100 Years Ago
Campbell County Progress
May 30, 1924
Several from here are going to Linton today to take in the Memorial Day exercises. The Tigers are going up to cross bats with the Linton team.
A.P. Seymour, of southern Emmons County, purchased a load of brood sows from the Fenelon Farm yesterday.
The first corn-fed cattle to be shipped out of Pollock, were shipped last Saturday morning by the Smith Ranch. They shipped 40 head, which averaged 1,298 pounds. They also shipped two cars of hogs.
Bob Woods, the conductor of the Pollock and Wishek train, is getting a band organized in Pollock to play here Woodman Day, June 12. We understand that he has procured Bob Parrot to be the band leader. Don’t fail to come and see them.
Jake Kegely and family moved out to the Gerrit Brummel farm north of Pollock last Monday. He bought all the stock on the place and is going at farming in real earnest.
Prairie Picayune
May 29, 1924
This office printed posters this week for a wrestling match between John Litwinenco of this vicinity and Rudy Arntz of Burnstad, North Dakota. The match will be staged at Pollock Saturday evening. Arntz made quite a showing here last winter when he wrestled with Kid Turner and J.E. Jensen of Glenham and won both matches. He is a strong young man and a quick and clever wrestler. We can promise the fans that this will be one of the most interesting matches put on either here or at Pollock.
C.J. Bieber, who was home from across the River Sunday, reports the ground so dry they will have to stop breaking. He returned across Monday morning to finish seeding of the land they have plowed.
Commencement exercises for Herreid School were held at the Woodmen Hall last Friday evening. Fifteen boys and girls graduated from the eighth grade and two from the high school, Dorothea Oppenborn and Albert Bickel.
90 Years Ago
Prairie Picayune
May 31, 1934
It is cooler today, 82 in the shade compared to yesterday, 108.
Dr. A. H. Seymour, professor of history at the Northern State Teachers College in Aberdeen, delivered a very fine address to the graduates at the Commencement Exercises held here Friday evening. The professor spoke from past experience and his many suggestions to the class were timely, encouraging and well worth serious consideration.
This year again a very large crowd attended the Memorial Day exercises held here yesterday. Though it was very hot — 108 in the shade — the high school auditorium was filled to overflowing and many had to remain outside. An escort of nearly 200 automobiles accompanied the Legion men to the cemeteries to offer up a prayer and decorate the graves of our fallen heroes. The Ladies Auxiliary served a lunch afterward. We understand about 150 were served.
The County Clinic for school children, sponsored by the American Legion and other civic organizations, will be held at the schoolhouse in Herreid next Monday commencing at 7 o’clock a.m. Dr. H.D. Lien, county health officer, will give the vaccinations for small pox and immunizations against diphtheria to all children brought in from 6 months to 14 years old. Parents must accompany their children and are urged to be on hand promptly so that all may be treated with the least possible loss of time.
80 Years Ago
Prairie Picayune
June 1, 1944
Eugene Clark and daughter came from Pollock Tuesday to spend a few days with Grandma Clark while Gene shingles her house.
The Picayune came out several days late this week due to the fact the editor has been ill with a severe cold and flu. How anybody can contract anything like that in this summer weather is amazing, but I guess, no matter when you get the germ it will have its way. We felt so darn sick a few days we came near going to the hospital.
For good health, every
South Dakota family needs four to seven servings of fruit and vegetables daily, says
Maud Stitt, State college extension nutritionist. Tomatoes, green leafy and yellow vegetables, rhubarb and berries are all high in vitamins and minerals, most lacking in South Dakota diets. Vitamin C is needed daily since it cannot be stored in the body, every family should grow plenty of tomatoes, cabbage and salad greens.
50 Years Ago
Prairie Picayune
May 30, 1974
Herreid Track team Dick Werner, Roger Huber, Ernie Weisbeck and Rick Ritter took first in the 880 relay at the State B Track Meet.
Jim Stoick is advertising in the paper encouraging voters to vote for him for the House of Representatives.
Rick and Holly Pudwill are the proud parents of a baby girl born May 25 at the Mobridge Hospital. Dawn Michelle weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces. Paternal grandparents are the Wilmer Pudwills and maternal grandparents are the Ted Goehrings of Mobridge.
The Gene Schaefbauer family, Butch Schaefbauer and boys, the Larry Schaefbauer family and the Joe Schaefbauer family spent the Memorial Day weekend down at the River.
Pollock Pioneer
May 30, 1974
One of the largest audiences ever to crown into the school auditorium was on hand the night of May 22 for the graduation of 25 1974 seniors and 24 eighth graders. The seniors sang their class song, “Friends with You,” directed by Don Fuehrer and accompanied by Joan Nieuwsma. Peggy Pudwill sang a solo, “Morning has Broken.” The Rev. Henry Vander Bilt gave the invocation and benediction, and Joan Nieuwsma played the processional and recessional.
Rick Chewakin took third in the 220-yard dash, and Brad Larson placed fifth in the pole vault at the State Track Meet in Rapid City.
The Memorial Day weekend was one of the biggest for camping and fishing activities in the Pollock area.
“Pray for ourselves. We should pray for those who have died to preserve our liberties, but for ourselves — to behave in such a way that they did not die in vain.” Pastor Bieber pointed out at the Memorial Day service that over the years, wars have changed from battles involving only soldiers, to conflicts in which civilian men, women and children were often victims. The Pollock school band, directed by Don Fuehrer played the national anthem and “Nearer My God to Thee.” After a silent prayer, Tim Vander Laan and Kathy Giese played “Taps”.
25 Years Ago
Prairie Pioneer
May 27, 1999
Mike Wittmeier is shown with his new business Mike’s Mats. Mike purchased Kenny’s Carpets from the Ken Borr family.
LeVern Larson is pictured receiving a plaque from Pollock School Superintendent John LaFave for driving the Mound City bus route for 30 years.
Lacy Dockter is pictured after she made a hole-in-one at the Linton Country Club. Lacy, daughter of Tim and Rhonda Dockter, Linton, sank a hole-in-one at the Linton Country Club last Sunday, May 16. Dockter sank her ace at hole 7, which is a par three hole. Witnesses to the event were Lacy’s father, Tim, and her brother Chad. Lacy is following a family tradition. Lacy’s father Tim won a 1998 Geo Tracker at the Riverwood Golf Course in Bismarck.
The class of 1999 graduation photos were featured in this issue. Eighth grade graduates from Pollock, and kindergarten graduates from Herreid were also featured in this issue. Students were pictured with various athletic and academic awards.
A farewell party was held for James and Ruth Shannon at the Linton Community Center. Pastor Shannon served the United Methodist churches from Braddock, Linton and Moffit.
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