AR/VR Conference Sessions

Discover the latest AR/VR advancements that will change the way we interact with the world around us.

Left Image: Plask, Right Top Image: Cern

Explore Extraordinary In-Person Experiences

XR Zone Pavilion

Immerse yourself in the latest NVIDIA XR solutions and see how our partners are pushing the ecosystem forward.


Join us for exclusive in-person demos, including generative AI across industries. Immerse yourself in the world of robotics and self-driving cars, as we unveil exclusive demos of amazing discoveries powered by NVIDIA technology.

Networking and Social Events

Attendees rave about the opportunities to connect with others at GTC. Whether it’s meeting with peers in your field or learning from researchers and pioneers doing inspirational work, this unique event offers exciting ways for you to interact with fellow attendees face-to-face.

Featured Sessions

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