Structures & Facilities to Support Your Visit

The National Park System includes more than 400 parks across the country, covering more than 85 million acres. These diverse sites contain historic buildings, battlefields, recreation facilities, monuments, trails, and roads along with significant natural and cultural resources. This unique infrastructure has evolved over time in response to the National Park Service mission. Maintaining that infrastructure is a key responsibility of the National Park Service.

Learn how we manage our infrastructure to enable visitors to experience national parks in a safe and accessible environment and to enhance their park experience.

Maintenance worker driving a machine repaving a road
Great American Outdoors Act

"GAOA" is improving infrastructure and expanding recreation opportunities in national parks and other public lands.

Maintenance worker using a power drill on a boardwalk
Deferred Maintenance and Repairs

The National Park Service is working to address the repair backlog to preserve parks and provide a world-class visitor experience.

Three National Park Service employees in construction safety equipment looking over plans
What We Do

Learn more about the National Park Service's role with infrastructure and meet our staff involved.

Large construction machinery on a trail's bridge
News About Infrastructure

Find news releases for infrastructure projects happening at national parks across the country.

Last updated: January 17, 2023

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