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Sunday Miscellany: A Walk in the Bots, by Valerie Waters

1984: On a life preparing to blossom, post Leaving Cert... For Sunday Miscellany on RTÉ Radio 1, listen to A Walk in the Bots, by Valerie Waters above.

It was 1984, I sat the Leaving and took off on a family holiday to Salthill, Co. Galway. There was no tape deck in the car so I brought my portable stereo with a handful of cassettes.

The album that stands out from that Summer is Harvest by Neil Young, and the song is Old Man. There I was, with my whole adult life stretching out ahead of me, and my mother singing along beside me,

"Old man, look at my life, I'm a lot like you were," as we drove in her little car around Co.Clare on our day trips out from Salthill...

Listen to more from Sunday Miscellany here.

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