Legal Services

Legal Aid Icon

Do you need legal aid?

Programs that provide assistance in legal matters, such as immigration, disabilities, and landlord issues.

Nevada 2-1-1 Legal Representation

Do you need legal representation?

Programs that are staffed by lawyers who appear on behalf of their clients in criminal, civil and/or administrative actions and proceedings in addition to offering legal advice and guidance.

Child Support Assistance Icon

Do you need child support assistance?

Programs that provide assistance in helping individuals with child custody and in obtaining child support payments.

Victims of Crime Support Icon

Do you need crime victim support?

Programs that provide assistance to victims of abuse, violence and/or for people who are facing criminal charges for committing abuse.

Icon for Nevada 211 Discrimination Law Services

Do you need discrimination assistance?

Programs that provide assistance for people who believe that they have been treated unfairly or denied normal privileges based on their age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status.

Nevada 2-1-1 Long Term Care Legal Services

Do you need a long term care ombudsman?

Receives, investigates, and attempts to resolve complaints made by or on behalf of residents in long term care facilities.

Immigration Assistance

Do you need immigration assistance?

Programs that provide legal assistance for immigrants, nonimmigrant visa applicants, asylum seekers and lawful permanent residents.

Court House Icon

Are you looking for a court house?

Federal and state judicial courts.

Legal Information Kiosks

Are you looking for legal information?

Locations of self-service computer terminals that provide information on legal issues.

Court House Icon

Are you looking for a court house?

Federal and state judicial courts.

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Services for Children

Includes Clothing, Diapers and Childcare Assistance


Includes Food Pantries and Grocery Vouchers

Utility Assistance

Includes Electric, Gas and Water

Food Stamps / SNAP benefits

Programs that provide benefits that can be exchanged for food in grocery stores and supermarkets

Family Support Centers

Programs that help families to resolve their problems.

Food Pantries

Programs that distribute food to people who are in emergency situations.