) }, onGestureStart: function (e) { var t = this.params.zoom, i = this.zoom, s = i.gesture; if (i.fakeGestureTouched = !1, i.fakeGestureMoved = !1, !y.gestures) { if ("touchstart" !== e.type || "touchstart" === e.type && e.targetTouches.length < 2) return; i.fakeGestureTouched = !0, s.scaleStart = Z.getDistanceBetweenTouches(e) } s.$slideEl && s.$slideEl.length || (s.$slideEl = T(e.target).closest(".swiper-slide"), 0 === s.$slideEl.length && (s.$slideEl = this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)), s.$imageEl = s.$slideEl.find("img, svg, canvas"), s.$imageWrapEl = s.$imageEl.parent("." + t.containerClass), s.maxRatio = s.$imageWrapEl.attr("data-swiper-zoom") || t.maxRatio, 0 !== s.$imageWrapEl.length) ? (s.$imageEl.transition(0), this.zoom.isScaling = !0) : s.$imageEl = void 0 }, onGestureChange: function (e) { var t = this.params.zoom, i = this.zoom, s = i.gesture; if (!y.gestures) { if ("touchmove" !== e.type || "touchmove" === e.type && e.targetTouches.length < 2) return; i.fakeGestureMoved = !0, s.scaleMove = Z.getDistanceBetweenTouches(e) } s.$imageEl && 0 !== s.$imageEl.length && (i.scale = y.gestures ? e.scale * i.currentScale : s.scaleMove / s.scaleStart * i.currentScale, i.scale > s.maxRatio && (i.scale = s.maxRatio - 1 + Math.pow(i.scale - s.maxRatio + 1, .5)), i.scale < t.minRatio && (i.scale = t.minRatio + 1 - Math.pow(t.minRatio - i.scale + 1, .5)), s.$imageEl.transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + i.scale + ")")) }, onGestureEnd: function (e) { var t = this.params.zoom, i = this.zoom, s = i.gesture; if (!y.gestures) { if (!i.fakeGestureTouched || !i.fakeGestureMoved) return; if ("touchend" !== e.type || "touchend" === e.type && e.changedTouches.length < 2 && !r.android) return; i.fakeGestureTouched = !1, i.fakeGestureMoved = !1 } s.$imageEl && 0 !== s.$imageEl.length && (i.scale = Math.max(Math.min(i.scale, s.maxRatio), t.minRatio), s.$imageEl.transition(this.params.speed).transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + i.scale + ")"), i.currentScale = i.scale, i.isScaling = !1, 1 === i.scale && (s.$slideEl = void 0)) }, onTouchStart: function (e) { var t = this.zoom, i = t.gesture, t = t.image; i.$imageEl && 0 !== i.$imageEl.length && !t.isTouched && (r.android && e.preventDefault(), t.isTouched = !0, t.touchesStart.x = ("touchstart" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0] : e).pageX, t.touchesStart.y = ("touchstart" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0] : e).pageY) }, onTouchMove: function (e) { var t = this.zoom, i = t.gesture, s = t.image, a = t.velocity; if (i.$imageEl && 0 !== i.$imageEl.length && (this.allowClick = !1, s.isTouched && i.$slideEl)) { s.isMoved || (s.width = i.$imageEl[0].offsetWidth, s.height = i.$imageEl[0].offsetHeight, s.startX = U.getTranslate(i.$imageWrapEl[0], "x") || 0, s.startY = U.getTranslate(i.$imageWrapEl[0], "y") || 0, i.slideWidth = i.$slideEl[0].offsetWidth, i.slideHeight = i.$slideEl[0].offsetHeight, i.$imageWrapEl.transition(0), this.rtl && (s.startX = -s.startX, s.startY = -s.startY)); var n = s.width * t.scale, o = s.height * t.scale; if (!(n < i.slideWidth && o < i.slideHeight)) { if (s.minX = Math.min(i.slideWidth / 2 - n / 2, 0), s.maxX = -s.minX, s.minY = Math.min(i.slideHeight / 2 - o / 2, 0), s.maxY = -s.minY, s.touchesCurrent.x = ("touchmove" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0] : e).pageX, s.touchesCurrent.y = ("touchmove" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0] : e).pageY, !s.isMoved && !t.isScaling) { if (this.isHorizontal() && (Math.floor(s.minX) === Math.floor(s.startX) && s.touchesCurrent.x < s.touchesStart.x || Math.floor(s.maxX) === Math.floor(s.startX) && s.touchesCurrent.x > s.touchesStart.x)) return void (s.isTouched = !1); if (!this.isHorizontal() && (Math.floor(s.minY) === Math.floor(s.startY) && s.touchesCurrent.y < s.touchesStart.y || Math.floor(s.maxY) === Math.floor(s.startY) && s.touchesCurrent.y > s.touchesStart.y)) return void (s.isTouched = !1) } e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), s.isMoved = !0, s.currentX = s.touchesCurrent.x - s.touchesStart.x + s.startX, s.currentY = s.touchesCurrent.y - s.touchesStart.y + s.startY, s.currentX < s.minX && (s.currentX = s.minX + 1 - Math.pow(s.minX - s.currentX + 1, .8)), s.currentX > s.maxX && (s.currentX = s.maxX - 1 + Math.pow(s.currentX - s.maxX + 1, .8)), s.currentY < s.minY && (s.currentY = s.minY + 1 - Math.pow(s.minY - s.currentY + 1, .8)), s.currentY > s.maxY && (s.currentY = s.maxY - 1 + Math.pow(s.currentY - s.maxY + 1, .8)), a.prevPositionX || (a.prevPositionX = s.touchesCurrent.x), a.prevPositionY || (a.prevPositionY = s.touchesCurrent.y), a.prevTime || (a.prevTime = Date.now()), a.x = (s.touchesCurrent.x - a.prevPositionX) / (Date.now() - a.prevTime) / 2, a.y = (s.touchesCurrent.y - a.prevPositionY) / (Date.now() - a.prevTime) / 2, Math.abs(s.touchesCurrent.x - a.prevPositionX) < 2 && (a.x = 0), Math.abs(s.touchesCurrent.y - a.prevPositionY) < 2 && (a.y = 0), a.prevPositionX = s.touchesCurrent.x, a.prevPositionY = s.touchesCurrent.y, a.prevTime = Date.now(), i.$imageWrapEl.transform("translate3d(" + s.currentX + "px, " + s.currentY + "px,0)") } } }, onTouchEnd: function () { var e = this.zoom, t = e.gesture, i = e.image, s = e.velocity; if (t.$imageEl && 0 !== t.$imageEl.length) { if (!i.isTouched || !i.isMoved) return i.isTouched = !1, void (i.isMoved = !1); i.isTouched = !1, i.isMoved = !1; var a = 300, n = 300, o = s.x * a, o = i.currentX + o, r = s.y * n, r = i.currentY + r, s = (0 !== s.x && (a = Math.abs((o - i.currentX) / s.x)), 0 !== s.y && (n = Math.abs((r - i.currentY) / s.y)), Math.max(a, n)), a = (i.currentX = o, i.currentY = r, i.width * e.scale), n = i.height * e.scale; i.minX = Math.min(t.slideWidth / 2 - a / 2, 0), i.maxX = -i.minX, i.minY = Math.min(t.slideHeight / 2 - n / 2, 0), i.maxY = -i.minY, i.currentX = Math.max(Math.min(i.currentX, i.maxX), i.minX), i.currentY = Math.max(Math.min(i.currentY, i.maxY), i.minY), t.$imageWrapEl.transition(s).transform("translate3d(" + i.currentX + "px, " + i.currentY + "px,0)") } }, onTransitionEnd: function () { var e = this.zoom, t = e.gesture; t.$slideEl && this.previousIndex !== this.activeIndex && (t.$imageEl.transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)"), t.$imageWrapEl.transform("translate3d(0,0,0)"), e.scale = 1, e.currentScale = 1, t.$slideEl = void 0, t.$imageEl = void 0, t.