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Mad Science

Pulp could not resist the lure of the crazed doctor or scientist legend. As well, in the early 1930's, the pulps went a bit nuts with their fascination for dungeons and red robed maniacs who tormented their captives, a pulp seraglio, if you will. These works are often referred to as 'terror pulps'.
Some are so tasteless that I discard them, but most are at least amusing.
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red robe imperious II
red robe imperious II
back into the lair of the demented
back into the lair of the demented
a brand new head
a brand new head
no dream lover
no dream lover
your dentist
your dentist
Doctor Glover
Doctor Glover
source of the re-agent serum
source of the re-agent serum
the chamber of vicsissitude
the chamber of vicsissitude
into the Lair of Suffering
into the Lair of Suffering
suspended for a generation
suspended for a generation
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