Medium Rectangle


Dimensions 300 x 250px
Initial Load 100 KB
Polite Load 200 KB
Video File Size 1.1 MB
Animation Up to 30 seconds for video
Third Party Support Supported. Required on video ad units.
Supported Brands

Entertainment & Lifestyle


Sport & Science

B2B Technology


  • All supplied ads require both the creative and clickthrough URL.
  • Standard image formats (.jpg, .gif, .png) and third-party tags are supported.
  • HTML5 ads are recommended to be third-party ad served.
  • Maximum of 24 frames per second for animation and video.
  • Maximum animation length of 15 seconds.
  • All audio must begin muted and initiated on click.
  • Autoplay (muted) is allowed on video ad units. Clearly visible play / pause / stop video controls are required.
  • Third-party ad serving is supported on most ad units. Please check with your ad server representative for more information on their specifications.
  • All creative must function uniformly on both MAC and PC platforms as well as multiple browser versions of Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox.


nextmedia requires that all creative be submitted one week prior to live date to allow for testing and approval.

Please ensure that all specifications are met. Ads that do not meet all our specifications will be rejected, affecting the launch date of the campaign.

If you have any further questions regarding campaign tracking for this placement, please contact your nextmedia representative.