$imageWrapEl = void 0) }, toggle: function (e) { var t = this.zoom; t.scale && 1 !== t.scale ? t.out() : t.in(e) }, in: function (e) { var t, i, s, a, n = this.zoom, o = this.params.zoom, r = n.gesture, l = n.image; r.$slideEl || (r.$slideEl = this.clickedSlide ? T(this.clickedSlide) : this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex), r.$imageEl = r.$slideEl.find("img, svg, canvas"), r.$imageWrapEl = r.$imageEl.parent("." + o.containerClass)), r.$imageEl && 0 !== r.$imageEl.length && (r.$slideEl.addClass("" + o.zoomedSlideClass), l = void 0 === l.touchesStart.x && e ? (t = ("touchend" === e.type ? e.changedTouches[0] : e).pageX, ("touchend" === e.type ? e.changedTouches[0] : e).pageY) : (t = l.touchesStart.x, l.touchesStart.y), n.scale = r.$imageWrapEl.attr("data-swiper-zoom") || o.maxRatio, n.currentScale = r.$imageWrapEl.attr("data-swiper-zoom") || o.maxRatio, e ? (o = r.$slideEl[0].offsetWidth, e = r.$slideEl[0].offsetHeight, t = r.$slideEl.offset().left + o / 2 - t, l = r.$slideEl.offset().top + e / 2 - l, s = r.$imageEl[0].offsetWidth, a = r.$imageEl[0].offsetHeight, s = s * n.scale, a = a * n.scale, s = -(o = Math.min(o / 2 - s / 2, 0)), a = -(e = Math.min(e / 2 - a / 2, 0)), s < (i = (i = t * n.scale) < o ? o : i) && (i = s), a < (s = (s = l * n.scale) < e ? e : s) && (s = a)) : s = i = 0, r.$imageWrapEl.transition(300).transform("translate3d(" + i + "px, " + s + "px,0)"), r.$imageEl.transition(300).transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + n.scale + ")")) }, out: function () { var e = this.zoom, t = this.params.zoom, i = e.gesture; i.$slideEl || (i.$slideEl = this.clickedSlide ? T(this.clickedSlide) : this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex), i.$imageEl = i.$slideEl.find("img, svg, canvas"), i.$imageWrapEl = i.$imageEl.parent("." + t.containerClass)), i.$imageEl && 0 !== i.$imageEl.length && (e.scale = 1, e.currentScale = 1, i.$imageWrapEl.transition(300).transform("translate3d(0,0,0)"), i.$imageEl.transition(300).transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)"), i.$slideEl.removeClass("" + t.zoomedSlideClass), i.$slideEl = void 0) }, enable: function () { var e, t, i = this.zoom; i.enabled || (i.enabled = !0, e = !("touchstart" !== this.touchEvents.start || !y.passiveListener || !this.params.passiveListeners) && { passive: !0, capture: !1 }, t = !y.passiveListener || { passive: !1, capture: !0 }, y.gestures ? (this.$wrapperEl.on("gesturestart", ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureStart, e), this.$wrapperEl.on("gesturechange", ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureChange, e), this.$wrapperEl.on("gestureend", ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureEnd, e)) : "touchstart" === this.touchEvents.start && (this.$wrapperEl.on(this.touchEvents.start, ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureStart, e), this.$wrapperEl.on(this.touchEvents.move, ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureChange, t), this.$wrapperEl.on(this.touchEvents.end, ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureEnd, e), this.touchEvents.cancel && this.$wrapperEl.on(this.touchEvents.cancel, ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureEnd, e)), this.$wrapperEl.on(this.touchEvents.move, "." + this.params.zoom.containerClass, i.onTouchMove, t)) }, disable: function () { var e, t, i = this.zoom; i.enabled && (this.zoom.enabled = !1, e = !("touchstart" !== this.touchEvents.start || !y.passiveListener || !this.params.passiveListeners) && { passive: !0, capture: !1 }, t = !y.passiveListener || { passive: !1, capture: !0 }, y.gestures ? (this.$wrapperEl.off("gesturestart", ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureStart, e), this.$wrapperEl.off("gesturechange", ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureChange, e), this.$wrapperEl.off("gestureend", ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureEnd, e)) : "touchstart" === this.touchEvents.start && (this.$wrapperEl.off(this.touchEvents.start, ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureStart, e), this.$wrapperEl.off(this.touchEvents.move, ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureChange, t), this.$wrapperEl.off(this.touchEvents.end, ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureEnd, e), this.touchEvents.cancel && this.$wrapperEl.off(this.touchEvents.cancel, ".swiper-slide", i.onGestureEnd, e)), this.$wrapperEl.off(this.touchEvents.move, "." + this.params.zoom.containerClass, i.onTouchMove, t)) } }, J = { loadInSlide: function (e, r) { void 0 === r && (r = !0); var l, c = this, d = c.params.lazy; void 0 !== e && 0 !== c.slides.length && (e = (l = c.virtual && c.params.virtual.enabled ? c.$wrapperEl.children("." + c.params.slideClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + e + '"]') : c.slides.eq(e)).find("." + d.elementClass + ":not(." + d.loadedClass + "):not(." + d.loadingClass + ")"), 0 !== (e = !l.hasClass(d.elementClass) || l.hasClass(d.loadedClass) || l.hasClass(d.loadingClass) ? e : e.add(l[0])).length && e.each(function (e, t) { var i = T(t), s = (i.addClass(d.loadingClass), i.attr("data-background")), a = i.attr("data-src"), n = i.attr("data-srcset"), o = i.attr("data-sizes"); c.loadImage(i[0], a || s, n, o, !1, function () { var e, t; null == c || !c || c && !c.params || c.destroyed || (s ? (i.css("background-image", 'url("' + s + '")'), i.removeAttr("data-background")) : (n && (i.attr("srcset", n), i.removeAttr("data-srcset")), o && (i.attr("sizes", o), i.removeAttr("data-sizes")), a && (i.attr("src", a), i.removeAttr("data-src"))), i.addClass(d.loadedClass).removeClass(d.loadingClass), l.find("." + d.preloaderClass).remove(), c.params.loop && r && (e = l.attr("data-swiper-slide-index"), l.hasClass(c.params.slideDuplicateClass) ? (t = c.$wrapperEl.children('[data-swiper-slide-index="' + e + '"]:not(.' + c.params.slideDuplicateClass + ")"), c.lazy.loadInSlide(t.index(), !1)) : (t = c.$wrapperEl.children("." + c.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + e + '"]'), c.lazy.loadInSlide(t.index(), !1))), c.emit("lazyImageReady", l[0], i[0])) }), c.emit("lazyImageLoad", l[0], i[0]) })) }, load: function () { var i = this, t = i.