
OGC Requests Host for Compliance Tools Infrastructure

To support the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Compliance Program, the OGC is accepting proposals from organizations that are able to host the OGC Compliance Tools Infrastructure.The OGC Compliance Program provides the resources, procedures, and policies for improving compliance with OGC standards.A software provider whose product or service passes OGC compliance testing may pay a Trademark License Fee to use the Certified OGC Compliant brand in that product or services packaging and marketing.The OGC Tests are available at the OGC SVN in CTL (Compliance Test Language) and TestNG.OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

24 April 2014. To support the Open Geospatial Consortium(OGC) Compliance Program, the OGC is accepting proposals fromorganizations that are able to host the OGC Compliance Tools Infrastructure.

Proposalsshould describe how the hosting organization would:

  • Provide an issue tracker system and capability to interact with Gitcommits
  • Support continuous integration tools
  • Provide a maven repository
  • Support license and code review

 Responses are due by May 5th 2014.

The OGCCompliance Program provides the resources, procedures, and policies forimproving compliance with OGC standards. The ComplianceProgram provides an online free testing facility, a process for certification and branding of compliant products, and coordination of a vibrant community thatdevelops and supports test scripts. A software provider whose product orservice passes OGC compliance testing may pay a Trademark License Fee to usethe “Certified OGC Compliant” brand in that product or service's packagingand marketing.

The OGC TEAM Engine (TE) is a test harness that executes testsuites written using the OGC CTL test grammar or the TestNGframework. It is available in Github. The OGC Tests are available at the OGC SVN in CTL (Compliance Test Language) andTestNG. The OGC issue tracker contains all issues related to tests and TEAMEngine.

For moreinformation about this opportunity, please contact: Luis Bermudez, OGC Director of Interoperability Certification,lbermudez [at]

The OGC® is an international consortium of morethan 470 companies, government agencies, research organizations, anduniversities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly availablegeospatial standards. OGC standards empower technology developers to makegeospatial information and services accessible and useful with any applicationthat needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at