We are absolutely thrilled to release RawTherapee 5!
New Features
- Wavelets tool.
- Retinex tool.
- Monitor profile and rendering intent support.
- Print soft-proofing support.
- Automatic chroma noise reduction, manual luminance noise reduction using sliders and curves.
- The “Inspect” tab in the File Browser lets you see a 100% preview of the image whose thumbnail your mouse cursor hovers over, which is either the largest JPEG image embedded in the raw file or the image itself when hovering over non-raw images.
- The curve pipette allows you to pick the right point of a curve by clicking in the preview, and input/output values so that you can set the desired output value for a given input value.
- Post-resize sharpening, to give your photos that subtle crispness after resizing them.
- Dual-illuminant DCP support with curves, base tables, look tables and baseline exposure.
- New exposure tone curve modes “Luminance” and “Perceptual”.
- Queue processing will stop if an error is encountered while saving, e.g. if you run out of disk space.
- The Contrast by Detail Levels tool received the “Process Locate Before/After Black-and-White” option.
- Rec. 2020 ICC profile added.
- The Navigator can show RGB, HSV and L*a*b- values in a range of 0-255, 0-1 or %.
- The Lockable Color Picker allows you to place multiple sample points over the preview to measure colors and see them change in real time as you manipulate the image. They support the same ranges as the Navigator.
- Grayscale JPEG and TIFF images are now supported.
- 32-bit TIFF files are supported.
- In addition to these new features, RawTherapee received over two years worth of amazing speedups, code cleanups and bug fixes, making it faster and more stable than ever before!
News Relevant to Package Maintainers
- Build RawTherapee 5.0 using these tarballs: rawtherapee.com/shared/source/
- Nightly builds from git may compile but not run well, we’re working on it, see issue ##3628.
- Branch “master” uses GTK2, branch “gtk3” requires GTK+ >=3.16. There are known bugs using GTK+ versions 3.20-3.22 where scrollbars may appear stuck (issue #3545), and where the Retinex tool’s “Gain and Offset” panel may appear under the “Transmission” panel until the user hovers the mouse cursor over a curve button (issue #3525). For this reason we recommend using GTK+ 3.16-3.18 if possible.
- RawTherapee 5 requires GCC-4.9 or higher, or Clang.
- Do not use
- Use
- For stable builds (RT5) use
- For development builds use
- Windows builders should compile on a drive letter which users are most unlikely to have, such as Y:, due to the “There is no disk in the drive” error (issue #3544).
News Relevant to Developers
- Use C++11
- Code must be run through astyle.
- Commits automatically trigger a compilation using Travis CI.
Complete revision history available on GitHub.