NWA EDITORIAL | Could Northwest Arkansas’ future growth be flushed away?

Sewage treatment challenging growth

It's usually with great pomp that leaders of Northwest Arkansas cite estimates the region is expected to reach 1 million people by 2050.

The region's growth is most often celebrated as affirmation of all the good happening in Northwest Arkansas. And there is a lot of good going on. All these people clamoring to get into the region create a sense we're doing everything right and the land of milk and honey will just keep getting -- what? -- milkier and honey-er?

There's usually an unspoken caveat to such predictions: If things keep going the way they're headed today.

There are, of course, no guarantees. That's why, for instance, there's lots of talk about housing affordability (i.e., the lack of it in this neck of the woods).

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