"The world must be made safe for democracy."
The United States joined in the war April 6, 1917, but the story does not begin or end there. Where does the story of World War I intersect with the stories of national parks? The answers might surprise you.
Find and explore parks with WWI connections!
Preparing for War
Parks are usually serene today, but during the war these places buzzed with activity as the nation built and trained its military.
Society and Politics
While the war raged across the ocean, social and political movements made waves at home.
Fighting the War
Glimpse the diversity of the American experience overseas and the shock of the war coming to American coastlines.
Impacts and Legacy
A war that ravaged Europe also left its mark on America, influencing events and perspectives for decades to come.
Lesson plans for teaching World War I in the national parks.
Visit Parks Related To World War I
Last updated: February 12, 2018
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