$wrapperEl, s = i.params, a = i.slides, e = i.activeIndex, n = i.virtual && s.virtual.enabled, o = s.lazy, r = s.slidesPerView; function l(e) { if (n) { if (t.children("." + s.slideClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + e + '"]').length) return 1 } else if (a[e]) return 1 } function c(e) { return n ? T(e).attr("data-swiper-slide-index") : T(e).index() } if ("auto" === r && (r = 0), i.lazy.initialImageLoaded || (i.lazy.initialImageLoaded = !0), i.params.watchSlidesVisibility) t.children("." + s.slideVisibleClass).each(function (e, t) { t = n ? T(t).attr("data-swiper-slide-index") : T(t).index(); i.lazy.loadInSlide(t) }); else if (1 < r) for (var d = e; d < e + r; d += 1) l(d) && i.lazy.loadInSlide(d); else i.lazy.loadInSlide(e); if (o.loadPrevNext) if (1 < r || o.loadPrevNextAmount && 1 < o.loadPrevNextAmount) { for (var o = o.loadPrevNextAmount, h = r, u = Math.min(e + h + Math.max(o, h), a.length), h = Math.max(e - Math.max(h, o), 0), p = e + r; p < u; p += 1) l(p) && i.lazy.loadInSlide(p); for (var m = h; m < e; m += 1) l(m) && i.lazy.loadInSlide(m) } else { o = t.children("." + s.slideNextClass), h = (0 < o.length && i.lazy.loadInSlide(c(o)), t.children("." + s.slidePrevClass)); 0 < h.length && i.lazy.loadInSlide(c(h)) } } }, I = { LinearSpline: function (e, t) { var i, s, a, n, o; return this.x = e, this.y = t, this.lastIndex = e.length - 1, this.interpolate = function (e) { return e ? (o = function (e, t) { for (s = -1, i = e.length; 1 < i - s;) e[a = i + s >> 1] <= t ? s = a : i = a; return i }(this.x, e), n = o - 1, (e - this.x[n]) * (this.y[o] - this.y[n]) / (this.x[o] - this.x[n]) + this.y[n]) : 0 }, this }, getInterpolateFunction: function (e) { this.controller.spline || (this.controller.spline = this.params.loop ? new I.LinearSpline(this.slidesGrid, e.slidesGrid) : new I.LinearSpline(this.snapGrid, e.snapGrid)) }, setTranslate: function (e, t) { var i, s, a = this, n = a.controller.control; function o(e) { var t = a.rtlTranslate ? -a.translate : a.translate; "slide" === a.params.controller.by && (a.controller.getInterpolateFunction(e), s = -a.controller.spline.interpolate(- t)), s && "container" !== a.params.controller.by || (i = (e.maxTranslate() - e.minTranslate()) / (a.maxTranslate() - a.minTranslate()), s = (t - a.minTranslate()) * i + e.minTranslate()), a.params.controller.inverse && (s = e.maxTranslate() - s), e.updateProgress(s), e.setTranslate(s, a), e.updateActiveIndex(), e.updateSlidesClasses() } if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r += 1) n[r] !== t && n[r] instanceof p && o(n[r]); else n instanceof p && t !== n && o(n) }, setTransition: function (t, e) { var i, s = this, a = s.controller.control; function n(e) { e.setTransition(t, s), 0 !== t && (e.transitionStart(), e.params.autoHeight && U.nextTick(function () { e.updateAutoHeight() }), e.$wrapperEl.transitionEnd(function () { a && (e.params.loop && "slide" === s.params.controller.by && e.loopFix(), e.transitionEnd()) })) } if (Array.isArray(a)) for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) a[i] !== e && a[i] instanceof p && n(a[i]); else a instanceof p && e !== a && n(a) } }, ee = { makeElFocusable: function (e) { return e.attr("tabIndex", "0"), e }, addElRole: function (e, t) { return e.attr("role", t), e }, addElLabel: function (e, t) { return e.attr("aria-label", t), e }, disableEl: function (e) { return e.attr("aria-disabled", !0), e }, enableEl: function (e) { return e.attr("aria-disabled", !1), e }, onEnterKey: function (e) { var t = this.params.a11y; 13 === e.keyCode && (e = T(e.target), this.navigation && this.navigation.$nextEl && e.is(this.navigation.$nextEl) && (this.isEnd && !this.params.loop || this.slideNext(), this.isEnd ? this.a11y.notify(t.lastSlideMessage) : this.a11y.notify(t.nextSlideMessage)), this.navigation && this.navigation.$prevEl && e.is(this.navigation.$prevEl) && (this.isBeginning && !this.params.loop || this.slidePrev(), this.isBeginning ? this.a11y.notify(t.firstSlideMessage) : this.a11y.notify(t.prevSlideMessage)), this.pagination && e.is("." + this.params.pagination.bulletClass) && e[0].click()) }, notify: function (e) { var t = this.a11y.liveRegion; 0 !== t.length && (t.html(""), t.html(e)) }, updateNavigation: function () { var e, t; !this.params.loop && this.navigation && (e = (t = this.navigation).$nextEl, (t = t.$prevEl) && 0 < t.length && (this.isBeginning ? this.a11y.disableEl(t) : this.a11y.enableEl(t)), e && 0 < e.length && (this.isEnd ? this.a11y.disableEl(e) : this.a11y.enableEl(e))) }, updatePagination: function () { var i = this, s = i.params.a11y; i.pagination && i.params.pagination.clickable && i.pagination.bullets && i.pagination.bullets.length && i.pagination.bullets.each(function (e, t) { t = T(t); i.a11y.makeElFocusable(t), i.a11y.addElRole(t, "button"), i.a11y.addElLabel(t, s.paginationBulletMessage.replace(/{{index}}/, t.index() + 1)) }) }, init: function () { this.$el.append(this.a11y.liveRegion); var e, t, i = this.params.a11y; this.navigation && this.navigation.$nextEl && (e = this.navigation.$nextEl), this.navigation && this.navigation.$prevEl && (t = this.navigation.$prevEl), e && (this.a11y.makeElFocusable(e), this.a11y.addElRole(e, "button"), this.a11y.addElLabel(e, i.nextSlideMessage), e.on("keydown", this.a11y.onEnterKey)), t && (this.a11y.makeElFocusable(t), this.a11y.addElRole(t, "button"), this.a11y.addElLabel(t, i.prevSlideMessage), t.on("keydown", this.a11y.onEnterKey)), this.pagination && this.params.pagination.clickable && this.pagination.bullets && this.pagination.bullets.length && this.pagination.$el.on("keydown", "." + this.params.pagination.bulletClass, this.a11y.onEnterKey) }, destroy: function () { var e, t; this.a11y.liveRegion && 0 < this.a11y.liveRegion.length && this.a11y.liveRegion.remove(), this.navigation && this.navigation.$nextEl && (e = this.navigation.$nextEl), this.navigation && this.navigation.$prevEl && (t = this.navigation.$prevEl), e && e.off("keydown", this.a11y.onEnterKey), t && t.off("keydown", this.a11y.onEnterKey), this.pagination && this.params.pagination.clickable && this.pagination.bullets && this.pagination.bullets.length && this.pagination.$el.off("keydown", "." + this.params.pagination.bulletClass, this.a11y.onEnterKey) } }, M = { init: function () { if (this.params.history) { if (!j.history || !j.history.pushState) return this.params.history.enabled = !1, void (this.params.hashNavigation.enabled = !0); var e = this.history; e.initialized = !0, e.paths = M.getPathValues(), (e.paths.key || e.paths.value) && (e.scrollToSlide(0, e.paths.value, this.params.runCallbacksOnInit), this.params.history.replaceState || j.addEventListener("popstate", this.history.setHistoryPopState)) } }, destroy: function () { this.params.history.replaceState || j.removeEventListener("popstate", this.history.setHistoryPopState) }, setHistoryPopState: function () { this.history.paths = M.getPathValues(), this.history.scrollToSlide(this.params.speed, this.history.paths.value, !1) }, getPathValues: function () { var e = j.location.pathname.slice(1).split("/").filter(function (e) { return "" !