Simple Features for OLE/COM
This specification addresses GIS specific interfaces above and interfaces that were available through Microsoft data access technologies in 1999. It is based on use of the OLE DB and ADO facilities provided by Microsoft.
Document title | Version | OGC Doc No. | Type |
OpenGIS Simple Features Implementation Specification for OLE/COM | 1.0 | 99-050 | IS |
Official model files and encoding schemas
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The three OpenGIS® Simple Features Implementation Specifications (one each for OLE/COM, CORBA, and SQL) define interfaces that enable transparent access to geographic data held in heterogeneous processing systems on distributed computing platforms.
The Simple Feature Specification application programming interfaces (APIs) provide for publishing, storage, access, and simple operations on Simple Features (point, line, polygon, multi-point, etc). The purpose of these specifications is to describe interfaces to allow GIS software engineers to develop applications that expose functionality required to access and manipulate geospatial information comprising features with ‘simple’ geometry using different technologies.