No Sugar Added Chocolate with Stevia

This sugar-free recipe is ideal for those who prefer a wholesome and healthy lifestyle. It contains zero sugar, and is 12% lower in calories than the traditional chocolate. Its carefully balanced flavor is simply exceptional.

In order to enhance cocoa’s natural health properties, Pobeda Confectionery LLC developed a special line of sugar-free extra dark, dark and milk chocolates.   The extract of stevia, sometimes called “honey herb”, had replaced white sugar in these recipes.

Stevia’s sweetness

is much more intense than that of refined sugar, although the plant is completely devoid of fructose and other organic saccharides.

Compared to the traditional varieties, stevia-sweetened chocolate’s calorie count is significantly lower.  

It is an ideal treat for customers, who are mindful of proper nutrition and maintain a healthy body weight. Pregnant women and new moms, whose blood sugar requires careful management, might prefer stevia-sweetened chocolates, as would the people, afflicted by diabetes.

Please be sure to select only genuine high-quality chocolate!

No Sugar Added Chocolate with Stevia — 1
Pobeda advantages