Why Are Your Property Taxes Higher Than Your Neighbor’s?
Property taxes for condominiums in New York City are calculated differently from taxes in other dwellings.
Property taxes for condominiums in New York City are calculated differently from taxes in other dwellings.
Condo boards have a duty to act in the interest of all unit owners. But if the board is controlled by the building’s sponsor, that could be tricky.
A law exists to balance the interests of people who renovate their properties with the interests of their neighbors.
Courts allow co-op boards significant power over building finances, including assessments — if the fees are in ‘good faith.’
Disputes between neighbors can be settled in court, but that can be expensive, time-consuming and bad for relationships.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
Once your apartment is no longer rent stabilized, there are laws that can protect you from eviction and unreasonable increases.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
Generally, guests cannot stay for longer than 30 days at a time, and landlords are often on the lookout for violations.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
A condo board can sue a delinquent owner for money owed.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
Most condo associations must provide a record of all receipts and expenses. But they also need residents’ maintenance fees to operate.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
Proving that a co-op board is acting in bad faith can be difficult.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
A friendly conversation is often the way to start. Legal action may follow, but it can be expensive and difficult.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
The office of the New York State attorney general calls the failure of building sponsors to pay dues on unsold units a “serious” problem.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
It’s possible that a gym isn’t even allowed in your building. If it is, it cannot violate the noise code, the warranty of habitability or the lease.
By Jill Terreri Ramos
If your rental is not properly heated, gather your neighbors and complain together.
By Jill Terreri Ramos