== e }), t = e.length; return { key: e[t - 2], value: e[t - 1] } }, setHistory: function (e, t) { this.history.initialized && this.params.history.enabled && (t = this.slides.eq(t), t = M.slugify(t.attr("data-history")), j.location.pathname.includes(e) || (t = e + "/" + t), (e = j.history.state) && e.value === t || (this.params.history.replaceState ? j.history.replaceState({ value: t }, null, t) : j.history.pushState({ value: t }, null, t))) }, slugify: function (e) { return e.toString().replace(/\s+/g, "-").replace(/[^\w-]+/g, "").replace(/--+/g, "-").replace(/^-+/, "").replace(/-+$/, "") }, scrollToSlide: function (e, t, i) { if (t) for (var s = 0, a = this.slides.length; s < a; s += 1) { var n = this.slides.eq(s); M.slugify(n.attr("data-history")) !== t || n.hasClass(this.params.slideDuplicateClass) || (n = n.index(), this.slideTo(n, e, i)) } else this.slideTo(0, e, i) } }, P = { onHashCange: function () { var e = h.location.hash.replace("#", ""); e !== this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex).attr("data-hash") && void 0 !== (e = this.$wrapperEl.children("." + this.params.slideClass + '[data-hash="' + e + '"]').index()) && this.slideTo(e) }, setHash: function () { var e; this.hashNavigation.initialized && this.params.hashNavigation.enabled && (this.params.hashNavigation.replaceState && j.history && j.history.replaceState ? j.history.replaceState(null, null, "#" + this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex).attr("data-hash") || "") : (e = (e = this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)).attr("data-hash") || e.attr("data-history"), h.location.hash = e || "")) }, init: function () { if (!(!this.params.hashNavigation.enabled || this.params.history && this.params.history.enabled)) { this.hashNavigation.initialized = !0; var e = h.location.hash.replace("#", ""); if (e) for (var t = 0, i = this.slides.length; t < i; t += 1) { var s = this.slides.eq(t); (s.attr("data-hash") || s.attr("data-history")) !== e || s.hasClass(this.params.slideDuplicateClass) || (s = s.index(), this.slideTo(s, 0, this.params.runCallbacksOnInit, !0)) } this.params.hashNavigation.watchState && T(j).on("hashchange", this.hashNavigation.onHashCange) } }, destroy: function () { this.params.hashNavigation.watchState && T(j).off("hashchange", this.hashNavigation.onHashCange) } }, z = { run: function () { var e = this, t = e.slides.eq(e.activeIndex), i = e.params.autoplay.delay; t.attr("data-swiper-autoplay") && (i = t.attr("data-swiper-autoplay") || e.params.autoplay.delay), clearTimeout(e.autoplay.timeout), e.autoplay.timeout = U.nextTick(function () { e.params.autoplay.reverseDirection ? e.params.loop ? (e.loopFix(), e.slidePrev(e.params.speed, !0, !0), e.emit("autoplay")) : e.isBeginning ? e.params.autoplay.stopOnLastSlide ? e.autoplay.stop() : (e.slideTo(e.slides.length - 1, e.params.speed, !0, !0), e.emit("autoplay")) : (e.slidePrev(e.params.speed, !0, !0), e.emit("autoplay")) : e.params.loop ? (e.loopFix(), e.slideNext(e.params.speed, !0, !0), e.emit("autoplay")) : e.isEnd ? e.params.autoplay.stopOnLastSlide ? e.autoplay.stop() : (e.slideTo(0, e.params.speed, !0, !0), e.emit("autoplay")) : (e.slideNext(e.params.speed, !0, !0), e.emit("autoplay")), e.params.cssMode && e.autoplay.running && e.autoplay.run() }, i) }, start: function () { return void 0 === this.autoplay.timeout && !this.autoplay.running && (this.autoplay.running = !0, this.emit("autoplayStart"), this.autoplay.run(), !0) }, stop: function () { return !!this.autoplay.running && void 0 !== this.autoplay.timeout && (this.autoplay.timeout && (clearTimeout(this.autoplay.timeout), this.autoplay.timeout = void 0), this.autoplay.running = !1, this.emit("autoplayStop"), !0) }, pause: function (e) { !this.autoplay.running || this.autoplay.paused || (this.autoplay.timeout && clearTimeout(this.autoplay.timeout), this.autoplay.paused = !0, 0 !== e && this.params.autoplay.waitForTransition ? (this.$wrapperEl[0].addEventListener("transitionend", this.autoplay.onTransitionEnd), this.$wrapperEl[0].addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", this.autoplay.onTransitionEnd)) : (this.autoplay.paused = !1, this.autoplay.run())) } }, te = { setTranslate: function () { for (var e = this.slides, t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) { var i = this.slides.eq(t), s = -i[0].swiperSlideOffset, a = (this.params.virtualTranslate || (s -= this.translate), 0), n = (this.isHorizontal() || (a = s, s = 0), this.params.fadeEffect.crossFade ? Math.max(1 - Math.abs(i[0].progress), 0) : 1 + Math.min(Math.max(i[0].progress, -1), 0)); i.css({ opacity: n }).transform("translate3d(" + s + "px, " + a + "px, 0px)") } }, setTransition: function (e) { var i, s = this, t = s.slides, a = s.$wrapperEl; t.transition(e), s.params.virtualTranslate && 0 !== e && (i = !1, t.transitionEnd(function () { if (!i && s && !s.destroyed) { i = !0, s.animating = !1; for (var e = ["webkitTransitionEnd", "transitionend"], t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) a.trigger(e[t]) } })) } }, ie = { setTranslate: function () { var e, t = this.$el, i = this.$wrapperEl, s = this.slides, a = this.width, n = this.height, o = this.rtlTranslate, r = this.size, l = this.params.cubeEffect, c = this.isHorizontal(), d = this.virtual && this.params.virtual.enabled, h = 0; l.shadow && (c ? (0 === (e = i.find(".swiper-cube-shadow")).length && (e = T('
    '), i.append(e)), e.css({ height: a + "px" })) : 0 === (e = t.find(".swiper-cube-shadow")).length && (e = T('
    '), t.append(e))); for (var u, p = 0; p < s.length; p += 1) { var m = s.eq(p), f = p, v = 90 * (f = d ? parseInt(m.attr("data-swiper-slide-index"), 10) : f), g = Math.floor(v / 360), w = (o && (v = -v, g = Math.floor(- v / 360)), Math.max(Math.min(m[0].progress, 1), -1)), b = 0, y = 0, E = 0, g = (f % 4 == 0 ? (b = 4 * -g * r, E = 0) : (f - 1) % 4 == 0 ? (b = 0, E = 4 * -g * r) : (f - 2) % 4 == 0 ? (b = r + 4 * g * r, E = r) : (f - 3) % 4 == 0 && (b = -r, E = 3 * r + 4 * r * g), o && (b = -b), c || (y = b, b = 0), "rotateX(" + (c ? 0 : -v) + "deg) rotateY(" + (c ? v : 0) + "deg) translate3d(" + b + "px, " + y + "px, " + E + "px)"); w <= 1 && -1 < w && (h = o ? 90 * -f - 90 * w : 90 * f + 90 * w), m.transform(g), l.slideShadows && (v = c ? m.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left") : m.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"), b = c ? m.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right") : m.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom"), 0 === v.length && (v = T('
