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'; html += '
'; html += getBoxContent(projects[bigpick], "box1"); html += getBoxContent(projects[pick2], "box2"); html += getBoxContent(projects[pick3], "box3"); html += '
'; $('.outer').html(html); }); function getProjectMediaText(project) { mediaret = ["unknown","unknown"] for(ndx in gMedia){ if(project.url.indexOf(gMedia[ndx].repo) > -1){ mediaret[0] = gMedia[ndx].shortname; mediaret[1] = gMedia[ndx].mediablurb; break; } } if(mediaret[0] == "unknown"){ alert(project.url); } return mediaret; } function getProjectContent(project, boxtype) { pstitle = 'pstitle'; psdesc = 'psdesc'; psnav = 'psnav'; if(boxtype != 1){ pstitle += '2'; psdesc += '2'; psnav += '2'; } media = getProjectMediaText(project) var html = '
' + project.type + '
'; html += '
' + media[0] + '
'; // this needs to change to shortname html += '
' + media[1] + '
'; // this needs to change to shorttext once it exists html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; return html; } function getBoxContent(project, box) { var html = '
'; boxtype = 1; if(box == "box1"){ html += '
'; boxtype = 1; } else { html += '
'; if (box == "box2"){ boxtype = 2; } else { boxtype = 3; } } html += getProjectContent(project, boxtype); html += '
'; html += '
'; return html; }

OWASP Juice Shop leadership changes & contributor recognition


Bjoern Kimminich, January 29, 2025

OWASP Juice Shop proudly announces long-time contributor Jannik Hollenbach as co-project lead effective immediately! Additionally, we are enhancing and simplifying our contributor engagement & recognition. Read on to learn more about these changes and how you can get involved in the project!

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