D.A. "Bob" Fain, beloved husband, father, papaw, brother and uncle went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024. Born March 11, 1943, in Etowah, Arkansas, to G.C. Fain and Alta Crowley who preceded him in death. He was a travelin' man that lived in many places and made many friends wherever he went. He made Winston, Oregon, his home in 1999, where he lived with his loving wife Doramay Skillingstad-Fain until his passing.
He is survived by his wife, Doramay, one daughter Brenda Irving (Steven), two sons Ricky Fain and DA Fain Jr. (Ashley), 11 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, three half great-great-grandchildren, one sister Dorothy Norris and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his wife Gail Fain, one son Bobby Fain, one sister and three brothers. A special thank you to his granddaughter Brandi (William) for the care she lovingly gave to her papaw.
Flowers can be sent to 114 Allyn St. Marked Tree, Arkansas, 72365. Funeral is at 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20, 2024, at Marked Tree Arkansas Church of God. A celebration of life in Oregon will be later.
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