RI Tax Assessor Resource

Note: The on-line public records databases made accessible through the links on this page are not supported, endorsed or maintained by the Rhode Island Association of REALTORS® or State-Wide MLS, and are totally independent of these organizations. Questions related to the accuracy, update cycles and functionality must be directed to the respective online source.

Providence County

Burrillville Lincoln
Central Falls North Providence
Cranston North Smithfield
Cumberland Pawtucket
East Providence Providence
Foster Scituate
Glocester Smithfield
Johnston Woonsocket

Kent County

Coventry West Greenwich
East Greenwich West Warwick

Washington County

Block Island North Kingstown
Charlestown Richmond
Exeter South Kingstown
Hopkinton Westerly

Bristol County

Barrington Warren

Newport County

Jamestown Newport
Little Compton Portsmouth
Middletown Tiverton

The collective links above are provided as a convenient resource for our Members. Links can change without notice. Please report broken or changed links to the Webmaster.