July Product Monthly Update

July Product Monthly Update


We're back with another set of brand new features from July! Here's what's new to Neosync:

Base Transformers in Custom Transformers


You can now use the neosync base transformers inside of custom transformers! Just type neosync. inside of a custom javascript transformer!



Neosync now officially supports DynamoDB as a connection.

Mysql role permissions


You can now check permission for your Mysql connection in Neosync to make sure you have the right permissions

Mysql init schema options


We've massively improved the Mysql init schema options to be more flexible and stable. You can use Neosync to automatically create your Mysql schema.

Custom Transformer autocomplete


Custom javascript transformers now have auto-complete natively!

Destination validation


We've included more validation when you select a destination to ensure that the destination is valid based on the source connection

Generate State transformer


The Generate State transformer can now return the full state name or the state code. Configure it inside of the transformer options.

Hot off the Press

Here's some news and articles that we found interesting this month:

  1. Nature published a great study on synthetic training data.
  2. Jerico hacked for 3B user profiles. Wild.
  3. Heritage foundation hacked by "gay furry hackers". Presented without comment.
  4. We published a blog about Solving GDPR and Machine Learning!

Meme of the month

Straight shooters only.


Helpful Resources

Some helpful links to have handy:

  1. Try Neosync for free!- an easy way to get started with Neosync Cloud.
  2. Github for open source Neosync.
  3. Documentation for how to get started + everything else.
  4. Discord for any questions about Neosync, synthetic data or to just chat with us.

Thanks for reading and see you in July!

Introducing Free-Form Text Anonymization for AI and Machine Learning Workflows

Introducing Free-Form Text Anonymization for AI and Machine Learning Workflows

Use Neosync to detect and redact PII in free-form text such as LLM prompts and other workflows

December 13th, 2024

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