
Our Latest episodes

40 Acres and a Lie Part 2

We trace “40 acres” land titles to a staggeringly beautiful sea island off the coast of Georgia that’s now a wealthy gated community.

40 Acres and a Lie Part 1

Our historical investigation found 1,250 formerly enslaved Black Americans who were given land—only to see it returned to their enslavers.

Immigrants on the Line

Haitian immigrants moved to Colorado on the promise of a good job and a place to stay—only to be mistreated. Now, they fear deportation.

After the Crash

A police officer chased a Native teen to his death. Days later, the police force shut down without explanation.

All the President’s Pardons

With Joe Biden’s surprise pardon of his son and Donald Trump’s pledge to free January 6ers, we look at this controversial presidential power.

major investigations

40 Acres and a Lie

It’s often thought of as a promise that was never kept. But “40 acres and a mule” was more than that. A three-part series from Reveal and the Center for Public Integrity.

A Mother’s Worst Nightmare

Federal law has put thousands of women on anti-addiction medications into an impossible bind: Give up your treatment or risk losing your child.

The Bitter Work Behind Sugar Series

Millions of pounds of sugar are harvested for the U.S. each year in the Dominican Republic, where the grueling work means harsh conditions and low pay for Haitian migrants.

The Grab

An investigative journalist uncovers the money, influence, and alarming rationale behind covert efforts to control the most vital resource on the planet.