
*NEW MUSIC SLA* information for schools, financial assistance, Arts Award and more

Whole class ensemble tuition (WCET) takes place in school on a weekly basis. A Music Partnership North tutor, alongside a member of school staff, will deliver music tuition to a whole class to give every child the opportunity to play an instrument. Our WCET projects are designed to include performances, either within school, or as part of a wider performance with other schools in the area.

New SLA Booklet Click Here and follow this link to purchase.

"To see the children so engaged with music, learning an instrument and taking part in such a great initiative as the Arts Award was wonderful to see. Music can play such an important part in children’s lives and support their development, therefore it is really positive to see the school encouraging this." - Quote from parent at St Michael's Primary School
  • Please visit our FAQ's page for any further questions you may have
We have a whole array on instruments available for schools to hire. From class sets to individual instruments, simply email us with your requirements at [email protected] and we will do our very best to meet your needs. Some of the instruments we have available are: 
  • We have full class sets in the following: 
    • Djembe Drums 
    • Samba Drums 
    • Steel Pans 
    • Recorders 
    • Ukuleles
    • Flutes 
    • Clarinets 
    • Pocket Trumpets 
    • Xylophones
    • Violins
    • Accordions
    • Mixed boxes of Early Years Instruments 
  • We also have individual instruments available to hire such as: 
    • Northumbrian Pipes
    • Guitars
    • Violas
    • Cellos
    • Harps
    • Saxophones
    • Bassoons
    • Oboes
    • Tubas
    • and many more! 
Please note there is a small hire charge to schools for our instruments. Or sign up to our Instrument Library for the year, more details can be found under our SLA tab of this website. 

Water of Tyne play-a-long for violin

Learn to play Water of Tyne on violin. Our violin tutor Mrs Stephenson has created a YouTube playlist so you can learn as a beginner, and from grades 1-4! click here to view the full playlist.

Schools can offer financial assistance to students in receipt of pupil premium, which can be used towards the cost of instrumental lessons.

A discount of £30 per term is available to students having music lessons with a Music Partnership North tutor as part of a GCSE or A-level music course.

The following organisations may offer grants for instruments or tuition

To book a workshop from the brochure below or find out more information, please email [email protected]

Would you like to receive a recognised qualification through your involvement in the Arts? We deliver the Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver, and Gold Arts Awards.

A group of school kids from Cambo County First School displaying an art piece created by them of a carnival of animals.

A group of school kids from Cambo County First School displaying an art piece created by them of the royal march of the lion and elephant.

We can either deliver your Arts Award programme for you, within your setting, or we can work in partnership to deliver certain aspects/sections of the Arts Award portfolios (thus reducing the workload).

The delivery of these programmes can be through:
  • your involvement in a whole class instrumental or vocal programme
  • your membership to one of our ensembles 
  • a school project


The five levels of the Arts Award

Discover - start your arts adventure (around 20 hours to complete, ages 5 - 25)
  • Discover the arts and take part in different arts activities.
  • Find out about artists and their work.
  • Share your experiences with others.
MPN gives schools the opportunity to engage all students involved in a whole class project to embark on this journey of discovery and is well suited to a short whole class project.
Explore – be inspired by the arts (around 25 hours to complete, ages 7 - 25)
  • Take part in arts activities and record what inspires you.
  • Explore arts organisations and artists.
  • Make art work to demonstrate your skills and creativity.
  • Share your exploration with others and record what you do.
This entry level one moderated programme is EQF level one accredited and is a starting point for SEND pupils or students who are not yet 11 years old but want to carry on with their Arts Award journey.
Bronze – get involved in the arts & share your skills (around 40 hours to complete, ages 11- 25)
  • Take part in an arts activity to develop your skills.
  • Experience the arts as an audience member and record your response.
  • Who is your arts inspiration and why?
  • Share your arts skills with others.
This level one qualification, EQF level two is equivalent to GCSE D-G grade and starts to explore the arts in more detail and focuses on the individual’s arts inspiration and sharing a skill. This is well suited to smaller groups of students.
Silver – challenge yourself & build your creativity (around 60 hours to complete, ages 11 - 25) 
  • Set yourself an arts challenge.
  • Review a show, exhibition or event and share your views.
  • Research an artist and arts activities.
  • Get involved in arts leadership, sharing your skills with others.
This is a level two qualification, EQF level three project and is equivalent to GCSE A*-C grade. This is a step up from the previous qualification and expects students to take more responsibility for their progress.
Gold – drive your personal development in the arts (around 90 hours to complete, ages 11 - 25)
  • Extend your arts skills by gaining experience in a new field.
  • Get involved in the arts through volunteering etc.
  • Research and review high-quality arts events.
  • Make a case for an arts issue that you care about.
  • Take responsibility as an arts project leader.
This EQF level four qualification, A-level standard, also carries 35 UCAS points. This requires a large commitment from the young person and the advisor.

If you would like further information on Arts Award and how you can take part, please email [email protected]
Music Partnership North has been named as a Trinity Champion Centre 2022/23 for our successful delivery of Arts Award/Trinity qualifications in music!

· Trinity College London is a leading international exam board and independent education charity that specialises in the assessment of communicative and performance skills covering music, drama, combined arts and English language.

· Trinity Champion Centres inspire other organisations by sharing their practice and advocating for accreditation in their communities and more widely.

Trinity College London logo. Text says Trinity Champion Centre 2022 to 2023

Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools and education settings, awarded by Arts Council England. We believe every child should have the opportunity to create, compose, and perform, as well as to visit, experience, participate in and review extraordinary work. Artsmark settings gain access to exceptional resources and the country’s most treasured cultural organisations.

Find out more by clicking the links below: