Answers to common questions we’ve received

  • Does the calendar work with Android devices?
  • Yes. Use the signup at the top of this page to subscribe using your Google account. The calendar will be synced to your phone.
  • Is there a webcal/iCal feed I can use to subscribe directly?
  • Copied!
  • I subscribed to the calendar on my iPhone but it isn’t showing up on my computer or tablet. How do I fix that?
  • You will need to add an iCloud Calendar subscription. Use the webcal link mentioned above.
  • Can I subscribe if I use Outlook?
  • Yes. Using the webcal link above, you can add the calendar to or an Outlook desktop client.
  • How do I submit feedback, or suggest another important event that I think you missed?
  • Email us at [email protected].
  • How do I unsubscribe?
  • Google Calendar: Unsubscribe using a desktop computer
    iCloud: Delete the calendar from
    iPhone/iPad: Open “Settings,” then “Accounts,” and remove the calendar subscription. If you do not see any entry for the calendar, follow the directions for Google Calendar or iCloud.
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