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  • Newgrounds Background Image Theme

    Upgrade or Donate!

    You are purchasing this as a GIFT! THANKS!

    NOTE: It looks like you might be making a purchase from Germany. This country may restrict your ability to use PayPal, you'll have to check out with a credit card instead if you would like a subscription!

    Select an upgrade option:

    Monthly Subscription

    Pay month-to-month, starting from $2.99
    Yearly badge awarded after 12 payments
    Pay this each month: $4.99

    Yearly Subscription

    Yearly membership, from $25
    Pay this each year: $25.00

    Make a flat donation:


    Your donations are ALWAYS appreciated!
    (monetary contribution only, no perks)
    Your Donation: $10.00

    Newgrounds is an independent website with over 25 years of history. We don’t sell or share your personal data and we don’t do any weird tracking for personalized ads. Our goal is to be 100% ad-free, ideally with a surplus that could plug into our rev-share system, previously developed for ads.

    We can’t do this without your help!

    To hopefully win you over, we’ve developed a number of Supporter perks:

    ⛔ No Ads

    Browse NG without ads, which we have less and less of nowadays, however you can also avoid ads asking you to become a supporter!

    🥳 Takeover Tuesday

    Every Tuesday, each Supporter can feature one item from NG directly on the front page.

    🗳️ Monthly Voting

    If you're a Supporter and you voted in a given month, you will be guaranteed a spot on the jury to select the Best of the Month.

    🟧 Custom Profile Picture Shape

    Via the Edit button on the user page, Supporters can click the Icon Options button to choose from a variety of profile shapes. Your profile picture will also have a color outline based on the link color you select for your page.


    Supporter Badge

    A special badge will appear next to your name on your user page and on the forums. After one year of Support you will also collect a year-specific badge to appear on your trophies page.

    ✏️ Username Change

    Once per 30 days, Supporters have the option to change their username via the Username and Email form under account options.

    💾 Dumping Grounds Storage

    Supporters get access to Dumping Grounds, for quick file sharing.

    🎨 More Multi-Art

    Supporters can upload up to 40 pieces of art in a single art project.

    🏷️ Featured Tags

    Supporters can feature specific tags at the top of their gallery pages.

    📋 Longer Playlists

    Supporters can add up to 200 items to a playlist, instead of the default 100.

    🔒 Playlist Visibility Options

    Supporters can make their playlists private or unlisted.

    🖼️ Extra Forum Images

    Supporters gain the ability to upload up to ten pictures in a forum post.

    🎞️ Animated Forum Signature

    Supporters gain the option to upload an animated signature image via the Forum Sig page.

    📝 Extended Forum Signature

    Supporters get a 250 character limit for their forum signature.

    ✉️ Extra Private Messaging Space

    Supporters get double the space for private messages.

    😎 Exclusive Emotes

    Supporters unlock bonus emotes, available to use in forum posts, blogs and private messages.


    ❇️ Level Icon Selector

    Instead of being stuck with the icon of their current level, Supporters can choose the icon from any level unlocked previously. Just click the level icon on your page to edit!

    🤫 Secret Forum

    Yes, we have a secret forum for Supporters! Are you curious?

    💙 Bluesky Handle

    Supporters can have a newgrounds.com handle on Bluesky! On your account options page, scroll down to "Social Media Settings" and click Bluesky after becoming a Supporter to initiate the process.

    🌟 Wall of Honor

    You will be highlighted on the Mighty Wall of Honor!

    ℹ️ Other Information

    If you would like to support NG but don't want your Supporter status to be visible, you can toggle the visibility of your status via the Supporter Management page, which is linked to from the top of your Account Settings page when you're a Supporter. This is also the page you should go to if you need to cancel or edit the payment information for your Supporter status.

    We offer several options so you can pay what you want. You can go as low as $2.99 for a monthly subscription or purchase, but we default to $4.99 because it's much more sustainable for us after processing fees.

    Need help with purchasing or billing? See our Supporter Help page.

    Disclaimers: Flat donations don't include any benefits beyond our eternal gratitude. Supporters must still follow the rules of the site.

    Thanks for considering!