    '), m.append(v)), 0 === b.length && (b = T('
    '), m.append(b)), v.length && (v[0].style.opacity = Math.max(- w, 0)), b.length && (b[0].style.opacity = Math.max(w, 0))) } i.css({ "-webkit-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + r / 2 + "px", "-moz-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + r / 2 + "px", "-ms-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + r / 2 + "px", "transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + r / 2 + "px" }), l.shadow && (c ? e.transform("translate3d(0px, " + (a / 2 + l.shadowOffset) + "px, " + -a / 2 + "px) rotateX(90deg) rotateZ(0deg) scale(" + l.shadowScale + ")") : (t = Math.abs(h) - 90 * Math.floor(Math.abs(h) / 90), a = 1.5 - (Math.sin(2 * t * Math.PI / 360) / 2 + Math.cos(2 * t * Math.PI / 360) / 2), t = l.shadowScale, a = l.shadowScale / a, u = l.shadowOffset, e.transform("scale3d(" + t + ", 1, " + a + ") translate3d(0px, " + (n / 2 + u) + "px, " + -n / 2 / a + "px) rotateX(-90deg)"))), i.transform("translate3d(0px,0," + (x.isSafari || x.isUiWebView ? -r / 2 : 0) + "px) rotateX(" + (this.isHorizontal() ? 0 : h) + "deg) rotateY(" + (this.isHorizontal() ? -h : 0) + "deg)") }, setTransition: function (e) { var t = this.$el; this.slides.transition(e).find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left").transition(e), this.params.cubeEffect.shadow && !this.isHorizontal() && t.find(".swiper-cube-shadow").transition(e) } }, se = { setTranslate: function () { for (var e = this.slides, t = this.rtlTranslate, i = 0; i < e.length; i += 1) { var s, a, n = e.eq(i), o = n[0].progress, r = -180 * (o = this.params.flipEffect.limitRotation ? Math.max(Math.min(n[0].progress, 1), -1) : o), l = 0, c = -n[0].swiperSlideOffset, d = 0; this.isHorizontal() ? t && (r = -r) : (d = c, l = -r, r = c = 0), n[0].style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(o)) + e.length, this.params.flipEffect.slideShadows && (s = this.isHorizontal() ? n.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left") : n.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"), a = this.isHorizontal() ? n.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right") : n.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom"), 0 === s.length && (s = T('
    '), n.append(s)), 0 === a.length && (a = T('
    '), n.append(a)), s.length && (s[0].style.opacity = Math.max(- o, 0)), a.length && (a[0].style.opacity = Math.max(o, 0))), n.transform("translate3d(" + c + "px, " + d + "px, 0px) rotateX(" + l + "deg) rotateY(" + r + "deg)") } }, setTransition: function (e) { var i, s = this, t = s.slides, a = s.activeIndex, n = s.$wrapperEl; t.transition(e).find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left").transition(e), s.params.virtualTranslate && 0 !== e && (i = !1, t.eq(a).transitionEnd(function () { if (!i && s && !s.destroyed) { i = !0, s.animating = !1; for (var e = ["webkitTransitionEnd", "transitionend"], t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) n.trigger(e[t]) } })) } }, ae = { setTranslate: function () { for (var e = this.width, t = this.height, i = this.slides, s = this.$wrapperEl, a = this.slidesSizesGrid, n = this.params.coverflowEffect, o = this.isHorizontal(), r = this.translate, l = o ? e / 2 - r : t / 2 - r, c = o ? n.rotate : -n.rotate, d = n.depth, h = 0, u = i.length; h < u; h += 1) { var p = i.eq(h), m = a[h], m = (l - p[0].swiperSlideOffset - m / 2) / m * n.modifier, f = o ? c * m : 0, v = o ? 0 : c * m, g = -d * Math.abs(m), w = o ? 0 : n.stretch * m, b = o ? n.stretch * m : 0, b = (Math.abs(b) < .001 && (b = 0), Math.abs(w) < .001 && (w = 0), Math.abs(g) < .001 && (g = 0), Math.abs(f) < .001 && (f = 0), "translate3d(" + b + "px," + w + "px," + g + "px) rotateX(" + (v = Math.abs(v) < .001 ? 0 : v) + "deg) rotateY(" + f + "deg)"); p.transform(b), p[0].style.zIndex = 1 - Math.abs(Math.round(m)), n.slideShadows && (w = o ? p.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left") : p.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"), g = o ? p.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right") : p.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom"), 0 === w.length && (w = T('
    '), p.append(w)), 0 === g.length && (g = T('
    '), p.append(g)), w.length && (w[0].style.opacity = 0 < m ? m : 0), g.length && (g[0].style.opacity = 0 < -m ? -m : 0)) } (y.pointerEvents || y.prefixedPointerEvents) && (s[0].style.perspectiveOrigin = l + "px 50%") }, setTransition: function (e) { this.slides.transition(e).find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left").transition(e) } }, ne = { init: function () { var e = this.params.thumbs, t = this.constructor; e.swiper instanceof t ? (this.thumbs.swiper = e.swiper, U.extend(this.thumbs.swiper.originalParams, { watchSlidesProgress: !0, slideToClickedSlide: !1 }), U.extend(this.thumbs.swiper.params, { watchSlidesProgress: !0, slideToClickedSlide: !1 })) : U.isObject(e.swiper) && (this.thumbs.swiper = new t(U.extend({}, e.swiper, { watchSlidesVisibility: !0, watchSlidesProgress: !0, slideToClickedSlide: !1 })), this.thumbs.swiperCreated = !0), this.thumbs.swiper.$el.addClass(this.params.thumbs.thumbsContainerClass), this.thumbs.swiper.on("tap", this.thumbs.onThumbClick) }, onThumbClick: function () { var e, t, i, s = this.thumbs.swiper; s && (e = s.clickedIndex, (i = s.clickedSlide) && T(i).hasClass(this.params.thumbs.slideThumbActiveClass) || null == e || (i = s.params.loop ? parseInt(T(s.clickedSlide).attr("data-swiper-slide-index"), 10) : e, this.params.loop && (s = this.activeIndex, this.slides.eq(s).hasClass(this.params.slideDuplicateClass) && (this.loopFix(), this._clientLeft = this.$wrapperEl[0].clientLeft, s = this.activeIndex), e = this.slides.eq(s).prevAll('[data-swiper-slide-index="' + i + '"]').eq(0).index(), t = this.slides.eq(s).nextAll('[data-swiper-slide-index="' + i + '"]').eq(0).index(), i = void 0 === e || void 0 !