For  NewRe, acting responsibly  means creating added value for our company and for  society as a whole. This  shared-value approach  forms the basis for our corporate responsibility strategy  and ensures optimal use of our strengths and abilities.

At  NewRe, we are convinced that our business concept can only be successfully realised  through  sustainable and responsible action. Therefore, we are committed to respecting human rights in line with internationally accepted human rights principles and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

As part of the Munich Re Group, we apply to all business units the same principles Munich Re  has signed up to. These principles are outlined in the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and the Principles for Sustainable Insurance.

We further receive counselling from the Group Corporate Responsibility Committee and a committee which assesses reputational risks that arise  in the course of  our business operations.

NewRe  addresses human rights from four perspectives:  employees,  procurement,  our business and  investment management. For each of these dimensions, we have implemented a set of policies, governance instruments and internal position papers to guide our decision-making and responsible business conduct.

UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes New Reinsurance Company Ltd.’s (NewRe) slavery and human trafficking statement dated 7 June 2024.



Violations of internal or external rules and regulations may have severe consequences for NewRe, the Munich Re Group, our employees as well as our business partners – so preventing and/or identifying misconduct early on protects us all.

NewRe has implemented a secure and confidential whistleblowing system to facilitate the reporting of potential violations of rules and laws and to ensure its effective follow up.  Via our whistleblower platform, anyone (incl. our employees, customers/clients, suppliers and other business partners as well as the general public) can report potential compliance violations [from anywhere in the world, at any time] and if so desired, anonymously.

When using the bespoke portal, whistleblowers will be guided through the reporting process.


Report incident here

Whistleblowing Portal