Seasons & Packages

Increase revenue online or face to face through combining tickets and products with season tickets, subscriptions and package deals

Buy season subscriptions online or at the box office

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Select performances to make a season

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Set fees and discounts per season

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Renewals for repeat subscribers

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Buy season subscriptions online or at the box office

Fully featured season tickets and subscriptions tickets sales may be made both online or in venue.

The full range of season tickets, from the most straightforward to the most complex, may be sold through both online and in venue channels, with realtime availability available to the eCommrce and Ticketing modules.

Select performances to make a season

Seasons or subscription packages can be built from multiple productions, either including all performances or just specific performances.

Patrons may then select performances within a season booking according to predefined rules, including a maximum and minimum number of performances which may be booked, and whether multiple performances for the same production are permissable.

Set fees and discounts per season

Fees and discounts can be defined for each season, with multiple options defined for a single season.

Season packages may include a maximum or minimum number of productions booked, for example allowing a discount when more than 4 productions are booked within a single season.

Renewals for repeat subscribers

PatronBase Seasons and Packages includes a range of advanced features for repeat subscribers, who will often represent your audience's most committed patrons.

These advanced featured include one-touch renewals - the ability to renew all season subscriptions from one season to the next in a single operation - and season subscriptions which prefer or require the same seat to be booked for a patron across every performance.