== t && t - s < s - e ? t : e), this.slideTo(i))) }, update: function (e) { var t = this.thumbs.swiper; if (t) { var i, s, a, n = "auto" === t.params.slidesPerView ? t.slidesPerViewDynamic() : t.params.slidesPerView, o = (this.realIndex !== t.realIndex && (i = t.activeIndex, a = t.params.loop ? (t.slides.eq(i).hasClass(t.params.slideDuplicateClass) && (t.loopFix(), t._clientLeft = t.$wrapperEl[0].clientLeft, i = t.activeIndex), s = t.slides.eq(i).prevAll('[data-swiper-slide-index="' + this.realIndex + '"]').eq(0).index(), a = t.slides.eq(i).nextAll('[data-swiper-slide-index="' + this.realIndex + '"]').eq(0).index(), void 0 === s ? a : void 0 === a ? s : a - i == i - s ? i : a - i < i - s ? a : s) : this.realIndex, t.visibleSlidesIndexes && t.visibleSlidesIndexes.indexOf(a) < 0 && (t.params.centeredSlides ? a = i < a ? a - Math.floor(n / 2) + 1 : a + Math.floor(n / 2) - 1 : i < a && (a = a - n + 1), t.slideTo(a, e ? 0 : void 0))), 1), r = this.params.thumbs.slideThumbActiveClass; if (1 < this.params.slidesPerView && !this.params.centeredSlides && (o = this.params.slidesPerView), this.params.thumbs.multipleActiveThumbs || (o = 1), o = Math.floor(o), t.slides.removeClass(r), t.params.loop || t.params.virtual && t.params.virtual.enabled) for (var l = 0; l < o; l += 1) t.$wrapperEl.children('[data-swiper-slide-index="' + (this.realIndex + l) + '"]').addClass(r); else for (var c = 0; c < o; c += 1) t.slides.eq(this.realIndex + c).addClass(r) } } }, O = [m, Y, X, f, g, b, E, { name: "mousewheel", params: { mousewheel: { enabled: !1, releaseOnEdges: !1, invert: !1, forceToAxis: !1, sensitivity: 1, eventsTarged: "container" } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { mousewheel: { enabled: !1, enable: C.enable.bind(this), disable: C.disable.bind(this), handle: C.handle.bind(this), handleMouseEnter: C.handleMouseEnter.bind(this), handleMouseLeave: C.handleMouseLeave.bind(this), animateSlider: C.animateSlider.bind(this), releaseScroll: C.releaseScroll.bind(this), lastScrollTime: U.now(), lastEventBeforeSnap: void 0, recentWheelEvents: [] } }) }, on: { init: function () { !this.params.mousewheel.enabled && this.params.cssMode && this.mousewheel.disable(), this.params.mousewheel.enabled && this.mousewheel.enable() }, destroy: function () { this.params.cssMode && this.mousewheel.enable(), this.mousewheel.enabled && this.mousewheel.disable() } } }, { name: "navigation", params: { navigation: { nextEl: null, prevEl: null, hideOnClick: !1, disabledClass: "swiper-button-disabled", hiddenClass: "swiper-button-hidden", lockClass: "swiper-button-lock" } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { navigation: { init: L.init.bind(this), update: L.update.bind(this), destroy: L.destroy.bind(this), onNextClick: L.onNextClick.bind(this), onPrevClick: L.onPrevClick.bind(this) } }) }, on: { init: function () { this.navigation.init(), this.navigation.update() }, toEdge: function () { this.navigation.update() }, fromEdge: function () { this.navigation.update() }, destroy: function () { this.navigation.destroy() }, click: function (e) { var t, i = this.navigation, s = i.$nextEl, i = i.$prevEl; !this.params.navigation.hideOnClick || T(e.target).is(i) || T(e.target).is(s) || (s ? t = s.hasClass(this.params.navigation.hiddenClass) : i && (t = i.hasClass(this.params.navigation.hiddenClass)), !0 === t ? this.emit("navigationShow", this) : this.emit("navigationHide", this), s && s.toggleClass(this.params.navigation.hiddenClass), i && i.toggleClass(this.params.navigation.hiddenClass)) } } }, { name: "pagination", params: { pagination: { el: null, bulletElement: "span", clickable: !1, hideOnClick: !1, renderBullet: null, renderProgressbar: null, renderFraction: null, renderCustom: null, progressbarOpposite: !1, type: "bullets", dynamicBullets: !1, dynamicMainBullets: 1, formatFractionCurrent: function (e) { return e }, formatFractionTotal: function (e) { return e }, bulletClass: "swiper-pagination-bullet", bulletActiveClass: "swiper-pagination-bullet-active", modifierClass: "swiper-pagination-", currentClass: "swiper-pagination-current", totalClass: "swiper-pagination-total", hiddenClass: "swiper-pagination-hidden", progressbarFillClass: "swiper-pagination-progressbar-fill", progressbarOppositeClass: "swiper-pagination-progressbar-opposite", clickableClass: "swiper-pagination-clickable", lockClass: "swiper-pagination-lock" } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { pagination: { init: k.init.bind(this), render: k.render.bind(this), update: k.update.bind(this), destroy: k.destroy.bind(this), dynamicBulletIndex: 0 } }) }, on: { init: function () { this.pagination.init(), this.pagination.render(), this.pagination.update() }, activeIndexChange: function () { !this.params.loop && void 0 !== this.snapIndex || this.pagination.update() }, snapIndexChange: function () { this.params.loop || this.pagination.update() }, slidesLengthChange: function () { this.params.loop && (this.pagination.render(), this.pagination.update()) }, snapGridLengthChange: function () { this.params.loop || (this.pagination.render(), this.pagination.update()) }, destroy: function () { this.pagination.destroy() }, click: function (e) { this.params.pagination.el && this.params.pagination.hideOnClick && 0 < this.pagination.$el.length && !T(e.target).hasClass(this.params.pagination.bulletClass) && (!0 === this.pagination.$el.hasClass(this.params.pagination.hiddenClass) ? this.emit("paginationShow", this) : this.emit("paginationHide", this), this.pagination.$el.toggleClass(this.params.pagination.hiddenClass)) } } }, { name: "scrollbar", params: { scrollbar: { el: null, dragSize: "auto", hide: !1, draggable: !1, snapOnRelease: !0, lockClass: "swiper-scrollbar-lock", dragClass: "swiper-scrollbar-drag" } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { scrollbar: { init: A.init.bind(this), destroy: A.destroy.bind(this), updateSize: A.updateSize.bind(this), setTranslate: A.setTranslate.bind(this), setTransition: A.setTransition.bind(this), enableDraggable: A.enableDraggable.bind(this), disableDraggable: A.disableDraggable.bind(this), setDragPosition: A.setDragPosition.bind(this), getPointerPosition: A.getPointerPosition.bind(this), onDragStart: A.onDragStart.bind(this), onDragMove: A.onDragMove.bind(this), onDragEnd: A.onDragEnd.bind(this), isTouched: !1, timeout: null, dragTimeout: null } }) }, on: { init: function () { this.scrollbar.init(), this.scrollbar.updateSize(), this.scrollbar.setTranslate() }, update: