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Start your next project in Onshape today <\/h1>

Join the thousands of users who have saved 30% of development time with Onshape.

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<\/span>, enhance your Onshape skills with these resources.<\/p> <\/div> <\/div><\/section>","personalizationFieldValue":"disco-not-activated"},{"html":"

Leading Cloud-Native CAD & PDM for Professionals <\/h1>

Tens of thousands of designers have switched to Onshape and never looked back. Are you ready to do the same?

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Take the next step.<\/p> <\/div> <\/div><\/section>","personalizationFieldValue":"disco-activated"},{"html":"

Need more time in the Discovery Program? <\/h1>

Stay ahead of the competition and design up to 10x faster with Onshape’s modern CAD & PDM tools.

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A CAM simulation in Onshape

See why tens of thousands of SOLIDWORKS users have switched to Onshape

Eliminate Crashes

Eliminates crashes & never loses data

Only Onshape auto-saves your designs and prevents crashes that other systems like SOLIDWORKS are plagued with.

Built In PDM

has built-in PDM with branching & merging

Only Onshape eliminates the hassles associated with PDM. It includes git-style branch & merge so you can fearlessly explore design options.

Real Time Collab

enables secure, real-time collaboration

Only Onshape empowers dispersed teams to work together on a single source of design truth simultaneously. Grant and revoke access instantly.

Any Device

runs on any device, requiring zero IT

Only Onshape deploys instantly on any device with no downloads. Everyone is always on the latest version and you can provision new users without the need for IT.

Tracks Activities

tracks all activity, providing infinite restore

Only Onshape enables users to revert to any previous version at any point in the design. See updates alongside who made them easily and compare versions.

Perfect for all designerss



Accelerate product design with professional CAD with built-in PDM.
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Onshape for Enterprises

Raise the bar in product design and improve collaboration for manufacturing and design teams.
Learn about Enterprise Plan →

Onshape for 
Students / Educators

Find out why millions of university and K-12 students rely on Onshape for anywhere CAD access on any device.
Sign up for Onshape Education →

Onshape for Hobbyists

CAD & PDM software you can trust to bring your creative ideas to life with ease.
Sign up for Onshape Free →