Be Healthy! Have a Fun and Safe Adventure!

Visit your national parks and allow the breathtaking landscapes and engaging historical sites inspire you to be a healthier version of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually!

Before you go on your trip, explore this website to learn about planning a fun and safe adventure. Find out how you can connect your health to the health of our natural world.

Remember to recreate responsibly. Your actions can have an impact on park resources and wildlife. Be prepared, understand your limits, and harness the power of your parks. 

Now get out there! An inspiring adventure awaits!

NPS Trip Planning Guide Banner
Trip Planning Guide: Plan Your Adventure

Follow the steps in this guide to get the most of your visit to a park

Yellow flowers on Sunset Crater Volcano
Nature Now: Finding Wellness Near You

In the parks, the neighborhood, the backyard or from the window.

NPS ranger and United States Public Health Service Officer pose for centennial anniversary photo
The Power of Parks for Health

Celebrate 100 Years of Health with NPS and the US Public Health Service!

Three people standing next to two motorcycles looking at an overlook at a designated pull off spot.
A Different Ride

Learn why riding your motorcycle on park roads is a different experience.

NPS Wellness Challenge logo and Arrowhead in front of Ozark Scenic Riverways
NPS Wellness Challenge

Personal wellness is well within reach. Learn more about the National Park Service Wellness Challenge located in Missouri's National Parks

Last updated: May 8, 2023

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