function () { this.scrollbar.updateSize() }, resize: function () { this.scrollbar.updateSize() }, observerUpdate: function () { this.scrollbar.updateSize() }, setTranslate: function () { this.scrollbar.setTranslate() }, setTransition: function (e) { this.scrollbar.setTransition(e) }, destroy: function () { this.scrollbar.destroy() } } }, { name: "parallax", params: { parallax: { enabled: !1 } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { parallax: { setTransform: Q.setTransform.bind(this), setTranslate: Q.setTranslate.bind(this), setTransition: Q.setTransition.bind(this) } }) }, on: { beforeInit: function () { this.params.parallax.enabled && (this.params.watchSlidesProgress = !0, this.originalParams.watchSlidesProgress = !0) }, init: function () { this.params.parallax.enabled && this.parallax.setTranslate() }, setTranslate: function () { this.params.parallax.enabled && this.parallax.setTranslate() }, setTransition: function (e) { this.params.parallax.enabled && this.parallax.setTransition(e) } } }, { name: "zoom", params: { zoom: { enabled: !1, maxRatio: 3, minRatio: 1, toggle: !0, containerClass: "swiper-zoom-container", zoomedSlideClass: "swiper-slide-zoomed" } }, create: function () { var s = this, t = { enabled: !1, scale: 1, currentScale: 1, isScaling: !1, gesture: { $slideEl: void 0, slideWidth: void 0, slideHeight: void 0, $imageEl: void 0, $imageWrapEl: void 0, maxRatio: 3 }, image: { isTouched: void 0, isMoved: void 0, currentX: void 0, currentY: void 0, minX: void 0, minY: void 0, maxX: void 0, maxY: void 0, width: void 0, height: void 0, startX: void 0, startY: void 0, touchesStart: {}, touchesCurrent: {} }, velocity: { x: void 0, y: void 0, prevPositionX: void 0, prevPositionY: void 0, prevTime: void 0 } }, a = ("onGestureStart onGestureChange onGestureEnd onTouchStart onTouchMove onTouchEnd onTransitionEnd toggle enable disable in out".split(" ").forEach(function (e) { t[e] = Z[e].bind(s) }), U.extend(s, { zoom: t }), 1); Object.defineProperty(s.zoom, "scale", { get: function () { return a }, set: function (e) { var t, i; a !== e && (t = s.zoom.gesture.$imageEl ? s.zoom.gesture.$imageEl[0] : void 0, i = s.zoom.gesture.$slideEl ? s.zoom.gesture.$slideEl[0] : void 0, s.emit("zoomChange", e, t, i)), a = e } }) }, on: { init: function () { this.params.zoom.enabled && this.zoom.enable() }, destroy: function () { this.zoom.disable() }, touchStart: function (e) { this.zoom.enabled && this.zoom.onTouchStart(e) }, touchEnd: function (e) { this.zoom.enabled && this.zoom.onTouchEnd(e) }, doubleTap: function (e) { this.params.zoom.enabled && this.zoom.enabled && this.params.zoom.toggle && this.zoom.toggle(e) }, transitionEnd: function () { this.zoom.enabled && this.params.zoom.enabled && this.zoom.onTransitionEnd() }, slideChange: function () { this.zoom.enabled && this.params.zoom.enabled && this.params.cssMode && this.zoom.onTransitionEnd() } } }, { name: "lazy", params: { lazy: { enabled: !1, loadPrevNext: !1, loadPrevNextAmount: 1, loadOnTransitionStart: !1, elementClass: "swiper-lazy", loadingClass: "swiper-lazy-loading", loadedClass: "swiper-lazy-loaded", preloaderClass: "swiper-lazy-preloader" } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { lazy: { initialImageLoaded: !1, load: J.load.bind(this), loadInSlide: J.loadInSlide.bind(this) } }) }, on: { beforeInit: function () { this.params.lazy.enabled && this.params.preloadImages && (this.params.preloadImages = !1) }, init: function () { this.params.lazy.enabled && !this.params.loop && 0 === this.params.initialSlide && this.lazy.load() }, scroll: function () { this.params.freeMode && !this.params.freeModeSticky && this.lazy.load() }, resize: function () { this.params.lazy.enabled && this.lazy.load() }, scrollbarDragMove: function () { this.params.lazy.enabled && this.lazy.load() }, transitionStart: function () { this.params.lazy.enabled && (this.params.lazy.loadOnTransitionStart || !this.params.lazy.loadOnTransitionStart && !this.lazy.initialImageLoaded) && this.lazy.load() }, transitionEnd: function () { this.params.lazy.enabled && !this.params.lazy.loadOnTransitionStart && this.lazy.load() }, slideChange: function () { this.params.lazy.enabled && this.params.cssMode && this.lazy.load() } } }, { name: "controller", params: { controller: { control: void 0, inverse: !1, by: "slide" } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { controller: { control: this.params.controller.control, getInterpolateFunction: I.getInterpolateFunction.bind(this), setTranslate: I.setTranslate.bind(this), setTransition: I.setTransition.bind(this) } }) }, on: { update: function () { this.controller.control && this.controller.spline && (this.controller.spline = void 0, delete this.controller.spline) }, resize: function () { this.controller.control && this.controller.spline && (this.controller.spline = void 0, delete this.controller.spline) }, observerUpdate: function () { this.controller.control && this.controller.spline && (this.controller.spline = void 0, delete this.controller.spline) }, setTranslate: function (e, t) { this.controller.control && this.controller.setTranslate(e, t) }, setTransition: function (e, t) { this.controller.control && this.controller.setTransition(e, t) } } }, { name: "a11y", params: { a11y: { enabled: !0, notificationClass: "swiper-notification", prevSlideMessage: "Previous slide", nextSlideMessage: "Next slide", firstSlideMessage: "This is the first slide", lastSlideMessage: "This is the last slide", paginationBulletMessage: "Go to slide {{index}}" } }, create: function () { var t = this; U.extend(t, { a11y: { liveRegion: T('') } }), Object.keys(ee).forEach(function (e) { t.a11y[e] = ee[e].bind(t) }) }, on: { init: function () { this.params.a11y.enabled && (this.a11y.init(), this.a11y.updateNavigation()) }, toEdge: function () { this.params.a11y.enabled && this.a11y.updateNavigation() }, fromEdge: function () { this.params.a11y.enabled && this.a11y.updateNavigation() }, paginationUpdate: function () { this.params.a11y.enabled && this.a11y.updatePagination() }, destroy: function () { this.params.a11y.enabled && this.a11y.destroy() } } }, { name: "history", params: { history: { enabled: !1, replaceState: !1, key: "slides" } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { history: { init: M.init.bind(this), setHistory: M.setHistory.bind(this), setHistoryPopState: M.setHistoryPopState.bind(this), scrollToSlide: M.scrollToSlide.bind(this), destroy: