Their legislation would bar the companies from certain conduct that would tend to force developers to use their app stores or payment systems. It also would obligate the companies to protect app developers’ rights to tell consumers about lower prices and offer competitive pricing. It would effectively allow apps to be loaded onto Apple users’ devices outside of the company’s official app store.
There’s so much movement on this front, I highly doubt Apple and Google will be able to stop it. This is one of the very, very rare cases where both sides of the political spectrum seem to somewhat agree, and I hope they can make it stick.
It’s definitely not enough, but it’s a step in the right direction. I’m an extremist – all source code should be freely available (not necessarily open source – just viewable), to give consumers and society as a whole the ability to ensure they’re not being spied on, lied to, or endangered by foreign entities or corporate trickery. If copyright is good enough for writers, artists, and musicians, it’s damn well good enough for programmers.
With how vital computers and software have become – woven into the fabric of our society – we as people should be able to see and check what those threads are doing and where they’re going to and coming from. Corporations have shown time and time again that they are not trustworthy entities and that they do not have society’s best interests at heart, and we need tools to bring the balance of power back – black boxes of code are dangerous.
What I sincerely hope is that Apple shuts down the developer program entirely and goes into only allowing apps on iOS devices that enter into a license to be on the phone entirely like a gaming console. That is actually how it basically is now, but people confuse Apple’s historical kindness in letting developers like myself use their API for ‘free’ (well now for a price of the % of the sales) . Apple should have never created the App Store in such a way that it allowed developers to put apps on so easily. It created a climate in developers think they should be free to use Apple developed frameworks just because Apple traditional did that. Apple should charge a large licensing fee to use their API and shut the whole thing off. Consumers would never really notice because they only want to download TikTok scroll for 10 hours, which would clearly get a license to be on Apple devices. It would also up the quality in these apps significantly.
Developers (including myself) are not entitled to use Apple’s API and access to their customers. Even if I want it to be that way. Apple should just shut it all down and go to a more strict model of negotiating having our Apps and games on their devices. Companies can pitch their apps to Apple in a more private manner and pay to use their frameworks and be included in their store.