M.destroy.bind(this) } }) }, on: { init: function () { this.params.history.enabled && this.history.init() }, destroy: function () { this.params.history.enabled && this.history.destroy() }, transitionEnd: function () { this.history.initialized && this.history.setHistory(this.params.history.key, this.activeIndex) }, slideChange: function () { this.history.initialized && this.params.cssMode && this.history.setHistory(this.params.history.key, this.activeIndex) } } }, { name: "hash-navigation", params: { hashNavigation: { enabled: !1, replaceState: !1, watchState: !1 } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { hashNavigation: { initialized: !1, init: P.init.bind(this), destroy: P.destroy.bind(this), setHash: P.setHash.bind(this), onHashCange: P.onHashCange.bind(this) } }) }, on: { init: function () { this.params.hashNavigation.enabled && this.hashNavigation.init() }, destroy: function () { this.params.hashNavigation.enabled && this.hashNavigation.destroy() }, transitionEnd: function () { this.hashNavigation.initialized && this.hashNavigation.setHash() }, slideChange: function () { this.hashNavigation.initialized && this.params.cssMode && this.hashNavigation.setHash() } } }, { name: "autoplay", params: { autoplay: { enabled: !1, delay: 3e3, waitForTransition: !0, disableOnInteraction: !0, stopOnLastSlide: !1, reverseDirection: !1 } }, create: function () { var t = this; U.extend(t, { autoplay: { running: !1, paused: !1, run: z.run.bind(t), start: z.start.bind(t), stop: z.stop.bind(t), pause: z.pause.bind(t), onVisibilityChange: function () { "hidden" === document.visibilityState && t.autoplay.running && t.autoplay.pause(), "visible" === document.visibilityState && t.autoplay.paused && (t.autoplay.run(), t.autoplay.paused = !1) }, onTransitionEnd: function (e) { t && !t.destroyed && t.$wrapperEl && e.target === this && (t.$wrapperEl[0].removeEventListener("transitionend", t.autoplay.onTransitionEnd), t.$wrapperEl[0].removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", t.autoplay.onTransitionEnd), t.autoplay.paused = !1, t.autoplay.running ? t.autoplay.run() : t.autoplay.stop()) } } }) }, on: { init: function () { this.params.autoplay.enabled && (this.autoplay.start(), document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this.autoplay.onVisibilityChange)) }, beforeTransitionStart: function (e, t) { this.autoplay.running && (t || !this.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction ? this.autoplay.pause(e) : this.autoplay.stop()) }, sliderFirstMove: function () { this.autoplay.running && (this.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction ? this.autoplay.stop() : this.autoplay.pause()) }, touchEnd: function () { this.params.cssMode && this.autoplay.paused && !this.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction && this.autoplay.run() }, destroy: function () { this.autoplay.running && this.autoplay.stop(), document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", this.autoplay.onVisibilityChange) } } }, { name: "effect-fade", params: { fadeEffect: { crossFade: !1 } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { fadeEffect: { setTranslate: te.setTranslate.bind(this), setTransition: te.setTransition.bind(this) } }) }, on: { beforeInit: function () { var e; "fade" === this.params.effect && (this.classNames.push(this.params.containerModifierClass + "fade"), U.extend(this.params, e = { slidesPerView: 1, slidesPerColumn: 1, slidesPerGroup: 1, watchSlidesProgress: !0, spaceBetween: 0, virtualTranslate: !0 }), U.extend(this.originalParams, e)) }, setTranslate: function () { "fade" === this.params.effect && this.fadeEffect.setTranslate() }, setTransition: function (e) { "fade" === this.params.effect && this.fadeEffect.setTransition(e) } } }, { name: "effect-cube", params: { cubeEffect: { slideShadows: !0, shadow: !0, shadowOffset: 20, shadowScale: .94 } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { cubeEffect: { setTranslate: ie.setTranslate.bind(this), setTransition: ie.setTransition.bind(this) } }) }, on: { beforeInit: function () { var e; "cube" === this.params.effect && (this.classNames.push(this.params.containerModifierClass + "cube"), this.classNames.push(this.params.containerModifierClass + "3d"), U.extend(this.params, e = { slidesPerView: 1, slidesPerColumn: 1, slidesPerGroup: 1, watchSlidesProgress: !0, resistanceRatio: 0, spaceBetween: 0, centeredSlides: !1, virtualTranslate: !0 }), U.extend(this.originalParams, e)) }, setTranslate: function () { "cube" === this.params.effect && this.cubeEffect.setTranslate() }, setTransition: function (e) { "cube" === this.params.effect && this.cubeEffect.setTransition(e) } } }, { name: "effect-flip", params: { flipEffect: { slideShadows: !0, limitRotation: !0 } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { flipEffect: { setTranslate: se.setTranslate.bind(this), setTransition: se.setTransition.bind(this) } }) }, on: { beforeInit: function () { var e; "flip" === this.params.effect && (this.classNames.push(this.params.containerModifierClass + "flip"), this.classNames.push(this.params.containerModifierClass + "3d"), U.extend(this.params, e = { slidesPerView: 1, slidesPerColumn: 1, slidesPerGroup: 1, watchSlidesProgress: !0, spaceBetween: 0, virtualTranslate: !0 }), U.extend(this.originalParams, e)) }, setTranslate: function () { "flip" === this.params.effect && this.flipEffect.setTranslate() }, setTransition: function (e) { "flip" === this.params.effect && this.flipEffect.setTransition(e) } } }, { name: "effect-coverflow", params: { coverflowEffect: { rotate: 50, stretch: 0, depth: 100, modifier: 1, slideShadows: !0 } }, create: function () { U.extend(this, { coverflowEffect: { setTranslate: ae.setTranslate.bind(this), setTransition: ae.setTransition.bind(this) } }) }, on: { beforeInit: function () { "coverflow" === this.params.effect && (this.classNames.push(this.params.containerModifierClass + "coverflow"), this.classNames.push(this.params.containerModifierClass + "3d"), this.params.watchSlidesProgress = !0, this.originalParams.watchSlidesProgress = !0) }, setTranslate: function () { "coverflow" === this.params.effect && this.coverflowEffect.setTranslate() }, setTransition: function (e) { "coverflow" === this.params.effect && this.coverflowEffect.setTransition(e) } } }, { name: "thumbs", params: { thumbs: { multipleActiveThumbs: !0, swiper: null, slideThumbActiveClass: 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